Ch 16 "A Friend"

- Yes Joohee. Yeah I bought it... Today at 7 pm… I don't know it. Some flimsy story about heroes and cars. It's supposed to be funny…

Last time he checked. Seriously he had no taste and no experience in this field, since for him every movie looked the same or better said was equally boring.


Joohee's voice resounded so loud that the phone's dynamics nearly crashed. He understood what she meant, but he was really bad at this. He wandered over an hour on the net, looking for a "good movie" and honestly thought, that a more difficult task than that, he had not yet experienced.

- I checked the review… yeah. ("It a sh*t but it's a funny sh*t. It's not that bad is it?" thought Joohoon to himself). I'll take care of it.

He tried to ensure his sister that he really put some thought in it and it would "supposedly" work somehow, but it seemed she wasn't going to appreciate his efforts.

-… What clothes? For me? …You can't be serious.

Another loud burst of high-pitched disapproval came right back, which he luckily avoided just in time by moving his phone quickly away from his ear.

Joohoon couldn't actually know about Joohee's plan to dress them in subtly matching clothes. Even if he knew he couldn't do anything about it.

- Okay okay. I got it. I'll drop by… Dinner? Why-

His hand instinctually moved.

- Yes dinner, of course. I'll look for a place… No heavy meals. Ok… Sushi. Got it… just light drinks… No soju… Beer, Roger… Huh? If it's raining hm then go back home?

Joohoon remembered the night before and how sensitive Jiwook seemed to be to cold and thought it would be better that way. Best not risking catching a cough, with Jiwook staying alone most of the time.

He was half right.

This time he stand bravely and didn't move the phone away.

- Yes, you're right. Catch a cab, make tea, keep in warmth. God I got it Joohee. Don't worry, this much I can handle, replied the elder, a confident smile rose on his face.

His sister sighed over the speaker, it seemed she didn't need to deny that.

With his mind now full of instructions and accurate details, he should be careful about, you'd think he would have given up since long ago. Yeah, maybe, the old him. But now he quietly, almost eagerly, took in each advice, listening thoroughly to his sister's words.

Joohoon forgot when he last time was on a date and surely he wasn't the one to organize it, he didn't even remember what he did, or with whom he was. This was his first time, to put so much effort in something, for someone other than his family.

And actually for himself as well.

He was willing to do everything that was needed from him to make that date a good time for Jiwook, for both of them. He was strangely excited(?) (by Joohoon's standards yeah) and a bit overconscious about it all, but even more strange was that feeling, which buzzed him. That he really wished to do it. To give Jiwook a piece of time, where he could relax and forget about his worries, could enjoy himself and smile.

Yeah. It was actually very simple.

He wanted to see him happy.

And it seemed he was going to break the worlds apart only for that.

If needed.

He will.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Jiwook hung up the call and sighed so long and heavily, that you'd think he held in the air for a hour not for just a mere seconds.

No wonder, as the person who called him, the aggressive stranger, made another menacing threat, just to make sure that Jiwook would not back away. He already gave his word that he'll meet them in two days, but of course they needed to check on him at every chance.

Really, if they wanted Jiwook to come himself, they better not scare him like that anymore. It was completely discouraging, though either way, Jiwook planned to meet them.

He promised himself to not run away anymore.

He hoped he'll manage that.

His heart beat painfully hard against his chest, giving easily away his mask of courage, he barely kept, fortunately for no one other than himself.

If Joohoon would be near him then, he'd be caught on right away.

Jiwook slept for 12 hours after the last tiring and long day, but with just one call, he felt all that exhaustion taking over him again.


What could he do other than to sigh?!


Jiwook flinched, thinking that they were calling him again, but thanks God it was just Joohee. A gentle smile rose on his face, feeling genuinely grateful to her. It seemed just like her brother, Joohee had the ability to magically appear right then he felt the worst and help him, no even more, save him. Sometimes it was enough just a few words from them.

- Jiwook-oppa hi, already awake? what's up? How are you?

Joohee was overflowing with energy and excitement, Jiwook barely managing to keep with her speed.

- Y-yeah Joohee hello. I'm good.

- Great! Oppa do you have plans today?

- Hm not really…?

- Nice! Remember our deal? Wanna go for it today?

- Oh sure. I will. Should I come now?


Joohee sounded overjoyed, Jiwook's smile widened as well.

- No no. It's fine. Come at half 7 pm at the XX station.

- Ok. Got it.

- And don't forget to dress up like we talked about, yesterday. Ok Jiwook-oppa?

- Ok ok, assured her Jiwook dropping a small laugh in between.

- You have to look the most handsome today, will you?

- Heh I'll do my best… should I tell Joohoon-hyung about-

- Don't worry. He knows. Oh exactly, send me a photo when you'll be all ready, pretty please?

Jiwook could practically see the sparks in her puppy eyes with just her voice alone and replied back with a clear smile stretched on his face.

- I will. I promise… Joohee-ya.

- Hm ?

- Thank you.

He felt her smile's warmth and brightness even though he couldn't see it directly.

- Nope. No need to thank me. We're friends after all.

"Friend" – an word so mysterious, its true meaning entirely unfamiliar to Jiwook, for he never thought someone would call him a friend and he would find joy and gratitude being considered one, more than that, him being ready to do anything for them. This friend gave him strength and comfort, which he sought his whole life, never finding it nowhere. Though he understood that the reason was none other than himself and now, when he was slowly changing, he found it. So easily.

No. He had yet to work hard to gain it. The right to have this friend.

Therefore he will give it all.

And after that…

- Joohee… let's… let's talk, later, after I'll take care of something first and then … I will hm I mean...

Jiwook took a deep breath. It wasn't that easy to be sincere about yourself to someone, whom you really held important.

Nevertheless Joohee deserved to know the truth. Even with the risk to be despised and hated later, after hearing it.

- I'll tell you everything!... Everything you wish to know. That I want to tell you.

Yes. Now he said it right.

- Okay, Jiwook-oppa. I'll be waiting then.

Joohee's voice sounded as clear and smoothing as a spring sunshine clearing all his worries right away.

After the call ended, his eyes lingered a moment more on his screen's wallpaper. There a very young Joohoon with the brightest and purest smile on his face was looking back at him as if urging him to return his smile.

And he did.

Jiwook's smile was never this full of life and this vibrant ever.

Everything was changing…

And it all started with Joohoon.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Jiwook checked himself for the tenth time in the mirror already, for as he promised Joohee, he would try his best to look perfect that night.

After sending photos for a few times, at each Joohee, though very satisfied, added small wishes and advices, all of which he diligently fulfilled, admiring her fine style and taste. She was really an expert and in man's fashion too to that.

Joohee found a tutorial for him to style his hair, which suited him perfectly. He liked it so much, that he was going to use it for later as well. Or another video with homemade beauty tricks, with which he had a bit of trouble, but it was totally worth it. His bulging dark eye bags gone, skin very smooth, lips looking soft and hair being all silky and fluffy. He felt rather more refreshed and charged than when he woke up, despite having a busy and hectic afternoon. It seemed all of that kept his mind off his stressful thoughts and he wondered again if Joohee had that goal in mind to begin with.

Honestly she was the best.

With thumb-ups from her and a last look in the mirror, he left the house, his nose in his phone, checking how to get to the given address.


- Oh!

Jiwook winced a bit at the unexpected bump, whoever it was, had their muscles harder than a stone and it was quite the strong bump, seeing how the one being knocked down was him and not the person he bumped into. Fortunately, a steady arm caught his waist just in time, lifting him so abruptly that for a second he thought he was floating in air.

When he opened his eyes back he was hit with such an outstanding sight that he momentarily forgot how to think or how to breathe. Thanks God his heart didn't forget to beat otherwise it would be a straight killing attempt, no joke.

There in front of him, Adonis descended, in all his glory and splendor, for the sole purpose of breaking hearts, be exalted by the simple mortals, make them willing slaves and binding them helpless and perhaps even more.

Jiwook forgot that he had a name.

Lee Joohoon.

He looked like he walked straight out of a fashion magazine: a low V-cut undershirt, the color of Jiwook's sweater, a silk dark gray shirt over it, with loose hanging collar, which temptingly contoured his every muscle line and matched his hair's color perfectly, the almost unbuttoned shirt slid in a pair of creased black jeans a bit high-waisted, that defined finely the strong line of his thighs and every unsuspected muscle on his legs.

To finish his exquisite look - an oversized navy denim jacket fit like sew on him, which suspiciously reminded Jiwook of his own jeans, the jacket's arms half-cut at the elbow and hanging down, the edges ripped just the same.

Both of their outfits were screaming "matching (couple)-clothes", but it looked also so refined and sophisticated, that you could just compliment the stylist and their talent.

And of course Jiwook could tell, without a second thought, just who that genius stylist was.

Furthemore that wasn't all.

The most eye-catching was Joohoon's styled hair, which literally looked as the latest trend in idols' fashion no less. It was made to have a bit of a wet and messy look, but elaborately styled, the hair parted in the front, showing off his defined eyebrows, locks darker at the tip arching softly his eyes. The whole style gave him a very seductive and striking air.

What to say Joohoon looked so breathtaking, that Jiwook's legs would give away at the elder's shortest intense glance. Maybe it did already, he couldn't tell.

He was still held in Joohoon's half embrace, and so very close to the very object of making him almost faint right there, that he didn't show any signs of recovering from his awe-struck, frozen state.

No, he would have stayed just like that, with eyes full wide, blinking mechanically, mouth open wide as well, but which didn't seem to take in air or breathe, his only sign of still living was the increase of his ringing heartbeat, … if not for Joohoon, which by the way looked just as impressed.

The elder did manage to overcome the momentary amazement, and dropped an annoyingly knowing, smug smile as if he already read the younger's thoughts and was very please with it.

Jiwook wasn't left with no time to gather himself together, then a second attack was lanced and this one could really become the death of him.

Joohoon cupped the younger's head ever so tenderly with his other hand and pushed it up, for him to meet Jiwook's unsuspecting lips.

And his lips were ready, open, downright inviting Joohoon to kiss it.

How could he ignore such a unbearably tempting invitation.

Of course he couldn't.