I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

   For the upcoming summer, major animation companies have various plans.

   Originally, the animation of Natsume's Friends Account was just one example of many comic changes and light novels in the animation industry of Long Country.

   is not only Shuiyuan, but the other comic companies of the Seven Magic Capitals basically have many manga works adapted for animation every year.....

   But inexplicably, the work of Natsume's Friends Account has created tremendous pressure on companies that are preparing to make a splash in the summer animation market.

   Although Chu Yu nowadays can be considered as a high-level manga artist in the comics industry, there are many cartoonists who are more influential than Chu Yu.

   But in the animation industry... the name of Shui Xin is already very famous in the industry.

  Although he participated in the production of three animation works, the worst of these three works is actually the unheard name with an average broadcast volume of 9 million...

  This......It's really nonsense.

  In the Dragon Kingdom, the normal popular animations have an average collection of 4 to 5 million, and there are not many works that can reach an average of 7 or 8 million in a year.

   And the collection of animation works with tens of millions of shows, they are the top works in the true sense of Long Guo. In the past ten years, there have been 16 works such as Long Guo...

   There are nine of them, and they appeared together in the magical year of the Dragon Kingdom animation industry in 2013, and the Dragon Kingdom animation industry in that year was just one sentence... Gods fight.

   Except for the special circumstances of that year, in the other nine years, there were only seven animation works with an average broadcast volume of more than 10 million. On average, it may not be possible to produce such a work in one year.

And in the two years of 2020 and 2021, there was no such work. In the past two years, there were only three animation works that were closest to the data of tens of millions of broadcasts... .

   The "Hermit" in 2020 has an average of 9.13 million views. The "Unheard Flower Name" broadcast in 2021 has an average broadcast volume of 9.2 million. As well as the animation works that were also broadcast in 2021, it is also the "Devil's Adventure", which was rated as the most popular new animation in 2021, with an average broadcast volume of 9.7 million.

It is precisely because of this that in January 2022, when the animation playback volume of the two works of 5 cm per second and the sound of the stars has exceeded 10 million, the various practitioners in the Long Country animation industry are basically everywhere. It is the topic of discussing these two works, as well as the biggest hero behind the discussion of the success of these two works, Huang Minghe...Shui Xin.

   It is a pity that although the data of the two works are so beautiful, the same, their shortcomings...the duration is also revealed.

If the two works are quarterly animations of that kind, with such an average broadcast volume, then their influence in the Dragon Kingdom may be several times more than it is now. Shui Xin and Huang Ming can also rely on these two works. God of war.

Such a short story is much more difficult to succeed than a long story. After being successful, with the same average broadcast score, the income and influence are not as good as the long story. That's why nowadays, Longguo's short story Animation is very rare.

   But in any case, Shui Xin's screenwriting skills have been unanimously recognized by the industry.....It is terribly strong.

   His unfamiliar achievements in the lower limit works of the Long Kingdom animation industry are already a height that a normal animation practitioner can't reach for a lifetime.

It is precisely because of this that for Shui Xin, a cartoonist who likes to stir up troubles in the animation industry, his comic animation "Natsume Friends Account" broadcast in April, it is difficult for companies not to take a correct attitude. Many animations The website directly named Natsume's Friends Account as a strong contender for the summer animation popularity championship.

In this regard, the related person in charge of the animation adaptation company Jiuxing of Natsume's Friends Account also has a headache... For the 13 episodes of the first season of Natsume's Friends Account, Jiuxing gave a small budget, only 20 million yuan. production cost.

But inexplicably, they are regarded as rivals by the animation works of the same industry with an investment of 30 to 40 million, and the comic fans of Natsume's Friends Account are also very much looking forward to the quality of the production of Natsume's Friends Account and not lose to the speed of five centimeters per second and the voice of stars... .... What's wrong with this.

   Five centimeters per second and The Voice of Stars are two works. The script and music are provided by Shui Xin Shen for free for the boss. The production staff are not only experienced in the industry, but also cheap.

   And on the screen, it is said that Shui Xin has taken over the design of most of the exquisite scenes.

   It's not difficult to spend money to find someone to draw the picture exquisitely, with a higher frame rate.

   But where do you go to find another wallpaper crazy magic water heart, design background to make the picture look beautiful like art?

In this regard, the animation production team of Natsume's Friends Account is also really under great pressure, with the expectations of colleagues and fans, and the budget is not high, and they are doing well. Everyone will definitely think that Shui Xin's plot creation ability is The key to success is that if the production is not good, Natsume's friend will be on the street.....

Ren Shui Xin pulls an animation team composed of a group of social travellers, invests 5 million to produce four episodes of animation and can achieve an average of 10 million, and the script of the same person is handed to you, and 20 million to do 13 episodes of animation. Actually pounced on the street?

   Who the audience will scold, the answer is very clear.


   But anyway, February will soon end, and March will come.

   The climate is getting warmer. After such a long period of double-opening comic series, Chu Yu's work efficiency has improved a lot now.

His current work situation has changed to using one day to work overtime to draw two comics, and then take a rest the next day, and repeat this alternately.....It counts as working four days a week, and then daily life without work for three days. .... But even so, there has never been a delay in Chu Yu's cartoon drawing.

  Of course, this has a lot to do with Chu Yuyou's copying of original works without spending a lot of time thinking about the plot, but more importantly, the system's original rewards for novices...

The skill that was originally given to the system for free to improve the efficiency of comic drawing, now Chu Yu feels it is really a magical skill. As his proficiency in drawing comics increases, the utility of this skill is also increasing... Chu Yu roughly estimated that, Without this skill, his work efficiency is probably less than one-third of today's.

After all, humans are not machines, and they always make mistakes, but this skill can make Chu Yu's hands look like machines~www.mtlnovel.com~ accurately and quickly draw the picture in his mind...Of course , After painting for a long time, the hands will still be tired and painful, and need to rest. This is the influence of the laws of physics, and it is useless to have plug-ins.

However, under the energetic situation, if Chu Yu is not ready to modify the original picture in his mind and copy directly, then the speed is simply fast, but...Chu Yu now has his own understanding of comics, some original works He thinks that the pictures that can be improved will also be improved by himself. Nowadays, the most time-consuming places for him to draw comics are in these places.

   Anyway, now Chuyu can no longer be described by a tentacle monster. The average manga tentacle monster also kneels down and worships his eldest brother when he sees his painting accuracy and speed.

   And Chuyu's two assistants...just to complete the post-production work of the manga manuscript he completed in one day, it takes two days.

  In the hearts of the two of them, they shouted that Chuyu was not a human being...This was not the meaning of scolding Chuyu, but just as it meant, that Chuyu was not a human being.

   But... In the middle of March, it was not just the two of them who criticized Chu Yu for not being human.

   After the initial D serialization of the new issue yesterday, Chu Yu's Weibo is again daily... Fans began to riot.