The two men enter the hall. They are surprised to find that it's full not only with the royal family but also with the servants, soldiers, townspeople, even children.
Shiro spots the princess, she aides a child with reaching some fruit on the buffet table, she herself is too short to reach past the tall men crowding the table, however tsuki hops to the end of her arm aiding her by grabbing an apple. He flaps his way back down dropping it into the child's hand. Misa smiles sweetly at the boy as he gives his thanks. Suddenly the young child hops up planting a kiss on her cheek, before running away laughing.
"Arrogant little guttersnipe." Shiro thinks to himself. Kuro nudges him
"I was wondering where you're bird went" he says with a hint of suspicion
Shiros stomach drops realizing his mistake. it was true that misa was trustworthy enough to be left with tsuki. But Shiro didn't trust anybody enough to leave them with the bird. A fact that kuro knew all too well.
He quickly scrambles for an excuse "the woman insisted…" he said, a weak attempt at best.
Unconvinced kuro turns searching the room "now, where is that brutish king?"he exaggeratedly places his hand over his eyes spinning in search.
Shiro grabs his arm "stop fooling about, remember what the princess told me"
Kuro waves his hand "it maters not my paranoid friend, i'll have my way one way or another"he says
"Is that so?"
A voice surprises the two men from behind, another man whose presence they could not sense, much like the princess. They turn to see the source of the voice. Like the princess stated, kuro would recognize him right away. The prince, misas brother, shiro was certain.
"Prince souma, of the shima empire" he says Flashing a wide somewhat goofy smile. Souma extends a hand to kuro. He takes it gripping firmly, despite the princes' friendly smile Shiro could sense he was not one to be underestimated, just as the princess said. "You can just call me souma". The young prince crosses his arms looking up at the two men. His large biceps bulge notably highlighted by his deliberately ripped sleeves "well aren't you a handsome bundle of fellas?"
Kuro chuckles as if to say i know. "I've been told time and time again of my mjestic appearance
" and yet, i don't like you." Souma says with a smile
"Pft-" shiro turns his head to hide his laughter.
Kuro blinks surprised "i don't know what I'm supposed to say to that …" he says
"But you seem alright,"he says, slinging his arm around shiro "i'll take this one instead you can go home" the prince waves arm dragging shiro away "come on handsome, lets get you some food "
Kuro crosses his arms glancing through the loud hall "prince suba?" Shiro glances at misa peeking at him from his side "are you hungry?" She asks?
He strides to her backing her into a corner. "As a mater of fact i am" he says his eyes full of mischief. He presses either of hi arms beside her head
hiding her nerves she frowns "is this wholly necessary?" She groans
"i think it's only fair we become better acquainted" He says reaching for her face. Tsuki hopps forward snapping at his arm. Kuro yanks it away before the bird can reach him "that bird never did like me"
Misa tucks her hair behind her ear averting his gaze "you should eat quickly, the soldiers tend to eat the good food if you wait too long"
"Lead the way princess" kuro says
Misa squeezes through to the banquet table kuro follows close behind.he feels eyes heavily upon him, of course kuro enjoyed the attention. He always felt that his looks,strength and intelligence were superior. He never lacked women or followers naturally; they flocked to him. He paid no mind to status, only beauty. In his mind he was living proof that excellence exists free from class.
He made a habit of only surrounding himself with those who were also as remarkable as himself. That, or people who could fully appreciate his excellence. While the princess didn't yet realize how fantastic he was, she definitely was special herself. And her lack of interest in kuro only made him want her more. As he followed he examined her, rating her features and demeanor. They we're absolutely enthralling
shiro glanced at the two walking together from across the room, the sight of them welling up an uneasy feeling in his gut
"Tell me about your father " he asked souma who was stuffing his mouth
"My father?" Souma places a thumb thoughtfully on his chin " i don't really know what to say. he's a great man, intelligent and strong, not to mention kindhearted"
not exactly useful information for using against him, it shiro was determined to draw him out. "What about when he's angry, it must be frightening?" Shiro asks
"My father doesn't really get angry"souma replies "the only time I've ever really seen him that mad, was when my sister recommended marrying your snotty prince"
Considering his words shiro concludes that his biggest weakness was likely the princess, discovering this does not make him happy however. Shiro was hoping for something easier to extort but the thought of using her in their plot simply did not sit well with him. Shiro glances to kuro and misa, the sight of them together leaving a bitter feeling with him. Kuro leans toward her flirtatiously.
"My father hasn't arrived yet prince suba, but when he does… tread carefully. He's not going to be happy to see you"she says pushing some distance between them
"You're just being silly, besides, i recall a particular woman saying that in shima when a man strikes another the other man has the right to strike back. Iregardless of one's status." He says mockingly.
To his surprise she responds with a mirthless chuckle"I wouldn't recommend starting a fight with my father, even if you do consider yourself a strong fighter its a foolish idea "
He grins taking her words as a challenge " I've heard stories of the mighty strength of the king of shima, I'd like to test his strength for myself"
"You are a bold one" the king says the stealth that his children possessed was clearly a family trait. Despite the stories of a great beast, kuro came to find that he was a rather small man. But kuro was no fool he knew as any intelligent man would, that strength is not at all based in ones size.
"P-papa, when did you arrive?" Misa says nervously.
"Just now clearly, the troops we're a little stubborn this morn, so training took longer than expected," he says, his eyes not breaking from kuros. "Who is this? A traveling warrior?"
"I'm Prince subarashii sir, it's an honor to meet your acquaintance" kuro said, extending a hand to the king. Despite his best attempt to be polite his gesture was met with a blow to the face. Kuros body is sent flying over the table knocking him to the ground, his body now covered in the food from the table and the room goes silent
"Father!" Misa shouts
"King jouchi. Pleased to meet you"