
  The annual meeting was just an episode, and soon the weekend passed.

  This week, there are three major events for Chu Yu.

  First, it's the Chinese New Year this Sunday.

  Second, also this week, Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance is also confirmed to be submitted for the Dragon Star Awards.

  Third, the tenth painting of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, which is the story of Xiao Lishan, will be published soon.

  Beginning next week, the serialization of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance on the comic has officially entered the ending chapter.

  This work will be over in a little over a month.

  In any case, it is only a short-and-medium comic with fifteen issues serialized on the comic.

  And Su Lu, after noon on Monday, came to Chu Yu's house with Su Lu.

  "Chu Yu, are you happy! Your Dragon Star Award entry form has been emailed to the organizing committee. It is estimated that it will be approved tomorrow." Su Lu said with a smile.

  "Instead, even though I have already obtained the qualifications for this competition, how was this award selected?" Chu Yu asked.

  "You didn't even know this, and you said at the annual meeting that you want to win the Dragon Star Award first place?"

  Su Lu was speechless.

  "I... don't know much." Zhao Qinyin on the side also looked at Su Lu with curiosity.

  After all, this award was too far away from them before the serialization of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, and neither of them knew much about it.

  "Well then! In that case, I will introduce the rules for the award selection to the two of you." Su Lu is also free now, but also patient.

  "You also know that there are more than 40 provinces in the Dragon Kingdom!"

  "Basically every top comic company in the province will get one to several entries. The specific number depends on the strength of the comic club. For example, our Cuttlefish, as well as the other two comic companies in Los Angeles, Fengyu and Longya. It's a quota."

  "Anyway, there are almost 134 entries in total every year!"

  "The selection rules for this award are also very simple."

  "It is divided into two rounds!"

  "In the first round, more than one hundred works will be displayed on the official website of the Dragon Star Awards every year for fans of all provinces across the country to watch."

  "Of course, this is not the pirated version of Although it is temporarily published on the website, it must be charged."

  "Basically, this online publication period will be one month after the year."

  "Whether the work can break through in the first round depends purely on how much comics your work can attract during this period of time!"

  "Within this month, netizens who have registered an account on the official website can read the first three chapters of all the entries for free on this website. Later, if someone thinks a certain work is good and pays to watch it, then this work According to the rules, even if it automatically gets a vote."

  "After a month, the ten works with the most votes are considered as the first round breakout and enter the second round of selection..."

  When Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin heard this, they also doubted.

  "As long as someone spends money to watch it counts as a ticket, will there be any comics club that will get the ticket?"

  "Of course..." Su Lu nodded.

  "However, in order to avoid this situation in recent years, the Dragon Star Award Organizing Committee has imposed strict requirements on the registration information of the website account. The registration information is the same, and there are other restrictions. At least, the cost of fraud has been too high for the past two years. For the award-winning selection of a comic, it is not worth the loss.

  "Those ten works have entered the second round? Then how should they be selected?" Zhao Qinyin asked.

  "Of course, a good work must take into account both the commerciality and the quality of the work." Su Lu said.

  "The works selected in the first round at least prove its commercial nature, but it is indeed biased to judge the quality of a work solely on the support of readers.

  "After all, comics with bloody, curious, and side-scrolling elements can easily make people want to pay to watch. It is very possible that some comics are rich in these elements that lead to the top ten."

  "So in the second round, the judges will not be the audience..."

  "In the second round, the judges will be the comic companies that participated in the Dragon Star Awards."

  "For example, in the second round of selection, we cuttlefish will be able to vote for ten works that enter the second round and score one point."

  "Fengyu, Longya and they also have this right."

  "And the seven major comic companies of the Dragon Kingdom will also vote on the entries in the second round, and each vote will be scored."

  "In the first round of selection, the works with the most votes will automatically have 50 points in this round, the second place has 40 points, the third place has 30 points, the fourth place has 20 points, and the fifth place has 20 points. The tenth is very..."

  As Su Lu said, Chu Yu gradually understood.

  The final second round of selection is based on the scores automatically obtained by each work after entering the top ten in the first round, plus the votes of the comic clubs of the provinces of the whole dragon country, and the number of votes of the seven comic clubs of the magic city. Add them together to determine their respective rankings.

  And in the fifth week after the year, the comics clubs will end their voting.

  And it was the sixth week.

  The authors of the ten works that passed the first round of selection will go to Magic City to participate in the live results of the Dragon Star Award, and the whole process will be broadcast live on the Internet simultaneously. UU Reading

  Basically, the whole process is a voting process.

  The whole process lasts six weeks.

  In the first round of selection, netizens' payment behavior counts as one vote. In the second round of selection, professional practitioners from various comic studios selected ten works.

  No wonder this award is so influential.

  First of all, as long as you participate in the competition, your work can be circulated on the national website as a genuine copy for a period of time, which is equivalent to advertising your work in front of fans across the country.

  Secondly, as long as the work is selected for the second round, his work is equivalent to showing up in front of the professionals of various comic companies across the country.

  If you can get a place in the Dragon Star Award, then if any cartoonist wants to develop in the future, this is an innate advantage.

  After all, just by being able to achieve results in this award, it also shows that your work is not only commercial, but also recognized by most professionals.

  "So it's like this!" Chu Yu nodded.

  "More than a hundred works! I want to get the support of ordinary people in the first round, get the top ten results, and then get the favor of professionals from various comics clubs in the second round."

  "Indeed, it is not easy to reach the top of this award!"

  "What? A guilty conscience?" Su Lu looked at Chu Yu.

  "How is it possible?" Chu Yu said.

  "Even so, my goal remains the same, I still aim for the first."

  It's not that Chu Yu is so arrogant that Rurouni Jianxin Remembrance is invincible in the world.

  But Chu Yu is really just looking at whether he can get the system reward first.

  In terms of systemic urination, it is meaningless if it is not the first, and there is definitely no reward.