Chapter 164

  It was just a kind gesture of Li Xi to help Chu Yu to animate her unheard flower name, but if Chu Yu really focused on the animation, then she would have lifted a rock and hit her in the foot.

  After speaking, after reading the manuscript of the four-character manga with initial D, Li Xi couldn't wait to look at the name manuscript of the five to ten chapters drawn by Chu Yu.

  The manuscripts of the first four episodes are nothing but to pave the way for the encounter and conflict between Fujiwara Takumi and Takahashi Keisuke.

  In the end, all the famous mountain riders thought that the man who drove the AE86 over Keisuke Takahashi was the father of Fujiwara Takumi...

  But on the day of the final agreed on Saturday, it was Fujiwara Takumi who received a box of gasoline from his father. Have to be tempted to come to the scene.

  86 is up the mountain!

  This is not only a stalk about the initial D in the parallel world, but also the beginning of the career of Fujiwara Takumi as a racer in the comics.

  In the following plot, it was a duel between Fujiwara Takumi's 86 and Takahashi Keisuke's FD...

  Although it was just a scene similar to a manga draft like the name draft, Li Xi still watched it attentively.

  Akagi REDSUNS a public driver's debut, that sketch is almost close to the road vehicle drift fence, handsome and rich artistic vehicle, the crowd gathered, bear Autumn Mountain ..... 86 riders dignity of

  Takumi Fujiwara The battle with Kai Jie didn't end until the tenth chapter of the comic, but Li Xi didn't feel procrastinated during the whole process.

  Handsome drifting and flicking, tense and solemn Keisuke during the game, as well as the second gear, one-handed driving and always close to Keisuke on the corners, the dull-looking Fujiwara Takumi...

  There is a kind of The feeling of blood surging.

  Li Xi personally doesn't really like passionate works. Comparatively speaking, works like Natsume's Friends Account are more in line with her hobbies.

  But the initial D, even for her, looks very interesting.

  Although she was a little worried that Chu Yu's plot arrangement for Xia Shu would arouse readers' disgust, but apart from these, the rhythm, style, and plot of the initial D are all very good.

  Even in Li Xi's opinion, if the plot of this work unfolds, perhaps it will be more popular with fans than Natsume's Friends Account.

  After all, although female comic fans basically like Natsume's Friends Account, Ryukoku comics are still dominated by male fans. This is also the limitation of Natsume's work.

  If the Ryukoku comics industry is dominated by female readers, then it might not be a problem for Xia Mei's performance to double or quadruple.

  But since the initial D is still born, if it can be serialized smoothly, then Chuyu may be able to gain a lot of male fanatic attention with this work.

  Li Xi let out a long sigh, got up to tidy up his dresses and some messy hair. Soon, an image of an impeccable workplace elite appeared again.

  "Work hard, Chu Yu..."

  Li Xi picked up the manuscript, stopped and turned to look at Chu Yu before leaving.

  "There are many cartoonists whose work is amazing, the second work is not satisfactory, and the third work tends to be mediocre!"

  "But I have known you for more than a year, and I am not sure until this moment. You are not like that. A short-lived person."   "It is impossible for such a person to continuously create works like Kenshin, Natsume, Unheard Flower Name, Initial D."   Li Xi rarely talks about these with his manga artists, but he sees the initials. D After the first ten words of this work, Li Xi finally couldn't help it.   "You may be the most talented cartoonist I have ever contacted... In time, you might be the pillar of the Black Turtle Comics Company."   "That's why you need to work hard, you It's not like those untalented cartoonists who fall into the lack of talent, so they shouldn't fall into the lack of hard work!" Li Xi couldn't say too much.   You can only tell some of your own experiences and feelings.

  "Understand!" Chu Yu nodded.

  "Ashamed to say, as your manga editor, I have never given you too much advice and help on the plot of the manga, so... don't worry, just create the manga with peace of mind! Initial D I will definitely help you win the serialization opportunity for this work!" Li Xi said seriously.

  After speaking, Li Xi left Chu Yu's residence without any muddle.


  After leaving Chu Yu's house, Li Xi drove home and took out the manga with initial D again to read it.

  The beautiful face has obvious confidence. There are four serial vacancies on Shuiyuan. If such works cannot get a Shuixin serialization seat, then Shuixin's journal will not only sell several million a week. .


  And Huang Ming, during this time, he took advantage of the time to visit one after another in the animation industry acquaintances he had known over the years.

  Bang bang bang!

  "Who!" The door opened, and there was a fat man weighing at least two hundred jin in the room.

  Compassionate shirts, pajamas, slippers, the oily heads of that curly hair, and a mixed smell from the room that resembled houttuynia came out...

  Huang Ming's eyes widened for a moment. Decisively began to hold his breath, without showing any expression on his face.

  "Old Huang? Why are you coming to me for?" Fatty's eyes are a little small, his stubble is all over his chin, and he looks very sloppy.

  "Shall we... find a place to talk?" Huang Ming smiled, but his face was a little red.

  He was almost out of breath.

  "Where to find? Just in my house? How troublesome it is to wash my face and dress when I go out! I haven't been out for a week! I don't want to exercise too much!"

  "Let's... find a place to talk. , I'll wait for you downstairs!" Huang Ming didn't give the fat man a chance to explain, he walked directly to the stairs and gasped for breath.

  It's too scary. Huang Ming, who is a little bit hygienic, can't figure out why his friend can stay in such an environment.

  In the past few years, he was a well-known painting supervisor in Magic, and his professional skills are absolutely hard enough. It is only because of the change of a popular light novel three years ago because of the insufficient level of the producer, the unreasonable budget allocation of funds, and the management of the animation company. The chaos caused the animation effect to be very unsatisfactory, which directly became a collapsed masterpiece.

  Faced with the overwhelming scolding from fans of the original work, he was originally a bit socially afraid and psychologically sensitive, so he closed himself up directly. Coupled with the criticism from the producer and the company leaders, he has since resigned and left. He took the position of painting supervisor, rented in a private house in the magic city, and played games every day.

  Of course, Huang Ming heard vaguely about him. He started his home life and worked as a painter for irregular works on an irregular website. It is said that his works are known for their delicate style and seductiveness. There are many loyal fans on the Internet seeking updates.

  Soon, Liu Jian, a fat man in his thirties, put on a suit, leather shoes and tie and walked downstairs.

  If Huang Ming didn't see what he looked like ten minutes ago, he would probably have thought which company he was bringing to work.

  The two found a coffee shop.

  "Lao Huang, haven't seen me for more than two years? What can you do with me?" Liu Jian asked.

  "I want to make an animation work... I would like to invite you to take charge of a series of matters such as the painting of this work."

  Huang Ming didn't tell anyone what position he was looking for, he just told him to be responsible whats the matter.

  When the time comes to find someone, give him some subordinates, if you can't find it, let him do it himself!

  "Lao Huang, you know me... the animation world is like a cloud. I just want to be a quiet house, playing games all day, watching animated cartoons, and adding it. Takeaway Coke is enough, why should you be so tired as a human..." Liu Jian waved his hand and said mildly.

  "You are thirty-seven years old, can you still be like this?" Huang Ming frowned.

  "You have to dream of being a human being!"

  "What's wrong with being a salted fish? What do you dream of? My dream is to be a house!"

  Liu Jian seemed to have a good relationship with Huang Ming. Although Huang Ming spoke too deeply, he was not at all angry.

  "It's Lao Huang, the unheard name of the work you made during this time is really beautiful! I have seen crying several times..."

  "That's a coincidence..... .. For the work I want to produce this time, the big boss is the unheard author Shui Xin..."

  "Shui Xin? Isn't the owner Jiuxing? Big boss.... There is also The second boss?"

  "Yes, the second boss is me!" Huang Ming took out the five centimeters per second and the voice of the star's work from the bag and handed it to Liu Jian.

  For these two works, Chu Yu had already been filed in Longguo, and the copyrights were also registered, so Huang Ming didn't worry about leaking out and being plagiarized, and the people he contacted were all of a trustworthy character. Otherwise, I can't play with him.

  "You haven't worked for three years! There should be little left in your previous savings, how about? Come and help me. I will be the boss. I will definitely be very strict. If you don't do well, I will scold you and spray you. But no matter what you are Well done, after work, we are all friends as we are now. Come here, maybe you will start a new animation life? No matter how bad, you can get a pay and be an otaku for a few more months , Go out to look for work again!"

  "Ms. Shui Xin's new work..." Liu Jian looked at the work in front of him, stretched out his hand and picked up the manuscript.


  an hour and a half.

  Huang Ming walked out of this coffee shop with high spirits, and Liu Jian, who followed him, seemed to have a more confident expression.

  In the following time, Huang Ming visited many people one after another.

  Supervision, storyboarding, setting, music, art, color...

  Many of them are professionals, and some are all-rounders. One person can do multiple jobs.

  These are people who are frustrated in the workplace, or people who have changed careers, and even some of the former elites in the animation industry, now the owner of a convenience store, and of course, there are also some incumbents of large companies who take

  care of private work... But no matter what they are What is their profession, at least once, they are all highly professional talents in the animation industry of Magic City.

  And most importantly, their compensation is not very high.


  The formation of the animation team takes a considerable amount of time.

  During this period of time, Jiuxing's meeting on the serial seats of Water Edge began.

  The four vacancies, in addition to the three works that have been cut in the middle, Thousand Stars Mystery, Random Star, and Squirrel Girl, there are also vacancies created by the official end of Crimson Abyss.

  So this serial meeting, everyone's expressions are not easy.

  After all, after the end of the Crimson Abyss of Taizhu works, before the rise of new Taizhu works, the sales of Shuiyuan may decline.

  Under such circumstances, the four seats in the serial meeting of are particularly important.

  Don't expect any stunning works from these four works, but at least above the average level, it is best to come with one or two more interesting works to attract fans of Crimson Abyss, so that they will not pass too fast.

  Once again, it can't be the same as the two works of Thousand Stars Mystery and Random Stars. Natsume's Friends' Account, which was serialized at the same time as them, has occupied the third most popular ranking on the water edge after the end of Crimson Abyss. These two works are not good, they are serialized at the same time. , At the same time...The authors of the two works can be brothers, so fate.

  At the serialization meeting, a group of editors sat upright, and among them, Li Xi was undoubtedly the strongest.

  After the end of the Crimson Abyss, Tang Xin's dream world also jumped to the first place in popularity on the edge of the water, and the Natsume Friends Account, who was in charge of Li Xi's, also stabilized in popularity at the third place on the edge of the water. position.

  Such Li Xi naturally has the strongest aura among the many editors present.

  Even Chen Chu, the editor of Dragon Soul, was a bit weaker in front of Li Xi.

  Of course, regardless of the achievements of the editors in the audience, the real boss of this serial conference is still the old man editor-in-chief Deng He.

  "Okay, let's start the meeting!" Deng He said.