Chapter 104

  "One hundred and eighty thousand! This is our lowest bottom line!"

  Li Xi was not shaken by Huang Ming's words, but now her offer has dropped by more than three hundred thousand.

  It was only 20,000 lower than Huang Ming's real psychological price of 1.1 million.

  This woman? Could it be the roundworm in my stomach?

  Huang Ming felt very aggrieved. It was only a momentary loss of state that the woman immediately estimated her psychological bottom line, and gave him a price of 20,000 yuan to comfort him.

  "Deal!" Huang Ming said directly,

  Li Xi looked at Chu Yu and motioned for him to express his attitude.

  "Uh, I understand, no problem!" Chu Yu was completely trapped.

  With just a few words from the two, the price was more than 300,000 yuan higher, which is higher than all the benefits of Chu Yu's serialized Rurouni Jianxin Remembrance in Luo Province!

  Without Li Xi, Chu Yu himself would definitely bargain, but it is estimated that he would be satisfied if he could rise to 800,000.

  After all, it's just an unheard-of-famous animation adaptation right, and Chu Yu is satisfied with the benefits.

  Compared with the economic benefits brought by the animation of this work, the fame and world benefits brought by the animation of a work are what Chu Yu is interested in.

  For comic works, the direct benefits of animation are often not high, but animation can drive the sales of comics soaring. This is the biggest source of revenue for the animation of cartoonists' works.

  But this is the question of whether the chicken comes first or the egg comes first.

  Judging from the current situation of Chu Yu, it is impossible to serialize the Unheard Flower Name in a journal of the level of Shuiyuan.

  The work of Unheard Flower Name may be serialized in other journals and gain some popularity, but it is indeed difficult to achieve the standard of animation.

  Rather than that, Chuyu might as well let this work directly take advantage of this opportunity to animate, and when the popularity of this work is soaring, he can think of ways to draw comics and issue pamphlets or something.

  Therefore, Chu Yu is not very fancy about the copyright income of animation.

  As long as it conforms to the market conditions.

  "I agree with the price set by your company!" Chu Yu said solemnly.

  Just as this project was born casually, the animation of Unheard Flower Name's work was also settled in a few words with three direct and straightforward people sitting in this small office.

  There is no such thing as the first meeting, the second meeting, and the final discussion.

  After printing out the contract, Chu Yu looked at the contract and signed it directly.

  This also means.

  In the next four months, the animation of the unknown flower name was officially put on the agenda. In February next year, the first animated work in Chu Yu's life will be broadcast soon.

  "Congratulations to the host, officially animating the Unheard Flower Name on this plane. Special rewards for the host's original earth plane Unheard Flower Name top ed "secretbase~all you gave me~", and the system space to unlock Unheard Flower Name Earth Right to watch the original plane animation!"

  "What the hell is this?" Chu Yu was stunned when he heard the words.

  At the same time, a stream of information flooded in.

  The consciousness was lost first, and then awake. At this time, Chu Yu realized that there was information about the work of Unheard Flower Name...

  It turns out that this work is an animation work at all on the plane of the earth .   It's just being changed by the magic of the system, and it's a lot of trouble!   It happened that Chu Yu also animated this work on the plane of the Dragon Kingdom, which triggered the hidden conditions of the system. Therefore, in order to make this work better spread on the plane of the Dragon Kingdom, the system specially gifted the original animation to everyone. The god of praise ed to Chu Yu.   As for whether Chu Yu uses it or not, whether he has the ability to restore this ed to the unheard animation of this world, that is not what the system can consider.   Chu Yu's stupefaction was only a brief moment in the eyes of Huang Ming and Li Xi.   But Chu Yu's mood changed quickly, and neither of them realized what was wrong with Chu Yu.

  "Since the contract has been signed, it means that I have formally established a cooperative relationship with Jiuxing!"

  "But for Producer Huang, I have a proposal..."

  "Proposal?" Huang Ming was stunned.

  "What proposal?"

  Li Xi also looked at Chu Yu.

  "Just I have a friend who is very talented in music..." Chu Yu began to make up.

  "He has a song that I think is very suitable as an unheard animation ed.... In this regard, I would like to recommend my friend's work to the producer of Huang Da..."

  joking After systematic information transmission, Chu Yu also understood how much publicity the earth plane "secretbase~all you give me~" brought to this work, it can be called a god-level ed insertion model.

  Since the system gave him this song directly, how could Chu Yu not use it? Of course you have to fight for it.

  "Your friend?" Huang Ming looked at Chu Yu.

  "That friend you are talking about is not yourself!"

  "Cough cough cough!" Although Chu Yu coughed a few times, his expression remained unchanged.

  "How is that possible?"

  "That's good!" Huang Ming nodded.

  Huang Ming was afraid that Chu Yu would let himself go, and he would come up with a rubbish song by himself, and he would be embarrassed at that time to choose this song.

  "In that case, you can add my Weixin, and you can directly send the song or score of your friend's song to my Weixin! But I can't guarantee that you can use your friend's song eventually. When we are collecting songs, we at Jiuxing will screen them fairly and justly!"

  "Well, I understand!" Chu Yu could understand when he heard the words.

  But as long as there is a chance, Chu Yu also believes that it will be sooner or later that this ed will continue to be used by Jiuxing in the work Unheard of Flowers.

  With only four months left, could it be that Jiuxing could collect more suitable songs?

  On the surface, a negotiation is more cumbersome, but in fact it didn't take much time.

  After the three of them sat down and chatted for a few words, Huang Ming sent them away from Xuangui.

  "More than one million!"

  No matter how insensitive to money, Chu Yu is now a little dizzy.

  Within a day, Chu Yu earned millions of Dragon State Coins in this way.

  Of course, the money has not yet arrived. After everything is ready, the money will be sent directly to his account!

  "Okay, now it's over." Li Xi said while driving the car.

  "There is a problem about the work of Unheard Flower Name, and it has been solved very quickly."

  "Your main task now should also be placed on the account of Natsume's friends."

  "Although it will be three weeks later. It's the deadline for the fourth episode of Natsume's Friends Account, but to create such a work, you'd better draw a few more manuscripts in advance to deal with manga selection and stoppages during the period of exhaustion of inspiration."

  "Exhaustion of inspiration?" Chu Yu Looking at Li Xi, he said very directly.

  "You can rest assured that there is a comic about Natsume's account of friends. I have drawn a plot of about ten chapters."

  "There is no such thing as exhaustion of spirits!"

  "Ten words?" Li Xi frowned. .

  "Anyway, Natsume's Friends' Account is serialized on Shuiyuan. You should still polish the relevant plots. After you decide to publish Natsume's Friends' Account for a few days, you have drawn so many name drafts?"

  Chu Yu Seeing Li Xi's expression, he immediately understood what Li Xi was thinking, worried that he was too chasing for speed and sacrificing quality.

  "Um, don't worry about the quality of related works, Li Xi. The 20-character name manuscripts that have not been heard of are also drawn in two weeks."

  "If you are not worried about the quality of the follow-up plot of Natsume's Friends Account, you can go to my house. , I will show you the drawn name draft!"

  "This kind of thing is certain!" Li Xi frowned.

  "There is no need to pick another time, anyway, I have to send you back, this kind of thing will be solved by the way!"


  Chu Yu's family.

  Li Xi read the name draft of Natsume's Friends Account in front of him, and said nothing.

  Nothing to fault!

  She can't fault it at all.

  But because of this, she was speechless.

  In the first two weeks, Chu Yu was trying his best to draw nearly twenty-character manuscripts of unheard of names, and this week, it was another manuscript of ten characters of Natsume's Friends Book.

  And the quality of both works is so high.

  Is this something that humans can do?

  Li Xi remembered Su Lu's evaluation of Chu Yu.

  "A person who

  thinks that the plot is as simple as eating and drinking water." "I have never seen him when his inspiration dries up!"

  There is nothing wrong with it.

  And at this time, Li Xi remembered another lazy cartoonist under his own. Don't talk about the name manuscript of ten words a week, sometimes the plot of one story can't be dealt with. Usually, he draws some transitional plots and plots that week. The funny plot is mixed.

  Suddenly, Li Xi felt his powerlessness as a comic editor at this time.

  When you meet Chu Yu, you don't need to discuss the plot with him, you don't need to urge him to catch up with comics, and you don't need to worry that he will have people who are not inspired enough.

  The only purpose of her existence is to come to receive articles every week.

  This is too unfulfilling!

  Shaking his head, Li Xi stopped thinking about this.

  "Very good, just follow these plots!"

  "Next, I will wait a few weeks for the response after the serialization of Natsume's Friends Account One and Two."

  "After all, the subject matter of this work is novel, and no one can tell what the grades are. It is enough for you to conceive the name of these ten words for the time being."

  "If the market response is not good enough then, maybe You have to overthrow all these name manuscripts and change the plot based on the market response."

  Chu Yu nodded, but he simply ignored any changes to the plot.

  Indeed, in different time and space, Natsume's Friends Account also has an extremely small possibility of being unaccustomed.

  But in that case, he couldn't change the plot or something.

  Of course, what Li Xi said is that although I dare not say that this novel theme work will be popular, after all, there is no case before, and I don't know whether readers like this style, but the possibility of it is unlikely.

  In this way, the main purpose is to put pressure on Chu Yu and let him not be too careless.

  After all, the world of Modu comics is very cruel. If you can't grasp an opportunity, you may never meet someone else in your life to give you this opportunity again.

  Such cases are countless in the world of Modu comics.

  Inside Xuangui, those cartoonists who had serialized comics on Shuiyuan but were cut down, basically want to be on the stage of Shuiyuan again in the future. The possibility is too small, not many people would be willing to give Opportunity for losers.
