Chapter 75

  And Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin are different at this moment in ease.

  Up to now, it can be said that 80% of the authors of the comic works participating in the Dragon Star Award, as well as the many comic industry practitioners in the Dragon Kingdom, are not paying attention to meals, and they are paying attention to the number of fans on the Dragon Star Award participating official website. .

  By now, everyone has basically figured out one thing.

  That is the abnormal increase in the fan value of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance this afternoon. The reason is that it was the last two words of this work published in Los Angeles that day.

  Although these two words have not yet been uploaded to the Dragon Star Awards official website, they are just looking at the situation in the comment section of the Rurouni Jianxin Remembrance article being swiped by the fans of Los Angeles at this time.

  It seems.... The last two words of this work are of very high quality, otherwise it is impossible to cause such a big commotion and support from fans.

  In front of the computer, many relevant personnel stared at the fan value data.

  Even Zhao Qinyin can think that there will be a wave of fan value increase in the evening. How can they, who have been in the comics industry for many years, think of it?

  as predicted....

  Between 6 and 7 o'clock, the fan value of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance increased to 13 thousand.

  Thirteen thousand...

  This is almost three times the highest increase in the fan value of Blazing Feather hourly.

  Everyone who saw this data couldn't help but have a thought in their hearts.

  What kind of monster is this...?

  What is the plot of those last two episodes? Has attracted so many diving fans to run online to support?

  But they haven't even recovered from the shock brought by the 13 thousand data.

  The next hour, from seven to eight.

  The fan value of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance Chapter increased by 20,000.

  In the following time, the whole night basically maintained an hourly increase of more than 10,000.

  how can that be?

  Many people cannot understand.

  Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, the serialized periodical comics, sold 600,000 copies in total.

  These people are willing to support this work as early as the beginning of the Dragon Star Award selection.

  The rest is all diving parties.

  In what way did this work call so many diving parties to the Dragon Star Award official website to contribute fan value?

  Just rely on two comics to serialize together?

  Can't figure it out!


  Twelve o'clock at night.

  In the next minute, the last two words of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance will be uploaded on the official website of the Dragon Star Award.

  At this point...

  The number of fans of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance is as high as 990,000.

  Has left behind the original second-ranked battle spirit.

  At this time, everyone knows about the entire Dragon Star Award participating official website.

  This work will attack the first throne of Blazing Feather.



  Zhang Yun and his editor stood in front of the computer nervously, watching the real-time data.

  The abnormal increase in Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance on this day was too ridiculous.

  In one day, the fan value has grown from 800,000 to almost one million?

  And it's basically the fan value contributed by the id of Los Angeles? What is this concept?

  You know, the peak sales volume of this periodical during the Chinese New Year period was more than 600,000.

  Even if 80% of the people read the work of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, the total fan base is about 500,000.

  Except for those fans who supported Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance at the beginning of the Dragon Star Award selection?

  The increase of 200,000 fans is equivalent to the remaining 400,000 diving parties in one day, half of them decide not to dive?

  This is too exaggerated.

  Although Zhang Yun and the editor are joking and joking with each other on the surface,

But the anxiety in their eyes clearly betrayed them.  It's one past one on Saturday.

  The last two episodes of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance are uploaded simultaneously.

  Those fans from other provinces, cartoonists and practitioners from all provinces, who can't wait long ago, will be watching collectively tonight.

  Zhang Yun also read these two words for the first time.

  Soon, the comment area of ​​the entire Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance suddenly quieted down.

  After five minutes passed, a new comment appeared.

  "Tears, I couldn't hold back my tears. I finally knew the mood of the friends in Los Angeles yesterday. The scene where Jianxin and Xuedaiba hugged together really made my nose sore all of a sudden. Shuixin is old, why are you? Do you want to give them this ending?"

  But immediately, this comment was suppressed by more comments.

  The entire comment area of ​​Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance is filled with memorials, comments by Xuedaiba and comments by the author Shuixin.

  But after they vented their dissatisfaction with Xuedaiba's sacrifice in their hearts, they replaced it with a strong desire to support this work.

  Doesn't even support Kenshin and Xuedaiba? What other works are worth supporting in this Longxing Award selection?

  Is that the blazing feather that hangs at the top of the fan list?

  I've been upset about watching that comic a long time ago!

  History seems to be circulating. A scene that happened to Los Angeles Man fans more than ten hours ago happened to these Internet man fans again.

  But it is different from the fan base of Los Angeles Manying, which has hundreds of thousands of readers.

  At the moment, what is the total number of fans from all major provinces in the official website of the Dragon Star Awards?

  This amount cannot be estimated.

  Among them, many of them just came to support a wave of works from their own province and left, but there are also quite a few people who mingled among them during the time of the Dragon Star Award selection, looking for high-quality comics.

  From this moment on, these people suddenly discovered that a large group of people flooded into the comment area of ​​almost all the participating comic works.

  In the comment area, I spent a lot of words to introduce a work called Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance. I hope people who see the comment will come to support it.

  It's okay for one person to do this, but it's terrible for a group of people to do it.

  In a very short period of time, most of the works participating in the Dragon Star Awards were in the comment area by fans of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance.


  Zhang Yun and his editor looked away from the last words of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance.

  Was this the end?

  It's amazing!

  Zhang Yun's face was a little pale, even if it was a competitor's work, but he couldn't help but praise it in his heart.

  "It's not good, Zhang Yun, the official website of the Dragon Star Award contest is messed up. Fans of the Rurouni Jianxin Remembrance chapter voluntarily rushed to the comic commentary area to advertise. If this continues, the situation will not be good!" The editor is also a little excited.

  Both of them are very clear at this time, if things go on like this.

  At this time, the 300,000 fan value gap between the two works will probably be filled in less than a day.

  On the official website of the Dragon Star Awards, there are many people who only support one of their favorite works in the province, that is, iron fans, UU Reading, even if your works in other regions are beautiful, basically they will not vote Take a look of attention.

  But that's just a relative situation. If you stay on this website, no matter where you click into it? There are all kinds of recommendations, and comments that praise a certain work appear.

  Most of these people can't help but look at it with curiosity, but when they are curious...then with the quality of this work, it must have fallen out of ten.

  But nowadays, they have nothing to do. They can't do anything other than post Weibo to call on fans to support Blazing Feather.


  In the dim room.

  Tang Xin looked at the screen on the computer with some ruddy eyes.

  On the page, she was even more fascinated by the scene of Xuedaiba hugging Jianxin.

  Pull out a tissue and wipe away the tears from the corners of your eyes.

  Emotions linger in my heart.

  Moved, sad, cured, and depressed.

  But there is no doubt that in Tang Xin's view, this work is undoubtedly excellent.

  She took out her mobile phone.

  I clicked on my Weibo number!

  As a well-known cartoonist in the magic city, Weibo has attracted millions of attention.

  At this moment, as a fan of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, she just did what a normal fan should do.

  Finger operated on the phone and sent a comment!

  "I strongly recommend a manga, which is the entry for the Dragon Star Award, called Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance... It is a super touching healing work! I was crying warmly."