I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

   Gu Yan's three roommates and her friends all noticed Gu Yan's inattention.

Except for Gu Yan's three roommates, Ye Zi, Xu Lin, and Li Tong, her other friends, although they have guessed, are not sure whether her "boyfriend", the famous cartoonist Shui Xin from the Long Kingdom, will come... ..... But her three roommates' mouths were not so big. Soon everyone knew the answer to this question.

   So I basically guessed why Gu Yan couldn't concentrate.

   At the moment when the boxes were pushed aside, not only Gu Yan, but basically everyone looked at the door in unison, wanting to meet this young man who has risen to fame in the Longguo animation industry in recent years.

   After all, in the Dragon Kingdom, the status of cartoonists is quite high. Big cartoonists are basically similar to celebrities, and they are easy to be surrounded by fan groups wherever they go.


   "Sister, what's wrong with you? Why are everyone looking at me like this, you guys are playing yours!"

   As soon as Gu Yun came in, she found that everyone in the box was watching her, and she felt a little guilty.

   "It's Gu Yun, you!" Gu Yan's expression returned to normal and said with a smile.

   "Come in, just waiting for you!"

"Well, sister, I also brought two friends here... They are all your anime fans. I temporarily know that you have a birthday party today. I have to pester me over to meet you. Time is too late.. ..... You shouldn't mind it!" Gu Yun said as two sisters appeared behind her.

   "Yuan Min, Jia Xi...my two roommates."

   "It's okay!" Gu Yan smiled and said, "I'm worried that it is not lively enough!"

   As he said, Gu Yun and the two people she brought were all consciously seated.

   Yuan Min and Jia Xi both looked at Gu Yan curiously. After all, everyone is similar in age, but Gu Yan is now a famous voice actor in Longguo, and they are still so beautiful......

After all, they are all people in this industry after graduation. The reason why Gu Yun brought them here is to get to know the industry leaders and make friends with Gu Yan. Maybe they can use these relationships to make the road easier in the future. .

   So naturally, their gazes are also frequently looking at Gu Yan, but a few minutes after they came in, they also found out, Gu Yan kept looking at the door.

   "Well...Is there any friend Gu Jie has not come? Why do you keep looking at the door?" Yuan Min asked Gu Yan's roommate Li Tong suspiciously.

   After all, Gu Yan is Gu Yun's cousin, so they and Gu Yunping's generation friends also follow this name.

"You don't know about that... Gu Yan is waiting for her boyfriend to show up! Look at her like that...and tell us all day that there is nothing to do with others, nothing to do This expression." Li Tong half explained, half jokingly said.

   "Boyfriend?" Yuan Min and Jia Xi looked at each other.

   They heard about it a few months ago. The cousin of Gu Yun's famous voice actor seems to be with the famous cartoonist Shui Xin. After all, there are a lot of news about this news on animation-related websites a few days ago.

   "That is to say, the famous cartoonist and animation screenwriter Shui Xin...will be over tonight?" Jia Xi asked.

"Yes..." Li Tong said, "But it's 7:58 now, and it's 8 o'clock in two minutes. That guy is not coming yet. I hope he won't be late. The boy who is late is anyway. The worst!"

Jia Xi and Yuan Min looked at each other. This was an unexpected joy. I thought I was here to see if I could have a good relationship with Gu Yan. This unexpectedly ran out of a more powerful person in the animation industry. This Shui Xin is said to be much more powerful than Gu Yan, not only a famous animation screenwriter, but also direct investment in animation production.

   "I don't know what the guy Shui Xin looks like?" Yuan Min said.

   "Sister Gu is so beautiful, she must be very handsome!"

   "There are so many pictures about Chu Yu on the Internet, you can search it on your mobile phone..." Ye Zi also casually said.

   "Surely handsome anyway, but at least it looks pleasing to the eye."

   "Chu Yu?" Jia Xi asked in confusion.

   "What's the matter? Oh, understand, you don't know yet, this is Shui Xin's real name! Gu Yan often calls him that way, anyway, we also use the pseudonym and real name to call him!" Xu Lin also followed.

"No, I just feel that the name is quite biased. I didn't expect that Shui Xin's real name was Chu Yu. There is also someone in our animation production class. He skipped class crazy in the freshman year, and chose to skip class to go online in the second year. Teachers often give examples in class. For him, if we don't work hard, we will definitely be the same as him in the animation industry in the future....That guy is also called Chuyu." Jia Xi said.

   "Animation production...your class?" Ye Zi asked.

   "Are you and Gu Yan's sister in the same class?"

   "That's right... I, Gu Yun, and Yuan Min are all in the same class, and they are roommates."

   "What's wrong? What are you discussing here?" Gu Yun moved her body over.

   "It's nothing, but they said that the cartoonist Shui Xin is coming over tonight, and that guy actually has the same name as the game **** Chuyu in our class, so let's spit out here." Jia Xi smiled.

   "Chu Yu...coming?" Gu Yun was immediately taken aback when he heard the words, and looked at Gu Yan.

   However, KTV's voice is noisy, and I can't hear what I'm talking about. Gu Yan doesn't understand what Gu Yun's eyes mean.

   I'm going, why did he come?

   Gu Yun's heart suddenly became a little confused. When Gu Yan and Chu Yu came up with the news, she confirmed with Gu Yan that the two had no relationship. The scandal was just news reporting...

   Gu Yun finally believed it too, and always thought that Gu Yan and Chu Yu had no contact after the end of the Voice of the Stars in January.

   So I brought Jia Xi and Yuan Min in class today.

   For the time being, no matter how Gu Yan invited Chu Yu on his birthday, if Chu Yu really came, wouldn't Chu Yu's identity be concealed?

   She Gu Yun had promised to help Chu Yu keep a secret...

   Really when Gu Yun was there thinking about finding a reason to take Jia Xi and Yuan Min away, and Chu Yu's identity in the province was exposed......

   Chu Yu looked for the address that Gu Yan had sent him, held the thing, pinched the time at 7:59, and directly pushed the door in.

   As soon as he entered the house, he saw Gu Yan sitting in a noisy box, sitting in the middle of the sofa in the box.

   Chu Yu could see Gu Yan at a glance, and Gu Yan naturally turned his head and looked at him for the first time.

   For Chu Yu, it's not that he can look for Gu Yan, he doesn't think it usually, but among such a group of people, the contrast of Gu Yan is indeed very conspicuous.

Today, she was dressed up specially, the outer hair strands of her hair were specially tied into thin braids, two strands of hair hanging down on both sides of her face, a beautiful delicate face with some light makeup, and she was wearing a black knee-length dress. The skirt, the slender white calf was exposed.

To be honest... Gu Yan deliberately learned about Chu Yu's various hobbies, especially those anime female characters that Chu Yu likes. They all have long hair, all flat chests, and all love to wear black. Or white clothes, and they are all the kind of quiet and arrogant elder sister...

   And after Gu Yan reviewed his own conditions, he seemed to be okay except for the flat chest.

   That's why I tried to dress like this today, but it seems...it seems to work.

   At least Chu Yu had never looked directly at her for more than three seconds before moving.

   Gu Yan immediately showed a smile on his face, his eyes opened up, and he immediately stood up.

   "Chu Yu, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time!" Gu Yan greeted him, pulling Chu Yu's sleeves and sitting among the crowd.

The person next to    also wisely turned off the ktv stereo first, to avoid quarreling with her boyfriend on the birthday.

   Chu Yu sat down very cooperatively, just looked around, the whole room, sixteen people, fifteen women, and he was a boy... It was a bit uncomfortable.

   "Chu Yu? How come you... why are you here?"

   At this time... a voice sounded next to him.

   Chu Yu looked over, she was a girl he looked familiar to.

"you are?"

   "I'm Jia Xi! Chu Yu...Don't say you, we have been classmates for almost two years, don't even know my name!" Jia Xi's expression changed immediately after hearing this.

   This Nima is outrageous...Is it Chu Yu who is usually too much or Jia Xi who is so unattractive? Although the people in the class talk about Chu Yu in a joke manner... after all, there are some poor students and people who are not academically motivated in every class. Although they may not be so good, this does not hinder them. There is a sense of superiority in front of Chuyu, a recognized scumbag in the class.

   And now, Chu Yu's words hurt people, co-author You Chu Yu just ignores us on weekdays, don't even know the name?

   Although it is unlikely to happen on the spot, in Jia Xi's mind, the impression of Chu Yu has dropped a lot.

   Chu Yu looked at Gu Yun beside Jia Xi and sighed.

   I made a mistake, I should have thought of Gu Yan's birthday long ago, Gu Yun is back, Gu Yun is here, maybe someone in the class will follow.

  More than one person came ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Two more people came. Chu Yu looked at Yuan Min. Although Chu Yu didn't remember Jia Xi's name, he was very impressed with Yuan Min...

   After all, Coach Yuan of the driving school is her father.... After being scolded so many times, he was naturally impressed by his daughter.

   Now, the identity of the cartoonist who has been concealed in the school for two years seems to be concealed.

   "Chu Yu, you haven't answered my question yet......how do you..." Jia Xi was still a little confused.

   Why did Chu Yu from school come to this Gu Yan's birthday party, and Gu Yan still stood up so enthusiastically to meet her personally?

   It's just that, halfway through, Jia Xi's brain was agitated immediately, recalling the conversation a few minutes before.

Gu Yan's boyfriend is Shui Xin, and Shui Xin's real name is Chu Yu. Chu Yu from the class appears here inexplicably, and he is still the only male in the audience... and Gu Yan's attitude towards him is this way. abnormal.

   Jia Xi was just confused by the situation for a while, she was not stupid.

   I immediately guessed that possibility.

   "Chu Yu, you... are the famous cartoonist of the Dragon Kingdom... Water Heart?" Yuan Min hesitated and asked what Jia Xi wanted to ask.