Chapter 35

 In the middle of the night, Zhao Qinyin returned home after finishing his work.

  Her family lives in an old community in the east of the city, about 20 minutes' drive from Chuyu's home. Thanks to Chuyu's speed in drawing comics, she usually goes to Chuyu's home after school and leaves around 10 in the evening. Last weekend, the comics of one episode per week were basically completed with quality and quantity under the joint efforts of the two. It was basically around 11 o'clock when I returned home every night.

  Her life may be boring and boring in the eyes of ordinary people. She attends classes during the day, works as a comic assistant at night, and then rests.

  However, in Zhao Qinyin's opinion, apart from the few days when she first met Chu Yu, she was a bit uncomfortable, but after getting along for a while, she unexpectedly got along well with Chu Yu.

  Moreover, the comics they completed together were even serialized in periodicals such as Man Ying. It didn't take long for the serialization that Chu Yu put forward the slogan of wanting to reach the top, and this slogan seems to be impossible nowadays.

  Although she is not the author of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, she is very happy just because the comics she participated in can achieve such results. The frustration that her works have been rejected in the past time has also disappeared.

  She took out the key and opened the door.

  Unlike the dark room in my imagination, my grandma had already fallen asleep during this period of time on weekdays, but today it was a bit abnormal. Zhao Qinyin entered the room only to find her grandma looked listlessly at the TV. The family photo of her parents and grandfather was still nearby.

  "Grandma, you... why haven't you slept yet?" Zhao Qinyin asked.

  "Can't sleep, I think of your father and your grandfather." Zhao Qinyin's grandmother is Wu Zhen, she is in her seventies, she is a little short, and her back is also rickety.

  "Oh, why did you say that your father did this kind of thing? If he didn't want to draw the ghost comics, he would not submit the manuscript to Shanghai, and no one would call him to go to Shanghai. He and Your mother will not have an accident on the road, and your grandpa will not be too angry, and..."

  "Oh, forget it, let's not talk about those, it's been all these years."

  "By the way, how did you make up your class today?"

  "Also... okay, everything is going well." Zhao Qinyin tilted his head slightly.

  "You are already in your third year of high school!" Wu Zhen sighed.

  "The kind of thing that you can do as make-up teachers for poor students from other schools, or don't do it. You are now in a critical period of high school, so there is no time to care for others.

  "Although our family is not a rich family, but it is not short of money for supplementary lessons. It is a serious matter for you to take a college entrance examination. If you come back so late every day, I am afraid that you will not have enough sleep!"

  "No, it's okay, grandma, to... It's a kind of review to make up lessons for others. It's better than reading books by myself. You see, although I have been doing this part-time job for so long, I His grades have not fallen, and the school exam... has never fallen to second place!"

  "Giving people supplementary lessons can also help learning? Really?" Wu Zhen asked with some doubts.

  "I told you, you have to get hold of your grades, but you can't learn from your dad. He, because his grades were poor at the beginning, he was hooked on comics again in high school, so after graduating from high school, I went to find a master to learn that stuff. For many years."

  "After finishing school, I did not earn any income from drawing those things at home for three years. Later, a comics agency was willing to publish his works. After having income, I met your mother. Speaking of it, your mother was also caught by your father. Please come to our house to be his manga assistant. The two have been together for a long time, and with the foundation of the relationship, this is where you are...

  "The two of your parents have been on the comics for half of their life, and your father said that he will go to Modu and even RB to become a cartoonist in the future."

  "That's great, the devil didn't make it.

People are gone on the road..." At this point, Wu Zhen's tone became excited.  "Speaking of which, if your father didn't come into contact with those comics when he was in school, he would just study hard. In that case, he wouldn't drop out of high school, and he should still be there now."

  "Fortunately, you are different from your dad. You are much smarter than him, and your grades are good. Grandma, I want to see you go to a good university in the future, choose a good major, marry a good person, grandma, I , It can be considered right from your father, your mother, and your grandfather."

  Zhao Qinyin has heard Wu Zhen say these words many times.

  She also knows how much Wu Zhen hates the comics industry. She has always believed that his father's death was related to the wrong industry he chose.

  When his father was still alive, he blamed his father's life on the comics, and after his death, he believed that the misfortune was caused by choosing the wrong profession.

  It is difficult to persuade a person to get into the tip of the horns. Over the years, Zhao Qinyin has also failed to let Wu Zhen put down his prejudice against comics.

  For this reason, Zhao Qinyin has always kept the secret of Wu Zhen, whether it is comic creation or as an assistant to other cartoonists. Fortunately, her performance has always been in the first position, plus the fact that The income was not bad, and Wu Zhen agreed to her "make-up" career.

  But how long can this situation be deceived?

  For a lifetime?

  Zhao Qinyin also felt confused...

  The two chatted for a while, and it was too late, and they both fell asleep one after another.

  Zhao Qinyin returned to the room and looked at the snow falling outside the glass window.

  Thinking of her deception to grandma all the time, a sigh sounded.

  After all, she is still her father's daughter. The father and daughter may have different personalities, but their interests and hobbies are surprisingly similar.


  In Los Angeles in December, the temperature dropped sharply, and the snow in the sky has basically never stopped since it started falling.

  But unlike this cold weather, Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance's reaction in the Los Angeles comic market.

  Since the first episode ranked only eleventh in the voting on the comics, the second episode jumped to fourth, and the number of votes was as high as 14,000 votes.

  Since then, although there have been as many as 20 serialized comics on the comics, in fact, the results of most of the works can only be said to be tepid. In fact, the entire Cuttlefish Comics Club is watching the comics. Of four comics.

  The veteran author of the Cuttlefish Comics Club, Shen Xin's Devilland, Wang He's Tianshu.

  The secret girl of Dong Yun, the top cartoonist of the original wind fish who came to cuttlefish.

  And the newcomer cartoonist who has never appeared in front of everyone, only his editor Su Lu is responsible for contacting him, UU Reading Shui Xin.

  In the entire Los Angeles comics industry, Shui Xin and his work Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance are getting more and more famous, and the third chapter of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance opens a new chapter in Lost Cat.

  After the two amazing encounters in the second episode, in the third episode, the picture changed. The woman who met Jianxin in the rain fainted and was taken by Jianxin to the place where he lived.

  Jianxin also learned the woman's name.


  The plot that follows seems to be somewhat flat, just some of the daily life and memories of the characters Gui, Jianxin, and Xuedaiba in the comics, compared to the scene of the fight between Jianxin and the enemy in the rainy night and the meeting with Xuedaiba at the end. It's amazing, undoubtedly the degree of excitement has dropped a lot.

  This makes many readers who have been looking forward to it for a whole week also seem a little disappointed. Writing letters and comments on the website allows the author to work harder and draw more fighting scenes.

  But despite this, the number of votes in the third episode still rose sharply, from more than 14,000 votes in the previous issue to more than 19,000 votes in this issue.

  This surprised some people in Cuttlefish who thought that the second chapter of the work was just a short-lived achievement.

  Now, basically most people in the comics industry in Los Angeles already understand it.

  Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance is really a dark horse.

  It entered the comic market in Los Angeles at a thundering speed in this cold winter, and it became the top comic of the three major comic journals in Los Angeles with only three serializations.

  Moreover, although it is currently ranked fourth in the number of votes, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the popularity of this work is showing an upward trend. At least, the author Wang, who has now dropped to third place in ranking, Crane already felt the chrysanthemum cool...
