Chapter 223

  Chu Yu's reply caught the attention of many fans who have been following his Weibo.

  "Is it too late to run now? What does Mr. Shui Xin mean... sure enough, will this work of five centimeters per second end with a tragedy of tears after all?"

  "Above, don't be deceived, I didn't see it. Is the funny expression on the back of Teacher Shui Xin? Ms. Shui Xin likes to engage in this kind of prank. It is obviously a melancholy work, so he likes to say it is a healing work, but for a real joyous work, he likes to disguise it as a melancholy The work, anyway, Mr. Shui Xin's words, his words can be understood in the opposite direction.....Where are so many gloomy works! Teacher Shui Xin is not a pervert, I am already 90% sure about it, Chapter Three It means that Akari and Takasuki reunited, and then the two lived a happy life without shame."

  "It seems to make sense to hear from upstairs, but I always feel that this kind of plot processing is different from what I used to do. The teacher Shuixin I know is a little different!"

  "People will always change. After all, Ms. Shuixin has also changed from twenty years old, from the genius manga boy back then to the three big uncles, and his views on love should also change. Become more optimistic, always those love stories of life and death, we look sad, don't Teacher Shuixin feel uncomfortable when creating it?"

  "That's right, but it's a pity that this work is so well produced, so Nice soundtrack, but there are only three chapters in this work? A little bit reluctant to finish it!"

  "Yeah! Before watching Second Five, I understand a good work like a frozen witch, Xiacheng, and the production cost. High, please use big-name voice actors to promote vigorously, and then vigorously burn money. But the speed of five centimeters per second really subverted my perception....Jijun Investment is only a medium investment in the January animation, but Talking about the expressiveness of the pictures and the pleasantness of the music... his other works were simply blasted to scum!"

  "Maybe it's the difference between those who make anime with their heart and those who only want to rely on the money from the animation industry! In an interview with Teacher Shui Xin and producer Huang Ming on the show, Mr. Shui Xin used the money for drawing comics over the past few years. I invested all in and produced two short animations of 5 cm per second and the voice of the stars. Because all the money was invested in production and there was no money to promote, the popularity of this work was so low before the broadcast... But fortunately, the fragrance of wine Don't be afraid of the deep alleys, the quality of this work is there. Apart from the shortcomings of the length of the work, it is definitely one of the best works in the youth romance animations in recent years!"

  "How can you say that people are so different from people? Water? Xin-teacher is only twenty years old this year. It's Natsume's Friends' Account and the initial D. The previous Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, unheard of the name, is now five centimeters per second and a voice of stars that hasn't appeared yet. ...Even according to rumors, the music of Unheard Flower Name, Five Centimeters Per Second, and the Voice of the Star was also provided by Teacher Shui Xin, although Mr. Shui Xin said that the music was commissioned by a friend... ...But after so long, his so-called friend has not revealed any news. Anyway, many people now think that Mr. Shuixin's so-called friend should be him. In this way, whether it is The animation industry is still the comics industry. Teacher Shui Xin has such a good performance, and he also stepped in in the music industry... Maybe, this is a genius!"

  ... ..

  Chu Yu looked at the comments of people on Weibo with relish.

  Originally, he replied with the phrase "It's too late to leave now!" He wanted to give his fans a psychological vaccination.

  He certainly doesn't want his fans to really leave. He does n't look at the final words at a speed of five centimeters per second, but with this, he thinks that fans will be vigilant... and will take less damage at that time.   After all, for so many years, he has been scolded by fans as a big pit, and he is also a little embarrassed by the words of the evil man who deceives tears.   But he did not expect that his kind words to persuade him were so comprehensible by his fans that they were even prepared to watch the third episode 5 centimeters per second with joy... This is something that Chu Yu never expected.

  Forget it.... Let them, anyway, it is not me who will be injured.


  few days later, the weekly situation of the second episode with a speed of five centimeters per second was released.

  On, the most authoritative two-dimensional website of the Dragon Kingdom, among the audience ratings about the animation broadcast in January, the work of 5 cm per second is still outstanding, and the score has not dropped but increased, reaching a score of 9.4. .

  On the contrary, before the broadcast, the ratings of the so-called four major animations in January that were expected by everyone were reduced to varying degrees, ranging from 8.1 to 8.8 two weeks after the broadcast.

  For many animation fans in Longguo, they don't believe in big productions, big-name voice actors, or other big pushes when watching animation. They just watch a little when they watch animation... What other viewers say about this work.

  After all, everyone is very busy. Who has the mind to watch a few hours of animation to judge whether your work is good or not? Is it fairy grass? Many people choose animations to watch based on audience evaluations and ratings.

  For this reason, the high score and high reputation of the animation at five centimeters per second attracted many fans of this kind of animation.

  Therefore, the first week of the second episode at a speed of five centimeters per second is undoubtedly much higher than the first episode, reaching as much as 2.7 million, and the time for the first episode has also increased. Lots of play volume.

  With a speed of five centimeters per second, the total number of two episodes broadcast on the entire network has reached 6.2 million.

  This data.... To be honest, don't say that the major animation companies in the outside world feel outrageous, even the direct staff of Huang Ming and other seconds and five animation productions feel that...very outrageous.

  Up to now, two weeks after the broadcast, the work with the highest total number of views is the Frozen Witch, with 6.4 million views of the two episodes, which is an average of 3.2 million views. According to experience, if the follow-up plot of the witch does not die and the audience abandons the drama, the average broadcast volume of this episode will gradually increase within the next three months of the broadcast of this work. And depending on the quality of the subsequent plot, industry insiders estimate that the final episode of Frozen Witch will be in the range of 4.5 to 5 million.

  But this is the result that the Frozen Witch has spent a lot of money to produce and promote the animation. From now on the new opens the website and the animation recommendation that pops up is this work. It can be seen that Dakai has given this work. The work definitely invested a lot of money.

  The production cost alone is basically 30 million, and has not counted the promotional and advertising costs.

  And why can you start broadcasting at a speed of five centimeters per second and the number of broadcasts surpassed six million in two weeks? Don't Dakai Animation's funds and animation production team members are better than your temporary animation team formed by Shui Xin and Huang Ming?

  The total broadcast volume of the other three works, such as Xiacheng, Merchant of Another World, and Washboard, which were broadcast in January, are still struggling with 5 million views. You only surpass these three without making a sound at a speed of 5 centimeters per second. The Ministry of Education has produced animations. How can you embarrass the staff of other animation companies?

  After all, this broadcast volume data also means that Huang Ming and Chu Yu's investment of 5 million yuan has already recovered more than half of the cost. The remaining seconds and five final words in the next two weeks and the voice of the stars will also be the same after the broadcast. As far as the data is concerned, basically two weeks later, that is, after January, the investment of the two has already paid off, and in February and March, the income generated from the broadcasting of these two works will be pure profits. In April, after the four episodes of animation were broadcast three months later, after the four episodes of animation were successively reduced in price, the revenue would be very low. But in addition to the peripherals, the sale of broadcast rights, the sale of the collection of Blu-ray discs, etc.... It is foreseeable that Chu Yu and Huang Ming should make a lot of money.

  In the Longguo animation industry, there are indeed very few examples of relying on pure network broadcasting to recover animation investment. Many animation works may not be able to pay back even with the money sold around them.