Chapter 202

  These reporters, who are only looking for news, ask sharp questions.

  No matter how Chu Yu answers, there is news to write about, but since this person is drawn to ask questions in accordance with the rules of the activity, it is naturally not easy to interfere with what questions she asks.

  Li Xi only hoped that Chu Yu would be tactful and not offend others inexplicably.

  "Um...Chen Qizhuang, Ye Ling, Lu Mu, who are these three people!"

  Chu Yu's voice sounded on the stage.

  Li Xi's frowning brows stretched out, she had this hunch. She didn't expect that Chu Yu was still so real, and there was no need to worry about it. Just this sentence would definitely offend people!

  "But... whoever they are?" Chu Yu thought for a while.

  "It doesn't matter, but for the popularity of the new animation next spring, I naturally want to strive for it, and...I also have confidence." Chu Yu said slowly.

  As for confidence, he has a fart, but if he, as an animation script writer, shows his lack of confidence on such occasions, how can fans support him?

  Anyway, talk big without spending money, this kind of thing, just talk about it!

  Chu Yu's words surprised many people, but at the same time, it also made his fans boil.

  They liked Chu Yu's character that he didn't say a word for a few months, and made trouble whenever he spoke.

  At the scene, there were also reporters sent by many websites to collect materials. They also recorded this scene. After returning, there will be animation news to write.

  Soon, the small activity before the start of this signing event ended.

  Chu Yu also started a formal signing event.

  He was sitting on a chair, and at the table, there was a long line of fans.

  Basically, 90% of the queues are girls.

  Basically, each of them bought one, two and three booklets issued by Natsume's Friends Account from the organizer and held them in hand.

  Some people, Chu Yu gave Chu Yu some small gifts after giving a name to the bookmark, such as bookmarks, dolls, flowers, handmade works and so on.

  Some people will take a photo with Chu Yu by the way, and take pictures for souvenirs or something.

  Some people will ask Chu Yu to sign some special words or sentences.

  Such as water heart wish xxx and xxx happiness forever.

  Obviously this is to give off to her boyfriend.

  In the first half an hour, Chu Yu was very energetic. After all, he was his own fans. Seeing him and the others happy, it didn't matter if he worked hard.

  One hour later.... Why is the line still so long?

  Three hours later... God! Why is it not over yet?

  Wasn't it a few hundred people at the beginning? How come there are two people after signing one person, there still seem to be many people now!

  Five hours later... I beg you to have dinner. It's almost night, and there are still queuing for my signature. Is it worth it? Go home and go to sleep!

  Finally.... In the

  evening, after the last person left contentedly, the time has come to eight o'clock.

  "Is it over?"

  "It's over!"

  Chu Yu kneaded his sore hands.   "I finally figured out why Tang Xin didn't participate in this event for the second time! Li Xi, don't call me for this kind of event in the future, and I don't want to participate in the second time!"   "Let's talk about this kind of thing later!" Li The stream cannot be denied.   "But it seems that today's signing event has worked well. Look at the various your fan groups I have added. Photos and short videos about you have been spread everywhere!" Li Xi showed her mobile phone to Chu Yu.   On the phone, Li Xijia's group discussed some news about Chu Yu.   "It's okay, Mr. Shuixin, it meets the expectations in my heart, and I feel a bit dull. When I took a photo with him, I was afraid of touching me with my hands, so I put it directly in front of me!"

  "Envy, it's a pity that I'm in Han Province. I hope Teacher Shuixin will come to Han Province to hold an autograph meeting anytime. If that happens, I will definitely go!"

  "Anyway, I bought the one, two and three books of Natsume's Friends Account. Two books, one for collection, one for reading and viewing."

  "It's just that Teacher Shuixin is too direct, right? It's a bit offensive to tell you that you don't know Chen Qizhuang, Ye Ling, and Lu Mu directly at this kind of activity. People?"

  "What's wrong with this? Seeing Mr. Shuixin like that, it's obvious that he doesn't know him to say that!"

  "But that's not what it said. These three are all very famous animation scripts for demons. The creators, how do you say that Teacher Shuixin is also with them, so it is a bit disrespectful to the predecessors!"

  "Ms. Shuixin is a cartoonist, animation screenwriter is just a side job! I don't know these three people. It's strange, how can there be so many weird things?"


  After looking at it twice, Chu Yu returned the phone to Li Xi.

  Then I turned on my phone and clicked on my fan group that I secretly added. The basic content is similar.

  Either it was about discussing Chu Yu's appearance, or discussing some of what Chu Yu said.

  It's just that Chu Yu also understands that the words he didn't know the three people said at the signing meeting did sound a bit provocative.

  So after Chu Yu thought for a while, he posted an apology on Weibo, stating that there was no other ambiguity in his words...

  This signing event officially ended.

  Chu Yu refused the host's invitation to dinner and went home directly.

  But this matter...

  but it turned around after Chu Yu woke up the next day.

  Early in the morning, many Chuyu fans , asked him to check it out on Lumu's Weibo.

  "What's the situation?" Chu Yu thought for a long time before trying to understand who Lu Mu is?

  It is the animation screenwriter known as "The Catastrophe of the Heroine".

  Because the heroine in the work ended either tragically or inferior to death, that's why.

  And the works are mainly fantasy and surreal, mixed with elements such as love.

  In Longguo animation industry, he is a very famous screenwriter.

  However, Chu Yu clicked into his Weibo to take a look, and there was one of his latest developments, with a huge amount of comments.

  "Animation and comics are not the same. Second-rate cartoonists can't stay together. It's fantastic to think that you can become a first-rate animation playwright by running into the animation industry, let alone an arrogant who doesn't respect others. I want to compete for next year. There are many animes that are the most popular in spring animation, and there are many that are powerful, but I think that when a certain interline cartoonist said that he wants to fight for the first place, it may mean that he wants to fight for the reverse first!"

  Chu Yu took a look at him. This speech also understands what he is talking about?


  just because I said I didn't know you, I became an arrogant who didn't respect you.

  I also sent Weibo to do these things...

  this is too narrow-minded!

  Chu Yu shook his head. was about to quit Weibo. Regardless of this kind of thing, the heat soon dissipated.

  But at this moment, Lumu's Weibo updated another comment.

  "I went to see the comics of a certain cartoonist, and finally understood why he came to the animation industry to join in the fun. Indeed, drawing such garbage comics is definitely not going to be mixed in the comics industry..."


  Chu Yu focused on these two words and blinked.

  He took a breath.

  Chu Yu thought about what happened yesterday. Although he did not know the three of them, but saying this in front of so many people, it was true that people might be uncomfortable, so he also apologized on Weibo.

  Even if you saw Lu Mu taunting himself before, it doesn't matter, you just have to be happy anyway.

  But Shu Chuyu's comics use the word trash...

  How can this be tolerated?

  Can I be worthy of those different-dimensional cartoonists who have been transported by myself?

  Chu Yu's plan to withdraw from Weibo stopped. Soon, he sent a message with his Weibo account.