Chapter 77

  Many people can't sleep this night.

  Zhang Yun's home in Qin province.

  He and his editor were full of dried canned coffee in front of them.

  The expressions of the two were no longer as relaxed and happy as usual, and their faces were full of ugly and anxiety.

  What kind of monster is this work?

  Yesterday, the fan value rose by nearly 200,000 in one day, and the record for the increase in fan value in this single day has been increased by nearly three times.

  Today, it went up by 100,000 in two hours?

  Originally, it was only two days before the end of the first round of the Dragon Star Award. Before yesterday, watching the 400,000 fan value gap between Blazing Feather and Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, both of them thought that they would be stable.

  I even felt that this work must have collapsed, so that a plot like the painting of Xuedeba would come out.

  But in one day, this work slapped their faces and told them about the increase in fan value of 300,000 in 26 hours!

  The potential of this big is it!

  "Why? People like Tang Xin will help promote this work?"

  Zhang Yun couldn't figure it out.

  He felt a strong unfairness... but immediately, his thoughts gradually dissipated.



  The Dragon Star Award selection is inherently unfair. Blazing Feather's more than one million fans are worth at least three to four hundred thousand, and his own fans of Qin Province support him. Relying on these, he can take the lead in the initial selection. machine.

  Continue to occupy the top of the fan list, attracting many comic fans who only watch the rankings to watch this comic. This virtuous circle has created the number of fans of this work at this time of 1.28 million.

  In contrast, Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, due to the number of fans, only ranked 29th on the fan list on the first day of the selection.

  It is because of its quality that this work has attracted many fan fans from other provinces step by step, and even Tang Xin's love, and let these fans spontaneously advertise for its promotion.

  It has formed a situation that now poses a huge threat to it.

  Now, what reason does he have to say fairness!

  "Don't panic, we are still in the lead now, and we still have more than 180,000 fans in the lead..."

  The editor originally wanted to comfort Zhang Yun. After all, he was ahead of him for a full twenty-six days, but the experience of being overtaken at the last moment was really uncomfortable.

  But in the middle of speaking, the voice fell unconsciously.

  A lead of 180,000? What's the use?

  This work has gained 100,000 fans in two hours, 180,000? How long can it last?

  If this increase continues, will Blazing Feather be able to maintain its position as the first place until the sun rises tomorrow?

  The editor thought for a while, and for a while his mentality also fell.

  "Lost!" Zhang Yun sighed.

  He understands that the general trend is over, and the ranking is only a matter of time!

  Losing this sentence is not just talking about the first round of the Dragon Star Awards this time, even he has lost confidence in the final selection of the second round.

  In terms of the content, the depth of the work, and the plot of the story, he did not think that Fiery Feather was better than Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance.

  He even lost to this work in the first round of fan value popularity.

  When it comes to the second round of selection, it will be the voting for senior manga industry professionals from all provinces in Long Kingdom.

  Those people don't care about what works are fans or not fans. They only vote for the quality of the works.

  In this round, Zhang Yun is even less confident that he can surpass this work.

  After a long absence, he lighted a cigarette and smoked it. Zhang Yun coughed a few times.

  For a long time, because it was a popular cartoonist serialized in a large province like Qin Province, in the entire Dragon Kingdom, except for RB Island and the magic capital, the cartoonist Zhang Yun from the rest of the region was not at all concerned!

  But today,

Reality taught him a lesson...  And he remembered the name Shui Xin deeply in his heart!


  Luo Province, Chu Yu's house!

  Originally, I just went to Chu Yu's home to discuss this comic with Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu, who hadn't had a long time to discuss this comic, but also because of the abnormal data increase in Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance tonight, they didn't go home directly. His face was staring at the computer screen excitedly at the number of fans of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance.

  Almost every ten seconds, the two of them have to refresh the Dragon Star Award official website interface.

  What happened this night made both of them feel a little wandering in their brains.

  On Friday night, the support of fans in Naro Province was exaggerated. Five or six hours, the value of nearly 100,000 fans increased.

  But I didn't expect that after one point, two hours later, it was another increase in the value of one hundred thousand fans.

  Looking at it this way, Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance has a good chance of reaching the top in the first round of the Dragon Star Award on the first day after the end.

  If the second round is finally selected, Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance will also win the first place. This also means that this year, apart from the two regions of RB Island and the magic city, there are only a few comic works in the rest of the whole dragon kingdom The Remembrance of Ke Jianxin stands at its peak.

  This is not only the achievement of the two of them in the comic industry, but also the benchmark of the history of the comic industry in Los Angeles!

  For workers in the comic industry in Los Angeles, nothing is more meaningful than participating in the completion of such a work.

  And just as Zhang Yun has little confidence in the second round of selection, Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu are confident in the second round of selection of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance.


  The two looked at Chu Yu, who had fallen asleep on the sofa behind, and glanced at each other.

  It was true that the emperor was not in a hurry, the eunuch was in a hurry, and the master was asleep. On the contrary, it was two people, a comic assistant and a comic editor, and they refreshed the web page with excitement to read the data all night, and watched them for several hours!

  "Sister Su, when do you think we will be able to overtake Blazing Feather's ranking!" Zhao Qinyin asked in a low voice.

  "Maybe around the time of dawn! After all, the support of the fans in Los Angeles at night is basically about the same. The online fans on the official website of the Dragon Star Award competition website attracted spontaneous recommendations in the comic comment area. The flow of people will gradually decline."

  "Then the great cartoonist Tang Xin recommended Weibo for the work of Rurouni Jianxin Remembrance... After all, it was late when I posted this Weibo comment. Maybe many people were asleep. If I want to wake up early tomorrow morning, there will be a bunch of Tang Xin fans coming over to watch." Su Lu said.

  "So the next increase in fan value tonight should not be so exaggerated. It is estimated that it will not reach the rate of 100,000 votes in two hours..."

  "But it shouldn't be a problem to raise 170,000 votes in the next five hours."

  "It's just that, this kid, did you know Tang Xin? I haven't heard him say it!" Su Lu looked back at Chu Yu, who was sleeping on the sofa with his head covered, with a look of confusion.

  "A cartoonist of that level shouldn't recommend other people's comics to millions of fans only based on their interests! It's impossible not to know Chu Yu and Tang Xin!"

  "A genius girl cartoonist, and Chu Yu, a genius young cartoonist..." Su Lu looked thoughtful. UU reading

  Hearing this, Zhao Qinyin turned his head and stared at Chu Yu's sleeping face for a few moments, not knowing what he was thinking.

  "Sister Su, it's late, so you should rest earlier. For data or something, get up tomorrow morning and pay attention again!" Zhao Qinyin suggested.

  "No, I want to see the moment this work surpasses Blazing Feather. I won't sleep tonight." Su Lu shook his head.

  "You go to bed first!"

  "Then I will accompany you!" Zhao Qinyin heard the words.


  In the morning, a faint light appeared on the horizon.

  Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin, who hadn't slept all night, gradually became excited at this time.

  Even Chu Yu, who was asleep, was awakened by Su Lu slapped him on the back.

  "What's wrong? Early in the morning." Chu Yu sleepy eyes.

  "Come here quickly!" Zhao Qinyin shouted.

  Su Lu also hurriedly pulled Chu Yu over to the computer screen.

  At this time, the number of fans of Blazing Feather is more than 1.29 million and several hundred.

  The number of fans of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance is only two hundred less than it.

  After Chu Yu passed, Zhao Qinyin was silent for a few seconds, and then moved the mouse button on his hand.

  Refresh the page.

  this moment!

  In the first round of the Dragon Star Award, Blazing Feather has occupied the first place in fan value for twenty-six days.

  The number of fan value rankings has changed from one to two.

  At this time, the official website of the Dragon Star Awards will be included in the target fan value rankings.

  The title of the first-placed work quietly changed!

  If someone clicks on this website, the first work they see is this...Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance.