

Briseis Point of View

"Do you really not remember anything, Briseis?" Shawna asked me as we walk. "Or you are just pulling a trick into us?"

I shooked my head.

Why would I pull a trick? Those things that they said to me are so impossible! I would never do such things! About what happened to Kyle! That is ridiculous! I would never drag Kyle into this and I would never try to offer him!

God!!! That's a crime! He would sue me for that! I have no background in killing! And where would I hide his body?!

The only thing that I was thankful for today is that I was already forgiven by Kyle! Hopefully, no one will know this and he will tell it to everybody, or else we are both dead.

I did not even see the monstrous creature that they were telling me about. All I remember was when I was at school? I can't clearly remember it though. I think I hit my head on something.

"I'm telling the truth, Shawna!" I said. "I do not know what is happening. I would never lie to you, and Marissa. You know that!

I held my head into my disbelief.

"The last time I remember is when we are at the school and you told me… you told me that I lost my conscience and that's it! I don't remember anything! Is it possible that I was asleep and doing something I do not know?"

Shawna shooked her head.

"No, that is not the case," Shawna said. "We are sure you know what you were doing. You were summoning a demon and speaking in Latin! You look like you are doing the summoning for a long time. You are talking to us with your eyes widely open. You even threaten us and it looks like you are so different from Briseis that we know."

I bit my lips. Well, they were right. I won't do those things. That is not really me.

"It seems like you were possessed," Marissa said looking at me. "You are acting like you were a different person from these past few days."

Possessed?? How? How will I be possessed? That is really impossible?

"No, can I do everything you told me if I'm possessed?" I asked them ."That is really hard to believe."

"It is! But what you did is hard to believe too," Marissa answered. "There is nothing impossible in this world. Especially to this book. It was a book from evils. Maybe that book has a guardian."

"Guardian?" I asked. "What kind of guardian?"

"The one who is protecting the book!" Marissa said and she looks like she was thinking of something. "Maybe that guardian is the one who is using your body to punish us because we stole something that we should not!"

I laughed.

"That is ridiculous!" I said. "There is no such thing! Impossible. I don't believe in that. We are just scaring o-ourselves."

"We are all tired," Shawna said. "Let us just go home and talk tomorrow. Be careful. Who knows what offering this little crystal will ask for."

"But what if we don't use this?" I asked them.

"I doubt," Marissa said. "The creature that shows himself earlier seems like would ask for something for sure. Whether you use the crystals or not."

"Let's parted our ways here," Shawna said. "Goodbye!"

We bid goodbye to each other. They walked away and I stay on where I am.

I really can't believe this! I looked at the two crystals in my hand. I'm still holding these two.

But this is what we really want that is why we stole a book. I don't know how I summoned the creature nor did the ritual. All I know right now is I have two wishes.

Maybe Seven is right. What is important now is our wish will be granted.

I am tempted. I wanted to make a wish!

I should be careful. I should wish for something that is great and worth wishing for.

But after that? What will I offer as an exchange? A life? Life of a human?

That is insane! Really insane!

I hid the crystals inside my bag. I should think about what I am going to wish for.

First I would like to have a lot of money that will support us until our last breath. I guess, there is no limitation of what we are going to wish as long as it is impossible right?

I started to walk. It is already late. I'm sure my mother is waiting for me again.

I swallowed my saliva. I can hear a footstep behind me.

I walked slowly. What am I thinking! I should run now!

I stopped walking and looked behind me. I only saw darkness. There is no one! I guess my mind is tricking me.

I really hit my head. I looked in front of me and step forward.

I stopped again. There is really a footstep.

I quickly looked behind my back. There is one.

The cold breeze brushes through my neck to ear.

I can feel my heart starting to beat louder and louder. The surrounding is quiet and eerie.



Someone is breathing at my back! I can feel the air and I can hear him breathing.

There he is again. I quickly turned my head and found nothing.

No more walking! I have to run. My feet started to step forward faster and faster. I can hear the footstep becoming faster and faster too.

Briseis run faster!

I am almost there. I can see the light in our house! Why there are no people outside today?

As I entered our house I quickly locked the door and catching my breath.

I lost my air while running.

What the hell is that?! Why it keeps on following me?! I'm about to go crazy!

I looked at the light of our house. It started to blink.

This is familiar. NO!