Dragon Star Award

  "Long Star Award..." Chu Yu thought for a while, and finally nodded.

  "I've heard that it seems to be a comic award contest held by the magic city."

  "What's wrong, why are you mentioning this?"

  "That's good, since you know how much this award is, then it's much easier for me to explain it." Su Lu said while eating.

  "The Dragon Star Award is an award initiated by the Seven Great Comics Clubs of the Magic Capital to select the outstanding cartoons of the Dragon Kingdom except for the Magic Capital region."

  "Selected once a year, the qualifications for entries are..."


  After a long while.

  "You mean I have...No, it's Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance who is eligible to participate in the selection of this award?"

  "Are you wrong?" Su Lu shook his head.

  "It is not eligible to participate, it is eligible to participate in the competition for this entry..."

  After Su Lu continued to explain, Chu Yu understood what she was going to say!

  Longguo has more than forty provinces with a total population of more than 1.6 billion. In this land, the comics industry is in its golden age, and there are countless large and small comic companies.

  But excluding the RB island area, looking at the land, the entire Dragon Kingdom, except for the seven major comic companies in the city, basically all the provinces' comics are only published in their own provinces. Very often, some provinces have excellent cartoonists. However, due to the influence of the platform, it is difficult for such cartoonists to become famous in the Dragon Kingdom.

  In order to prevent these outstanding cartoonists and their works from being buried, the seven major comic companies in the magic city invite influential comic works from various provinces to gather together to hold a comic award selection.

  This award is the Dragon Star Award selection!

  "In Los Angeles, there are three places for the competition, and the allocation of the places is controlled by the three major comic clubs in Los Angeles, one each for Fengyu, Cuttlefish and Dragon Tooth."

  "According to the usual practice in previous years, our cuttlefish's entry quotas were all obtained by Demon Realm, but this year's situation is different..." Su Lu said.

  "After the results of the popular vote in the previous issue, the entire Cuttlefish Comics Club used Shen Xin's Demon Realm, Dong Yun's Hidden Girl, Chu Yu, Your Rogue Sword Heart Remembrance, Wang He's Tianshu, and four works in the movie It can be regarded as a comic work of another dimension."

  "So this year regarding which works to participate in the selection of this award, today the editorial department held an afternoon meeting to discuss this matter..."

  "Tianshu will not talk about it. It hasn't surpassed the Demon Realm even once in three years, and its editors are in an indisputable state as in previous years..."

  "The point is that our Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, and Hidden Girl both show a strong upward momentum, so with the performance of Demon Realm this year, we can't convince the crowd."

  Chu Yu knew what he couldn't convince the crowd. It's probably just that Su Lu and Song Jiayu were not satisfied with each other.

  "So after the whole day of discussion today, Editor-in-Chief Pang also made a decision and discussed a result."

  "Now there is still one month before the Chinese New Year, and the deadline for submission of entries is also a year ago."

  "So the editor-in-chief Pang said, as for our three works, Demon Realm, Hidden Girl, and Remembrance of Rurouni Kenshin, this week will not be counted. In the next four weeks, which works will get the first popular vote result If there are many names, then choose which work to enter."

  Three works, four or four voting opportunities, that is to say, if a work can get the first place in three popular votes in the next month, then that work will definitely be eligible for this competition.

  Su Lu did not ask Chu Yu whether he would like to participate in the competition. Those who do not go to this kind of opportunity are fools.

  An opportunity to let his work go out of the province where he is, and let Quan Longguo comic fans notice his work,

As long as people still want to struggle in this industry, it is impossible not to seize this opportunity.  The next four weeks?

  Chu Yu nodded. It happened that in the next January, the third episode of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance was serialized. The plot of Xiaolishan was also the plot of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance that reached its climax.

  "Dragon Star Award..."

  Chu Yu let out a long breath.

  "By the way, Sister Su... have the results of today's popular vote come out?" Zhao Qinyin, who had been silent all the time, suddenly asked.

  "Come out." Su Lu nodded, she turned out the text message and handed the phone to the two of them.

  The ranking is still the same as the result published in Chapter 5 last week.

  First place, Demon Realm, with 38,944 votes.

  Second place, Hidden Girl, 38,113 votes.

  The third place, Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, 38,012 votes.


  Chu Yu's expression was also weird.

  The top three in this issue, while maintaining their rankings, all achieved an increase in the number of votes.

  But from the first to the third, the difference is not even a thousand votes.

  It can be said that the gap between these three works is completely negligible.

  Of course, compared to Chu Yu's calm and gentleness, Song Jiayu in the house at this time looked at the analysis report in front of him and found it difficult to calm down.

  On it, there are a series of statistics of three works, and a chart.

  Among them, Rurouni Kenshin's Remembrance Chapter's almost soaring trend chart made him always look dazzling.

  He didn't care too much about the work of Mo Jing.

  But what does Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance say about this work? From more than 4,000 votes in the first episode, more than 14,000 votes in the second episode, to more than 38,000 votes in the sixth episode...

  Every serialized issue, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has as few as five or six thousand voting fans, and as many as tens of thousands of fans.

  Who can stand this?

  If this work continues to rise like this in the next issue, it will break the record of popular vote of cuttlefish, and it will be the first work of cuttlefish whose popular vote exceeds 40,000.

  At that time, on the cuttlefish, who can compete with Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance?

  Who can compete with it to qualify for the Dragon Star Award?

  Thinking of this, Song Jiayu's heart was unresolved.

  Thinking that he came to Los Angeles to use his relationship and effort, he finally got Dong Yun to agree to cooperate with him. He couldn't think of how Su Lu, a person he had never placed in front of him before, found the water. A freak cartoonist like Xin.

  With one operation, he has now become his biggest enemy in Cuttlefish.

  Why is this woman so lucky?

  I think that my pursuit of Su Lu was ignored by him. The act of suppressing Su Lu was accompanied by the rise of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance. It is already a joke. Now, even her work ability has been compared with her!

  How is this plot so much different from what you imagined?

  Song Jiayu has always refused to admit defeat, let alone lose to Su Lu, a woman who dares to look down upon him!

  Water heart...

  It's all that guy.

  When that guy serialized Ye Zhiting, he should be decisive, press him to death, and don't give him serialization opportunities. In this way, there will be no works like Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance.

  Song Jiayu took a deep breath.

  But now it was too late to say anything. He could only believe that the hidden girl could maintain her momentum, and that her colleagues who surpassed the Demon Realm could still suppress Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance.
