A Deep Connection (R-18)

A/N: Wow. Just wow. It's honestly still hard for me to accept, but we hit the top spot for Power stones last week! That's an amazing achievement, and I couldn't have done it without you guys!

Words can't express how thankful I am for all the continued support you guys have given me and my fanfic. It really is great motivation for writing, so thank you again.

2.3k Power stones! Without a doubt, it's a big number but if I keep pushing out content and you guys keep spamming stones, maybe we can beat those numbers again this week.

Anyways, this is my first attempt at a lemon, let's hope it isn't too bad...

Without further ado, enjoy the chapter!


Hands held tightly together and fingers intertwined, Qingyue silently led Shane through the scenic courtyards and corridors of the Xia Manor.

Deep in thought, he had been using his thumb to slowly draw circles on the girl's palm and if one looked closely, they would see a small flush around her neck. Shane himself didn't notice as he was having a mental battle with himself about how much to tell Qingyue today.

Not because he wanted to keep things from her, no, he just didn't want to overload her with information and spoil their first meeting by making her worry. He naturally drew closer to the girl, his subconscious desire to protect her edging him along even while lost in his thoughts.

After almost ten minutes of walking, the two of them were now walking closer and much more intimately with one another. Their arms were wrapped around each other's waists and their bodies were naturally pressed tightly together.

Shane's fingertips were now casually running across the side of her hips, up and down, even drawing slow circles from time to time. She felt as if they were leaving burning trails in their wake.

Qingyue was beginning to feel hot all over. The intoxicating presence, warmth, and aroma of Shane along with his gentle caresses, were all causing her thoughts to run wild. From time to time she would glance at his serious, thinking face and couldn't stop her eyes from wandering to his lips.

Would he kiss her again? Remembering the feeling of his lips on hers and his tongue in her mouth... she couldn't help but shudder a little and bite her lower lip, trying to recreate the sensation. If the kiss felt so amazing, how would it feel if he were to do more...

Qingyue couldn't help but blush at the thought but a voice in her head was pushing her to find out. 'I want him to be mine. No, he will be mine.' Determination surfaced in her thoughts and gaze as she subconsciously leaned further into his body, imagining how she would go on the attack with only the very basic knowledge she had.

Snapping out of it when she realised they had reached their destination and quickly checking to make sure Shane hadn't noticed, Qingyue let out a breath in relief. "This is Qingyue's room. Please come inside~" she said breathily and with a hot sigh.

Her eyes went wide for a second. That came out sounding much more alluring than she had originally planned it to...

Shane came back to reality and shuddered, that sexy voice of hers sent shivers down his spine, making him feel extremely aroused. She caught him off guard there. Now that wouldn't do at all, he couldn't let himself be teased by her and give nothing in return.

For a small bit of payback, he drew her body closer to his as she dragged him into the room and placed his mouth next to her ear.

*Puff* "My dear Qingyue, are you trying to seduce me?" he blew a breath of warm air into her ear and asked in a husky voice before nibbling on the tip of it.

Qingyue shivered and whatever control she had been trying to maintain crumbled. *Slam* She kicked the door closed and pushed him up against it. Her arms immediately locked around his neck as she went onto her tiptoes and crashed her lips into his.

Although still inexperienced, she was obviously a fast learner and it wasn't long before their lips opened and her soft and cool little tongue snaked its way into his mouth. From there, the kiss turned into another battle of tongues.

With their mouths still locked together, Shane hoisted her legs up into the air and she let out a slight moan as her legs wrapped around his waist. Qingyue tightened the grip around his neck, naturally pressing their bodies even closer together and if anything it only drove them further down the path of no return.

Time passed as they enjoyed each other's mouths without either of them caring for how long it had been. Eventually, Shane's hands, not content with simply holding her up, made their way to her perky behind and it completely evoked the beast in him.

It was large and soft like a marshmallow but also firm and toned. Like the rest of her, it was absolute perfection. Shane couldn't hold himself back, he started skillfully squeezing and massaging Qingyue's ass to his heart's content. She shut her eyes tight and moaned into his mouth, their kiss growing sloppier by the second.

Shane could feel his own body rapidly heating up and he naturally had a reaction to the intoxicating flavour of her kiss and the softness surrounding him. The real Little Long made his appearance and rose to attention, pressing up in between his and Qingyue's bodies.

Eventually, he staggered over to the bed and fell back onto it, taking Qingyue with him and breaking the kiss in the process. She was now laid atop him, hair dishevelled and eyes clouded with lust as she subconsciously rocked herself against the hot and hard object pushing against her nethers.

The heat inside Shane rose almost to the boiling point as his hands held her hips and helped to move her back and forth. Their breathing became increasingly rough and he could feel his crotch becoming wetter as the time went on. Their lips and tongues met again and for a while, they both lost themselves in passion.

Shane wanted her. He had never quite wanted anything more in his life. He was sure that Qingyue would never deny him if he were to take her here and now but there just wasn't enough time to make it as special as she deserved.

With great difficulty, he separated his lips from hers and sat up. She continued to rub her crotch against his erection and her eyebrows furrowed as her lips searched for his. He very nearly lost control again but managed to hold it together and kissed her on the forehead.

"Qingyue, I really really don't want to, but we need to stop here. A lot of time has already passed and we have important things to talk about." He said to her in a soft and gentle, but also firm tone.

She looked up at him with a flushed face and no small amount of blame in her eyes as she nodded but didn't stop slowly rocking her hips back and forth. Her face did however turn completely crimson when she realized just how wet her robes were down there and she started squirming to get out of his embrace.

Before she could escape, Shane suggested. "Why don't you change into something more comfortable like a nightgown and I will first remove the negative effects of your cultivation method, okay?"

She nodded and pecked him on the lips, making him grin like an idiot despite what they were just doing, before getting up and swiftly heading towards a paper screen at the side of the room. He completely missed the mischievous and determined glint in her eye as she walked away, however.

When Qingyue was behind the screen, all Shane could hear was her still slightly rough breathing and the rustling of fabric until she called out to him a moment later. "I won't ask how you know about the side effects but, how will you remove them? Not even my master has the ability to stop the cold pains with her cultivation being at the Sky profound Realm."

As the rustling sounds continued, Shane gathered his thoughts and took out the small burner from his storage. He placed it on the desk in the corner of the room and added some Strawberry Spirit Incense made with the gamma strain before lighting it up.

"Qingyue, concentrate and firm your mind so as not to slip into a meditative state." He said in a deep voice before the mist began to spread.

Taking a deep breath in through his nose and appreciating the flavour for a moment, Shane began to explain. "Every person has a total of 54 profound entrances in their body but everyone has a different number of naturally opened ones. The number of naturally opened profound entrances normally determines a person's 'talent' and speed of progression through realms."

The sound of clothing moving around paused and he heard Qingyue's breath catch as the mist finally reached her, before she hummed in contentment and resumed changing, albeit at a much slower pace.

Shane was impressed by her mental fortitude and ability to resist the desire to meditate, despite it being her first time experiencing it, praising himself as if it were his own achievement. 'Heh, my little wife is amazing.'

Taking another deep breath, he continued. "You have 21 naturally opened profound entrances, making you a genius above geniuses anywhere on this continent.

However, the art you are currently practising is in fact, a very watered-down version of a much more primal and powerful art that requires a certain bloodline talent to use.

Due to this limitation, ice is building up inside your closed entrances and it will only get worse, the longer you practice the art. Not only is it incredibly painful, but it will also reduce your lifespan by half unless you receive regular treatment from me."

Qingyue's movements slowed and her eyes widened in disbelief. If Shane wasn't here she would lose half her lifespan? It was easy to put two and two together, he had come here to help relieve her pain. The warmth in her chest exploded once again as her love for him grew exponentially.

Would there ever be anyone else in this world who would care for her in such a way?

The determination from before returned in full force and mixed completely with her lingering lust to form a single overwhelming desire. She had to make him hers.

Unaware of Qingyue's thoughts, Shane shook his head and continued. *Tsk tsk tsk* "All of these disadvantages in exchange for what? Slightly faster cultivation.

I can only imagine how much pain the Grand Mistress, Mistress, and even your Master must have to endure on a daily basis with how long they have been practising the arts." He sneered.

"There is a simple way to remove this limitation and the pain, although currently, I cannot open up profound entrances, I am working on it and should be able to do it within a few months at most.

So, my dear, you need not worry"

Qingyue popped her head out and raised an eyebrow, gave him a questioning look, as she obviously detected no lies in what he said. How could he be so sure?

He couldn't tell her about the system and quests, she might think he was crazy, so he just gave her a wry smile and continued. "What I can use is one of my abilities to devour the ice inside your closed entrances.

The ability allows me to turn anything organic, so plant or animal matter, into energy that will aid my cultivation, although anything that isn't a plant must be dead before I can devour it.

Now, I know that doesn't make much sense but the energy that was produced by your body is pure ice, so I should be able to devour it without a problem due to my veins.

To put it simply, I should be able to completely remove the build-up of ice energy without causing problems or any risk to your health. I can do this, just by touching your body and feeling for the profound entrance locations."

As he finished his explanation, Qingyue appeared from behind the paper screen wearing a short white, long-sleeved nightgown. It only came down to the middle of her thighs and perfectly accentuated her curvaceous figure. The misty vapour hanging over the room gave her alluring body an ethereal feel, as she sashayed her hips towards him.

Her proud and perky breasts that were mostly hidden beneath the robes she wore during the morning, were now free and shook with each step she took. Shane was in rapture, his eyes were glued to the tiny points he could see poking through the fabric. 'My God, no Bra! Is she trying to kill me?!'

Qingyue came right up to his front and he could smell her fragrance, winter honeysuckle mixed in with something stronger and muskier, something that made his mind buzz. She was obviously still aroused and Shane could already feel himself getting back up to full mast.

She smirked a little before turning around and bending forwards at the waist, emphasizing her perfect ass as she slowly straddled his legs with her back facing him. Shane could immediately feel the warmth and wetness make contact with his already diamond-hard cock and he blanked a little. 'She isn't wearing panties either. S-she's trying to seduce me... God, it's working!'

He let out a groan as he felt her 'innocently shift her weight against his crotch and turn back to him with a questioning look. "Aren't you going to start?"

Shane bit his tongue a little, nodded, and placed his palms on her legs while activating devour. He ran his hands up and down her creamy smooth thighs, pulling out all of the ice energy from the nearby entrances.

He repeated this with more strength and a few times more than strictly necessary. Her body shifted with each motion, dragging her crotch along the bulge of his shaft as it did and causing her to mewl in satisfaction.

His hands raised higher, caressing the sides of her body and under her breasts. She gasped and reached back, linking her arms together behind his head. He used this opportunity to start kissing her tender neck, playfully nipping it every now and then. The new sensations, catching her off guard and making her whimper.

His fingertips caressed around her stomach going just low enough to reach her navel, before moving upwards and onto her chest as her hips continued to rock against him.

He moved up along her collar bones and down her arms, all the way to her fingertips before repeating his caress again.

As he reached her breasts, her breath hitched, her soft moans increased in frequency and her movements sped up, grinding against him with more power than before. Finally, after massaging those fleshy globes to his heart's content, digging his fingers in, and lifting them up, his hands reached her fully erect nipples.

In just a few moments, he felt her take a deep breath in and begin to shudder on top of him. Shane traced a circle around one of those little cherries and pinched it while sucking her neck.

His other hand darted down into the bottom of her nightgown and started rubbing around her entrance. He curled two fingers up inside of her, rubbing her inner walls, while using his thumb to trace circles over her clit.

The strong stimulation proved too much, Qingyue's back arched like a bow and she let out a loud, drawn-out moan. At the same time, a large amount of cool, clear, fluid splashed out over his hand and crotch.

She collapsed back against him, chest heaving and hair plastered across her sweaty forehead, while gasping for breath.

Shane traced his fingers across her lips as he kissed his way up her throat and along her jaw. He turned her head and their lips met in a gentle touch. Suddenly, Qingyues eyes opened and flashed with determination, her whole body was pushing her to connect with him on a deeper level and she didn't resist in the slightest.

In just a second, Qingyue turned round in his lap, her legs locked around behind his back and her lips latched onto his again. This time it was much more passionate and their tongues danced with each other briefly, before he caught hers and vigorously sucked on it, causing her to moan into his mouth.

Her fingers reached down to his shirt and started to fumble with the buttons, barely managing to get one open before he separated his lips and gently pried her hands off with his own.

"Qingyue, w-" She wrestled a hand free and put a finger to his lips. Staring into his eyes she said. "Shane, I love you. I want you and I want this."

As if nothing more needed to be said, she resumed her fumbling with his shirt only for it to disappear into his storage the next moment.

Qingyue immediately switched to tracing her fingers along his muscles and leaned forward to plant a trail of kisses along his neck as her hips resumed their grinding. Shane's trousers also disappeared and she could feel the warmth of his crotch directly rubbing against her moist sacred garden.

"Are you sure about this? I won't ever let you leave me in this lifetime." He said in a deep possessive voice. She hummed and nodded before continuing to suck and kiss his neck in the same manner as he did to her earlier.

Shane took a deep breath, not forgetting to set up a wind barrier against her door, and stored away his underwear. His rod sprang free and Qingyue moaned as the scolding hot member rubbed all along her dripping wet snatch, slightly parting her labial folds with every movement.

The familiar sensation of profound energy circulating could be felt as his energy disappeared into Qingyue's body for a few moments before returning to him with something new, something cold, yet also soothing.

They both felt it but it wasn't harming them, if anything it made the experience feel even better, they felt closer, more connected.

With a thought, a pearly white pill with an alluring fragrance appeared between Shane's teeth. He kissed her, using his tongue to pass it into her mouth where it dissolved into a gentle energy that poured down her throat and spread out across her chest. "Don't worry, something good is happening. This will benefit you a lot" he whispered.

She reached down, running her hands all along the shaft and up to the sensitive head, making him shudder and release a low groan.

'It's so big and hot, will it fit?' She thought to herself with a small amount of trepidation but in the next moment, her determination returned as she raised herself up and positioned his throbbing cockhead at her entrance.

She sank down slightly and gasped as the head parted her folds. "Qingyue, go slowly" He managed to warn her through gritted teeth. She was so warm and wet inside, the feeling was already unbelievable, if he didn't concentrate, he would cum in no time. Qingyue nodded and slowly started to lower herself onto him.

A bit of sweat dripped down her brow as his rod slowly spread her open and she winced a little as she felt the head hit a barrier inside her. Shane stared into her eyes and wrapped his hands around her hips. "Ready?" She stared back at him with nothing but love and lust in her eyes and nodded.

Shane pushed her down slowly and she let out a small, pained, whine that immediately turned into a long-drawn-out moan as she easily slipped down the rest of the way and impaled herself to the hilt.

He could feel the tip press up against the entrance to her womb as her syrupy walls undulated and massaged against his shaft. He felt as if he fit her perfectly; it was like she was made for him.

A barely noticeable line of blood trickled down from where they were connected, the proof that he had claimed her virginity. Kissing away the small tears that had gathered in the corners of her eyes, he tenderly sought her lips for a moment before pulling away and saying "You're mine now".

Qingyue's response was to twist her waist side to side and fidget a little as he held her hips tight against his. "Husband~" she pleaded coquettishly with a breathy sigh as his rod twitched inside her. Her sensual voice had totally flipped his switch.

Digging his fingers into her ass cheeks he lifted her up until only the tip was left inside before dropping her back down, eliciting a loud moan from her. He repeated the action, again and again, causing the sound of flesh smacking to echo in the room.

She was sopping wet and her fleshy walls stuck to his shaft, sucking onto him and trying to pull him back in every time he raised her hips.

Her eyes had long clouded in lust and as her soft pillowy breasts danced in front of him, he couldn't resist reaching forward to take one of her pink cherries into his mouth. Her moans grew in pace and volume as he switched between the two little buds, giving them equal attention. Qingyue wrapped her arms around him, drawing him deeper into her bosom as she threw her head back in pleasure.

Shane continued to suck and nibble on her nipples and no longer content with the simple movement, he began to thrust up into her with an increasingly faster pace. Every time their hips met, Qingyue's ass rippled and the slapping sounds of their now wet thighs could be heard clearly.

Without warning, Shane lifted her up, removing his member in the process and causing her to let out a whimper at the feeling of emptiness. He turned them around, threw her onto the bed, and lined himself up before plunging all the way back into her in a single movement.

She gasped and gripped his shoulders, nails digging into his skin as he rocked his hips back and forth, searching for her sweet spots, wanting to bring her even more pleasure. Her pussy felt amazing and without her even doing anything, it massaged and squeezed his dick from tip to base with every movement.

After a few long and slow thrusts, Qingyue let out a high-pitched moan and Shane knew he'd found the spot. He started to pick up the pace with even more, deep and powerful pistons, sawing in and out of her and making sure to scrape along her sensitive area every time he moved.

They both lost themselves in a passionate rhythm. With each stroke, Shane pulled back, almost to the tip of his dick, before burying himself entirely into her with a powerful thrust. Qingyues moans became fast and high-pitched as her hips rocked to match his pace and her inner walls continually tightened around him, trying to milk him dry.

Shane could feel his own orgasm fast approaching and the familiar heat started to spread from his balls all the way up his shaft as his dick twitched inside her heavenly pussy.

Feeling his rod twitch and swell inside her, tipped Qingyue right over the edge and she gasped out, "S-somethings coming!"

Qingyue's legs locked around his back and her whole body started vibrating as her vagina clamped down on him even harder than before. Her entrance gripped him like a vice and the undulating walls sucked him further in than he thought possible as she creamed all over his shaft.

The flower at the end of her tunnel had parted slightly and was now sucking onto the head of his cock bringing him closer and closer towards the precipice. Shane grunted and pulled back as much as he could before he started thrusting into her faster and faster.

With swift but shallow thrusts, he powerfully rutted her into the bed in a way she absolutely loved, drawing out her climax while swiftly approaching his own.

Just a few short seconds later, Shane let out a low moan as his vision went white and he bottomed out inside her one last time, flooding her pussy with spurt after spurt of his seed.

As his scalding hot cum hit the back of her womb, Qingyue's mouth opened in a silent scream and she desperately clawed at his back, experiencing another mind-blowing orgasm right after the first.

Shane's hips bucked a few last times, making sure to empty every last drop inside, before he collapsed on top of her breathing heavily.

For almost an entire minute they held each other tightly and in silence as their bodies twitched and shuddered, riding out the last of their respective orgasms.

He finally lifted himself up and they shared a loving kiss while staring into each other's eyes.

""I love you."" They both said at the same time and shared another kiss before Shane rolled over onto his back, bringing Qingyue with him, and began lazily brushing her hair from her face as she laid on his chest.

After a few minutes of relaxing like this and basking in the afterglow, Qingyue remembered the strange phenomenon of energy sharing and checked her cultivation only to go completely wide-eyed the next second. "H-how is this possible!?" She half-whispered and half-shouted.

She had reached halfway through the [9th of True Profound] from the [6th of True Profound] and her realm wasn't the least bit unstable. Shane was also in disbelief as he had reached the [3rd of Spirit Profound] and had also inherited Qingyue's small world as well as her cultivation arts.

Unfortunately, the arts were trash compared to the real thing, however they still benefited him greatly. He would go through it all later but for now, he needed to explain some things to Qingyue. Well after a nice warm bath

They got up to head towards the bathroom where they spent some time and washed each other like a newly married couple. Shane obviously got erect again seeing her beautiful body in all its glory and at one point, she was even actively, albeit awkwardly trying to seduce him.

Unfortunately, time was against them and it had already been a long time. Shane could feel Dusty's agitation through the bond and she would be here soon so he pulled Qingyue onto his lap and slipped back inside her with no resistance.

He helped her move quickly while playing with her nipples and her little bean, bringing her to the peak in just a few minutes, and following her soon after.

As they were relaxing in the bathtub and Qingyue had an extremely satisfied smile on her face, he explained to her about the peculiar energy sharing situation that happened before. He told her that it was similar to what usually happened between him and Dusty but also not at the same time.

His thoughts were that it was something to do with his special veins or her physique or both and that they inadvertently started Dual Cultivating while they shared and mixed her virgin Yin with his virgin Yang. Which in turn caused both of their cultivations to rise sharply.

Shane then explained to her about her physique and how she had a small world inside of her that would allow her to hold more power than her physical body or cultivation realm feasibly could. He also told her that it had now been passed to him as well to which she smiled happily knowing that they shared something so unique.

He told her everything he knew about her physique, and how she would never have trouble comprehending any art up to any stage including the comprehension of a domain before she reached the Throne level.

He also sternly warned her how dangerous it could be if others became aware that she had this type of physique and not to broadcast abilities above her level unless she was fighting to kill.

Shane then went on to tell her that he had also inherited the Frozen Cloud Arts and she tensed up a little until he explained to her that the real reason relationships were forbidden was due to this happening whenever a disciple had sex.

Done with their bath and the serious talks, the duo dried off with profound energy and dressed up before sharing a short kiss. Shane removed the wind barrier and a disgruntled Dusty barged into the room letting out some little aggrieved yips at him while slithering over to Qingyue and quickly curling around her shoulders.

Qingyue cooed at her and started scratching her over the horns while he grumbled away. "This little brat, she always makes me look bad by latching onto everyone else"

Shane withdrew the storage ring and transferred Qingyue's other gifts to it before walking over and sliding it on her finger. She gasped and looked at him questioningly as he raised his hand and a small amount of silvery essence wound itself into a ring around his finger, looking just like the one he gave her.

"Thank you ...Husband" She said as she hugged him tight and tried her best not to blush.

"I said it before my dear. Everything I have is yours." Shane told her with a grin as he hugged her back and brushed his fingers through her hair in the way he knew she loved.

With Dusty now joining the fray, they swiftly changed the sheets before laying back down on the bed and enjoyed each others company. Both of them pampering the cute little snake while they chatted about anything and everything including his plan for convincing Xiao Che and Xiao Lie to drop the marriage.

A few hours passed peacefully like this and it was now late afternoon. Shane lingered for as long as he could, wanting this to be a good memory for Qingyue and also simply enjoying every minute spent with her.

Unfortunately for him, Qingyue was a sharp cookie and it wasn't long before she saw through his stalling attempts, gently reminding him that he needed to go. Convincing him with just a few words "The quicker you settle this, the sooner we can be together again."

Neither of them really wanted to part, Qingyue especially so but the next step of Shane's plan needed to be set in motion.

Deciding not to make this harder than it needed to be, he pulled her up from the bed with him. He kissed her deeply for a few seconds and with great difficulty, separated from her soft body while sending a mental command to Dusty to return.

Qingyue watched his back with unconcealed longing and he himself felt an intense feeling of loss, pushing the feeling down, he moved towards the door.

Unfortunately, he had only made it a few steps forwards before he turned back and grasped Qingyue's hands. Looking deep into her icy blue eyes, he said "I have no idea how to get out of here"


A/N: Hope it wasn't too cringe lol