Chapter 124

"Serialize two works at the same time?"

"Double open?"

Li Xi came to receive the manuscript today. She originally praised Chu Yu for her high efficiency, but when she heard that, she still frowned.

"Why? Have such thoughts?"

"Why?" Chu Yu was stunned when he heard the words.

"I feel that after having two assistants, a lot of time is spared, and I feel that it is too wasteful not to use it..."

"Then have you ever thought that if you do this, your daily time will be squeezed by comic creation again, what about you then?"

"Moreover, if this affects the quality of Natsume's friends account, it will be more than worth the loss!"

"In the comics world, if you create ten and eighty-point works, it may not be as good as creating a ninety-point work. You are still young and you have done your best to complete Natsume's work. The time should be spent on other things instead of focusing on the comics!"

"Other things?" Chu Yu was stunned.

"Do you have no other hobbies besides going to class and drawing comics?" Li Xi sighed.

"There are still games!"

"But it's been a break in the past two days, and I'm a little bit wanting to quit the game. I feel that it's better to draw comics if you play too much."

"Serialize one more comic, you can make money, and pass the time..."

Li Xi and Lin Fan and He Sheng sitting beside them all had expressions of confusion.

Is this why you are a cartoonist?

When playing games is boring, come to draw comics to pass the time?

Then he created two works like Natsume's Friends Book and Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance?

But they did guess that it basically fits the situation.

It's just that Chu Yu drew comics to spread these comics and see more comics in different dimensions.

But now, this matter has become his life profession.

"You..." Li Xi didn't know what to say.

After thinking about it, Li Xi said.

"Then if you have such an idea, as your editor, I naturally respect your opinion."

"Then you want to serialize two works at the same time, what about the concept of related works? Where are you conceiving now?" Li Xi still opposes this, but she still has to ask about the relevant situation.

"Concept? Not at all?" Chu Yu said.

If you want to serialize other works, Chu Yu will either draw a lottery, exchange it with world points, or get system rewards.

The world points that Chu Yu currently has are barely enough for him to directly redeem a top grade B work or some general grade A grade work.

The exchange prices of these two types of works are similar, but the price is linked to the length, popularity, and influence of the works themselves.

"But if you really plan to serialize two works at the same time, there will be." Chu Yu also had difficulty explaining this to Li Xi, so he could only say that.

Because Chu Yu wanted to serialize two works at the same time, it was not what he wanted to do, and there was a serialization vacancy in Xuangui Comics.

Li Xi agreed, and then Xuangui's editor-in-chief and senior executives all agreed.

Chu Yu didn't have to do it now, but it was necessary to first put forward such an idea and explore Li Xi's mouth.

Otherwise, just the pile of works in the system space, how many copies can Chu Yu bring out in one word a week?

Then... there will be!

Can you be more casual with this attitude?

Upon hearing this, Li Xi and Lin Fan wanted to violently beat Chu Yu in front of them.

"Okay, stop this topic." Li Xi said.

"Let's talk about it after you have conceived a work that you feel is no worse than Natsume's friend's account!"

Li Xi began to compile the manuscripts of Natsume's Friends Account for Chapter 7 and Chapter 8.

She sighed.

Chu Yu added two manga assistants and submitted to her three manga manuscripts within two weeks. Compared with Tang Xin, four assistants helped her. She also delayed the manuscript at any time.

These two people are considered to be the best performers in Li Xi's many cartoon families.

It's just a comparison.... The difference is big.

There is a play!

As soon as Chu Yu heard the words, he knew what Li Xi meant.

If you have the ability to produce two works of Natsume's Friends Account, then I will have a way to serialize both of your works in the Water Edge Journal at the same time.

Otherwise, serialize the account of Natsume's friends!

"Understand!" Chu Yu nodded.

"Well, by the way, I want to ask you!"

"There is something about unheard of flowers, how is it going?" Li Xi asked.

"It's okay!" Chu Yu said.

"During this time, I was mainly looking for voice actors and anime songs. At the same time, animation production was also going on at the same time. According to Huang Ming, there was not enough time to gather people. They seemed to value Unheard's name relatively.... .. I'm not ready to make a masterpiece of collapse!"

"That's fine." Li Xi said.

"It's not in vain that I worked hard to connect you and Jiuxing. If you don't hear that the popularity of Huaming Animation is soaring after the broadcast, then undoubtedly many animation fans will turn into your manga fan. At that time, the popularity of Natsume's manga will also Will increase dramatically."

"Moreover, when the name of the flower is not heard in February next year, Natsume's Friends Account should have been serialized to more than a dozen words. Judging from the popularity of this work, the single book will also be released at that time."

"Maybe there will be surprises then."

"And... Although it's a bit early now, maybe Natsume's Friends Account will have the opportunity to be animated."

"Anyway, the animation company that cooperates most with our comics club is basically Jiuxing. It doesn't hurt if you have a good relationship with Huang Ming."

Li Xi said lightly, but Chu Yu's eyes moved slightly.

"Are you planning these things when I came to you with two works?" Chu Yu couldn't help asking.

"How is it possible?" Li Xi smiled.

"I just plan these works with the mentality that every cartoonist under me holds that his works might become a hit work."

"There are some things that I had thoughts about at the beginning, but for many things, I can only take one step at a time."

"After all, with the current situation, the most important thing is your strength."

Li Xi didn't stay long after he finished speaking, and left after drinking a cup of tea.


A few more days passed.

There is a re-examination for the role of Meako Honma.

Still the few judges.

But there were only six people waiting for the audition outside the room.

None of the six people have a relaxed expression.

Now that they have come to this moment, it also means that they have the opportunity to be selected as the voice actor of Yaizi.

Although I still haven't read the unfamiliar script in its entirety, judging from the investment of Jiuxing in this animation, no matter whether this work will become popular in the end, the attention will certainly not be low.

So even for them, this is a rare opportunity.

"Deng Xi, please come in."


"Lu Ying, please come in."


The expressions of several people in the room were very relaxed today. For these people's auditions, one hour faster, and two hours slower, so their atmosphere today is much more active than last week.

After a week of those who entered the re-examination, almost everyone's audition effect has improved compared with last week. This is quite satisfactory to Huang Ming and the others.

For Huang Ming, he felt that the best effect was undoubtedly Qiu Xiao, who came in for the fourth audition. His voice was soft and had many similarities with the voice of Yayizi he imagined.

But when he was the last one, Huang Ming also cheered up.

"Gu Yan..."

Originally, judging from Gu Yan's performance last week, her re-examination would definitely not be as good as hers.

It's just that Huang Ming has worked as an animator for so many years. One of his valuable experiences is that no matter what theme you use to change the animation, it is best to respect the opinions of the original author.

In the past, Jiuxing had many similar examples. After the original author pointed out the problem, he didn't listen to it and changed it. In the end, it turned out that those places were the places where anime fans complained the most.

For this reason, Huang Ming thought twice last week and put Gu Yan, who Chu Yu felt that the voice was the most suitable for Yayizi, into the retest list.

However, if Gu Yan still behaves like last week... then Huang Ming can only apologize to Chu Yu.

At that time, please invite Chu Yu to have a drink at the bar to apologize.


The new audition script, that is, the plot of Meizi and the male lead Renta by the river.

As soon as Gu Yan came in, his expression began to freeze slightly, his complexion a little stiff, and it was very unnatural when he looked at Huang Ming and the others.

But she also understood that such a state must be overcome.

Therefore, although it was a bit rude to Huang Ming and others, Gu Yan stared directly at Chu Yu.

After all, among the people present, she has been in contact with Chu Yu a little bit. If you can ignore that other people are just staring at Chu Yu, then there is basically no pressure on her.

Taking a deep breath, Gu Yan spoke.

There was a crying voice.


"I definitely don't want Ren to be too dead..."

"What's that? Don't you also die?" Assistant Huang Ming, who temporarily said the lines of the male lead, Rentai, said at the right time, but it was just a simple line, which was very playful.

However, this kind of thing can't affect Huang Ming and others. As soon as Gu Yan spoke, Huang Ming and others' expressions changed a little.

This sound...

It feels really good.

Gu Yan continued.

"Ah, really."

"Yizi is really weird. UU read" Huang Ming's assistant said.

"People who say that others are strange..."

This tone sounds like a child is acting coquettishly and angry, but Huang Ming thinks carefully, wasn't Ya Yizi just a little girl when she died?

The voices of those who came in for the audition before did not bring him such feelings.

Because the bud of the spirit body actually looks like an adult.

Without Gu Yan, their auditions would be fine.

But nowadays, a comparison... seems to be true. Gu Yan's dubbing is very entertaining and does not violate the harmony at all.


A few minutes later, Gu Yan bowed and left the audition room.

Cold sweat came out of her back.

This week Gu Yan has been practicing according to what Chu Yu said. Although the audition was still a bit nervous before, it did not seem to affect her performance.

At least, the expressions of Huang Ming and others did not seem bad when she came and left.

how about it?

Is there any chance?

"Teacher Shui Xin, really amazing!" Huang Ming looked at Chu Yu.

"Sure enough, after she performed normally today, this performance is not comparable to last week."

"It's just that, after listening to today's audition, which one do you think is the most suitable person?"

"I think they are all good, and Producer Huang can make up his mind." Chu Yu didn't say nonsense.

He was invited to respect him, but he could not speak for such a decision.

If Chu Yu's opinion is at odds with Huang Ming, everyone will feel embarrassed in face.

But if it is the same, then Chu Yu said Huang Ming's words in advance, that would not be so good.

Huang Ming heard this and nodded.

After discussing with several other people for nearly ten minutes.

Also came to a conclusion.
