Who Is There?

Zhang Yong also followed him and went near the table and then he saw the table closely. Looking at the things and files here and there he realized that some one hasn't been here for a long time. Every thing was just a mess. 

Senior Zhang Yong went near some files, he was just about to pick them up when suddenly he heard some noises coming from outside and Zhang Yong heard them too. 

"Huh? Did you hear that?" Zhang Yong asked Senior Zhang Yong with a frown on his face who immediately nodded his head looking at the door. 

"Let me just go and check." Senior Zhang Yong suggested as he moved away from the table and started to go near the door. 

Zhang Yong started to look at those files as he went outside. 

Senior Zhang Yong stopped in his tracks when he was near the door. He opened it slowly and peeked out a little.