Chapter 187


  Liu Jian, who works as the painting supervisor of the small animation studio set up by Chu Yu and Huang Ming, finally came out after Chu Yu took out the coloring drawings he drew and heard Chu Yu's explanations. I have an intuitive impression of what quality and style Chu Yu wants to achieve in his two works: Five Centimeters Per Second and The Voice of Stars.

  At this time, most of the people in the studio came to surround the two of them. They were professionals in the industry. After they probably understood Chu Yu's requirements, they didn't think Chu Yu's requirements were too excessive.

  It's just...

  Liu Jian frowned and looked at Chu Yu.

  "It's just to make the animation pictures more beautiful. This is not difficult. The main reason is to find excellent, experienced and reliable painters and post-production personnel. Huang Ming and we know many such people in the industry, but the problem is... ...."

  "What's the problem?" Chu Yu asked.

  Second Five in the parallel world can be successful. In addition to the excellent plot, the biggest highlight is the exquisite picture. The reason why the voice of the stars is not clearly stated in Xin Haicheng's work is also because the picture is too scumbag.

  As for animation, the plot is as important as the screen. If Chu Yu really wants to make these two works popular in Long Kingdom, he must control the screen.

  "The problem is."

  "You have to add money..." Liu Jian looked at Chu Yu.

  "Animation stuff, if quality is the pursuit, then manpower is never the first priority. Budget is..."

  "If both works want to meet the boss's requirements as a whole, even if we It is possible to find the excellent painters to pay less in terms of compensation, but according to Huang Ming's predetermined allocation of funds, I think that the investment in painting is still not enough..." Liu Jian speaks very directly, and it doesn't matter. Huang Ming was standing beside him.

  "That's it!" Chu Yu frowned.

  Chu Yu thought for a while, and then ran to another room with Huang Ming to discuss the matter.

  "Brother Huang, how do you deal with this matter?" Chu Yu asked directly.

  "This kind of thing is inevitable in animation production." Huang Ming sighed.

  "Anyway, the quality of the work and the budget are two things that are directly proportional. I understand your previous requirements for this work. Indeed, in terms of the market of the magic city, I want to add up to these two works. An hour and a half of the animation maintains that quality, which is really difficult to achieve with our budget..."

  "It's not a problem to just make half of the pictures meet the requirements. Only some important pictures can be invested at that time. Go in for fine production, and sacrifice some unimportant pictures to save some budget." Huang Ming looked at Chu Yu and said.

  Chu Yu nodded when he heard the words. Animation production is basically the same. Xin Haicheng in the parallel world spent millions to produce five centimeters per second, which does not mean that Chu Yu can also spend the same money to produce it.

  Apart from other things, I don't know how much money has been saved on the project just because of my team's ability to manage the team and my ability to do multiple jobs.

  Although the animation production team formed by Huang Ming seems to be good now, it is obviously not as good as the Xin Haicheng team in the parallel world. Since in this case, Chu Yu still wants to require the image quality to achieve the same level of effect. There is no other way except to increase the budget.   It's just that since Chu Yu did it, he was definitely not ready to do it casually.   "Then how much additional budget do I need to achieve the effect I require?" Chu Yu asked.   "At least one million!" Huang Ming thought for a while.   "If you really do that, the final investment may reach five million."   Huang Ming said slowly.   This is because the compensation he asked for these old friends was not very high, and Huang Ming found a lot of paintings through his relationship, and the later outsourcing company leadership was familiar with him and the asking price was low, otherwise If you go for another person, people will definitely ask for prices.   "Let's do it then!" Chu Yu looked at Huang Ming.

  "Our originally planned publicity expenses will also be invested in the animation production!"

  "What about the publicity?" Huang Ming frowned.

  For a work, publicity can be said to be very important. Good publicity can turn a rubbish work into a hot work. On the contrary, it is common for a good work to be unpopular because of poor publicity.

  Although it is estimated that the cost of publicity for these two works will be less than one million, it is better than nothing. It is really naked, and it is likely to be on the street.

  "It's only the end of July, and there are still five months to go before the scheduled broadcast date in December. Didn't I recently serialize the comic with Initial D? Calculated based on its remuneration, the half-year manuscript fee is deducted from tax. There are also about one million, so let's make up with this money when that time comes!" Chu Yu said.

  "Moreover, my Natsume Friends Account has been serialized for nearly nine months. According to the length of the book, it is estimated that the booklet or the animation adaptation will be fast, and there may be unexpected income at that time. If it is not good for my hometown, Los Angeles, there will be another set. Although the house is a bit old, hundreds of thousands of dollars can be mortgaged. If the money is still short, I will mortgage it first. I can save it for a few months and then redeem it. You can pay interest to the bank at most. Counting our previous expenses of 3.6 million yuan, it is only a budget within 5 million yuan. I think it is still possible to squeeze and squeeze..."

  Huang Ming who just listened to Chu Yu to settle the accounts. He had a weird look, and finally couldn't help it after hearing Chu Yu's sigh.

  "You sigh a woolen thread. I haven't had 5 million assets in the magic city for so many years. What if you fill up your million-dollar fund gap in a few months?"

  Huang Ming vomited and thought about it. , One more sentence.

  "At that time, the money is not enough. We will increase the additional budget in various proportions. Anyway, the agreed share ratio will not change."

  "That's fine!" Chu Yu said that there is no problem.

  "It's just that, Brother Chu, what you do is equivalent to investing all your assets in your body now. Are you not afraid?" Huang Ming looked at Chu Yu.

  "What are you afraid of?" Chu Yu asked back.

  "Aren't you afraid that you will lose all your money by then?"

  "I'm afraid that these two works won't be popular. As for the loss of money, I don't think it matters. If you don't have money, you can make more money. This work is not popular.. ...." Chu Yu's words stopped in due course.

  "What will happen?" Huang Ming looked at Chu Yu strangely.

  So where do I go to earn rewards?

  It's just that Chu Yu definitely couldn't explain to Huang Ming, otherwise Chu Yu wouldn't invest all his money in animation production.

  Even a slight improvement in quality may be the key to whether these two works will earn him system rewards.


  just that, while Chu Yu was busy with his various things, this week, the major comic companies of the Magic City have almost released more than a dozen comics about racing. , Faced with this situation, the whole Xuangui became nervous.

  Xuangui had long anticipated such a situation. After all, before the initial D, there were no decent racing comics in the entire Longguo comics market, so the level of excavation for this subject matter is not high.

  But over the past month or so, the popularity of the initial D is obvious to all. From the popularity of the first and second chapters to the perception of the huge potential of this theme by the comic companies, the comics have created new racing comics, submitted articles, and arranged serialization in various comic companies. And printing is basically this time flow.

  It's just that a dozen works of the same heart were published at once, which is indeed a bit unexpected...Although none of the other seven of the Magic City has rashly made the same choice, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com, but if the racing comics of these small and medium-sized comic companies have also achieved good results, it is obvious that the other six of the seven major cities will naturally not let this theme go.

  And some of the comic posters directly use the words beyond the initial D, and the plot is also similar to the mountain roadside plot. At a time, many comic fans with the initial D are also attracted.

  At least judging from the results of the first phase of these works, the response has been pretty good.

  Because of this, Li Xi has been a little upset these days.

  Chu Yu saw her frowning when she came to fetch the manuscript, and from the fact that Lin Fan and He Sheng had been discussing and worrying about the same things these days, she could also guess what Li Xi was upset about.

  So he took the initiative to bring up this topic.

  "Li Xi, you don't have to worry about the influence of the works that follow the trend on the initial D."

  "How can you not worry about it!" Li Xi sighed.

  "I understand that with the strength of the comics of those small and medium-sized comic companies, the quality of their works will never reach the height of the initial D, but I am worried that by then the other big comic companies in Magic will see the potential of this theme. Come in and disrupt the situation together. If that is the case, even if the plot of the initial D is wonderful, I am afraid it will be attracted a lot of popularity."