Chapter 157


  "What are you thinking about all day! I asked you to pay attention to Chu Yu's situation. That's how you pay attention?"

  Gu Yan learned that his sister went to find Chu Yu for what he did and said. After the trip, the whole person was dumbfounded.

  "Who told you to hide things like this from me? If I accidentally read the news on the Internet, I didn't know that you have such a connection with Chu Yu in our class?"

  "In order to be worthy of the uncle, I must go find He asks about his true relationship with you!" Gu Yun said calmly.

  "What can I have to do with him? It was not because of his help that I got the opportunity to dub Yaizi..." Gu Yan really felt a headache, but fortunately, Chu Yu didn't seem to be angry. My sister's behavior made her feel a little more relieved.

  "The unheard of flower name is over, why do you still let me pay attention to his information, and then tell you?" Gu Yun looked at Gu Yan suspiciously.

  On Chu Yu's side, she didn't think there was any problem, but after thinking about it carefully, her sister's behavior was the problem, right?

  "This.... This is not good.... Curious!"

  "And after all I met him, you and him are classmates, and he and I are also neighbors at the school. If you have the opportunity to get in touch with him more...maybe he will have a similar excellent animation project in the future, I...I can also go to the seiyuu position of a personal character again!" Gu Yan pulled his hair to his ears, there was a trace of unnaturalness on the delicate facial features, and he was a little stumbled in his speech.

  "Aren't you unheard of that there are many animation character dubbing invitations after the end of the flower name? What are you still staring at him for?" Gu Yun asked.

  "It is true that there are a lot of invitations to me during this period, but those are very general animations. After I get to know them, I will know that those works are not popular! The gap between them and unheard of names is too big."

  "Gu Yun, you have to know that the seiyuu world is very cruel. Your sister, I have only been popular in the past two months. If you can't take this opportunity to go further, at most half a year, who remembers me in the Longguo animation industry?"

  "But on the other hand, if I can receive more dubbing jobs for popular characters like Yazi in the future, then you old sister, I can be considered a firm foothold in the voice actors of Longguo, and I will be able to treat you every day if I make money. Meal..." Gu Yan looked at Gu Yun.

  "Otherwise, what do you think I asked you to pay attention to Chu Yu?"

  "He can create an unheard-of-famous work, but who knows that he can't create the second or third one? Learn more now. He has a lot of friendship with him. When he has suitable works, he will definitely be willing to consider me!"

  "Is that so?" Gu Yun's expression was slightly relaxed.

  "I thought you had something wrong with that guy..."

  "Puff, cough..." Gu Yan almost squirted the black tea out of his mouth.

  Fortunately, I noticed that this is a relatively quiet restaurant, and I didn't call out loudly.

  "No, what's wrong? I know you study science, but you don't use this term like that?"

  "I'm afraid you will be fascinated by him not long after you have contact with that guy, that's it. ...Well, for example, because of his help, I have to agree with my body." After Gu Yun knew her sister's true thoughts, she was relieved, and she didn't care about her words. Said it with a joking mentality.   Just talking, Gu Yun stopped.   Because Gu Yan in front of her was blushing at this time...   "Sister, you...what's the situation?" Gu Yun looked at Gu Yan with a weird expression.   "Um, what's the situation?"   "You blush!"   "Maybe it's a bit hot!" Gu Yan picked up the cup and drank the water in the cup.   Gu Yan looked at her, and the doubts that had been dispelled before rose again.   Why does it always feel wrong!

  "Uh, by the way, you just said that Chu Yu seems to be preparing to apply for a driver's license right now, right!" Gu Yun decisively changed the subject.

  "Yes!" Gu Yun was easily disrupted by Gu Yan.

  "Do you know which driving school he is going to apply for?"

  "What are you asking for?" Gu Yun said.

  "Just ask casually!" Gu Yan took a bite of the cake, his expression indeed seemed very casual.

  "That's right... the very characteristic restaurant in the city center you mentioned last time... I am actually very interested, when should we try it out together?"

  " Really?" Gu Yun's eyes lit up.

  For her foodie, she naturally has the desire to eat delicious food all over the world, but it is a pity that college students are shy and only have that little living allowance a month.

  Those fancy gourmet restaurants Gu Yun doesn't have that much money to spend.

  However, fortunately, there is Gu can eat and drink with her.

  Although I don't know, Gu Yan wants to know what this is for? But... just care about her? There is only food in this world that can't be disappointed, since my cousin is such a big person, she doesn't need to worry about it anymore.

  "By the way, cousin, why do you always say this when I'm so fat? I'm actually losing weight during this time!" The chubby Gu Yun is still a little reserved.

  "How can I have the strength to lose weight if I don't eat? And if you accompany me, you should be wronged!" Gu Yan agreed casually.

  She still doesn't understand her sister? I have known for a long time that food is more important to her. If you don't believe me, you won't be caught!

  "It makes a lot of sense!" Gu Yun accepted Gu Yan's words easily.

  "The information you want to know about sister...Well, I will try my best to find out."


  been almost three weeks since the unheard of the name of the flower is over, Huang Ming during this period of time It can be considered to be in a relaxed state.

  After all, Jiuxing is not only a producer within Jiuxing. His unheard of performances are good enough. After two weeks, the entire network has paid close to 80 million broadcasts. Even some well-known provincial capital TV stations also want to make this work on TV. Intent to broadcast on.

  Peripheral productions are also beginning to be produced. Pre-sale orders for Blu-ray discs and hand-made etc. are also leading the animation industry in the same period. Many overseas markets that are penetrated by the Longguo animation market also have many companies intending to buy broadcast rights. It's not clear, but at least for the first half of the year, Unheard of the name can be regarded as the most eye-catching animation.

  There is a work with such an achievement, Huang Ming will not say anything about him when he spends his time in the company?

  At this moment, Huang Ming who was staying in the office basking in the sun suddenly received a call from Chu Yu.

  Although wondering why Chu Yu is looking for him? But Huang Ming answered the phone immediately.

  "Is Producer Huang?"

  "How did Teacher Shui Xin think of calling me today? Is there any information related to the sale of unheard flower names?" Huang Ming asked tentatively.

  "No, I know that there is a settlement cycle for those things." Chu Yu said directly on the phone.

  "Actually... I have a new work idea. UU Reading thinks it is suitable for making an animation, so I want to discuss it with Producer Huang."

  "New work...the idea?" Huang Ming was a little stunned.

  He has repeatedly mentioned to Chu Yu before that if you can inform him of a good idea, everyone can continue to cooperate in the future.

  Although Chu Yu's main business is a cartoonist, in Huang Ming's eyes, cartoonists, scripts, screenwriters, etc., are actually the same as the core of the story.

  In Magic City, many famous animation scripters can completely allow animation companies to cooperate with their scripts to create animations. In Huang Ming's view, Chu Yu has that potential.

  That's why Huang Ming was still so enthusiastic about Chu Yu after he hadn't heard the end of the flower name.

  But this speed is too fast!

  It didn't take long before the fancy name ended, and Chu Yu had been working on another comic during the period. Can he still have the energy to conceive a new work?

  For an instant, many thoughts flashed through Huang Ming's mind, but he immediately responded to Chu Yu.

  "Discuss, of course it's okay. Is Teacher Shuixin near Jiuxing now? If so, I will come to you immediately!"