Chapter 122

"How is it? Didn't any of the previous lines fit the voice of Yaizi in your heart, Teacher Shuixin?" Gu Yan said.

"The voices you spoke before... are a little worse!" Chu Yu said.

"Don't you remember? Just when you auditioned today, the two sentences you said at the beginning fit very well."

"The first two sentences from today's audition..." Gu Yan thought about it.

It is that I have not forgotten the two sentences before the line.

No wonder Mr. Shui Xin asked Producer Huang to put me in the interview because of those two sentences?

Think about the state in which you auditioned.

And he seemed a little nervous at the time, his voice must have been distorted.

I recalled it for nearly two minutes.

"Is that the sound?" Gu Yan raised his head.

Chu Yu's eyes twitched.


In addition to Gu Yan's voice just now speaking in Long Guoyu, Chu Yu's voice gave Chu Yu the feeling that she was dubbed by Mei Zi in the unheard of in the parallel world.

That is, something is still missing.

"Uh, the voice is a little more lively..." Chu Yu thought for a long time.

More lively?

"Just say that you speak like a child!" Chu Yu said.

Yazi in the unheard of the name, she was a little girl when she died, even if she stayed next to the protagonist as a spirit body, she still acted like a child.

It's just that the audition script that Gu Yan got is only a brief introduction to the character of Yayizi. The complete script will definitely not be given to them like this, otherwise, what should I do if it is leaked?

So Gu Yan didn't know the character of the person Yaizi in the script.

In the case of dubbing, most of the time it is done by itself.

But... Chu Yu mentioned a few words, and Gu Yan understood what Chu Yu meant.

"Ms. Shuixin, is this the case?" A lively, pure Lori voice sounded.

"Yeah!" Chu Yu was taken aback.

This fits well!

"It turns out that Ye Zi's voice in Teacher Shui Xin's mind is like this!" Gu Yan thoughtfully.

"When you just said those words, didn't your voice and line skills be very good? Why did you behave like that during the audition today?" Chu Yu was a little confused.

"I'm nervous!" Gu Yan said.

"As soon as you enter the house, some well-known animators who were only seen on the news before are right in front of you."

"Furthermore, because I am more concerned about this opportunity, the pressure seems to be a bit greater, so I just..."

"But next time I retest, it won't be that way!"

"That's it!" Chu Yu could understand.

For Chu Yu, his career was too smooth, and the people he came in contact with were people at the level of Li Xi or Huang Ming, which really didn't touch him.

But for most ordinary people, Li Xi and Huang Ming are already well-known people in their respective industries. Ordinary ordinary people in the industry will indeed feel nervous when they see them.

But at this moment, Chu Yu reacted immediately.

Why did he chat with her for a long time, how was he alert at the beginning?

I didn't give Gu Yan through the back door, but was this trying to run her off?

Shaking his head, Chu Yu no longer thinks about this question.

Anyway, if Gu Yan can use this voice to dub the voice when the time comes for the re-examination, Chu Yu feels that the dubbing person of Ya Yizi, she will be inseparable.

Of course... the premise is that she did not make such a big mistake tonight during the re-examination.

For a time, Chu Yu didn't want to say more.

Gu Yan, who was opposite Chu Yu, wanted to be close to Chu Yu, but he was afraid that Chu Yu would be annoyed by her.

After half an hour, the rain stopped... Chu Yu drank the untouched coffee in front of him. After all, it was not cheap, so it's better not to waste it.


Bill, please! ""Well, hello, sir, this lady has already checked out the consumption of your table!"

"Checked out?"

Chu Yu looked at Gu Yan.

"I will transfer the money to you!"

"No, Mr. Shuixin.... Today you helped me speak nicely in front of Producer Huang, and you also gave me instructions on how to dub the role of Meizi. It's just a cup of coffee, just as my treat... ....." Gu Yan waved his hand again and again.

Hearing this, Chu Yu thought for a few seconds without being hypocritical.


"The rain has stopped, I am going to take a taxi back! Do you want to go together?"

Chu Yu didn't want to talk to Gu Yan about this amount of money, but it was really sad to ask the girls to treat him, so Chu Yu also made up for it elsewhere.

"Together?" Gu Yan looked at Chu Yu suspiciously.

"You said that during the audition before! You are majoring in broadcasting and hosting at Modu Communication University." Chu Yu said.

"It just so happens that I'm your next-door neighbor...a student of Modu Modern Art University!"

Many universities in the Magic City are grouped together to form a university town. If Gu Yan is going to go back to school, then Chu Yu thinks the two should go along.

His rental house is only five minutes away from the school he attends.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether the other party is willing to be with him.

"Are you from Modu Modern Art University?" Gu Yan's eyes widened.

She didn't expect this at all.

When searching for information on the water center on the Internet, there was no similar news on the Internet.

Moreover, this guy in front of him is drawing comics and going to school. Will he still have time to be a judge for the audition?

"Teacher Shuixin, take the liberty to ask...Which major are you in?"

"Animation production, what's the matter?" Chu Yu didn't hide it either.

"Animation...Professional production?" Gu Yan looked strange.

A cartoonist with a reputation in Longguo went to study animation production.

Moreover, it happens to be an animation production major at the Magic City University of Modern Art...

"Then Teacher Shuixin, is there someone named Gu Yun in your class?"

"I don't know. Although the school has been around for so long, I basically draw cartoons on weekdays, and I don't know many people in the class." Chu Yu said.

He knows no more than ten people in the class.

The squad leader, study committee members, class leaders, and the three who belong to his roommates although he does not live on campus.

"What's wrong? What did you mention this for?" Chu Yu asked.

"It's nothing...just Gu Yun...she is my cousin, she is also a freshman who is studying animation production at the Magic University of Modern Art, and is enrolled this year."

"Oh, that's it! That might indeed be my classmate! The animation production major is in every grade in our school."

Chu Yu nodded.

"Demon Capital is very big, but sometimes it is really small!" Chu Yu sighed.

"Of course, even so, I wouldn't think that your cousin may be my classmate, UU reading will give you the back door in the retest next week!"

"..." Gu Yan.

"I'm going back, how do you think about what you said before, do you want to go back together?"

Chu Yu asked her, after all, they met in Pingshui and drank a cup of coffee.

" problem!" Gu Yan thought for a while, and didn't think that a person like Chu Yu, who was well-known in the whole Dragon Kingdom would do anything dangerous to her.

It just so happens that you can ask Chu Yu some more questions about the role of Mei Zi in the car.


An hour later, a taxi drove to the vicinity of the house where Chu Yu was renting.

Chu Yu got off the car first and said to the taxi master.

"Master, I will pay for the money with my mobile phone. You send her to the entrance of the Media University in front of you!"

"Shui Xin... Teacher, how can this work, I will transfer the money to you." Gu Yan said.

Chu Yu responded to her words.

"Since your sister is likely to be my classmate, you can just call me by name. Otherwise, the name will be completely messed up. To be honest, the word teacher sounds awkward...My name Call Chu Yu, you can just call me Chu Yu when you meet in the future."

"As for the car money, if you have to transfer it to me, I will also transfer the coffee money to you!"

"That's it! I'll take the re-examination next week, and I should still be a judge at that time. See you then!"

After speaking, Chu Yu walked directly to his rental office.

The driver also drove Gu Yan along the avenue for hundreds of meters before arriving at the gate of Gu Yan's school.

"Shui Xin...Chu Yu!" After getting out of the car, Gu Yan recited the two names silently in his heart, and soon the figure walked into his school.
