I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"Damn, it's so handsome, this swordsman, the grasshopper on the opposite side was hung and beaten all the way."

"That's not right, the jungler came four times in ten minutes. He played the Grasshopper Shuangzhao and made Jian Hao pick up two heads. It's normal to have this record!"


"PX's blind man is like a mentally retarded man. He has been shopping in the wild for ten minutes."

"The blind man can't help it. Teammates three-way blasted the line, and the opposite Ye Fu Erren was looking for him in his wild area. He probably was also very angry in his heart, even the wild monsters can't be brushed."


"The ad of the PX team is too scary. He didn't respond to him under the tower."

"Here, there are more than 20 soldiers under his tower. How do you go to the opposite ad to fight? The little soldier hates it, who can withstand it?"

"It's only a few dozen soldiers. How much damage can a small soldier do?"


After the game started, the exchanges between Gu Yan and Chu Yu changed from daily chatting to game discussion.

It's a pity that Chu Yu's game understanding is really poor, and Gu Yan can only properly correct Chu Yu's concept.

Among other things, even though the audience in the seats around Chu Yu couldn't see Yu's face because of the poor lighting, just listening to Chu Yu's words had already classified him as a brass dish chicken.

The second game and the first game's record are completely opposite, the SL team crushed the PX team to win.

Time came to the rest time again, but it seemed that there was something wrong with the equipment, and it took a long time to rest.

The third game didn't start until six o'clock in the afternoon......

The third game was a full-time high-energy fight. The two sides launched a chaos-style fight. While the two sides were on top of each other, the two ad deaths each died more than ten times.

The cheering shouts of fans on both sides of the scene caused Chu Yu to be brought into the atmosphere of the scene...

In the end, in this bladder game, the SL team won the final victory in a wave of decisions made by the old driver of the SL team to steal home.

At this time, many of the game fans who watched the live broadcast in the live broadcast rooms of various websites did not know who was leading the head. Many people began to brush "86 up the mountain" in the live broadcast rooms.

Passers-by fans also followed suit. For a while, the topic of initial D in the live broadcast of the match directly slaughtered the screen.

Those viewers who watched the live broadcast seriously recalled the previous rumors at this time. Teacher Shui Xin seemed to be watching the game live, but the hall was too dark, even if the director was given to the audience lens, it was far from the live broadcast image. Find teacher Shuixin.

However, after the game, the PX team retired, and the five members of the SL team came to the stage for interviews, and the lights on the scene became much brighter.

"It's over." Chu Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the time, it was already 7 o'clock in the evening. I was too excited to watch the game and didn't pay attention. Now when I relax, I want to eat.

"Gu Yan, what do you want to eat, I'll treat you!"

Chu Yu felt very comfortable at this time, after all, his favorite team won.

"Let's talk about this later!" Gu Yan said softly.

"Although the game is over, it is still not possible to come and leave. After the onstage interview, there will be a session where lucky audiences will come on stage to interact with the players. It would be impolite to leave now!"

"Also..." Chu Yu nodded.

However, what Chu Yu didn't know was that when the two were talking, the cameras on the scene were shooting everywhere. Although it seemed unintentional, in fact, after the organizer knew the information of Gu Yan and his seat, the screen was transferred to them many times. Two positions.

and so......

The people in the live broadcast room were not blind. Although the lights on the scene were not particularly bright after the game, the scene shot Gu Yan and Chu Yu many times, and many people recognized them one after another.

"I'm going, really. Teacher Shuixin and Gu Yan are at the game together."

"No, Gu Yan and Teacher Shui Xin? Are the rumors in the barrage before that true?"

"Unexpectedly, Teacher Shuixin is also a player in the alliance, but unfortunately I don't know his id, otherwise I really want to be a friend of Ms. Shuixin!"

In the director room, the director exhaled.

The owner of this amusement park originally wanted to use the competition to hold the game in its amusement park and then promote a wave of his own amusement park. A star cartoonist came to the scene of the competition. He would certainly not let this opportunity go. Under his sign, Chu Yu was exposed to the director camera in this way...

With the demonstration of Shuixin at the game site, the popularity of comments in the live broadcast room continued to increase.

"Excuse me, contestant Maomao, today your old driver played very well, especially in the last wave of driving, avoiding two people on the opposite side, and forcibly stealing home. May I ask what special understanding do you have about this hero?" , The host asked with a smile.

"Probably because I read the comics with the initial D repeatedly during this period, so I have become more proficient in driving skills." SL's top laner, a somewhat fat teenager said with a smile.

After all, many people at the scene were talking about the 86's stalk, and he also liked the initial D manga very much, so he also took advantage of the trend to make a joke.

Chu Yu heard the words, took a look at him, and then started playing with his mobile phone again.

For the SL team, what he likes is the ad player of this team. If you are on the order...he doesn't play very much in this position.

Soon, a series of questioning sessions that Chu Yu felt boring ended, and the session of taking audiences to interact with the contestants and receiving prizes began.

On the screen on the stage, the seat numbers of the five spectators randomly selected by the computer quickly appeared one by one.

Chu Yu originally thought that the game was over, a bit boring, and wanted to leave the event as soon as possible.

But pay a little attention to those seat numbers.

D area 256, D area 257...

A question mark appeared on Chu Yu's forehead. He looked at the seat number next to the armrest of his and Gu Yan's seats?

He looked at Gu Yan, and at the same time, he saw Gu Yan looking at him.

"Um, are we...were we selected?" Gu Yan said in a somewhat uncertain way.

"It seems... that's right." Chu Yu reconfirmed the seat numbers of the two and replied.

This is a coincidence. There are thousands of people on the scene, and a total of five people were drawn. You and Gu Yan were drawn in two adjacent seat numbers like this?

"256,257 spectators in Zone D, please come to the stage!"

At this time, the other three were already on stage, the supporters also looked at Area D, and at the same time, the searchlights on the scene came over.

The viewers who are still watching the live broadcast are swiping question marks on the screen.

"What the **** is this? Teacher Shui Xin and Gu Yan were both drawn into the stage?"

"I always feel that this is a bit tricky? The computer lottery should be controlled artificially, otherwise, how could it be so coincidental?"

"Could it be that the organizer specially arranged the easter eggs, colluding with Teacher Shuixin to give the scene a surprise?"

"How is it possible? Look at the expression of Teacher Shui Xin. If you say that he is in collusion with the organizer, then his acting skills can definitely run for the actor."

"I feel that Mr. Shui Xin was discovered by the organizer, and wanted to take advantage of the influence of Mr. Shui Xin's popularity, so he was called to the stage specially for the operation in the dark!

"I feel like that."

"Poor Teacher Shuixin, I'm not at ease dating my girlfriend. Is this the trouble of public figures?"

"Is Gu Yan really dating Teacher Shuixin?"

"Then there is still a fake? A girl would go to the amusement park to play with a boy she doesn't like~www.mtlnovel.com~ and then go to the game competition together?"


Naturally, Chu Yu didn't know that he had become the subject of discussion among the audience in the live broadcast room.

It's just that the audience is speculating whether he has been tricked by the organizer. Although Chu Yu is emotionally slow, he is not stupid in other aspects. He is also murmuring whether he has been tricked by the organizer.

Chu Yu doesn't care about going to the stage to receive awards or something. He can still interact with the professional players he likes, but what about after taking the stage?

Chu Yu understood when he was queuing up earlier that there are many fans of his own in the amusement park. If he really goes up, would he have to experience the feeling of being surrounded by fans at the original Xia Mu's friend's account signing event?

"What to do?" Gu Yan looked at Chu Yu and asked, she also considered this question.

"What else?" Chu Yu sighed and stood up.

"Follow me!"

"You have decided to go on stage, right..." Gu Yan hesitated after hearing this, and nodded.

Chu Yu didn't explain much, after all, the time was too late.

The two were together, and under the illumination of searchlights, someone immediately recognized them on the spot.

"I'm going, isn't that Teacher Shui Xin and Gu Yan? The two of them had gone to sit there."

"Why are they both selected as lucky spectators? This is a coincidence."

The scene was a bit noisy at first, but it became even more noisy at this time.

However, Gu Yan followed Chu Yu from the seat to the side aisle, just when everyone thought she and Chu Yu would be on stage.

Chu Yu once again grabbed her hand just like when he first entered the arena with Gu Yan.