Chapter 82

  Chu Yu glanced at the various methods given on the website.

  Don't talk, kiss her, so she can't cry...

  Give her money and she won't cry...

  Drinking more hot water can cure crying...


  This is really a bunch of talents.

  What is even more outrageous is that I actually thought of searching the Internet for answers to these questions. It seems that I also have a problem with my thinking.

  Chu Yu looked away from the phone.

  Just when he was still having a headache, how to coax Su Lu.

  I saw that Su Lu actually opened the pork chop rice that Chu Yu brought to her under such circumstances...

  Three minutes later, he gobbled up the meal and drank the accompanying hot milk tea in one breath.

  Su Lu's whole person.... How do you say, he didn't cry anymore, the previous decadence disappeared, and the whole person became more energetic.

  Except for the tears on the corners of her eyes and the flowered makeup, she now looks the same as usual.

  Is this the end?

  Sure enough, the Internet is deceptive.

  If you believe it, you will be a fool!

  Chu Yu nodded.

  "What are you stupid about being there alone."

  Su Lu threw the garbage into the trash can on the side of the road, and looked at Chu Yu with a strange expression.

  "Uh, it's nothing, looking at you like this, it should be recovered!" Chu Yu said.

  Su Lu didn't answer immediately after hearing this, but instead looked carefully at Chu Yu.

  "You! There is no help in this life!" After a long time, Su Lu sighed.

  "As a gentleman, you don't know how to say two words of comfort when you see a female friend who is sad and sad?"

  "I really doubt how you can find a girlfriend in the future!"

  "For the time being, I haven't considered such a distant matter, and please don't scold me. I don't touch the words like gentleman at all!"

  It was not the first time that Chu Yu was teased like this by Su Lu.

  Hearing that, Chu Yu was relieved. Since he had the intention to tease him, it proved that Su Lu basically had no major problems.

  "Let's go, it's so cold here, are two people standing here in this kind of weather, are they stupid? And it just so happens that you are here, come with me to a place!" Su Lu looked at Chu Yu.

  Chu Yu was speechless for a while!

  Wasn't it true that you stood here at the beginning, and I will blow the cold wind here with you?

  "Okay, you have the final say on where to go, but Su Lu, your face...the makeup is out of order, are you sure you don't tidy it up?" Chu Yu said.

  What the hell?

  Su Lu quickly took out his small mirror and turned around.

  Soon, she stopped talking nonsense with Chu Yu, and ran to the canteen across the road by herself and bought two bottles of mineral water.

  "Help me, pour water on my hand..."

  Su Lu handed the water to Chu Yu, then held it in both hands.

  What is this for? Is it to remove makeup? Chu Yu looked puzzled.

  "What are you doing in a daze?" Su Lu said.

  Chu Yu stopped struggling, and did what Su Lu said!

  Su Lu first washes his face with water, then uses a paper towel to wipe the mirror carefully...

  After a few minutes, the makeup on her original face was basically invisible.

  Only a beautiful, clean face is left.

  Chu Yu was taken aback for a moment, and said directly.

  "This is different from what you imagined!"

  "The videos that are not circulated on the Internet are all the beautiful women who become passers-by after removing their makeup. Why you look more pleasing to the eye after removing your makeup than before!

  "Can't this lady be naturally beautiful?"

  "What if the company stipulates that there are requirements for makeup at work? Do you think I am willing to spend half an hour every day painting these makeup?

  "I get angry when I think of this.

This lady is not late every day. She went to work on weekdays and did not violate any of the company's regulations. I have been in this company for three years and finally made some achievements. They actually treated me like this today. "Su Lu said as he spoke, getting more and more angry, and kicked the wall next to him.  In the next second, Chu Yu could hear Su Lu's trembling inhalation sound.

  The scene was suddenly quiet.

  "Does it hurt?" Chu Yu asked.

  "It doesn't hurt!" Su Lu's tone was calm.

  "It doesn't hurt you to kick again..."

  "..." Su Lu.


  Su Lu walked alone in front, and Chu Yu followed behind.

  Soon, the two came to the parking lot under the Cuttlefish Company office building.

  "Are you going home?" Chu Yu asked.

  "No, it's only half past eight, what home? Didn't I ask you to accompany me to a place?" Su Lu opened the car door!

  By the way, while operating something on the phone, after that, the car starts...

  Half an hour later... A KTV in Ming City.

  Chu Yu looked at the beer and various snacks placed on the table...was lost in thought.

  Why is this set again? This guy comes to drink when he is happy, and also when he is unhappy.

  I'm still a student! Are you the flowers that destroy the future of your motherland like this?

  Su Lu, who was next to him, sang loudly, completely ignoring Chu Yu!

  After another half an hour, Zhao Qinyin knocked on the door and came in.

  After this, no one comes over again!

  "So, are the three of us in the end?" Su Lu, who sang for an hour, lost interest.

  "Obviously, I have already called out a dozen people in the comics agency on Weixin who I think the relationship is okay. I didn't expect Zhao Qinyin to come!"

  "It's all going to be tonight? What can you do! I knew that Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance entered the second round of the Dragon Star Award in the first place during the day, and they said that they would come to celebrate tonight. Now I got the news. Is everything going to happen?" Su Lu laughed at himself.

  "It's okay. I originally said that I wanted to get together with these people for the last time. If that's the case, the three of us are just right..."

  "Get together at the end? Su sister, what do you mean!" Zhao Qinyin said hesitatingly when he heard the words.

  "What else do you mean? Literally!" Su Lu said.

  "Look at your expression and the cause of the matter, you should know it! I longer the editor of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance." Su Lu looked at Zhao Qinyin.

  "Well, I heard from my friends. Although this news will not be officially announced in Cuttlefish until tomorrow, the gossip inside Cuttlefish is spreading everywhere! Everyone is spreading it, now you are close to Sister Su... Will be noticed by Song Jiayu...!" Zhao Qinyin said euphemistically.

  "But what Sister Su said literally...what exactly."

  "That's...I'm leaving my job, I'm going to scramble the cuttlefish, I won't do it, this lady! I don't want to see these disgusting guys again!"

  Su Lu and Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin have a good relationship on weekdays, and they don't hesitate to talk.

  When Su Lu spoke, Zhao Qinyin and Chu Yu were both silent.

  And the two didn't mean to persuade Su Lu.

  After all, what this company does is to let you go. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't go.

  Basically, it is impossible to be reused in cuttlefish.

  Not to mention that the possibility is very small, even if there are real opportunities in the future, and you encounter a work of the level of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, who knows whether things will continue to happen today.

  "Then what are your plans after you leave?" Chu Yu asked.

  "What are your plans?" Su Lu picked up a glass of beer and drank it all in one go.

  "Originally, when I went home during the Chinese New Year, the family was forced to marry me very much. Blind dates and other things annoyed me, but they were all blocked by me because I wanted to develop my career... Nothing, probably, back home."

  "You...are you not going to continue working in the comics industry?" Chu Yu's heart sank after hearing this.

  "Find a new company... from the beginning? Then wait another three years, waiting for a chance?" Su Lu smiled.

  "I don't think I can meet a second manga artist who is as talented as you. I ran out of luck today."

  "And... forget it, I can't play with these people, not as shameless as they are."

  "So be it!"

  Zhao Qinyin wanted to say something, but Chu Yu spoke first.

  "Su Lu, you want to leave your job, I don't advise you, but just like that, you are willing to give the credit to others, and you go away desperately?" Chu Yu frowned.

  "Then...what can I do?" Su Lu said helplessly.

  "I don't care about other people, but I can't be indifferent when cuttlefish does this... In that case, I don't feel happy. Isn't Song Jiayu just wanting to take advantage of the current achievements of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance? Without saying hello to me as the author, he gave me a notice without giving me any respect! In that case..."

  "I'm not as good as he wants."

  "What do you want to do?" Su Lu looked at Chu Yu upon hearing this.

  "Don't do anything stupid, such as exposing Song Jiayu's actions at the Dragon Star Awards ceremony."

  "If you want to think about the success of your comics business in the future, don't do it. UURead"

  "If you give the Dragon Star Award a scandal, you will definitely be boycotted by the Seven Cube Magic Capital! Such a nationwide comic selection award is extremely fancy for face matters. If anyone makes it lose face, it is basically I can't mix in this circle anymore!"

  "I appreciate your kindness, but so be it! The change of the comic editor will not affect you much, you don't need to spend a lot of time."

  "You think too much, I'm not interested in doing this kind of thing at the Dragon Star Awards ceremony." Chu Yu said.

  "I have seen the Dragon Star Award ceremony in previous years, and I have some understanding of its process, so my thoughts are more direct. Maybe, I have the opportunity to get back the results that originally belonged to you."

  "However, if you do that, it basically means that I and Su Lu have completely fallen out with the cuttlefish."

  "It doesn't matter what I said. Although I originally wanted to continue to serialize a comic in the next six months of the contract, but Song Jiayu and Cuttlefish's disrespect for my opinions also made me feel confused... , Just so, I will return to my profession in the next six months, so I should leave more time to prepare for the college entrance examination!"

  "And Su Lu, since you are not even afraid of resigning or leaving the industry, you don't have so many worries."

  "What on earth do you want to do?" Su Lu looked at Chu Yu.

  Zhao Qinyin was also puzzled.

  "Anyway, Su Lu, listen to me first, don't resign first, at least wait until the Dragon Star Award is presented before resigning."

  "Although it's not necessarily the case, there are always some opportunities."

  "It's just that the process is simple and straightforward, and a bit rougher!"