Chapter 167

  Unlike female editors like Li Xi, who among them does not own a car? Most people have ever imagined that they are a highly skilled driver, driving their own cars on the road to surpass each other.

  Even some people will compete with the cars on the side of the road when driving in an urban area with a speed limit of 40 kilometers on weekdays.

  With this kind of manga, Fujiwara Takumi driving the AE86 can easily take over the role, and a feeling of enthusiasm immediately came to mind.

  Seeing this, the second chapter of the initial D is over.

  In this plot, although Fujiwara Takumi did not show up, and the manga never mentioned that the 86's driver was Fujiwara Takumi, but through some of the previous details, this fact is not difficult to guess.

  Fujiwara Takumi and Takahashi Keisuke had an informal match at night. Not only did they show off Fujiwara Takumi's superb driving skills as the protagonist, they also avenged the gas station seniors, and also defended the Akina mountain. The dignity of the rider.

  In the previous plot, because Qiu Mingshan is full of amateur riders who were crushed by other riders in various ways, the depression brought to readers was wiped out.

  It's just.....

  But what about Saturday's race against Akagi REDSUNS?

  At the end of the second chapter, the editors with such doubts immediately had a strong sense of anticipation for the plot of the third chapter of this work.

  The many editors before reading this comic were thinking about how to make this work obsolete. In fact, like Chu Chen, they believed that the comics submitted by Li Xi would have a high probability of occupying one of the four serial seats, but The author of the comics Li Xi submitted was Shui Xin, which allowed them to see a turning point in this matter.

  As the top journal of Xuangui's Shuiyuan, there are only so few serial seats in total. Shui Xin wants one person to occupy two. Not to mention their editors have opinions. I am afraid that many cartoonists will also have ideas about Shui Xin.

  These people naturally want to bypass the quality of the work, but they talk about the industry's default rules of kicking the initial D out of the game, allowing one more seat in the serial conference.

  Only now, basically they have forgotten what they thought at the beginning, but focused all their attention on the plot of this work.

  Keisuke Takahashi had an appointment at the gas station the next day, and the much-anticipated AE86 went up the mountain on the day of the game.

  And I thought it was the father of Fujiwara Takumi who drove the AE86, but a group of Akimyama riders finally discovered that it was when Fujiwara Takumi Takumi got off the 86 car... After the

  race started, no matter what happened on the straight section. Over 86, but the FD that will always be overtaken by 86 at corners...

  and finally at the five consecutive hairpin bends on the downhill road of Akina Mountain, the AE86 driven by Fujiwara Takumi was driving at high speed. The inside of the curve did not slow down and exceeded Keisuke Takahashi's FD in a strange way.

  The editors here, including Chen Chu, only have one feeling... that's cool!

  Keisuke Takahashi, who had acted hard from the moment he played, drove a 350-horsepower FD, but eventually lost to the 86 with only 150 horsepower.

  Fujiwara Takumi used pure technology to crush Gao and told the riders of Akagi Redsuns who is the fastest person to get down the mountain.

  However, all the editors were wondering at this time, why the 86 can surpass the FD of Keisuke Takahashi in the inner circle of the five consecutive hairpin bends at a speed beyond the grip. This is unscientific...   Could it be this Is it forcibly giving the protagonist a halo? In that case, it will undoubtedly fall into the cliche.   In the story of the name draft, this was explained immediately. After the game, Keisuke's older brother Ryosuke Takahashi came to the scene and immediately noticed the way Fujiwara Takumi surpassed Keisuke Takahashi in five consecutive hairpin bends, but When he said this method, he made all editors' eyes wide open.... Is   there such an operation?   This is too... After thinking about how to use words, I can only use Niu 13 to describe it in the end.   Is it because our car is too skillful or you have a lot of imagination?   Someone made such a sigh.

  But in fact, if you are well-informed and have a good understanding of racing, you know that the racing technology in the initial D comics is basically feasible, and it is not nonsense.

  People who don't know these things may seem to be exaggerated, but if you think about it carefully, you can easily accept the settings. Even people who don't know how to drive will find this work very interesting.

  This is the charm of classic works. The initial D is such a work that can be seen by anyone who does not understand cars or racing at all.


  Deng He gave these editors twenty minutes to read the comic, but they were fascinated by the plot, but they basically watched it for nearly thirty minutes before they finished the work.

  When they woke up from the plot of initial D one after another...

  a crowd of people waited but didn't know what to say?

  You said that Shui Xin wanted to serialize two works on Shui Yuan. It is a bit too much...

  But people tell you with this work that he has this ability.

  Looking at the comics that appeared at the conference, so far none of the works can compete with the initial D in terms of excitement.

  Even Zong Lei's new work, Extreme Youth, is still missing the initial D after taking a closer look.

  The aura of the protagonist of Extreme Youth is too serious, and some bloody places feel too deliberate, and blood is bloody for the sake of blood.

  Relatively speaking, the plot processing of the initial D is much more obscure.

  From the challenge initiated by Akagi Redsuns in Akina, to Fujiwara Takumi's unintentional defeat of Keisuke Takahashi in the process of delivering tofu, to Fujiwara Takumi who was attracted by a box of gasoline for a date with Natsuki, and many people on Akina Takumi, who is focused on defeating Kesuke Takahashi.

  Throughout the whole plot, Fujiwara Takumi never thought of competing with others through a racing car, but on the contrary, he was the one who made this big show.

  In layman's terms, the protagonist of Xtreme Boy pretends to be too deliberate, so it will look a little stupid, but Fujiwara Takumi is invisible to pretend the whole time, so he is very handsome and deadly, and will not let the readers play in the slightest.

  But the only shortcoming of this work is the portrayal of Xia Shu as a woman.

  Unlike Li Xi, who is savvy in work, but has a simple life, many male editors on the field only saw Xia Shu's first appearance on the scene with her so-called father. They understood that Xia Shu and her so-called father. Relationship.

  In this regard, men think farther.

  Just as Li Xi was worried, the editors were a little displeased with Natsuki's setting, and the purpose of the entire Fujiwara Takumi and Takahashi Keisuke competition was to win a box of gasoline to drive and date Natsuki.

  But the girl Takumi tried so hard to get close to is another godfather. Let alone the readers, the male editors on the scene looked very upset.

  But other than that, the work of Initial D is definitely the best comic work that everyone has seen at this serialization conference.

  "Have you finished reading it?" Deng He said.

  "Now is the time for discussion, please speak up if you have anything you want to say."

  A group of editors looked at each other, but in the end, some editors asked the previous question.

  "Ms. Shui Xin's serialization of two works on the edge of the water at the same time seems to be inconsistent with the regulations."

  "The regulations?" Li Xi glanced at the man.

  "I don't remember the rule in Xuangui that does not allow an author to serialize multiple works at the same time."

  "But there has never been a similar situation before!"

  "So Shui Xin is not right. Are you ready to set this precedent? If the future editors have such strength and energy as the cartoonists, it is okay to learn from Shui Xin!" Li Xi said with a calm expression.

  "Moreover, none of the reasons you mentioned are critical!"

  "This is a serialization meeting. What we need to care about is the quality of the comics, isn't it? As for who painted the work, does it matter?"

  "Editor Deng, did you say so?" Li Xi looked at Deng He.


  "That's not wrong." Deng He said.

  Suddenly, the scene was silent for a while.

  At this time, no matter how dull people were, they were aware of Deng He's true thoughts.

  If Deng He objected to Shui Xin's serialization of two works on Shuiyuan at the same time, he would at least maintain a neutral attitude anyway.

  Could it be that Deng He actually supports Shui Xin?