
chapter 5

Disclaimer: this chapter contains depictions of violence and war some may find frightening

Shiro breathed heavily, his sword dripping with blood. The scent of smoke caught his nose from the distance and the night sky was illuminated with an eerie glow from the flames engulfing the western side of the palace. Glancing over the gruesome bodies of fallen soldiers and guards, the battle was surely tougher than most the king's soldiers lacked the will to kill, and in situations like this it was kill or be killed…

Shiro tresses down the hall, dragging his sword along the ground and panting. Screams of men and women alike fill the air but he sees no living soul near him, only the carcasses of his enemies. carrying down the bloodstained corridor he searches for other lives, be they ally of foe.

"Face me!" an angered voice calls from behind. He turns to see prince Souma, eyes full of rage arms bloodied from the battle. He pants heavily limping toward shiro. Wordlessly, Shiro cuts him down, carrying on without remorse. He hears voices echo from the room to his right and like an animal on the hunt he dashes in, hungry for blood.

"Help…"the faint voice of the king echoes through the room. His figure bloodied, his form weak, barely holding on.

"A beautiful sight isn't it" the soulless voice of Watanabe draws his attention. He smiles eyes lacking any emotion, dead eyes like a shark. " such beautiful chaos"

"Please…" the king says with his eyes pleading "please, help... her" He barely manages to finish his sentence before his eyes grow dim, the life having left them.

Watanabe laughs with glee at the sight. Shiro spins leaving the room and continuing to the end of the hall where the princess stands glance around in fear. Upon spotting him she runs to him. Grasping his sleeve

"Shiro, i can't find my father. Please help me" she cries her eyes pleading for help "please, I'm so afraid…" He stares deeply into her eyes but her fear only fuels his bloodlust. He grasps her by the neck, holding her small body into the air. Her moon dust eyes searching his for some sign of humanity. But there is none left for him, he has become an animal, a beast fed by destruction "shiro…"

"Now now, leave some of the fun for me" Kuro says with a hand on shiros shoulder. He leans in his breath grazing Shiro's ear. With a grin he whispers.

"You're becoming more like me ever day"

With a shout Shiro sits up leaping forward. Tsuki flies down from the rafters he was perched in. Snuggling tightly to his bare chest "it's alright Tsuki, I was only having a nightmare…"

He says as if the bird can understand him, but he wonders himself it it was a dream, or a premonition. Despite it being a nightmare he can still feel clearly, Misas neck in his hand. Shiro sighs laying back but detects a hint of rustling from somewhere in the room. He hops out of the bed slashing his sword at the room divider where he's certain the intruder lies. The screen crumbles revealing a woman hiding she drops the vase she holds with a shriek, "who are you?" He commands

"S-sorry! you see I was coming in here to leave a gift for you and then you woke up and I didn't want to spoil the surprise so I hid and..." her eyes trail down his half naked body "wow you are really a sultry piece of steak"

He lowers his sword with a sigh. "You said you had a gift for me?"

She looks to the shattered vase on the ground "emphasis on had" she says with a shrug.

He steps back sitting on his bed "and why would you want to bring me a gift who are you?" He asks

"Can't you tell?" she says spinning around "I'm you're one true love" He recoils at the phrase making her laugh. "Nah, I'm just kidding. I'm Hina, the princesses maid and best friend might I add" she says with pride

"The princess sent me a gift?" He asks, looking at the flowers scattered alongside the broken porcelain

She nods "you, and the prince, she feels bad for not decorating your rooms before you came."

"You had no trouble in the prince's room?" Shiro says, surprised that Kuro hadn't sensed her.

"Uh no, actually the princess is taking care of his room."

"She what?!" Shiro stands running it out of his room towards Kuros room, slipping on his robe as he does. The image of her crying eyes, her pleading voice, and her body writhing in pain. All still stuck in his mind, it may only have been a dream but it could easily become a reality. When he reaches Kuros room Misa is sliding out quietly. He stops,kneeling over and panting.

"Shiro? Is everything okay?"

He looks at her feeling silly. dreams, after all, were only dreams. "I- prince Subarashii doesn't like flowers…" he says making an excuse.

Her eyes glance at the door nervously, "oh dear, should I remove them?" She asks.

He shakes his head "he'll live…"

"Sorry if Hina woke you, I wanted to try to apologize for my father yesterday, he will calm down." Shiro found himself unable to respond, "well since you are awake…. come with me" she grasps his sleeve pulling him down the hall before he can object.

"I am truly sorry about the way I acted as well… I normally don't loose my composure, I think I simply am nervous to marry prince Suba. I should not have accused him of ill intent"

Shiro stares at the back of her head trying to imagine how her expression must look. Distracted by her, he trips upon a loose board. Misa senses him tripping and spins to catch him, which she does. Momentarily holding him like a man dipping his dance partner. Her face turns red and her cheeks fill with air from the strain of catching him

"I g-got you" she says strained.

Kuro laughs to himself "Pft-" the sight of her serious but somewhat silly face.

"Don't laugh-" she says annoyed before losing her balance causeing her to drop shiro and fall foreward. He rubs his head where it bumped the ground "if you hadn't have laughed, I could have lifted you back up"

"Is that so?" he says unconvinced

she laughs her long hair tickling the side of his face," sorry I really tried to catch you" she says giggling, the light peeking over the top of the courtyard from the sunrise shines in her hair illuminating it blush, like the dawn. His heart begins to thud in his chest, he wasn't sure if it was the excitement from falling or if he was still nervous around her from his nightmare. All he knew was he didn't like it

Shiro pushes her away putting back on his stone expression. It was unlike him to be caught off guard by the enemy. The entire time since they arrived he had felt unlike himself, or so he thought. He knew that his goal was to conquer the entire shima empire. He had known for years, and the south shima kingdom was the last step…

But he couldn't stop thinking, what would happen to her… she was a good person, this he knew but she was also the enemy.

"Shiro?" Misa says her eyes ripping away at him. The feeling of betraying her was like leading a loyal pet to be slaughtered for a meal, eyes foolishly full of trust. "I really am sorry I dropped you"

He stands up helping her to her feet as well, "what was it you we're going to show me?" He says

"Oh! Right! Follow me" she says leading him down the hall to the foyer they were received in the proceeding morning. Many servants sort through the supplies organizing them "We need somebody tall to get the boxes a the top"

Shiro, assists the princess and her staff organizing the supplies for the town to pick up. As the sun shines bright it wakes Kuro he sniffs the air aware of a scent not there when he fell asleep. Glancing to the side table he notices the vase of flowers, freshly cut peonies, Along with a letter. He opens it reading with a grin,


I think i've been unfair and cold to you,

and for this I apologize. I want to

start fresh and truly get to know each

others better qualities. I invited you here

Knowingly endangering you're safety, and

Yet i had the insolent mind to suspect you

Of ill intent. Another reason i have to ask

For your forgiveness.

Pondering on Yesterday's events I found

that my mistrust of you likley stemmed from

my reservations on marriage, and were likely

Fabricated by my mind.

I hope you can forgive this foolish girl

Princess misako-

Kuro chuckles crushing the flower. "Poor little princess, she should have trusted her instincts" tossing the flower to the ground he stands "but don't worry, we will definitely get to know eachother better. Make no mistake"