Chapter 146

  do not!

  Stop messing up, Jiuxing, Shuixin, so be it! I can't stand it anymore, you just let Yaizi go, what's the matter with such sensationalism!

  The audience in front of the screen, some are still holding back, some can't stand it, but if you tell them not to watch, it is naturally impossible.

  "Okay?" In the

  animation, Renta shouted first.

  The audience reacted, this is asking Meizi if hide-and-seek is ready?

  In the next.

  Naruko, Yuki, Tsurumi, Bobo, and Nita are all heading toward the mountains, toward the base, toward the place that may exist here, but they can't see it, or they may have disappeared and reborn. Meizi asked over and over again.




  ... The

  protagonists in the animation seem to have called out the hearts of every audience watching the animation.

  Even in their hearts, they resonated, and they are also asking about Meizi in the animation.

  Did you hide it yet?

  Meizi originally wanted to leave quietly, so she wanted to leave alone.

  However, facing Renta's question.

  She still couldn't hold it back.

  "Okay!" Yazi responded to them.

  At this time, those animation fans who are still holding on and stabilizing their emotions have basically arrived here, and they all can't collapse.

  At the moment when Meizi made her voice.

  Ren Tai waited for the five people, and finally found Meako who had been in front of them all the time.

  This time... it was all five people who clearly saw Meizi's appearance.

  At this moment, the six people are connected, as if they are back when they were young.

  "Yizi, I really don't know how to play hide-and-seek!"

  Meizi smiled.

  "Hey, Renta, speak it out!"

  "What are you talking about!" Renta asked.

  "In this case, it can be over completely!"

  But at this moment, after seeing Yazi, everyone said what they really thought.

  The five people's final response to the farewell letter of Yaizi is that they too, like Yaizi the most.

  "Thank you for fulfilling my wish!"

  "I like you the most, Meizi!"

  At the end, Renta said to Meizi.

  Meizi finally couldn't help crying when she heard what her favorite person said to her.

  "Yizi! Actually, I really want to be with everyone!"

  "I want to play with everyone, so I want to be reincarnated!"

  "So... and everyone... goodbye!"

  "One. ...Two..." Ren Tai shouted.

  Everyone understood what he meant.   Although she was reluctant to give up, she must be allowed to leave, and she could not be allowed to stay in the world with such a mentality because of their selfishness.   "Yizi...found you!" the   five people said loudly.   In the morning light, the tearful Meizi finally said with a smile.   "Found it!" The   ed music stopped abruptly.   Yazi disappeared, left, and the animation is here, accompanied by a few closing screens flashing, and it is over...the   audience's hearts are empty.   "This? What is this?"   "This is over?"

  "It's over?"

  "What are you kidding?"

  ... In

  front of the computer, Lin Fan and He Sheng both looked at the unheard of the last episode.

  The whole process screamed loudly.

  When the final eleven episodes were completely played, the two of them were silent for a while.

  Then they turned their heads together and looked at Chu Yu, four sharp gazes seemed to penetrate his body.

  "I'm going! Chu Yu, is this the happy ending you said?" He Sheng came over and grabbed Chu Yu's right hand.

  Not to be outdone, Lin Fan locked Chu Yu's left hand.

  "What are you going to do? A strong man locks a man?" Chu Yu struggled a bit, and found that these two people were really powerful.

  "Hurry up and talk about it, what's the ending?"

  "I went, I was watching the animation with a happy mood, but now the whole person is not good!"

  "What's the matter? The work is like this! What am I? Did you lie to you?" Chu Yu said helplessly.

  "Yizi finally left and reborn. Isn't this a happy ending? If she and Renta continue to be in love with ghosts, then your minds are too narrow!"

  "At least you should give an explanation! That's it! "Lin Fan said.

  "Are you not afraid that your fans will send you blades?"

  "I think my fans are all reasonable people. They are all talented and promising young people. How can this kind of thing be possible?" Chu Yu is very convinced.


  Lin Fan and He Sheng looked at each other and smiled, letting go of Chu Yu.

  "I don't know where your inexplicable confidence comes from?"

  "But if you dare to make your address public, then the two of us admire you."

  "Look at it! Chu Yu, I haven't heard of the plot and quality of the ending of Huaming tonight, as well as the ending of this cheating, you will feel better in the next period of time."

  Lin Fan and He Sheng shook. Shook his head.

  Of course, Chu Yu naturally didn't care about the words of the two of them. He played with his mobile phone and even took the time to post a Weibo post.

  "How is it? Isn't the last episode of Unheard Flower Name very exciting? Have you felt healed for the purity and sincerity of the friendship and love between Yaizi and everyone?"

  However, gradually, Chu Yu realized that something seemed to be wrong?

  How, it's different from what he imagined that a group of people on the Internet praised him?

  Why are there all scolding voices everywhere?


  After the last episode of Unheard Flower Name went live.

  In the first half an hour, there was basically no reaction, after all, everyone was still immersed in the plot of the last episode.

  But after half an hour.

  All of the comic forums, discussion websites, and comic groups in the Dragon Kingdom were suddenly swept up by unheard names., unheard of Huaming animation discussion area.

  "Ah! I know that the old pit of Shui Xin can only produce this kind of work, as is the Rurouni Jianxin Remembrance, and the unheard of the name is also...this pit is better than my mind. Isn't there any other tragedy? He can even deal with such a lovely girl as Yazi?"

  "Strictly speaking, the unheard of nickname is not a tragedy! It's just that the plot arrangement of Teacher Shui Xin was too teary, everyone in the last episode Let's say it together, the moment I found you, I really couldn't stand it anymore, and my eyes were blurred!"

  "Don't say it, my heart is still empty now, my buds just disappeared like this! Teacher Shuixin Why do you like these? Sisters always have no good results? Is it because Teacher Shuixin was ruthlessly abandoned by women before? So in the works, the girl is always unable to be with the male lead?"

  "You people, do you only know how horrible Shui Xin is now? I knew this guy from the Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance chapter. I dug the pit and didn't fill it. The running demons got the account of Natsume's friends. The friend's account hasn't been finished yet, and it came out without hearing the name of the flower...Don't say the name of the flower hasn't been heard. I think the ending of Xia Mei will not be any better?"

  "Upstairs Yes, isn't it? Isn't that a work like Natsume?"

  "By the way, there should be a second part in this work! Meaiko can't just disappear like this, right? Even reincarnation must have an explanation! Can't be true Reincarnated as a caterpillar or something!"

  "I don't care, I'm going to Shuixin Weibo to protest, I can't accept this ending!"

  "Upstairs +1"

  "I'll go with me too."

  animation Fan discussion group.

  From ten minutes ago!

  The group of people in the group also began to sprout various pictures of clothes.

  Laughing, crying, happy, back, front...

  A group of members sent out crying emoticons.

  "What's wrong? This is!" someone asked.

  "Oh, I was irritated by the last episode of Unheard Flower Name. Ignore them, it will be fine after a while." One person said, and the next moment, he also sent a picture of Meizi.

  Five minutes later, after everyone silently paid tribute to Yaizi, a controversy against Shui Xin and Jiuxing began.

  "No, we have to protest. Although I have not heard that the work of Huaming was created by Teacher Shui Xin, the character of Ya Yizi is already owned by everyone. Shui Xin's Lao Kengbi is never allowed to let Ya Yizi disappear as he pleases. "

  Agree. I thought Huang Ming was a normal producer. I didn't expect that she would be on the same level as Teacher Shui Xin. Such a cute girl would not make it if she didn't? Have you considered the reader's feelings? I spent fifty dragons. If you are a member of the new comic network opened by Guobi, will Shuixin show this to me?"

  "No matter, the second season will definitely   happen, and the resurrection of Mei Zi is imperative!"


This evening, although the end of the name has not been heard, the Dragon Kingdom animation industry discovered that this matter is still Endless.

  Overnight, almost all the most popular animations on the major two-dimensional discussion websites changed their works.

  On the Internet, there are self-confident fans everywhere in Amway.

  Similarly, on the Internet, everywhere is scolding Shuixin deliberately for tragedy, which makes readers uncomfortable.

  Weibo's hot search, "Yizi!" and "Send Blade to Shuixin!", "Unheard Flower Name Part 2", three hot search words together squeezed into the top 30 hot search words of Weibo that day.

  Chu Yu Weibo's comment area below. UU Reading

  "Teacher Shui Xin came out to die and painted Yayizi dead, it is unforgivable!"

  "Teacher, is there a second part! I have not heard of the name of the flower, if there are any, I will spare you by resurrecting Yayizi, otherwise If you...Where is the teacher's house? I have souvenirs that I want to send to the teacher!"

  "As a fan of Shui Xin teacher Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance period, I want to say, teacher, you are playing with fire , If you don't hear the name of the flower and it ends like this, there is no sequel, then you don't want me to continue to support your work!"

  "Is this the happy ending that Teacher Shuixin said? It is really happy! Never believe in humans anymore!"

  Chu Yu glanced casually, and then quit Weixin, pretending to be dead.


  At noon on the second day, the impact of the unheard of the ending not only did not disappear, but even intensified.

  Everyone in the Modu animation industry just woke up overnight and suddenly discovered that a work, with only one word, set off a huge wave of discussion in one night.

  Not only that, but under the influence of fans' spontaneous Amway, the volume of unheard of Huaming continued to increase, and new audiences continued to join.
