Chapter 148

  "I want to reiterate, I don't prefer to paint tragic works! And the unheard of a flower name is not a tragedy! Yayizi finally became a Buddha and reincarnated, this should be the best ending for her!" Chu Yu said silently.

  "It's useless for you to tell me this kind of thing?" Li Xi shrugged.

  "The audience thinks you are cheating, that's enough!"

  "In short, apart from scolding you, there are now a large group of unfamiliar animation fans who are now interested in your other works. "

  Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, I won't say much. In the case of Natsume's Friends Account, did you see the results of the new Natsume Friends' Account yesterday?"

  "Not yet?" Chu Yu said blankly.

  During this period of time, he has not paid much attention to the popularity vote ranking of Natsume's Friends Account. Although the number of popular votes in each issue is basically more than 500,000, ranking fourth, after all, the gap with the third place Dragon Soul is still quite large. of.

  The top three works in the Water Edge Journal basically have more than one million popular votes in each issue, and the grades vary too much.

  Of course, this is not to say that the quality of Natsume's works is not as good as theirs, or that there is such a big gap.

  The reason for this gap is that Chu Yu's time in the magic city was too short to be famous in the Dragon Kingdom. He wants to compete with the three previous works on Shuiyuan. Now Chu Yu's number of fans is still low. A lot.

  "How about it? You don't want to say that my current Natsume Friends Account ranking surpasses the third Dragon Soul!" Chu Yu said.

  "Of course not!" Li Xi said.

  "But the difference is not too big!"

  "In this issue of popular voting, the number of votes in Natsume's Friends Account has risen by 200,000 votes compared to the previous issue, which is 1.05 million away from Dragon Soul. The vote gap is only 200,000 votes!"

  "It seems that the unfamiliar animation fans are scolding, but it is true that many people are attracted, so the popularity of Natsume's Friends Account has risen so fast. , Just to see how many of these people can stay after a few issues!"

  "Isn't that still fourth?" Chu Yu sighed.

  "Although... it is true, but your number of fans has indeed increased. Are you unhappy?" Li Xi looked at Chu Yu strangely.

  "Then... of course I am happy!" Chu Yu hesitated.

  But for Chu Yu, what he wants most is the increase in popularity rankings.

  If Natsume's Friends Account can be the first place in the popular vote on the water's edge in a certain period, then Chu Yu will be very happy.

  Judging from the previous system's approach, at least one S-level work won't run.

  "It's weird, you!" Li Xi shook his head.

  "By the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you! It is the Crimson Abyss of Zhou Qin, who has been the most popular magazine all year round on Shuibian. According to the news given by the company, this work may be a few weeks away. It's over!"

  "The Scarlet Abyss is about to end?" Chu Yu was also surprised when he heard this.

  In any case, this work is the Taizhu comics in the Taizhu on the Water Edge. The single-line book sold in the country has exceeded 100 million yuan, and it has been serialized for more than seven years.

  Although there have been rumors that this work is about to end, in fact, everyone does not believe in it. After all, such a cash cow, dragging the plot, drawing two or three years to drain the surplus value is the kingly way. Just say it and it's over. Up?   "It is said that Zhou Qin said that he has a new idea that can surpass the crimson abyss, and his attitude is very tough, so the comics club also agreed to his proposal to end!"   "What does this matter have to do with me?" Chu Yu heard the words.   "Don't you understand?" Li Xi said.   "Didn't you say it before? You have the idea of ​​double opening comics, and the time when Crimson Abyss ends is also the time to add new works on the edge of the water."

  "During that time, even with the end of the Crimson Abyss and the slashing of some other works, there were four vacancies on the edge of the water. If you have a very good work submitted during this time, even if it is a double opening, I I think the inside of the comics club will probably agree to your serialization request."

  "And... because of the end of Crimson Abyss, those fans who were originally only reading this work on the edge of the water are in Zhou Qin. Before the new work is published, there is a high probability that you will find one or two new comics on the edge of the water first. If the quality of your new work is really good, you may be able to absorb the popularity."

  Li Xi's words are more euphemistic, but After Chu Yu heard this, he also thought about it, as if it was indeed the case.

  In the time when the Crimson Abyss is over, many people will pay attention to this new work, which is an excellent publicity resource.

  "Just to see if you have this idea?" Li Xi said.

  "I asked you before, you said that the work has not been conceived yet! If you have conceived during this time, you can tell me, I will help you arrange it!" The

  more Chu Yu thought, the more he felt a little moved.

  It's just that he hasn't picked out the new work yet, so it's not so good to respond to Li Xi here.

  After a few conversations with Li Xi, Li Xi picked up the manuscript and left here.

  New series!

  To be honest, Chu Yu has had this idea for a long time. With the capacity of his current studio, two cartoons a week are not a problem.

  Let's do it!

  Find some time to use that A-level lottery chance.

  Forget it, what time are you looking for? Just now!

  Chu Yu forcibly restrained his procrastination.

  However, at this moment, the phone rang, extinguishing Chu Yu's blood.

  Chu Yu looked at the caller and answered the phone.

  "Hey, Producer Huang, why do you think of calling me?"

  "Teacher Shuixin, you are right. As a cooperative relationship, isn't it normal for us to call you?"

  "Is there something wrong?"

  "Haha, I can't help Mr. Shuixin!"

  "It's us The company, benefiting from the excellent results of the closing of the unheard fancy name, is preparing to hold a launch conference for the main creative team two days later. By the way, the unheard fancy name celebration party will be held after the press conference, so this is not an invitation to call in advance. Teacher Shui Xin!"

  "Ah...oh, uh...understand!" Chu Yu's thoughts shifted.

  But a few seconds later, he agreed to Huang Ming's invitation.

  Originally, Chu Yu wanted to refuse at the beginning, but no matter what he thought, such an activity was also his duty and responsibility.

  In any case, the animation adaptation cost of more than one million yuan was given to him by nine stars. Now that people don't do anything, it is too irresponsible.

  After hanging up the phone, Chu Yu's thoughts about the lottery work at first were also weakened.

  He understands himself. If he pulls out the work, he will definitely start to catch the comics non-stop. Since there may be trivial things that write unheard names to bother him, Chu Yu thinks, it is better to finish these things temporarily. Say it again.

  But... it's really itchy.

  Looking back on my own comic journey over the past year.

  The Garden of Words makes his debut, the Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance is famous, and Natsume's friend's account is firmly established in the magic city.

  What's next?

  Chu Yu is full of expectations for the next lottery. It would be great if can draw a work that can quickly accumulate popularity.

  Today, Chu Yu's popularity is still worse than that of the real well-known cartoonists of Demon Capital.

  Although Natsume's Friends Account has achieved good results, after all, this is the audience for the subject matter.

  Such healing works have strong fan stickiness and high loyalty, but the small reader base means that such works can hardly become super popular works of Longguo.

  As for Chu Yu, his ambitions are not limited to the present-day level with a cartoonist system.

  In Xuangui, even Yumodu, Longguo has made a huge reputation as his goal.

  After the Dragon Kingdom comic fans mentioned the famous cartoonist of the Dragon Kingdom, the first thing they thought of was Chu Yu. This is the goal Chu Yu wants to work hard for.

  But obviously, although Natsume's Friends Account is excellent, its potential is still far from Chu Yu's goal.

  After two days?

  Chu Yu's eyes flickered.

  When the time comes, after dealing with these things, let's think about the new work!