Chapter 179

  On Tuesday night, Chu Yu searched for Weixin's positioning and came to the place Huang Ming said.

  Although Huang Ming said that it was only a general-grade Japanese barbecue restaurant, Chu Yu still felt... already very powerful when he entered.

  It can only be said that Huang Ming's daily life is a bit different from Chu Yu.

  "Hello, sir, is there an appointment?" the receptionist at the door asked with a smile.

  "Well, ah, my friend is inside..."

  After telling the receptionist what Huang Ming had told him, a man led Chu Yu upstairs and after crossing the corridor, the receptionist motioned to Chu Yu to take off. Behind the shoes, he opened the door of a room...In

  an instant, a noisy sound rang.

  Inside, there are nearly twenty people, most of them are men in their thirties, of course there are also a few women. It seems that they and Huang Ming are very familiar with each other, and basically everyone has a happy face. Talking with people around.

  Although Chu Yu opened the door quietly, it still attracted their attention.

  Just as Chu Yu was looking at them, they were also looking at Chu Yu...

  so young!

  Is this the water heart that is currently flourishing in the magic city?

  This seems to be a few years older than my daughter!

  Everyone has their own emphasis on Chu Yu's first impression.

  Huang Ming was the bond between Chu Yu and everyone present, and stood up immediately.

  "Introduce everyone..." Huang Ming walked to Chu Yu's side.

  "This is the cartoonist Shui Xin, who has a huge influence in the magic city now, and is also the main funder of the animation production project that our group is about to start, and also the screenwriter of this animation project...So, Where's the applause?" In the

  room, applause rang...

  "Hello boss!"

  "Boss is awesome!"

  "Boss, I'm your manga fan!"

  A few people started to flatter themselves half-jokingly.

  It made Chu Yu a little embarrassed. It wasn't that he was stage fright, but he was actually facing such a place, and he was still the person who received the attention of everyone at the dinner, and he was a little uncomfortable.

  "My name is Chu Yu, and I should be the youngest among all the people present. Just call my name directly." Chu Yu said calmly.

  "Anyway, the boss said so, everyone will do it in the future!" Huang Ming said with a smile.

  "Brother Chu, it came just right, the big guys are waiting for you!" Huang Ming took Chu Yu to the center of the long table, and the two of them knelt down.

  The table is full of vegetables, seafood, pork, beef, and mutton, vegetables, and some ingredients that Chu Yu can't recognize at all....

  The charcoal fire in the grill is burning. .

  It's just that before Chu Yu didn't come, everyone didn't move.

  Huang Ming sat beside Chu Yu, his eyes motioned to Chu Yu.

  Chu Yu didn't understand what he meant at first, but immediately reacted.

  "Everyone is due! It's not too early, everyone hurry up...   let's get started!" Chu Yu said, and the scene immediately became lively.   These people basically know each other and are not cautious. Although Chu Yu and them are not familiar with each other, isn't this dinner just for this matter?   Meat dishes were served on a few baking trays on the dining table in an instant.   "Come on, Brother Chu, this is a good thing... I specially ordered it for you!"   Huang Ming smiled, while slicing a plate that he didn't know what it was, but it was still a swollen plate. The stuff is grilled on the charcoal fire in front of him.   "What is this!" Chu Yu asked curiously.   "Cow eggs..."

  Chu Yu's face froze, and he didn't know how to respond to Huang Ming.

  "Very good." Huang Ming added.

  "Chu, boss Chu, I am Wang Chenglin...I toast you a glass!" At this moment, at the table, a man raised his glass and said towards Chu Yu.

  "Oh..." Chu Yu hurriedly poured the wine in front of him into the glass and responded.

  The wine glass is not big, and there is a kind of rice fragrance in the mouth of the wine, it seems that the alcohol content is not very high.

  "What kind of wine is this?" Chu Yu asked Huang Ming beside him.

  "Japanese food shops, I naturally order sake from the island of Japan, so I don't want to brave the world! Although this group of people may prefer beer more, but it also doesn't match the environment here!" Huang Ming joked.

  "Understand..." Chu Yu nodded.

  His alcohol volume is average, but the alcohol is probably only a dozen degrees. With this degree, as long as you restrain yourself, you will not be embarrassed.

  Only twenty minutes later, Chu Yu realized that he seemed to be naive.

  After Wang Chenglin, a group of people took turns taking turns. Even though the alcohol content was not high, they couldn't stand a lot of it, and it seemed that the stamina of the alcohol was a little bit bigger after drinking too much...

  Soon, Chu Yu felt blushing and heartbeat speeding up.

  A group of people only introduced their names to Chu Yu and chatted with each other. They didn't mention what role they took after the project started. Chu Yu will gradually understand this kind of thing in the future. Now it is the purpose for everyone to get to know each other first.

  "Brother Huang... they seem to be very lively!"

  Chu Yu looked at the people present. Some were playing cards, some were eating, and some were still a little drunk while drinking. Sing in the empty space.

  "These people are basically those who have a passion for animation, but are tired of the company and workplace, or are not good at interpersonal communication, or resign from the leader because of their superior ability, or are squeezed by the jealousy of the relationship because of their outstanding ability... .. Most people are in a freelance state, a few people were unemployed before!" Huang Ming slightly explained to Chu Yu.

  "Anyway, no matter what shortcomings they have, since I found them here, they must have two advantages."

  "First, there is no problem with character!"

  "Second, professional ability is absolutely Very hard!"

  "You will understand how you get along with them!"

  Chu Yu nodded, his chopsticks picked up a piece of barbecue and put it into his mouth at random.

  "How is it? The taste is okay!" Huang Ming asked with a smile, teasing his face.

  "It's ok..." Chu Yu subconsciously said.

  But immediately, Chu Yu, who was thinking about Huang Ming's expression, reacted.

  I looked at the baking tray, and sure enough, what Huang Ming had picked up with his chopsticks was the meat that Huang Ming had made at the beginning...

  Chu Yu had been letting it go, but he didn't expect to feel dizzy after drinking and ate in without paying attention.

  Chu Yu was silent for a moment...

  Huang Ming didn't irritate him anymore.

  Fortunately, his self-regulation ability is relatively strong, so he quickly changed his mindset forcibly.

  "Brother Huang, I want to ask, is it enough for us to produce animation?" Chu Yu looked at Huang Ming.

  "Of course...not enough!" Huang Ming said with a light smile.

  "They are just the main members. There are equipment, software, equipment and so on that can be rented. Some tedious but non-technical things can be outsourced to other companies. There are also some members who work. When the time comes, I will ask my acquaintances in Jiuxing to help out after work, they will also sell my face to make some extra money."

  "Anyway, you don't have to worry about personnel issues, the focus is on money. Question!" Huang Ming's tone became calm.

  "I want to start the production of this work as soon as possible, but first of all, the work location must be resolved first."

  "I have talked to you before. Although you are not very clear about the animation production process, you have the background of a manga artist, which is helpful for the original animation, the screen, and the character design. So I decided to set the work place in yours. Near the school, so that you can go to the animation production site to convey to them your author's views on the work after finishing the daily manga work..."

  "It's very... the project After opening, the funds will be allocated in time. Did you see that person? That person's name is Chen Hui, who is in charge of color work, and she is also a graduate of accounting, and she has not lost her professional skills. I am going to let her be responsible. Our project's funding co-ordination...Of course, it would be better if Old Brother Chu also sent one or two related personnel to take charge of this matter with her!"

  Chu Yu heard the words and nodded.

  Although an animation project with millions of funds is nothing to the devil, it is not a small sum in real terms, but it is estimated that this kind of thing will have to ask Li Xi again.