Chapter 219

  January 3... The first episode of five centimeters per second, the second day after Sakura Tachi was broadcast, in the animation studio.

  When Chu Yu, Huang Ming, and the members of the production team, who had been following the broadcast data of this work, finally learned that the first day of Sakura Transcript was 1.14 million.

  First of all, everyone unanimously breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from this data, there is obviously no problem with the return of this work.

  Then, there was an unspeakable excitement in everyone's hearts.

  On, the largest anime two-dimensional gathering place in the Dragon Kingdom, nearly 100,000 people rated this work. The score of 5 cm per second at 9.3 clearly tells everyone that this work is very appetizing for readers.

  "According to this situation, the average collection rate of 5 centimeters per second is expected to be more than 3 million!"

  "The first day of the first episode has more than 1.1 million views. Obviously, the collection average is not 3 million. What's difficult, if the plots of the next two episodes make readers feel wonderful...maybe the final broadcast data will be higher!"

  "I really didn't expect this to be the result, Huang Ming pulled me half a year ago When I joined this studio, I just thought Huang Ming wanted to go it alone. Miaowu and the Voice of the Stars are just one of his experiments, just to pave the way for future plans...but I I didn't expect that this work made by a temporary team of us would be so popular!" In the

  office area, all the staff members were talking about it.

  In Huang Ming's office, he was looking at the evaluation of the work by netizens on the Internet with a look of excitement while talking with Chu Yu.

  "Brother Chu, why don't you speak!"

  "There is nothing to say!" Chu Yu said.

  "Why not? The first chapter is so good, don't you have any joy as a creator?" Huang Ming said cheerfully.

  good grades?

  Chu Yu wanted to say something, but finally held back.

  Up to now, among the animations aired in January, the most popular one on the first day is The Frozen Witch, who is a little over two million, followed by Xiacheng with 1.6 million, and then it is five centimeters per second. One hundred and one hundred thousand.

  If the aired today, the data has not yet come out, I kneeling on the washboard in the other world and the unaired businessman in the other world are counted as works of the same level as Xia Cheng, the results of the first episode at the speed of 5 centimeters per second will be broadcast in January. In the animation, it can only be counted as the fifth place based on the current results.

  Although Chu Yu understands that the 5 cm per second broadcast volume really needs to be broadcast after the third episode of the work is broadcast. If nothing happens, the 5 cm per second broadcast trend should be similar to the unheard of the name. On the curve.

  But just now, it is obvious that such results cannot make Chu Yu happy.

  "Forget it, no matter what you are, I understand your personality after being with you for so long, and indeed rarely see your mood swings." Huang Ming shook his head.

  For Huang Ming, this data is already very good for the first episode of Second Five, which means that as long as the normal development continues, the two people's investment of 5 million in making this work can basically rely on network broadcasting to pay back.

  In addition, the sale of broadcast rights in various regions and the sale of Blu-ray discs are not suitable for the development of peripheral products, but it is always the selling point of character clothes. Forcing some figures to do something can also be profitable. , No matter how you count it, earning more than three million is easy.   Unlike Chu Yu, although Huang Ming has been in the animation industry for so many years, he has participated in the production of a lot of popular animations, and the industry influence is not weak, but the actual wealth of his own assets is not much. After all, he is a producer, but in reality Shang is not just a senior employee of an animation company, and the income from dividends is also considerable for him.   At the beginning, he and Chu Yu co-produced these two works, which was a bold attempt that he had wanted to do for many years in the industry but was unable to do it.   Because the plot of Chu Yu's two works really suits his appetite, and Chu Yu bears the bulk of the animation production costs.   In addition, Chu Yu is a real layman in the animation industry, who can't and is unable to dictate his series of arrangements after the animation project is launched.

  Combining several factors, he only proposed a cooperation intention when he met with Chu Yu only once.

  Therefore, when Huang Ming made these two works, he did not produce them with a profitable attitude.

  After all, there are too many uncertain factors in the process. Even the animation produced by Jiuxing has a lot of hits on the street, not to mention his work independently from Jiuxing.

  After talking to Chu Yu about the situation at that time, Chu Yu gave him a reply, "Losing everyone to fight together" in the past few months, he just wanted to make a work that satisfies himself and, by the way, can satisfy the audience. The attitude to produce in these two works.

  But in this situation, people who have seen this work on the Internet are basically all boasting it. It is obvious that the reputation of animation is now overwhelming, and according to this trend, the profit will be a lot, so Huang Ming is naturally happy. To get a horse, I almost bought two bottles of wine to blow the bottle with Chu Yu.

  "Wait five centimeters per second two weeks later, and then watch it. Now, this result is not worth so happy!" Chu Yu said calmly.

  "It's over?" Huang Ming was stunned.

  "Why wait for it to be over..."

  But halfway through, Huang Ming immediately remembered the original broadcast trend of Unheard Flower Name. At that time, the broadcast volume skyrocketed after it was over.

  "You mean... 5 centimeters per second is possible to copy the unheard of performances?" Huang Ming asked uncertainly.

  "Yes!" Chu Yu said.

  "From the very beginning when I made these two works, I never thought that it would be enough to just pay back, or earn a few million dollars!"

  "Then what kind of results do you need to be satisfied?" Huang Ming asked.

  "For example, the name of the most popular spring animation..." Chu Yu said.

  After all, there is a reward for being the first.

  Although it cannot be said that Chu Yu doesn't care about monetary profit, it is relatively more important to obtain system rewards.

  "..." Huang Ming.

  "Is it the most popular in spring? Brother Chu is really ambitious..." Huang Minggan laughed twice.

  "It's just whether the goal is too big. For example, we should set a small goal. More than 30 new works will be broadcast in a single month this year, and there will be 30 more works in February and March. There are more than 60 animations broadcast throughout the spring. I think our goal should be set for all the animations broadcast in the spring. How about squeezing into the top ten in terms of broadcast volume?" Huang Ming said.

  "Brother Huang doesn't need to belittle himself. The quality of the completion of these two works is beyond my imagination. has an excellent animation team formed by Brother Huang, plus I am from the department... I think that the conceived script that fits the market is not a difficult goal. After all, if even the quality works of the frozen witch and Xia Cheng can be regarded as a strong competitor for the first popular animation in spring, then I think the two works of Miaowu and the Voice of Stars should be more competitive than these works!"

  "Moreover, we still don't understand the feud between us and Lu Mu? Now it seems that Lu Mu's participation in the production is frozen. The witch is obviously the most popular. If we catch up from behind, we will eventually squeeze it to the third, or even lower, position of spring animation popularity... I think there is nothing better than taking revenge in this way!"

  Chu Yu coughed. Just now, he almost said "plus the popular works that he extracted from the system and have been tested in other worlds".

  Is it because you can't stand it? No wonder!

  Don't say you can't bear it, Brother Chu, I can't bear it either, but you have to consider the reality!

  Huang Ming thought that Chu Yu couldn't bear the icy witch animation production team's method of poaching the voice actors at critical moments. After thinking about it, he wanted to say something to exhort Chu Yu to relax, such as the gentleman's revenge for ten years Words, but still held back.

  The juvenile's anxious temper is normal, and he shouldn't pour cold water on him at this time.

  "I hope so!" Huang Ming echoed.