Chapter 239

  On the second day after the interview, Chu Yu slept until noon and got up.

  After all, it was already late January. Chuyu School had already closed for a long time, and the students went home for everything.

  Two of his assistants and he took the time to rush to work in the previous wave. After drawing the cartoons that will be submitted this week and the next week, they also went home to celebrate the New Year.

  It's just that Chu Yu's parents are long gone, and there are no relatives in Luo Province that he cares about, and it doesn't make much sense to go back, so Chu Yu stayed calm in the magic city.

  Chu Yu opened Weibo on a daily basis to see if his fans had any constructive speeches today.

  But as soon as I took a look in the comment area, almost everyone was discussing his "Warrior of Love" speech last night, the ridicule and funny face all over the screen...

  "Oh, I laughed to death, last night Talking about the Dragon Kingdom, the remarks made by Teacher Shui Xin are really cheating! The soldier of love? He really dare to say."

  "Have you noticed that the host Xiao Rou after Shui Xin's words came out? Then people stayed there for a few seconds, and the eyes of Master Shui Xin seemed to be looking at a big flicker!"

  "Have you only noticed Xiao Rou? The expression on the side of Producer Huang is also very funny, and his mouth grows big at first. Later, I looked at Shui Xin with admiration and admiration in his eyes. It is estimated that even Huang Ming, an old youtiao in the animation industry, also admires Shui Xin's cheeky! I don't know how Shui Xin feels embarrassed at a speed of five centimeters per second. The Voice of the Stars, Unheard of Flower Names, these works are positive energy works full of love and healing? Could it be that Teacher Shui Xin was the reincarnation of the ancient Zhao Gao and inherited his ability to refer to a deer as a horse?"

  "Warrior of love..... Shui Xin? I feel that this name is okay! Isn't it very confusing to trick those ignorant young girls into the depression in Teacher Shui Xin's works?"

  "Interesting, then I will give my new friends When introducing the speed of five centimeters per second, the voice of the stars, I directly said that this is the healing and moving positive energy masterpiece of the teacher Shuixin who is known as the warrior of love...It is still a little excited to think about it!

  "You really did this. I think that when your friend finishes watching these two works, I am afraid that he will be friends with you directly!"


  Is this topic so ironic?

  Chu Yu was speechless.

  After watching it for a while, he simply ignored it, and it seemed that everyone was still very receptive to his new name.

  That's good, at least it prevented those nicknames such as sister-abuse, tear-jerker, etc. from continuing to spread in the fan community.

  As for the nickname of the warrior of love, after a long time, when I serialize a few comic comics, everyone will gradually forget

  about this kind of thing... Thinking of this, Chu Yu is in a good mood, and there is nothing wrong with it. , Turn on the computer decisively and start a happy gaming career.

  After embracing Gu Yan's thighs, Chu Yu's account went from Black Iron IV to Silver II in just a few months. When I think of it, it seems that it's been a long time since I've been in a row. I used to play black with Gu Yan and Tang Xin. .

  So today Chu Yu decided to rank solo and flexibly...

  but two hours later, looking at his demo information, Chu Yu decided to shut down and quit the game, and the computer shut down.

  Rubbish games, ruin my youth! Pit than jungle, let me know the fate of abandoning my way!   When Chu Yu missed Gu Yan, she gank five times in the jungle in those three minutes!   While thinking like this, Chu Yu's cell phone rang, and she looked at the was Gu Yan's call.   "Hey, soldier of love, what are you doing?"   Gu Yan asked in a relaxed tone on the other end of the phone.   "Why do you tease this title like those superficial fans?"   "Is there anything to do with me?" Chu Yu asked.   "Do you think there is anything else, have you forgotten tomorrow's affairs?" Gu Yan asked suspiciously.

  "Tomorrow? What's going on tomorrow... Oh, how could I forget it! Go to the amusement park to watch the game tomorrow, right?" Chu Yu quickly changed his words.

  "Listen to your tone just forgot about it!"

  Gu Yan paused and asked calmly.

  "No...No, how could it be possible? I always attach great importance to the agreement with my friends!" Chu Yuyi said righteously.

  "Let me think about it, you just called me to make an appointment with me tomorrow, right!" Chu Yu decisively changed the subject.

  Gu Yan's expression was speechless, and he didn't bother with this issue.

  "Yes, the game will officially start at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Anyway, the tickets for the amusement park are bought. All the entertainment facilities in the amusement park can be played with tickets. We can go there in advance and have fun before entering the game!"

  "If the time is right, it will be at 8 o'clock in the morning. I will come to your downstairs and take a car together! How about?" Gu Yan asked.

  "Huh, amusement park, entertainment facilities?" Chu Yu was a little stunned when he heard the words.

  He was only attracted by the League of Legends professional game held in the amusement park, so he agreed to go to the game with Gu Yan.

  In his opinion, the act of going to the game with Gu Yan is just a gathering of two game lovers.

  Therefore, he completely ignored that this is just a publicity method for the amusement park. While you can enter the venue to watch the game with a ticket, you can also enter the venue to enjoy the entertainment facilities.

  But if two people go for fun together, the nature will not completely change.

  From a gathering of game lovers to a date?

  Even if Chu Yu was sluggish, it felt a little weird.

  "Um, uh, Gu Yan, don't you think...just go to the amusement park with the two of us, then...that feels like, like... ..."

  Chu Yu and Gu Yan played games for so long, and they spoke more directly on weekdays, but this question was more sensitive, he was still thinking about what words to use to express his meaning in a tactful way.

  But Gu Yan is more direct there.

  "You want to talk about dating?" Gu Yan said on the phone.

  "Yes!" Chu Yu nodded.

  "So what?" Gu Yan said calmly.

  Chu Yu was stunned when he heard the words.

  For a long time, he said.

  "If you don't mind, I will naturally be fine, but if you and I go to the amusement park to play, aren't you afraid that your boyfriend will misunderstand you to be angry?" Chu Yu said.

  "Male...boyfriend?" Gu Yan's eyes widened in the bedroom.

  "What the hell?

  Where is my boyfriend?" "Who did you hear some weird rumors from?"

  "No boyfriend?" Chu Yu was silent for a few seconds after hearing this, asked. .

  "Really?" The

  group of girls in my class, no matter how much worse their looks and personalities are than Gu Yan, basically everyone is in love.

  Gu Yan's condition is still single now, he didn't expect it, it's unscientific!

  "Of course it's true! You think everyone is the same as you, and you fell in love early in high school. I haven't dated anyone until now!" Gu Yan said.

  "Ha, high school premature love?" Chu Yu was also blinded, but he immediately reacted.

  "Understood, you must have read the rumors on the Internet too! I have such poor grades and high school is still serializing comics. How can I have a puppy love? How can I have the opportunity to study animation production now? I went to social university early. Go!" Chu Yu said.

  "No premature love?" On the other end of the phone, Gu Yan's expression condensed.

  "Then what is the relationship between you and your former female manga assistant...?"

  "Didn't you tell it all by yourself? She and I have a comic assistant relationship. What else can we have?" Chu Yu said.

  "But it's a little weird, how did the two of us talk about this kind of topic!"