Chapter 92

  September is approaching, the new year's university start date.

  Chu Yu's departure did not cause any disturbances in Luo Province.

  In February, as a local cartoonist in Los Angeles, he won the Dragon Star Award, an influential award in the Dragon Country comics industry. Animation magazines throughout Los Angeles carried out a hot topic on this matter in January. Report.

  But after the end of that month, there was much less news about Shuixin in the entire Los Angeles comics industry.

  People who have some connections in the comics industry in Los Angeles may know why... Shui Xin and Cuttlefish fell out!

  The cuttlefish treats the water core in the cold through its influence.

  Many people who know the inside story can't help but sigh, feel that the price of the return of the water heart is too great...

  Give up the serialization of a Dragon Star Award winner's work to help an editor.

  Some people think that Shui Xin is loyal, and some people think that Shui Xin is stupid...

  But most people think that their fan Shui Xin teacher is resting and conceiving a new chapter in Rurouni Kenshin.

  But quietly, Chu Yu left the city where he had lived for eighteen years with his luggage alone, and came to the magical place full of legends...

  First of all, I rented a house near my school.

  Three bedrooms, one room for rest, one room for work, and one room for guest rooms.

  Seeing the rent of tens of thousands of dollars a year flowed to the landlord's aunt's account, Chu Yu's always calm expression showed a slight pain.

  Really expensive, this price!

  Chu Yu serialized the 15 episodes of Rurouni Jianxin Remembrance, and the total amount he received was only a little over 300,000 yuan. After all taxes were deducted, there was only more than 200,000 yuan left in his body.

  Coupled with the expenses of the past six months and paying the tuition, Chu Yu also killed the Demon City alone with almost 200,000 funds.

  Since the new serialization plan is to be launched in the magic city, living in the school dormitory is definitely not realistic, and after such a period of serialization experience in Luo Province, Chu Yu also understands that when he comes to the magic city, his comic team will be formed sooner or later. thing.

  One or two manga assistants must be hired, so although I live alone, I also rented a three-room house, which is also convenient for everyone to rest when it is not convenient.

  In general, although the meat hurts, the money still has to be spent.

  It took a day to tidy up the house and purchase some painting tools, chairs and benches, which was another expense.

  Looking at the balance of about 150,000 in the bank card, Chu Yu can only sigh, money is really easy to use!

  Lying on the bed, Chu Yu picked up the phone and flipped through the information!

  On Weixin, there are not many people who will contact Chu Yu, so there are only a few people from Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu.

  Coincidentally, Zhao Qinyin's university is the university in Tokyo, and Su Lu, who went to RB Tokyo alone, looked for a month's job, and finally found a decent job.

  In RB Tokyo, a medium and large comics company, continue to serve as a comic editor.

  Originally, RB's local comics industry has always been ignorant of the comics industry in the mainland of Dragon Kingdom. After all, when comics emerged at the beginning, RB has been in the forefront for 20 years and has promoted this theme overseas and has gained a high degree of influence. After gaining popularity, the mainland gradually followed suit.

  Therefore, the industry on the RB side has a kind of contempt and marginalization of their counterparts from mainland China.

  But Su Lu wore the hat of a Dragon Star Award-winning comic editor to find a job, and that meaning was different, at least such a contempt would not be possible!

  So finding a job is relatively easy, and the salary is also given by the senior manga editor in the local market!

  As soon as Zhao Qinyin went to Tokyo, he had a party with Su Lu!

  The two gathered at the RB tavern, and the photos they sent were full of sushi, and the barbecue or something made Chu Yu look hungry.

  In addition, some RB native men saw Zhao Qinyin's alcohol intake in the tavern, and they became excited about the competition. On the contrary, she drank five or six people.

  According to Su Lu's statement in the past few days, Zhao Qinyin is now famous for passing through that area.

  After all, that night, there were many people watching Zhao Qinyin's terrifying amount of alcohol in that tavern. It was really the amount that ordinary people could drink enough to drink, so she just drank it!

  Chu Yu looked at the news alone and was happy.

  The night of the Dragon Star Award was like yesterday!

  But after studying it carefully, more than half a year has passed.

  Chu Yu hasn't drawn a cartoon for more than half a year!

  By the way, comics!

  Thinking of this, Chu Yu sat up from the bed.

  After half a year, consciousness immersed in the system space.

  As soon as he entered it, Chu Yu could feel that he had worked so hard in Los Angeles for so long, and the B-level lottery opportunities and the S-level lottery opportunities he won were calling him.

  For the past six months, Chu Yu has been busy with the college entrance examination, anyway, it is impossible to continue serializing works in Cuttlefish, so Chu Yu ignored these two lottery qualifications.

  But today, the house is also rented, and it is only a week before school starts. Anyway, these two draw qualifications should be used first!

  "System, use the B-level lucky draw opportunity!"

  "The host is sure to use the B-level lottery chance?"


  After getting Chu Yu's affirmation, the familiar lottery draw started!

  The cursor is flashing on a work, the difference is that the works with the cursor flashing and staying are all works rated as B by the system!

  After half a minute, the cursor freezes on a work!

  "Congratulations to the host, for extracting top grade B works...unheard of the name!"

  Unheard of flower names? What is this inexplicable name?

  Chu Yu's heart jumped at the beginning, thinking that he was pitted by the system, but immediately, Chu Yu reacted.

  Top Class B.....

  The focus is on the top two characters. As expected, works of the same level are also distinguished by the system.

  But at this time, Chu Yu didn't even bother to watch this comic in this space. After all, he still had an S-level lottery chance that he didn't use.

  "System, use S-level lucky draw opportunity!"

  "The host is sure?"


  The lottery cursor that stopped just now starts to jump again, but this time, the number of works that the cursor stays on is less than before.

  In any case, the S-level works are not the stuff of bad streets. There is such a quantity, thanks to the credit of the excellent comic creators in the parallel world!

  Soon, the system cursor finally stopped. UU reading

  "Congratulations to the host, for extracting an S-rated work... Natsume's friend's account!"

  This time, there is no prefix in front of the S-level, which means I got a relatively common S-level work in the system's view!

  Chu Yu sighed lightly.

  Sure enough, it is not so easy to get a comic that will last a lifetime like the Dead Fire Sea.

  However, I haven't heard of Hanami and Natsume's Friends Book...

  Why are the names of these two works stranger than the other, don't pit them systematically!

  Chu Yu was bored anyway, so he immediately started to read the two comics in the system.