Chapter 214

  The next day, I changed another website to record the show and invited two people to go.

  "Mr. Water Heart? I heard that you are at odds with Lu Mu, the associate producer of the Frozen Witch. Now your work is 5 centimeters per second and the Voice of the Star and the Frozen Witch are broadcast on January 1st and 2nd. , Do you have the confidence to surpass the frozen witch in the popularity competition of spring animation?" The host said.

  "Oh, of course. I have confidence in the speed of five centimeters per second and the voice of the stars. I don't think it's a problem with witches over ice!" Chu Yu said calmly.

  Huang Ming on the side looked at Chu Yu appreciatively, but he didn't expect this guy to brag without changing his face. He was a talent!

  It's just that he doesn't know... Chu Yu is indeed thinking like this in his heart, he is just telling the truth.

  "What do you think of Producer Huang?"

  "I have the same opinion as Teacher Shui Xin!"

  "What if the results are not as you expected?" the host asked.

  "Did not achieve the expected results?" Huang Ming heard the words silently, with a solemn expression.

  "These two works this time have devoted my life's hard work and dreams. If the results are not satisfactory, it may also mean that Huang Ming has not kept up with the times. I may consider quitting the animation industry and leaving more opportunities for young people. People..."

  Huang Ming's words were passionate and emotional.

  Chu Yu was stunned and moved a little bit.

  Unexpectedly, Huang Ming attaches such importance to these two works!


  On the way out of the program recording room, Chu Yu said as he walked.

  "The hard work and dreams you talked about before, what else is there to quit the animation industry, I feel a little impulsive..."

  "Of course it's nonsense. I'm only in my 30s. I left the animation industry and drank northwest wind." !" Huang Ming glanced at Chu Yu silently.

  "Brother Chu, what are you thinking about? That's just for the effect of the show. Many people in the industry have established this. Now they are not very active in the animation industry."

  "Anyway, it is to record the show, bragging or to increase the ratings. . And what I said is possible, not necessarily. Someone is really picky, then I will say that for the sake of my dream, I will contribute to the dragon country animation industry and insist on fighting on the front line....It's not over. Is it?"

  Chu Yu was silent after hearing this, and secretly wrapped his previous touch in the paper to wipe his hands, and threw it into the trash can.


  On the third day, Chu Yu and Huang Ming went out to record the show.

  Chu Yu also understood the routine, followed the same pattern, and performed

  in cooperation with Huang Ming... Anyway, in late December, Huang Ming used all kinds of methods to expand as much as possible to five centimeters per second and the stars. The influence of the two works.

  In the absence of publicity funds, most animation enthusiasts do not say that they are interested in these two works, but at least they sound familiar.

  It's just that in the eyes of many people in the industry, although Huang Ming's series of operations did make the names of the two works frequently appear in front of many animation fans, an animation, after all, has to speak in terms of quality. There are several large-scale animations in January. There are also a lot of medium-sized productions . It is not impossible to achieve good results at a speed of 5 centimeters per second and Star Voice, but it is really difficult.   .....   All in all, half a year has passed since he and Huang Ming confirmed their intention to cooperate with the Voice of Stars at a speed of five centimeters per second.   Regarding the animation production of five centimeters per second and the sound of the stars, the two of them felt that if they had more time and money, the two works would definitely be completed better, but no matter what, under the existing conditions Under the foundation, both of them did their best.   Huang Ming is worrying about the 2.5 million broadcasts of the two works.

  Chu Yu is annoyed by whether the two works can win the spring animation championship with the data of average broadcast volume in the episode, so that he can get system rewards.

  In both men's troubles, the passage of time, xxviii, then update the Initial D ...


  dragon country of many highly anticipated Initial D fans, hard wait After a week, I finally waited for the serialization of this sentence.

  The title of this sentence, "Takumi, the hurricane of raging waves" has already made fans enthusiastic.

  Sure enough, the first page of the comic was Takumi's face that had been blackened for a week.

  Along with the pedaling of Takumi's accelerator, the warning sound in the vehicle that exceeded a hundred kilometers per hour sounded. Of course, onomatopoeia was used instead in the comics.

  How angry Takumi is at this time can be seen from his violent driving method in the comics.

  The smooth drifting running method that could have run the autumn mountains for more than a minute so that the water in the water cup in the car does not spill out has disappeared.

  In order to surpass the red EG6 in front of him, Takumi's current running method is to make all the tofu in the car shatter in a corner. Of course, that is on the premise that his car is now equipped with tofu!

  Drive more than a block as fast as you can, in order to be faster, even half of the vehicle is on the road, and half is directly on the side of the mountain road.

  In order to quickly turn the corner, I deliberately let the rear of the car hit the barrier, gaining a reaction force to accelerate the exit...

  Fuck, as expected, Takumi is actually racing!

  That's right, that's it, surpassing that wretched man named Shingo!

  Fan fans are excited, racing is like this!

  However, if you keep running like this, perhaps the biggest winner of this race should be the car repairer!

  Under Takumi's pursuit, Shingo, who thought he could easily get rid of 86, couldn't help speeding up in order to maintain his leading position.

  Shingo, who is best at stuffing death tape down the mountain, even uttered such horrible words that he had never thought that one day, the downhill race would be so terrifying.

  No matter how much Shingo speeds up, the 86 behind him bites him tightly, and he can't even open a gap in his position.

  In this way, the two cars drove one after the other, into the classic autumnal mountain five consecutive hairpin bends.

  From the initial D to the present comic fans, why don't they know that Akina's five straight hairpin turns are the decisive point of the game.

  Sure enough... At the turn of five consecutive hairpin turns, 86 accelerated from the inside and wanted to run through the corner with a drain, but Shingo had too many bumper cars hitting people, so he saved others by himself. Thinking that Takumi wanted to hit him with 86 in order to hold the hatred he had hit Takumi before, he subconsciously gave up the inside lane...

  But in the comics, the victory or defeat was already divided at this moment of flaw.

  The 86, which used the drainage ditch to turn the corner, opened a gap with Shingo's EG6 after exiting the corner.


  The readers who saw this breathed a sigh of relief.


  But.... After

  winning, I still feel a little unhappy in my heart, so it's over?

  Is it enough to win Shingo? What do you say about his hospitalization of Takeuchi?

  It's just that, the comics are not over yet. Readers who continue to read this matter have found that there is still a turning point...

  In order to save his face, Shingo, who doesn't want to lose, actually wants to hit the 86 with a car and let the two All cars were out of the game and could not race, thus making the game a tie.

  I go, there are such people?

  Can you be more mean?

  The anger of the readers was provoked again...

  But then, a classic scene occurred.

  When Shingo wanted to continue hitting the 86 with the body in the corner and turning the steering wheel to the left, the 86 driven by Takumi flicked and drifted into the corner, just avoiding Shingo's suicide attack, and the EG6 lost the target because of the excessive speed. Fast and difficult to control, it hits the protective fence directly.....

  At that moment, the words that popped up in the hearts of the readers, in addition to being handsome, but also cool...

  This is really retribution!

  In the comics, Shingo's car collided with the barrier due to its high speed. Although Shingo's strong control did not cause the car to crash or die, the basic vehicle was seriously damaged and the fuel tank ruptured. Unable to start the vehicle.

  Shingo, who knew he had lost, raised his head, his eyes full of unwillingness and pain.

  The damage to the car is not terrible. It is natural to want to win by any means.

  However, he still lost even after using despicable means. This was undoubtedly a great blow to Shingo.

  He lost not only the race, but also his dignity as a driver.

  The blackened 86 rushed to the finish line, returning home without any reduction in speed.

  But Ikeya, who was worried about Takumi's accident, drove the car, but saw Shingo who was in a car accident, and actually got out of the car to help Shingo.

  This scene also made many comics fans have a good impression of Ikeya, a magnanimous character who does not hold any grudges. It is only for Shingo's fate, or two words... it deserves it.

  The initial D of the twenty-eighth chapter has no divine chapters, which not only gave the road killer Shingo the end he deserved, but also ended this big plot.

  After reading this, a group of fans gave a big sigh and ran to the bottom of Shuixin Weibo to feel comfortable.

  He also said that reading comics this week is cool, and that the water center's speed of five centimeters per second and the broadcast of Star Voice will definitely be supported next week.
