I'm Not a Doctor, But I'll Have a Go

A/N: So if you guys aren't aware, Webnovel has been 'shadowbanning' comments recently. This means that any comment that contains profanities in any form, will be automatically deleted.

So words like: Fuck, Shit, Bitch, Bastard, Cock, Bollocks are all nonos. Even words like Sex, Hell, and Damn are out too. Basically, if you want to comment using forms of those words, you will need to get creative.

Well, Enjoy the chapter...


Shane, Xiao Lie, and Xiao Che were currently standing next to the bed in Shane's guest room while a worried and serious Xiao Lie was questioning Xiao Che for a final time.

Lingxi had been instructed to meditate and stabilize her cultivation by Xiao Lie, so she thankfully wasn't around. Dusty was also on guard in the courtyard with instructions to subdue anyone who tried to enter

"Che'er, this will be extremely painful. Are you absolutely sure you want to go through with it?"

Xiao Lie was helpless, he still didn't fully trust Shane. If Shane was the one insisting, he could refuse but if his grandson was the one who wanted to go through with it, what could he say?

"I am sure Grandfather." Xiao Che maintained eye contact and said with a small smile. Shane internally nodded and thought. 'That army-style drilling actually turned him into a bit of a man these past few days.'

"*Sigh* You… Little Long, how sure are you that this will work?" Xiao Lie raised his hands in defeat then turned to Shane.

"Grandpa Lie, if it were back when I first arrived I would say he would have a less than 50% chance. Now? After strengthening his body with me these 10 days, we are very likely to be successful but only if you keep your concentration at all times!"

Shane's whole demeanor changed completely and what emerged was a rarely seen and unfamiliar severity, as he spoke with a grim tone. "Brother Che, this will be very painful. Even with the painkiller you have taken, it will very likely be the worst pain you have ever experienced. You must endure it and stay conscious later on or I won't call you brother anymore."

Xiao Che hugged his grandfather and then gave Shane a reassuring look before lying down on the bed and saying "I won't let you down brother Long"

"En. Now Grandpa Lie, you must spread your profound energy throughout his entire profound vein system and fill it up but concentrate and keep it there until I am ready. Brother Che, do not resist him!"

Xiao Lie did as he was told and after a few minutes, a slightly uncomfortable look and a few droplets of sweat appeared on Xiao Che's face, signaling that the first step was complete.

Shane was absolutely not a doctor, not yet anyways and in actuality, his plan was rather simple. The vital energy that Shane could refine was literally the purest type of energy available and it was able to completely augment the body's natural healing ability.

When he was trying to keep the scar below his ribs as a reminder to himself, Shane had noticed that he had to make a conscious effort for it to remain. It was actually not an easy task, as the vital energy would always try to return the body to its natural state with no sequelae.

Xiao Che wasn't born with a crippled Profound Vein, his profound vein was crippled in the womb by the cold poison from Sun and Moon Divine Hall. His mother transferred the cold poison to his profound veins to save his life. What did this mean?

The natural state of Xiao Che's body was not with a crippled profound vein but with a fully working one. Shane just needed to injure the entire profound vein over and over and use a large amount of the vital energy for his body to heal it back to its original state. Then, naturally, Xiao Che would have a fully functioning vein again.

Simple… right?

Shane secured Xiao Che's wrists and ankles to the bed before giving him a grin and saying. "Good luck Brother Che, Whatever benefits you are able to gain from this will be up to you"

Shane flicked a vital energy pill into Xiao Che's open mouth and began using his intent to disperse the energy towards his body. "Xiao Lie. Begin!"

"Arrrrgh!" A strangled cry immediately left Xiao Che's mouth and his eyes turned bloodshot within seconds. He continually thrashed about against the restraints but Shane placed a palm on his chest to hold him down and sped up the dispersion of the vital energy.

Xiao Che was experiencing heaven and hell at the same time. One moment, a terrible searing pain would stimulate his entire nervous system at once while the next, a gentle, cooling, and relaxing sensation could be felt healing and strengthening his whole body.

After 15 minutes, the vital energy from the first pill had dissipated but Shane wasn't happy at all. He frowned and spoke in a deep commanding voice. "More. Xiao Lie, Stop holding back! This isn't fast enough and most of the pill is being wasted."

Xiao Lie grit his teeth as hesitation and regret flashed inside his eyes. He didn't want to hurt his only grandson, it was much worse than harming himself, he couldn't do this any- "G-g-grandpa, don't hold back, I-I can take it!" A shaky but determined voice brought him out of his downward spiral.

Xiao Lie nodded in defeat and Shane directly tossed 3 more vital energy pills into Xiao Che's throat. Deciding to respect his grandson's wishes, The old man no longer hesitated.

The next wave of pain was much more intense but Xiao Che never once made another noise. Even when every muscle in his body was spasming in agony and the veins all over his body were standing taut against his skin.

Shane couldn't help but admire this little guy. For the sake of not worrying his family and making them happy, he could go so far. He and Shane were the same type of people. In this new life, Shane knew he would jump through fire and water without fear nor hesitation to help those he cared about.

After three more hours, both Shane and Xiao Lie were almost exhausted of their profound energy and sweating buckets but there was a happy smile on both their faces.

The procedure was over and it was a great success!

It turns out Xiao Che naturally had 16 profound entrances open, making him a rarely seen genius. That wasn't all however, he had managed to stay conscious until the end and needless to say, he had reaped a handsome reward.

Shane had guided the excess vital energy to his bones, muscles, and tendons making Xiao Che's body strong and vigorous. His cultivation had even reached the [3rd of Elementary Profound] and due to all the physical training, was extremely stable.

Shane untied the wrist and ankle restraints and left Xiao Che to sleep in the room. Outside, Xiao Lie was shaking with happiness and there were tears in his eyes as he turned to Shane.


Shane flashed and appeared tens of meters away in the courtyard. "Old man, what are you doing!?" He roared.

Xiao Lie sighed and looked towards Shane. "Little Long… you-" He stopped talking when Shane flashed back over to his side and raised him up to his feet with a gust of gentle wind.

He took a step forward and patted Xiao Lie's shoulders, saying. "Don't mention this anymore, will you. Where would I put my face if Brother Che saw you kneeling to me? How would I call you Grandpa Lie after that huh?"

It was true that Shane needed the Xiao Che and the old man's gratitude to be as high as possible towards him for his plant to work, but he did actually like the two of them and didn't want Xiao Lie kneeling to him.

Xiao Lie took a deep breath before he hugged Shane and said "This will always remain in my heart"

"En, en. I don't think it needs to be said, but you must never tell anyone what we did here today as neither myself nor brother Che will have a good life after. We will be chased and captured by those big sects."

Shane then huddled close to Xiao Lie and used profound energy to transmit his voice saying.

"Here's how you're going to explain it to the rest of the Xiao Clan.

Myself and my master were passing nearby the city when I met Xiao Che. This is the key part. My master, a Medical Saint, took one look at Xiao Che and diagnosed him with badly damaged profound veins. Badly damaged, not crippled as was previously thought ok?

Xiao Che gave us some information about a herb growing nearby. He and I became good brothers in a short time and so I pleaded with my master to help heal him.

My master and I then left for some time and he concocted a rare healing tonic for Xiao Che. I was sent here with it to help brother Che and also to stay for a while to gain some experience while my master is exploring outside alone.

Are we clear on all of that?"

Xiao Lie nodded and raised an eyebrow saying. "You brat is very sly eh?"

Shane just chuckled but said no more and they both stood on the porch in silence. For some time, they watched the sunlight slowly recede behind the horizon, each having their own thoughts.

*Creaaak* A rather pale but happy-looking Xiao Che emerged from the door to the residence and walked over to Shane with unsteady steps. Just before he was also about to drop to his knees, Shane's eyes flashed and the kid was unceremoniously given a tight slap!

Shane sneered at him in mock contempt. "What is it with you people, kneeling all over the place? Is it very fun? Isn't there a saying that there is gold under a man's knees? First the grandfather then the grandson, are you trying to embarrass me to death?"

Xiao Che smiled innocently, nodded, and said "yes!"

Shane just slapped him again and said "You brat! Get out of my house, I want to sleep! I have things to do tomorrow. Scram!" before retreating back into his room with a smile on his face.

Xiao Che watched his retreating back with gratitude evident in his gaze.

The next morning, Shane stepped into Xiao Lie's courtyard while everyone was merrily chatting and eating breakfast. Little Lingxi was ecstatic over Xiao Che's healed veins and was hovering very close to him while spitting out words and questions like a cute little machine gun.

Shane called out to get their attention. "Aiyo! What's wrong with little Lingxi? Brother Che, is there a fire in your backyard?"

Shane had dressed up good today and was wearing a pair of brown shoes, patio-colored linen pants, and a long-sleeve, button-up, blue-silk shirt with the top two buttons undone. He even had his loveable little emerald necklace out in the open in the form of Dusty.

Today was special, so he had also spent some time taming and sweeping back his wild brown and obsidian streaked hair and as he looked over to little Lingxi, he flashed her a smile and winked at her playfully. She went totally red and her little mouth was left wide open mid-speech.

"How is it? Am I handsome?"

She nodded dumbly for a second before hiding behind her hands and saying "Uwu, don't tease me brother Long!"

Shane just laughed and ruffled her hair saying "Such a cute little sister-in-law" before turning to Xiao Che and Xiao Lie.

"I only came to say, see ya later. I'm going to meet my childhood friend and her father today to discuss the flavored tobacco business. Aiya, I can only hope she is now a big beauty like sister Lingxi. Maybe I can even get my own little wife in the future hehehe."

The two youngsters just took his words for a joke and Xiao Che scratched his head while letting out an embarrassed chuckle. Xiao Lie, however, the wily old fox, could see the love and care in Shane's eyes when he talked about his childhood friend.

The old man was filled with nothing but gratitude for Shane and he had a contemplative look for a second before quickly hiding it. He secretly decided to find out which clan or family Shane was visiting and even try to lend a hand if possible…

Everyone said their goodbyes and good lucks and Xiao Lie watched through one eye, as Shane called out to one of the guards of the Xiao Clan. They chatted for a bit and Shane asked for directions before flicking a coin to the man and departing.

When Shane was finally out of sight, Xiao Lie approached the guards who saluted him and called out "5th Elder!"

Xiao Lie waved his hand and unhurriedly asked which family Shane had needed directions to. The guard enthusiastically explained but Xiao Lie paled a little when he heard the answer.

Shane was headed to the Xia Clan and there was only one miss in the Xia clan, Xia QIngyue, the most talented and beautiful young woman in Floating Cloud City. She was also coincidentally Xiao Che's fiance.

Xiao Lie sighed saying, "Aiya, what a mess." before he headed back to his courtyard to talk to Xiao Che about the situation.


Shane was grinning to himself as he strolled unhurriedly through the streets of Floating Cloud. Many eyes were drawn to him whether it be for his cultivation strength or his looks. A lot of shopkeepers, stall vendors, and even some young ladies called out to him as he passed but he just smiled and kept walking.

Today was the day he would finally meet her in person.

Along the way, he headed into a rather fancy-looking store and picked up a few good bottles of wine and some white Asian lilies for just a few purple profound coins. Next, he headed towards some kind of traditional herb and medicine shop.

The shop was filled with lots of different low-level herbs and grasses and the medicinal smell was very thick and pure. Shane bought 4 high-quality jade boxes and 300 storage bottles for later use as well as cleaning the entire stock of low-level medicinal herbs out. The shopkeeper waved him off with a wide smile and a 10% discount, it was not every day he could make such a huge sale!

Three of the jade boxes he bought were for the late True Profound 'pills' he had refined for Qingyue and another one for her brother. He still had 3 of the 'pills' made from the vital energy of late Elementary Profound Beasts that were left over from healing Xiao Che and so he may as well earn some goodwill from his future brother-in-law. 'Not to mention a potential Divine Master with those veins of his.'

After this shopping spree, Shane had almost completely run out of purple coins, having no more than 50 left in his storage.

Not that it mattered really, as he could leave the city for a day or two and bring enough Profound Beast corpses or cores back to become the richest man here, with ease. Whether the merchants would even have enough capital to buy from him at that time would be another thing altogether.

Now it wasn't as if he would be broke any time soon, as a lot of the herbs he found in the mountains could sell for many purple coins. Heck, the Spirit Profound Spear in his inventory could probably buy him half the city! He was just reluctant to sell his spoils for mere coins, however.

Shopping done, Shane started walking the last few km of distance towards the Xia clan. It should have taken just a handful of minutes but along the way, he encountered a minor problem that continually slowed him down...

Sometime later... 'Aiya, it's really a crime being too handsome. This has to have been the tenth time in half an hour.' Shane lamented to himself after gently refusing another blushing young lady that had approached him. 'I will definitely take a carriage of some kind next time! If only I didn't have to stage this play for Xiao Lie to find out where I went.''

Thank the Goddess, he could finally see the front gates of the Xia clan in the distance. Shane's heart sped up a little before he took a deep breath and nervously ran a shaking hand through his hair.

Wishing he had a cigarette, Shane, who was now repeatedly smoothing the imaginary creases out of his shirt, restrained his aura, took a deep breath, and started to approach the gates. 'It's showtime.'

Two Nascent Profound guards vigilantly stepped in front of Shane as he arrived at the gate and one cupped his fists in greeting. "Good morning Senior, what business do you have with the Xia Clan?"

"I have an appointment with Senior Xia today, My name is Shan Long." He spoke calmly and with a disarming smile. All the while, fighting off the urge to scratch his nose as Inwardly, he was rather confused and a little irritated.

'Am I THAT scary? Do I really look like a delinquent? Every guard I have met so far has looked at me as if I'm likely to start trouble the next second. Maybe they are jealous of how handsome I am? En, that must be it.'

Unknowingly, Shane was already starting to gather the attention of various people in Floating Cloud for his handsome looks, high cultivation, and wild, unrestrained aura. Some of the young women had even given him the title of 'Wild Prince'.

The guards visibly relaxed as they realized he wasn't here to make trouble and one bowed before saying. "Please come with me Senior Long, Boss Xia is waiting in the pavilion in the garden."


Under a recently erected pavilion in the garden of Xia manner, the scent of myriad flowers and fragrant tea wafted together in the gentle breeze. The surrounding trees and plants were beautifully groomed and the flowers bloomed in full color.

Despite this almost ethereal sight, there was something or rather someone much more beautiful present. She was so gorgeous that even the sun and moon seemed to lose their splendor in her presence.

Xia Qingyue was lost in thought while staring towards the entrance to the garden. Every few seconds, her eyes would nervously flicker between the stone path and the sky, attempting to estimate the time.

Shane was coming today... Her Shane.

A long time ago, Qingyue had decided that marrying Xiao Che was how she would pay the life-saving debt back to Xiao Ying. Yet now, she could never imagine being with someone other than Shane, even if the marriage were to be fake.

The very second Qingyue found out that Shane was actually real all along, the frozen heart arts had been shattered. Ever since it happened, not a single day had come to pass where he didn't dominate her thoughts.

It really was like a dream.. He came for her when she most needed it, more than once. Now he was coming here for her again, and she was mostly filled with excitement, although a part of her was also terrified.

Thinking about him inevitably led her thoughts to their meetings in the dreamscape and she placed a hand on her chest as her heart involuntarily started beating faster.

She reminisced about the gentle way his fingers brushed through her hair while he held her in his embrace and his intoxicating scent that made her body feel warmer and her heart restless.

She was now completely sure and without any doubt that she loved Shane. She knew he at least cared a lot for her but she wasn't sure if he loved her too and that thought terrified her.

Deep down, she really hoped he did and you might say the signs were obvious but she had no idea about love okay! Beyond a few ...questionable books she had read recently, she was totally clueless. All she ever did until now was cultivate!

Simply put, Qingyue loved him and now that she had realized this, she decided that Shane would be the only man for her in this lifetime. She was no longer willing to marry into the Xiao Clan, debt or no debt.

Strangely, she wasn't worried. 'More importantly, if I am going to break up your marriage~' Shane did say that to her and she believed he could do it. If anyone could do it then it would be someone who had managed to advance to the [1st of Spirit Porofund] in less than 3 months.

[1st of Spirit Profound], now that was surprising for her when she met him a few days ago in the dreamscape and sensed that he had advanced again.

Just how was he doing it? It was such a short time since his previous breakthrough too. His cultivation was now way higher than hers and she was starting to feel a bit of pressure.

If Shane had the means to increase his cultivation so swiftly, there were bound to be a lot of other little vixens after him in the future and she needed to secure her place at his side first! It didn't help at all that he was extremely handsome and very unique looking. Compared to all the men she had ever seen before, he actually looked… manly.

Qingyue decided that she would make her move today, she just had no idea how to go about it. 'How should I do it? How can I get him alone without alerting my father?' The hopeless girl still had no idea that her father had already guessed everything. Deception was in no way her forte and she hadn't exactly been subtle either.

"...gyue, ...ingyue, Qingyue!" She was snapped out of her thoughts and tilted her head to the side in confusion as she asked.

"...hmm, what is it, father?"

"I just received a message, he will be here any-" Qingyue sensed him 'prod' her before her father even finished speaking and within an instant, she had exploded out with the full speed of a [6th of True Profound] expert. She even unleashed her movement technique before bolting towards that familiar aura.

Xia Hongyi just smiled wryly, he was only an Elementary Profound practitioner, not even classified as a cultivator, and for him, it was impossible to even see a shadow of her movements. "Seems that girl is already a lost cause, *sigh* what am I going to say to Uncle Lie"

Qingyue didn't stop, using graceful yet extremely fast steps, she cleared the path towards the main house in no time. Fully Locked on to his aura, she rounded the corner and there he stood...

Time seemed to slow down as Shane met her gaze with his deep crimson eyes, one eyebrow cocked and a teasing grin plastered all over his face. He had obviously felt her extremely rapid and almost desperate approach.

Warmth exploded in her chest and her heartbeat went into a frenzy at the mere sight of the real him! With every step, her feelings were constantly erupting with even greater strength and the closer she got to him, the harder they were to contain.

Step by step, Qingyue continued her approach. Without slowing her speed one single bit, she slammed a foot into the ground and with arms wide and a joyful smile on her perfect face, launched herself towards him from over a dozen meters away.

Shane sidestepped a little as one of his hands snaked its way around his waist, while the other went under her arm and across her upper back. Then, with her feet still clear of the ground and eyes still locked onto his, he pulled her close and they spun together to counter the force.

In the midst of it all, Shane continually drew her closer until their chests and foreheads pressed up against one another. Qingyue felt a tremor in her soul. It was a resonance of some sort, a calling, a longing even and in that moment, she knew she could never leave him in this lifetime.

Her arms wrapped around his neck, her fingers tangled in his hair and she barely registered as his hand moved up to the back of her head. She could feel his warm breath on her lips and she could see the love in his deep crimson irises.

As the spin came to a gentle stop, the world melted away and they stared deeply into each other's eyes, both searching for their own answers. Apparently, he found what he was looking for as the grip of his hand on the back of her head tightened and all of a sudden, he was kissing her...

Shane's slightly rough lips pressed against her glossy full ones and fireworks exploded in her brain. For all of a second, Qingyue was frozen, it was as if a lightning bolt had crashed into her from above. That passed quickly, however, as her heart filled with joy and tears gathered in the corner of her eyes.

She felt everything transmitted through the warmth of his lips. He loved her!

Unwilling to be left behind, her fingers tightened their grip, pulling him in, she poured all of her feelings into their connection, and the kiss deepened...