Conversation 2

  Outside the rotisserie.

  "Hey, is it Kyushu's driver?"

  "Hmm, yes, I am..."


  In the car.

  "Little brother, is that your girlfriend? Amazing..."

  "Brother, what do you think? I'm just a student, she's my sister!"


  When the time was approaching one o'clock in the morning, Chu Yu struggled to carry Su Lulian, who was drunk like a puddle of mud, to his home on the second floor.

  Su Lu's car, Chuyu, also let the driver park in the parking space downstairs.

  Although Chu Yu is the only one living in the house, fortunately, he cleans regularly and the guest rooms are basically clean and tidy.

  After he carried Su Lu onto the bed, took off his shoes and covered the quilt, Chu Yu was almost exhausted and collapsed. The drunk person was Shen.

  Su Lu on the bed still had a very red face, and it seemed that his alcoholism hadn't faded at all.

  Originally Su Lu put her away, her head tilted and she slipped off the pillow.

  "The sleeping situation is really bad." Chu Yu was a little speechless.

  Bend down, preparing to put her head on the pillow again, so that he would get up and stiff neck tomorrow.

  As soon as his hand touched Su Lu's profile, Chu Yu only felt a black shadow quickly zoom in.


  There was a low voice in the room.

  Chu Yu fell back heavily.

  "Stay away from this lady, Song Jiayu, you big pervert, dead eunuch, mentally distorted bastard, even if all the men in the world are dead, this lady won't be with you..."

  Su Lu suddenly sat up on the bed, waving his fists frantically at the air in front of him, closing his eyes and yelling...

  Chu Yu was stunned, only the pain in his face told him what had happened!

  Poor Chu Yu was kind enough to help her cushion her, but she did not expect that when she sat up abruptly, she gave Chu Yu a head hammer, fists with eight fists in both hands, Chu Yu punched in each of her nose and left cheek, and hit her right cheek. Two punches.

  "This...what kind of person!" Chu Yu was beckoned in his nose, tears coming out of his eyes.

  "This sleeping condition is so bad, and the wine is so bad. Whoever marries her in the future is really bad for her for eight lifetimes!"

  Su Lu on the bed yelled for half a minute, and then suddenly leaned back heavily, fell down, and his breathing... became even.

  Even after she was operating blindly, the quilt was kicked out of the bed, the shoulder straps of her skirt slipped to her arms, and she collapsed on the bed.

  Chu Yu didn't want to care about her anymore, but he was still worried that she would catch a cold.

  Enduring the pain on her face, keeping her eyes away, trying not to look at some pictures that shouldn't be seen, picking up the quilt, and finally carefully preventing her fist from swinging again, covering her with the quilt, and sighing.

  What kind of editors have I encountered? Don't ordinary comic editors try their best to help comic artists solve problems?

  How come to myself, I have to drink with her, eat with her, and be beaten by her!

  Su Lu slept soundly, but the three-point drunkenness in Chu Yu's mind was awakened by Su Lu. There was a pain in his face, and he didn't know when he would fall asleep.

  Shaking his head, Chu Yu turned off the lights and left the room.


  Early the next morning.

  The clouds were so dense that the sky seemed to be broken like a hole, and the pouring rain kept on.

  The thunder and rain are endless!

  Su Lu frowned, and his consciousness gradually recovered.

  "It hurts... my head... It hurts!"

  "Here...where is it?"

  Su Lu was already in his heart, and he looked around quickly to see if his clothes were intact.


  Su Lu breathed a sigh of relief.

  There is a pair of slippers beside the bed.

  The air was filled with a faint scent of food.


  The stomach is protesting to her.

  Su Lu got out of bed and opened the door.

  In the living room, Chu Yu was busy making breakfast.

  Two bowls of noodles, with some fried shredded pork, cabbage, bean sprouts, plus a fried egg, a cup of warm milk.

  "Awesome, boy!" Su Lu now also remembered the matter of eating and drinking with Chu Yu last night.

  That being the case, it goes without saying that this is Chu Yu's home!

  On the contrary, she was not shy about being taken care of by Chu Yu after she was drunk. She came to the table in a few steps and picked up a bowl of noodles.

  Began to eat!

  This woman really didn't realize it at all.

  Su Lu seemed to be really hungry, so he ate the noodles and said nothing.

  After eating a bowl of noodles, a whole cup of warm milk is dried in one bite.

  Like a starving ghost reborn.

  Chu Yu on the other side looked speechless.

  But I have to say that the same way of eating, changing to an average girl, may feel a little inelegant.

  But these actions seem a little cute to Su Lu, maybe this is the effect of the high-value bonus.

  After Su Lu finished eating, he looked at Chu Yu with admiration and scanned the surroundings by the way.

  "That's right, boy, the house is clean and the cooking is so good, wouldn't it be cool to see who will marry you in the future!"


  Chu Yu spouted a mouthful of milk and looked at Su Lu!

  Are you driving?

  As soon as Su Lu spoke, he felt something was wrong, and his cheeks turned red, but he did not continue to talk too much on this topic.

  Su Lu looked at his mobile phone, and it was already 9:20 in the morning.

  "Wow, is this time already?"

  "Chu Yu, don't you have to go to class?"

  Chu Yu looked at Su Lu, angrily said.

  "You are drunk in my house, so I don't want to leave you alone. I will skip class today!"

  "But you, why are you not in a hurry?"

  "Although it is past nine o'clock, it is better for you to be late than skip work!"

  Su Lu looked indifferent.

  "You can skip class, why shouldn't I skip work! At that time, I will write a report about going out to discuss the plot of the comics with the cartoonist and submit it. I will not be deducted from my salary if I want to."

  "But speaking of it, although the two of us have talked many times on Weixin before, but the formal meeting is the first time you came to our company and yesterday."

  "My impression is correct, you skipped class twice! Your father..."

  When Su Luhua said that, her gazing eyes finally noticed the photo of the young couple in the living room of Chu Yu's house, and the words stopped abruptly.

  The atmosphere is a bit awkward!

  Su Lu was quick-thinking and forcibly changed the subject.

  "No wonder you can create works like The Garden of Words."

  "What do you mean?" Chu Yu looked puzzled.

  "You think! The protagonist in the Garden of Words is a high school student who loves to skip classes on rainy days and has a dream of becoming a shoemaker.

  "You are also a high school student, love to skip classes, and have a dream of being a cartoonist."

  "Actually, the prototype of the protagonist in The Garden of Words is you..."

  "Huh?" Chu Yu's mouth opened wide.

  Hey hey, you are over-interpreting it, you can force it to be mechanical! I obviously just copied the original work of the system. How do you see so many things?

  "How about it? I'm speechless!"

  Su Lu looked smug.

  "Since the archetype of Qiu Yue, the protagonist of The Garden of Words, is yourself as the author, it also means that what happened to Qiu Yue in the comics must be what you want to happen to yourself!"

  "Unexpectedly! Young boy, you are such a person!" Su Lu looked at Chu Yu teasingly. UU reading

  " you see who I am again?" Chu Yu felt a little funny.

  "You think, the heroine that the hero likes is Xueye, right? In the comics, she is a few years older than the hero..."

  "Didn't you say it before? What actually happened to the male lead is actually what you want to happen to you!"

  "It can be seen from this that you are actually a sister-in-law!"

  Cough cough cough!

  Chu Yu almost came out of breath, what is this and what!

  Your brain is too big!

  Su Lu continued.

  After all, the embarrassed look of the young man on the opposite side made her feel funny and anxious, and couldn't help but want to tease him!

  "I think about it, since Xueye is the heroine, that means you have all your fantasies about your favorite women in Xueye."

  "And your key scenes are rain throughout the work."

  "The confession of the male lead Qiu Yue and the female lead Xueye was also on a rainy day."

  "It means that a rainy day is an excellent background for you to confess."

  "The teenager who skipped class on rainy days..."

  "I met a beautiful woman who was frustrated in the workplace who skipped work on a rainy day..."

  "After the two met, they developed emotions..."

  The more I said, the more Su Lu felt something was wrong, but he just couldn't figure out what was wrong.

  It wasn't until she noticed the strange look in Chu Yu's eyes on the opposite side, as well as the patter of rain and thunderous thunder outside the house.

  She reacted.

  The teenager who skipped class on rainy days...

  Beautiful women who are frustrated in the workplace on a rainy day...

  Rainy weather...

  The more I said, the more like her and Chu Yu!