
  Li Xing continues to look down

  The work that reached the ninth place once again became the comic work of Qin Province.

  The comics in the lower rankings are the comics of various provinces, with various themes and irregular origins, and basically there are thousands of people who pay more, and hundreds of people who pay less.

  After a cursory glance, Li Xing is undoubtedly excited and proud now.

  Although these comics are only posted on the website for about two hours, for the time being, eight of the top ten works are comic works by Qin Province. As a native of Qin Province, Li Xing would have such emotions for granted. .

  And the reason why the top ten only occupies eight seats is only because there are only eight places for the Dragon Star Award of Qin Province...

  But it's no wonder that after all, Qin Province is the province with the largest population in the Long Kingdom. The population of the entire province is almost 130 million, which is almost three or four times the population of other ordinary provinces. Based on such a population base, the birthplace The strength of cartoonists and comic companies is the strongest province in the entire Dragon Kingdom, apart from Modu and RB.

  While comic companies in other provinces were still complacent about the sales of hundreds of thousands of their magazines, Qin Province had five comic periodicals that sold more than one million copies per week.

  This has also led to the selection of Dragon Star Awards over the years, which are basically the cartoons of Qin Province.

  After all, the quality of these comics in Qin Province is indeed excellent, and secondly, there are too many local comics.

  From the rules of the Dragon Star Award selection, it can be seen that the quality of the work is very important, but the popularity of the work itself and the number of fans are also very important.

  The former is the key to attracting fans from other provinces to pay for the work, and the latter, not to mention...

  Just like Blazing Feather, who is currently ranked number one, the number of paying users is almost 100,000, and at least 80,000 of them are loyal fans of the work itself to subscribe to show their support.

  In fact, the number of passersby readers, I am afraid that it is good to have ten thousand.

  But so what?

  As long as it is not maliciously swiping votes, such behavior by fans is within the scope of the rules.

  In such a populous province, people have won so many fans' love, can you not allow them to support them?

  With the support of many fans, the work of Blazing Feather has now been topped on the front page of the rankings. This situation has caused fans from other provinces who have entered the official website to see the first work that came in and saw Blazing. Feather.

  Under this prerequisite, the first work that these people will most likely click to read will be it, and with the quality of Blazing Feather, after these people click in, they will be attracted by it, so that the story after paying for reading is naturally a matter of course. .

  Therefore, although the Dragon Star Award selection is concerned, the passers-by of Quan Long Kingdom must be several orders of magnitude higher than the fans of a certain work. On the surface, fans of the work itself seem to be unable to determine whether the work can break through the first round of selection. The decisive influence.

  But in fact, if your work has had enough fan support in your province before, then at least, they can get you a Tianhu start.

  After all, the energy of comic fans is limited, more than a hundred works, whoever is so free will read them all, they are all looking at the top works of the list.

  You drew a stunning comic, but the initial ranking was at the bottom of more than 100 works. Was it useful? How many people are in the mood to browse to that location?

  The final result is that good works get better and better, and bad works get worse and worse.

  Thinking of this, Li Xing did not hesitate to pay for that few cents, and first subscribed to several comics in Qin Province of his own to support a wave of first.

  Anyway, the rule is that as long as there is a subscription behavior, it counts as one vote, and no matter how much content you subscribe to a comic, it counts as one vote.

  Of course, Li Xing, a native of Qin Province, had read these comics in the Qin Province competition, but this time he came to the official website of the Dragon Star Awards not to watch the comics that he had already read in his province.

  Take a deep breath.

  Li Xingdian opened the website's comic screening criteria page, and changed the screening criteria from the number of people who paid for the comics to...screening by the ratings of the works.

  Although it is only a small change in the selection criteria, in fact, the ranking of the works filtered by this criterion may be very different from the ranking of the works filtered by the previous criterion.

  The former, depending on the popularity of the work itself, the number of fans can intervene in the ranking to a certain extent, but the ranking of comic works listed according to the filter criteria of the work score is not worthy of the fans that come with the work.

  Because according to the Dragon Star Award selection rules, the registered id of the origin of comic works cannot be scored.

  For example, like Li Xing, a native of Qin Province, he can recharge and pay to watch Qin Province's comics. From a rule of thumb, his behavior is considered to be a vote for these works, but in fact, even if he did so. , He was also unable to rate Qin Province's participating comics.

  Because he needs to fill in relevant information when registering an account, and his mobile phone number, card number for recharging money and other information fully prove that he is a native of Qin Province, so in the column of Qin Province comic works, UU看书www .uukanshu. com He is immobile, so naturally he can't score.

  After all, if the people of the province can score the works of the province.

  Without exception, these people will definitely support their own works and give full marks to works from their provinces. Then such a rating of works is meaningless.

  It becomes a scoring.

  These are the experiences gained from holding the Dragon Star Awards for many years.

  Although the selection method of the Dragon Star Award is not absolutely fair, at least in this kind of place, the organizer still pays attention to details.

  So.... The rating of each work listed in the screening item of rating by work is basically the rating of fans outside the province where the work was serialized.

  They basically read this work for the first time. They have no subjective opinions. They just read a work from other provinces they haven't seen before. If they look good, they score high, and if they don't look good, they score low.

  It is very real and has reference significance, and it is also an important way for Li Xing to select excellent comic works from more than one hundred works.

  Soon, after waiting for a few seconds to refresh on the computer page, a list that was slightly different from the previous one appeared.

  In general, among the top ten works, five of Qin's eight works are in the top ten, and the remaining three works are also in the top twenty. This proves that even if the fan factor is ignored, Qin Sheng The quality of these entries is absolutely excellent.


  Li Xing took a look at the work named Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance with a score of 9.8.

  Take a look at the Qin Province popular masterpiece, Blazing Feather, ranked second on the list with a score of 9.0.

  What the hell is this?

