Chapter 138

  But the next plot made the audience a little puzzled.

  This girl is obviously the heroine Meako Honma who appeared in the trailer.

  The hero's name is Renta.

  Renta continued to play the game, and did not react to the appearance of Yaizi for the time being, but after saying a few words, she felt something was wrong. After seeing Yazi, she was surprised and even the ice cream stick fell out of her mouth.

  Then Ren Tai went straight to boil the noodles without leaving the chattering Meizi.

  The next plot is even more strange.

  Renta's father, Meaiko and Renta were together, but they didn't seem to see Meaiko at all...

  Then I gave Renta a book, and I could see that Anjo Naruko, who had thoughts about Renta, was mocking Rentai. Song Xueji, and Tsurumi...

  None of these friends from when Ren Tai was a child seemed to be unable to see the Meizi who had been following Ren Tai.

  Seeing this, some viewers are still a little confused, but some have almost guessed the result.

  Sure enough...

  when Yazi ran to her home by herself.

  It happened that his brother said that sentence.

  "Every time I eat curry rice, I have to serve her a serving. It feels so annoying. If you die, you don't have to eat it!"

  "Don't say that..." Meizi's mother smiled at her posthumous photo. Tao.

  "My sister is a little dazed...maybe I haven't noticed that I

  'm dead yet." Seeing this, many viewers suddenly realized.

  No wonder she hasn't seen other people see Meizi, it turns out...she is dead long ago!

  Neither her childhood friends nor her family members could see her.

  Only the male protagonist Renta can see her.

  When the audience is still immersed in thinking about the plot...

  In the next moment, Mei Zi's somewhat lonely and gentle words sounded.

  "Ya Yizi still knows something like this when she died..." For a

  moment, many people felt tight.

  You... If so, why are you still so optimistic?

  The next plot is Renta's memories... In

  the group of friends when he was a child, it was just because some people said that Ren liked Yaizi too much, and Ren was too embarrassed to reply.

  "Who would like such an ugly monster!"

  Then he ran away.

  The picture turned, and it was the next day.

  Mei Zi drowned and died...

  Wow, this male protagonist, what a rubbish!

  At this moment, everyone who saw this had this idea.

  You obviously like it, but if you don't admit it, you just say so...

  How did someone drown?

  Thinking of this, many viewers feel that Yaizi is even more pitiful.   Before he died, he was scolded by someone he liked to be ugly.   After so many years of death, seeing Renta is still so cheerful and lively, and even not very sad about the fact that he died.   She is really a girl full of positive energy.   On the other hand, the male protagonist and the many childhood friends of Yayizi, the depravity, some direct relationships all fell out.   In comparison, even though her words and deeds are like a child, she is really cheerful, while the male protagonist and others, who are all high school students, feel that one is more immature than the other.   By the end of the first episode, Renta who continued to cook egg noodles alone at home, although she always felt that the Meizi she saw during the day was her own illusion and the product of her mental abnormality...

  But...when Yazi appeared again and disappeared again, he couldn't help but feel the feelings for her in his heart, he ran out of home...want to find her.

  At this moment, a Japanese song sounded.

  Although the main and supporting actors spoke in Long Guoyu, the sound of this Japanese song is not abrupt, and even feels just right.

  And below it is accompanied by a sentence of Japanese lyrics that everyone can vaguely guess.


  With this melodious and beautiful song, Renta ran all the way to the secret bases where they gathered when they were young..... Peace Busters.

  And there, I met Bobo, the last member of their ultra-peace Busters group that year.


  After watching, the major video websites, bullet screens and comment areas directly communicated.

  "It feels a bit interesting, this work!"

  "I think the month of vows is more suitable for me. I heard that it was an animation produced by Jiuxing to go beyond the sequel of the month of vows. After watching the first episode, I can only Said, it is quite satisfactory. Although the picture is not broken, I don't know what this work is about?"

  "What can you see in the first episode? I've been fancied by Yayizi anyway."

  "I feel that Yayizi is too pitiful!

  She died as a soul and she is still so gentle." "It is still unclear whether she is a soul or a fantasy of the male protagonist!"

  "Upstairs, don't you notice that although Yazi is a soul, she has a physical body? The cups on the table and the table will shake! How do you let the hero go to imagine?"

  "Who knows the name of the last ed! I listened to it with a touch of emotion. Japanese songs are rare!"

  "Look at the ending subtitles. The ending song is called secret base~ all you gave me~, the author Xixi, the singer Ohashi Kaoru, I know her, a famous folk music singer on the Japanese island! I didn't expect Jiuxing to actually I invited her to sing ed and sang a Japanese song. It's just that Xixi, I've never heard of it!"

  "It's understandable that the location of the work is located on the island of Japan. It's equivalent to echoing the background setting! Animation! I'm used to listening to the Dragon National Anthem, and I think it's very nice to come to one or two ethnic minority songs!"

  "But why does Shui Xin's work always set the protagonist to be a Japanese islander? His parents are both Chinese! Think! It doesn't work."

  "This kind of food is just like some people like pork and some beef. Anyway, it's better if it's not a U.S. native. It's not much different from people in Japan, Qin Province, Los Angeles, and even other regions. Anyway, the people of Longguo are right."

  "Who is the voice of Yaizi? It feels good, I have made this character live."

  "I don't know..."

  "Look at the dubbing on the information sheet called Gu. Say, newcomer! Otherwise, I, an old gentleman in the animation industry, may not have heard of it."


  Generally speaking, the evaluation of this work on the Internet is basically not bad, but many people don't look at it. Understand the main line of this work.

  But even so, I didn't decide to abandon it rashly, because it meant that I was going to wait and see two more episodes.

  Seeing the attitude of netizens, Huang Ming, an animator, was finally relieved.

  In the first episode of Unheard Flower Name, his request is not to have too many unintelligible audiences making negative comments. If it is marked as a slag at the beginning, it is basically difficult to pull back later.

  But as far as the current response is concerned, it is beyond Huang Ming's expectations.

  The situation is much better than he expected.

  If sixty points are passed, most viewers will give the first episode the feeling of seventy points.


  So when the week passed, Huang Ming was all excited when he didn't hear of the results of the first week of Huaming.

  The first week's play volume was 2 million, ranking seventh in the play volume of all animations broadcast in February. UU reading www. The

  score of is not low, and Xinmanwang scores 9.1.

  This achievement, for a company as big as Jiuxing, for Huang Ming's status, can only be said to be mediocre, far from worthy of joy.

  When the outsiders learned of this result, they just felt that Huang Ming had come up with another dull work.

  However, Huang Ming knows that... the results of the unheard of fame are definitely better in the future, especially the ending...The

  first chapter can have this result... .. At the end of the eleven episodes more than three months later, there is definitely great hope for the championship of this period of animation.

  Of course, Huang Ming didn't blindly think that it was all his own credit for being able to achieve this result, because after reading many online reviews, Huang Ming also discovered that although many people don't quite understand what type of Unheard Fame is. But the reason why she is still willing to support this work is that the character of Meizi is really cute, and the ed song is very new and nice.

  The former's words are the result of Chu Yu's character creation and Gu Yan's dubbing perfectly matching the characters, and the latter is also a song delivered by Chu Yu's friend.

  It can be said that Chu Yu not only contributed to this work as a playwright, but also his suggestion of casting Gu Yan also won the audience's love!