Scams, Warnings and a Pleasant Evening

A/N: So if you guys aren't aware, Webnovel has been 'shadowbanning' comments recently. This means that any comment that contains profanities in any form, will be automatically deleted.

Yeah, I know this comment is getting old but I wouldn't keep putting it up if people were capable of remembering. Around 30% of all the paragraph and chapter comments that get left are still being auto-deleted.

Well, Enjoy the chapter...


Shane was currently sitting across from a smiling Xiao Yunhai, nephew of Xiao Lie, the clan master of the Xiao Clan, late Spirit Profound Realm cultivator and more of an arrogant snake than Dusty could ever hope to be.

"Little Long, we are all very grateful to you and your master for healing Che'er. Do you, by chance, know when your Master will be returning? We would very much like to express our gratitude to him as well."

Outwardly he was all smiles, but inwardly Shane was sneering. To any normal human with cultivation at or below his own, the man looked like a kindly uncle who was concerned about his family but to someone with senses as advanced as Shane's; the arrogance and insincerity were practically rolling off of him in waves.

He was attempting to get on Shane's good side by praising him and also testing the waters to see how affected by said praise he would be. There was also the casual probe about the whereabouts of his Master, hidden behind the veil of gratitude. They wanted to see how much time they had to take advantage of him.

Holding an amiable smile the whole time, He acted just a little bashful and a little humble, two could play at this game…

Rubbing the back of his head, Shane said. "Aww no need to thank me for that, I only did what any good brother would do. As for Master, I don't know how long he will be gone, he likes to wander, but it should be at least a couple more months."

Xiao Yunhai's eyes flashed with greed before he quickly schooled his expression. "Little Long as you called Xiao Che your brother you can call me uncle in the future okay." Seeing as Shane seemed to be a person who valued bonds, the man quickly formulated what he thought was his own plan.

"Okay, Uncle Xiao!" Shane played along, knowing exactly where this was going.

Xiao Yunhai patted him on the shoulder and said "Good Good Good! Now that we acknowledged each other as family I have something that I wanted to ask you." He put on a fairly convincing awkward smile

"Aiya! All of your new cousins are so completely awed by your strength and skill that they have been pestering me non stop to arrange a meeting with you...

I was hoping you could meet with them and maybe give them some advice on cultivation… Only when you have the free time of course.

This would be great for deepening the bonds between all you younger generation! What do you think?"

Shane had to resist an almost impossible urge to roll his eyes at those words, and he very nearly lost. 'Here it comes.'

"I couldn't help but notice that Little Lingxi and Che'ers cultivation had advanced extremely quickly these last few weeks and I am sure that it must be due to your teaching.

I wanted to ask if you had any methods to help others cultivate quickly? You see, some of the younger generations are not talented and I worry for them." Again the mask of a concerned elder was pushed forward.

Shane put on an exaggerated frown as if he was struggling with something but inwardly he was wondering why nobody ever gave Lingxi any respect. Technically, she was in the same generation as the man in front of him, weren't they supposed to respect generation things here?

'That's not even mentioning the twisted shit the younger Xiao Clan members tried to pull on her in canon.'

Finally, Shane looked to have come to a decision and motioned for Xiao Yunhai to come closer. The man's eyes flashed with greed again and his smile widened before he leaned forwards. "Uncle Xiao, can you keep a secret?" He nodded.

"My master taught me one of his special methods to make Elementary Level Profound gathering Pellets from low-level profound herbs. They can help advance realms for anyone under the late stages of Elementary Profound."

Shane put on a rather helpless look and continued. "Unfortunately, he told me not to spread them around too much and I ran out of herbs to make them."

Xiao Yunhai gasped and showered him with fancy words and praises. "Little Long, that's amazing! To think you are so young but can make something so incredible! You must be very talented!"

Shane shyly looked away and allowed a small smile to grace his lips. "Do you think you could make some to help out your new cousins if I gave you the herbs?" he quickly asked, trying to push the conversation forwards and keep Shane on the back foot.

Shane once again pretended to be struggling to come to a decision before he shook his head and said. "I want to help you uncle Xiao but I really shouldn't... if Master found out, he would be unhappy with me. Unlesssss..." He deliberately dragged out the word in mock indecision to bait the arrogant fool further.

Xiao Yunhai looked rather irritated when Shane refused but he quickly reeled in his arrogance and brightened up at the last part. "Unless what Little Long?"

Once again, Shane was calmly watching Xiao Yunhai cycling through expressions, like a traffic light, with just a few well-placed words and trying hard to fight the urge to sneer at this clown. 'Got him! Hook, line and sinker. His arrogance prevents him from seeing further than his own nose. How did this guy ever become a clan leader?'

Shane gripped his chin in a thinking pose for a moment. "Unless you could help me get some things for my master that would make him happy on his return. You see he is always travelling, and he loves to collect knowledge from everywhere he visits.

He is specifically interested in collecting books on forging and crafting techniques as well as formation letters, any and all profound arts and techniques and cooking recipes. He has some strange hobbies…"

Replacing his thoughtful look with an excited gaze, Shane spoke as if thinking aloud. "En! Master will surely praise me if I get him lots of things from here! The books don't need to be originals either, he would be happy with copies!

Uncle Xiao! I will make pills for you and in exchange, you will bring me the herbs and books on the things I asked for okay?"

Xiao Yunhai jumped from his chair and started laughing in a 'good natured' way. "Hahahahaha! Little Long you are truly filial! You can count on your uncle Xiao to get you those things, your master will surely be happy with you!"

Shane smiled brightly and cupped his fists. "Thank you, uncle Xiao, I will get started in the next few days after I have settled my new student" 'And wife hahahahaha!' He then turned to leave and began to walk back towards his courtyard to wait for Qingyue's arrival.

Once Shane had left, Xiao Yunhai dropped the friendly smile and a mocking sneer replaced it. He was disdaining Shane while thinking about the amazing 'deal' he had just made with little to no cost. What were a few copies of regular knowledge and 'useless' profound techniques? The clan may be small but it still had hundreds of them.

He continued in his own fantasy of growing his power in the region, without knowing that in the near future, he would soon be scammed for all his clan's profound herbs while smiling and praising the one who did it.


Walking back to his courtyard, Shane smiled at the passing Xiao Clan members while laughing darkly to himself on the inside. He could have easily refused Xiao Yunhai and the man wouldn't be able to do anything to him.

Not to mention the fact that realistically, Shane could hold his own against the man in actual combat and that was without counting Dusty. He could also definitely escape without injury if he needed to and nobody would be able to stop him.

Essentially, that meant that he was not afraid. He didn't 'compromise' with the man out of fear. Even if the other 4 Spirit Profound Elders were to side against him, as long as Xiao Lie didn't join, Shane was confident he could hold his own.

Shane may not be afraid of them, but it was very clear that Xiao Yunhai and probably the Xiao Clan in general, were somewhat fearful of his 'Master'. After all, a Medical Saint could have many powerful figures in their back pocket.

The life of a cultivator is filled with dangers and who doesn't get injured from time to time?

In short, Shane had a number of ways to refuse, however, what would be the fun in that? That cretin wanted to take advantage of him so why couldn't he flip the tables and do the same?

Sure, Xiao Lie may be a little unhappy when he finds out, but in the end, he won't do a thing. He owes Shane for all the things he has done for his family and he knows it.

From spending the last few weeks together, the old man should know Shane's character by now.

He knows that Shane is intelligent, cunning and won't allow himself to suffer a loss easily. He should also have been smart enough to realise that Xiao Yunhai would have tried to cheat Shane in the first place. Yet still, there was no warning...

There isn't really a reason to complain either, it's not like the pills will be fake or anything, the cost will just be inflated drastically.

No, this will serve as a warning, both to Xiao Lie personally for choosing not to advise Shane of Xiao Yunhai's character and for him to see how Shane has the same arrogant leader dancing completely to his tune.

The old man will understand the hard way from this, that Shane hates to be forced into things and also that he has no love for the Xiao Clan as a whole.

If Shane didn't know the snake's character or didn't have good senses, he could have easily been taken advantage of today. Xiao Lie needed to understand, the things Shane was doing and had done for him, Xiao Che and Lingxi, were because he wanted to do them, not for any other reason.


Arriving back at his courtyard, Shane spotted Xiao Lie and Lingxi sitting at the table drinking tea. Xiao Lie looked up and their eyes met.

Try as he might, Shane couldn't keep the disappointment out of his gaze and Xiao Lie seemed to understand, his head lowered in shame and his eyes flashed with sadness and slight disbelief. 'He must have had some hope that the clan would give him face and treat me properly. Heh, what a fool! Maybe he will wake up a bit after today.'

The little snek Dusty materialised in a flash of emerald and just like that, she was wrapped around Lingxi's shoulders chirping and licking away, while silver bell-like giggles escaped the girl's mouth.

Shane approached the table and went to take a seat. "Little Long I-" Xiao Lie started to speak but he was stopped by Shane's raised hand.

He stared into the old man's eyes and said. "Pour me a cup of tea would you Grandpa Lie? ...Only one sugar though." The last part was said firmly, while Shane's striking Crimson eyes glowed brightly.

This scenario was for the best, it allowed Xiao Lie to apologise, save face and be forgiven while still warning him that this was the last chance.

Xiao Lie himself was very grateful for Shane's actions but he was also a little terrified, he felt like he was being stared down by a primordial beast for a second there!

All of a sudden, Shane felt that familiar spirit sense wash over him. His sour mood disappeared in an instant, only to be replaced with a joyful smile. It was so fast, Xiao Lie had to rub his eyes thinking to himself. 'Just how many faces does this kid have?'

*tap tap tap tap* The sound of hurried footsteps could be heard approaching the patio area, and In a flash, Shane was out of his seat.

She appeared at the entrance to the courtyard, face unfortunately but understandably veiled, and wearing the beautiful Chinese Hanfu that he had bought for her.

Her pair of magnificently deep, bright blue eyes found his figure and her brows arched happily into two little crescents. Time stood still for just a second as even the sunlight seemed a little dimmer in her presence.

Qingyue let out an excited little squeal through her nose and took a single graceful step…

Disappearing from most normal peoples vision she appeared again almost immediately, now wrapped within Shane's arms, rubbing her head into his chest and greedily inhaling his scent.

Shane smiled wryly. 'This girl! She always uses her movement technique to jump at me, nearly giving me a heart attack!' He decided to tease her a little in retaliation and leaned down, blowing a puff of hot air into her ear before whispering. "Do I really smell that good?"

Qingyue shuddered and nodded absentmindedly before realising what she did and went red up to her ears. "You, you. You're bullying me!" she whispered back in an aggrieved tone and Shane just brushed his fingers through her hair while chuckling softly.

While the two love birds were in their own little world, Xiao Lie was trying his best to pretend he couldn't hear everything and Xiao Lingxi was busy getting over her shock.

She couldn't believe it! What the heck just happened? She only blinked once and Qingyue had already travelled the 15m of distance to Shane? "Big sister is amazing!" she said absentmindedly with her palms on her cheeks and stars in her eyes.

At that moment, three more sets of footsteps could be heard approaching the courtyard and it wasn't long before Xiao Che and Xia Hongyi entered. They were chatting amiably, although Xiao Che seemed a little shy, and were followed by a delicate and pretty girl wearing a servant's robes.

*Cough* "Yue'er, Little Long. You two... *Sigh*." Xia Hongyi coughed awkwardly when his eyes landed upon Shane and Qingyue who were embracing tightly and whispering to each other in front of the equally awkward Xiao Lie.

They reluctantly parted and Qingyue gave him the stink eye for a moment before being pulled towards the table and offered a seat by Shane. "Aiya! The elbow really turns the wrong way." Hongyi continued in a defeated tone.

Shane didn't let this perturb him and he started pulling out his ultimate weapons, a few of his finest spirit tea pouches. These had been made with some of the best herbs found in the mountains. Not only that, they had been enhanced with his own special methods until they were brimming with vitality, causing them to be extremely beneficial for the body.

The tea also tasted amazing...

Xia Hongyi's eyes brightened up when he caught a whiff of the Spirit tea and no matter how he tried to prevent it, excitement still coloured his attempt at a stern expression. Shane just took a moment to appreciate the exceptionally ordinary man who unknowingly Cucked one of the most powerful people in the entire universe.

"...Little Long?" Shane just smiled and shook his head.

A fragrant and enticing aroma soon began to spread throughout the courtyard, relaxing everyone within. Lingxi had finally come back to herself with the help of Dusty and pulled Xiao Che to sit closely with her at the table. Shane gave her a sneaky thumbs up and finished steeping the tea.

"Uncle Xia, Grandpa Lie." Shane first poured Xia Hongyi and Xiao Lie a cup before filling up Qingyue's and his own. With a wave of his hand and a little Wind Energy, he floated the teapot across the table and motioned directly towards the two other occupants.

"You brats should pour a cup and sip it slowly while absorbing the energy, it will benefit you greatly."

He looked to be in thought for a moment before he spoke again. "Or you can also just drink it to enjoy the taste and not worry about the energy, that's what I do." Xia Hongyi and Xiao Lie looked at him incredulously and Shane just shrugged, what is the point in life if you can't enjoy things?

Qingyue looked at the cup of jade green, fragrant tea in front of her and her eyes lit up in expectation before her eyebrows knitted together in a frown. Shane understood her struggles and relaxedly said "No need to worry Qingyue, we are all family here." before touching her veil and storing it directly away.

Shane and Xia Hongyi were not shocked by her peerless face and Xiao Lie's eyes only shone with appreciation for a moment before they squinted again as he went back to sipping his tea. Clearly to the old man, a good pot of tea was much more interesting.

The two youngsters however were a different story...

Lingxi again had stars in her eyes again, as if looking at her idol while murmuring "So pretty…". Xiao Che however, went completely red and was literally dumbstruck by her beauty. With her new emotions out in the open, Qingyue was also understandably getting a little shy and awkward being stared at.

After watching her squirm for a few seconds, Shane easily diffused the situation by pinching her cheek and saying "See my Qingyue can attract all the young masters~"

This broke the charm effect and Lingxi directly pinched and twisted the flesh of Xiao Che's waist with a "Hmph!" causing him to yelp and apologise repeatedly, everyone laughed and the awkward atmosphere disappeared. As the afternoon went on, they all relaxed and chatted happily together, the other young lady was also introduced as Xia Qingyue's maid Dongling.

Shane's eye twitched fiercely when she bowed to him and called him 'Young Master' but he let it be ...for now...

Finally, after the sun had begun to set and they ate a meal together, they decided to talk about the marriage. Xia Hongyi got up and apologised to Xiao Che and Xiao Lie who both just waved it off and were extremely understanding about the whole situation.

Xia Hongyi scratched his head awkwardly, truthfully, he was a little dumbfounded. Didn't this brat steal away a wife from them? Why are they just sitting here and even acting very intimate with him? Surely there would still be a little resentment, instead, they looked like a harmonious family!


Bah! What resentment?

Xiao Che the rascal had just got a new lease on life! His brother Long healed him and even trained him to become stronger than half of the younger Xiao Clan members in less than a month!

It was as clear as day, even to someone with as little EQ as him that Qingyue loved Shane. She was practically sitting on top of him the whole night! All smiles and giggles and soft gazes, in their own little world. Aiya! At least he had his little aunt

Who in their right mind would want to marry a woman who loved another, wasn't that asking to wear a green hat? Besides he had a feeling that Shane and Qingyue were more than just in love with each other.

He didn't know how to explain it, but It was something about the way they looked into each other's eyes. As if everything else could burn to dust as long as they had each other, and to be honest, it scared the shit out of him.

His Brother long's eyes usually only glowed crimson when he was training, hunting, excited or pissed off and they gave off a huge pressure to anyone who met his gaze during those times.

The usual reaction of a person was to feel like they were being stared at as prey by a primordial beast. Others felt as if they had been drenched in cold water, some even pissed themselves in fear or directly ran away.

Yet Shane's eyes had been subtly glowing the whole time he was interacting with Qingyue and she seemed totally unaffected by it. Not just that, her vision was mostly locked onto his eyes, as if nothing else in the world existed for her.

Yeah, he was definitely glad to be out of that...

Not knowing what Xiao Che was thinking and only seeing him absentmindedly stare at Shane and Qingyue, little Lingxi was getting pretty jealous. Surprisingly she started acting a little on the offensive during the course of the afternoon.

She completely took advantage of the situation to show her stance and had been moving closer and closer to Xiao Che as the day went on. In the end, she was practically sitting on top of him and so, he managed to gain a few benefits when she was putting food on his plate, her soft body 'accidentally' brushing up against him.

Of course, Xiao Che knew that she was acting jealous but his Brother Long had been rubbing off on him and so he just quietly benefited from her misunderstanding. He had a good thing going on here, why would he stop it? Just because he was shy, everyone treated him as an innocent boy, well, almost everyone...

He could have sworn he caught his Brother Long smirking and raising his thumb up towards them more than once, whatever that meant... Maybe it was similar to the 'fist bump?'


By the time the sun had completely disappeared behind the horizon, everyone was full and content.

Shane was in a great mood and had pulled out all the stops today. He brought some good wine out and even set up a special mint and ginger Spirit Incense that was good for relaxing the body. Only an hour later, once it had finished burning, the group decided it was time to disperse.

Hongyi left first followed by Xiao Lie who went to see him onto a carriage and out of the gates, leaving the four youngsters together. Lingxi was reluctant to leave, but she knew they would be training together from now on and so she handed Dusty to Qingyue and went to pull Xiao Che away.

"Wait!" Qingyue stopped them from leaving and bowed to Xiao Che. "Thank you for being so understanding! Xiao Che, Qingyue may not be able to be your wife but Qingyue still wish for you to live happily!"

Shane stepped up to her side with a grin and held her little hand before he nodded towards the kid and said "Brother Che, I won't say thank you." There was no need to cheapen their friendship, so they just bumped fists like Shane taught him before and he pulled Lingxi out of the courtyard.

The moment silence returned to the courtyard, Dusty read the mood and returned to the tattoo. The two lovers linked hands and gazed into each other's eyes for a second, completely ignoring the flustered maid. Well, Shane remembered her but she called him 'Young Master' so he felt like being a little petty.

Shane pulled on Qingyue's hands and smoothly swept her into his embrace. He leaned down to kiss her... Over and over, their lips meeting together with many gentle and affectionate touches that lingered for longer each time they connected.

Before long, his palms were framing her face and her fingers were in his hair as the once chaste kiss devolved into a passionate battle of tongues that lasted for minutes and left them gasping for breath.

They reluctantly pulled back, realising this was not the place for such things, they were together now and had all the time in the world. "Come, let me show you your room." Shane pulled her towards the villa and in through the front door.

The silent maid was blushing up to her ears but still diligently followed them inside. Pointing towards the room directly across from his, he said. "This is where you will be staying, my room is right across the hall."

Qingyue nodded and kissed him sweetly, before heading straight inside. Dongling bowed to him and followed her like it was the natural thing to do.

The door closed and Shane was left standing in the corridor alone. He scratched his nose and felt a small sense of disappointment but mostly though, he was surprised.

This was the Qingyue who had insisted on staying with him for almost two weeks, badgering her father all day long and him all night long in the dreamscape. Shane's eyes narrowed, she accepted it very easily, almost too easily, something was fishy here. 'What is she up to?'

In the end, Shane decided that he wouldn't be at a disadvantage no matter what she tried and so he went into his room and undressed before slipping into the bed.

She was still too green to be messing with him after all.