Chapter 143

  That night, Chu Yu also put aside his manga work, and Lin Fan and He Sheng sat around the computer, waiting for the broadcast of the tenth episode of Unheard Flower Name.

  After spending so many months together, the three of them have become familiar with each other, their relationship is very harmonious, and there is not so much restraint between their speeches.

  "Chu Yu, after this episode of this animation is broadcast tonight, there should be only the ending of next week!"

  He Sheng ordered a lot of barbecue early, and the three of them ate and waited.

  He Sheng asked suddenly at this time.

  "Yes, what's the matter?"

  "Just..." He Sheng smiled.

  "As for the ending of this work, can you tell me about it!"

  "Tonight's plot should be shown when Renta and the others light the fireworks made for Meizi. In that case, Meizi should have fulfilled her wish and disappeared. What else can we say about the finale?"

  As the assistants of the studio, He Sheng and Lin Fan naturally paid more attention to Chu Yu's affairs. Although they did not hear about the two works of Huaming, they did not interfere, but after all It is also one of Chu Yu's works, so it has always been in continuous attention.

  If you pay more attention, you will naturally be attracted.

  The two of them today can be regarded as loyal fans of Unheard of the Animation, and they both stand in front of the computer when the weekly animation broadcasts.

  During this period of time, when Unheard Flower Name was approaching the end, on the contrary, there was a rise in popularity, and the two also lurked into many Unheard Flower Name animation groups.

  From the perspective of now, after the number of unheard of the name is increased, many people scan the comics and fall into the pit of the unheard of the name of the animation, and this work is really painful to update every week, and the plot development is indeed slow. Some, the plot is just the friction between a few people.

  But it's still very cool to collect ten episodes like this one at a time.

  In addition to Meako's works, there is a snow collection of Meako's women's addiction, Tsurumi who likes snow collection, Naruko who likes Nita, and Bobo who no one likes.

  In addition to the friendship line, the emotional line is also a long chain.

  In the eyes of both Lin Fan and He Sheng, this work is now only ranked fifth in popularity among works of the same period, which is indeed a bit low.

  If the ending of the last two episodes can be handled better, and some tricky happy endings can be made, then the final popularity of the unheard of the name may be fixed in the top three of the current works.

  Although it is a far cry from the performance of Jiuxing in the second part of the month of surpassing the oath at the beginning, it is not bad!

  Nowadays, the month of the oath has been broadcast, with more than 50 million broadcasts on the whole network, which is indeed a standout.

  However, because the popularity of the unheard of the name of the whole network has been rebounded in the later period, it has almost reached 27 million views. It is not far

  from the 34 million views of the third-placed gods sand table.

  As for some works such as the Three Sisters Next Door that were initially popular, their popularity declined as the audience's aesthetic fatigue fell, and they fell to the seventh place in the animation during the same period in February.

  When it first started broadcasting, the unheard fancy name was seventh, and the three sisters next door were fifth.

  Three months later, the rankings of the two works have been reversed, which is indeed a bit funny.   However, everyone is not in the mood to continue to mock each other on the Internet. After all, their results are not very good. Although Shui Xin and Yu Jing have always been a little uncomfortable, the fans on both sides also tried to restrain themselves.   ...   He Sheng's words made Chu Yu think about it.   Spoilers for the finale?   "That kind of thing must not be revealed to you!" Chu Yu said.   "When I signed the contract with Jiuxing, there was a relevant confidentiality agreement."   "But haven't I already revealed the general direction? On Weibo!"   "Are you talking about those? What cure masterpieces?" Lin Fan asked Pouted.

  "That kind of thing is too general, forget it, let me see it for myself if you don't say it! Anyway, it's only a week!" It

  happened that the tenth chapter of the flower name was not updated on the web page, and Lin Fan spit out the skewers. String, his hand quickly clicked on the web page.


  At this moment, unheard fans all over the Dragon Kingdom started to watch the latest words at the first moment.

  This remark also pushed the emotional entanglement between the six to the deepest level.

  Although Renta has been working and earning money, in order to help Meizi realize her wish, to make fireworks and let her become a Buddha, but... his heart does not want Meizi to leave.

  He likes Yaizi...

  He has always felt guilty for the death of Yaizi back then, but now Yaizi is back.

  Even in the form of a ghost...

  but for him, it was enough.

  So in the night, Mei Zi said suddenly.

  "If Yaizi grows up like this, will he become the wife of Mr.

  Ren ?" Mr. Ren blurted out.

  "Even if it doesn't, if you don't become a Buddha, wouldn't it be the same if you just stay here?"

  Seeing this, many people couldn't help but feel moved .

  Although this male protagonist sometimes feels that it will be more wasteful, he is not at all twitchy on this issue.

  In the end, Meizi in the animation rejected Renta's proposal in order to be able to play with everyone after reincarnation.

  Seeing this, the audience gathered in front of the computer understood that the realization of Mei Zi's wish is inevitable.

  Just let her realize her wish and rest in peace! Then more than ten years after reincarnation, I met Renta again, and the two were together!

  nice ending!

  Even they think that this is the ending of this work.

  "Ah, it's over like this?

  I'm a little bit reluctant to Yazi! This cute loli girl!" "Don't! Don't like the idiot Renta! You can come to the real world to find me after your wish is reborn!"

  "You're stunned by the above! Are you serious about the characters in

  the animation ?" "Anyway, after this animation is over, you must have a copy of Meizi's original pillow figure!"

  While watching the new story animation , Many people are also chatting in the Penguin.

  At the end of this animation, Renta and a few people and the firework master transported the homemade fireworks to the venue, ready to light the fireworks, fulfilling Meizi's wish, let her become a Buddha, let her...disappear!

  However, in the end, everyone has their own selfishness.

  Xueji is dissatisfied that only Renta can see Meaiko. Naruko likes Renta and hopes that Meaiko disappears. Tsurumi also has the same idea because she likes Xueji. Renta does not want Meaiko to disappear and is entangled in her heart.

  Until the moment when the fireworks were about to be lit, Renta was still shaking in his heart.

  He can also prevent...

  as long as the fireworks are prevented from lighting, as long as the Meizi is prevented from fulfilling his wishes.

  That Yazi would not disappear, she would stay by his side forever.

  But although it is said that...

  but until the moment when the fireworks are lit.

  Renta did not stop it either.

  The burning firework fuse was ignited, and at the same time, the unheard of the song ed, which is now recognized as a tear gas, sounded.

  As soon as the song came out, many people burst into tears.

  After watching this animation for so long, Mei Zi finally realized her wish and was about to become a Buddha and reincarnate.

  The fireworks soared into the sky with white waves.

  With everyone's gaze, he flew higher.

  In the end, it exploded into a splendid fireworks in the air, which was printed in everyone's eyes.

  Want to cry!

  At this moment, the animation's bgm and the plot have an inexplicable tear-jerking feeling.