I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Li Tong got up first and forcibly sat on the left side of Chu Yu.

   Before that, on the left side of Chu Yu was Gu Yan's friend, and on the right side was Gu Yan.

However, Gu Yan's female friend, who was sitting on Chu Yu's left side, kept a certain distance from Chu Yu. After all, in the eyes of Gu Yan's friends, Chu Yu and Gu Yan must be friends with each other, as the media reported. I have never seen the two of them deny it. It must be fine. If the two young lovers sit together, their opposite **** will naturally keep a certain distance from Chu Yu.

   And now, Li Tong forcibly squeezed in and completely blocked the seat space on Chu Yu's left side, while at the same time, Xu Lin followed Li Tong and squeezed on the right side of Gu Yan...

   Originally, there was still some distance between Chu Yu and Gu Yan. When they were engaged in this way, in order to make room for them, they basically put Chu Yu's right hand and Gu Yan's left hand directly against them.

   And Gu Yan's last roommate, Ye Zi, looked at the situation and squeezed in again on the sofa in the middle of the already crowded box.

   Chuyu and Gu Yan were squeezed again, and they were directly squeezed in between.

   Now these five people, from left to right, Ye Zi, Li Tong, Chu Yu, Gu Yan, Xu Lin...

   Chu Yu and Gu Yan are like the two pieces of meat in a burger, sandwiched by Gu Yan's three roommates, Ye Zi and Xu Lin, who are serving as bread, and Li Tong, who is serving as lettuce.

At least for the current Chu Yu, it feels really crowded.... Not to mention the front and back feelings, but when it comes to the pressure on the left and right sides, it feels better than when he was in junior high school and went home every day after school. The crowded bus with at least hundreds of people is still crowded.

  Chu Yu looked at the whole box, it can accommodate more than thirty people. I don't know why these three girls have to come and squeeze their seats...but Chu Yu doesn't know them, and it's hard to complain about them.

Although Chu Yu had deliberately kept a distance from Gu Yan in order to be afraid of Gu Yan's misunderstanding, if he was squeezed like this, if he had to lean his head and shoulders between Li Tong and Gu Yan who Chu Yu didn't know. If you come to make a choice... Then Chu Yu is still willing to stay closer to Gu Yan.

   "No... I'm sorry!" Chu Yu's body tilted slightly towards Gu Yan.

  Originally, the two are closer together now, now...at least Chu Yu can smell the fragrance of the shower gel and shampoo on Gu Yan after taking a bath today.

   Chuyu's expression was a little embarrassed, but Gu Yan's neck was flushed.

   She looked at her three roommates with blame in her eyes.

  What are you doing?

   Gu Yan's three roommates were also unwilling to be weak, their eyes staring back.

  What are you doing?

   help you create opportunities!


   In just a few seconds, before Chu Yu hadn't noticed, Gu Yan and several of her roommates had an encrypted call.

   Even Xu Lin, who was sitting next to Gu Yan, put her hand around Gu Yan's back, and gently squeezed Gu Yan's head and shoulders in the direction of Chu Yu while Gu Yan was not paying attention.

   Before Chu Yu could react, Gu Yan's head lightly bumped his right cheek.

   "No... I'm sorry! This side, this side is too crowded!" Gu Yan didn't expect that some of his friends were so bold, and the whole person panicked.

   "No... it doesn't matter!" Chu Yu himself felt a little nervous.

   It doesn't matter if you get along with Gu Yan. After all, the two know each other. Then explain to Gu Yan, she should be able to understand.

   But Chu Yu kept complaining about the girl she didn't recognize on the left. He had already let you do this, so why are you still squeezing over?

   This room is so big, why do you always squeeze me and Gu Yan in between?

   "Hello, eldest sister... please don't squeeze me here, can you?" Chu Yu finally couldn't bear it, and persuaded Li Tong on the left.



   Ye Zi next to Li Tong, Xu Lin on the right of Gu Yan, the beer in their mouths couldn't help but gush out for a while, bowed their heads and coughed out of nowhere.

   And Li Tong, this is a dull gaze...


   Are you calling me?

   Gu Yan and I have been together for one year! You call me eldest sister?

   Can't you call ladies and beauties respectfully?

   And Gu Yan beside Chu Yu, although the roots of her ears were red, she couldn't help laughing inexplicably when she saw Chu Yu used his invisible hurting skills to make Li Tong depressed.

   Chu Yu looked at Gu Yan, only to see a blushing beautiful profile face and Gu Yan's smiling eyes.

   "You...what are you laughing at!" Chu Yu paused before asking.

   "Nothing..." Gu Yan stopped laughing, looked at his three roommates, and said.

   "Chu Yu, let me introduce to you, these three are my roommates, Ye Zi, Xu Lin, and Li Tong...sister!"


   Was it a roommate?

   No wonder he was so cheeky that he had to squeeze forcibly when the position was so narrow.

   "Oh, I understand, your roommate is looking for you to chat, right? I'll leave first, you guys will talk first!" With that, Chu Yu was about to get up and ran to sit outside in an open position.

   Otherwise, Chu Yu always felt very hot, especially when he was next to Gu Yan's right arm, he could feel Gu Yan's body temperature, and the smell of Gu Yan came from him, making him always distracted.

"Oh, don't go! The three of us came to see you. Were we busy after you left?" Li Tong hurriedly interrupted Chu Yu, temporarily forgetting about the "big sister", pressing Chu Yu's shoulder and laughing. Said.

   "Look at me, what's so good about me?" Chu Yu asked in confusion.

   "If you want to take photos or autographs, it is too crowded. I will go out first and then get those things."

   "Don't don't don't, we don't want those things." Li Tong rolled his eyes, picked up the beer on the table, and handed it to Chu Yu.

   "Aren't we always listening to Gu Yan talking about you, so we came over here to see what kind of person is the warmhearted, gentle, and charming Shui Xin in Gu Yan's mouth."

"Old rules, don't talk too much.... Apart from Gu Yan, everyone in our dormitory is straightforward... Since you and Gu Yan are such good friends Relationship, then I won't say much, let's drink it before talking." After speaking, Li Tong handed Chu Yu a glass of beer.

   Warm-hearted, gentle, full of charisma?

   Gu Yan treats me like this?

   Chuyu was confused. He didn't know where he got in touch with these three words. Is this Gu Yan's misunderstanding of him or his lover's eye for beauty?

It seems that it is necessary for Gu Yan to recognize that she is such a salty man. She must have misunderstood me to like me... After knowing what a boring man I am, she Will give up these unrealistic ideas about me.

But now, there must be no way to think so much...Although Chu Yu doesn't like to drink, every girl puts it in front of her, and she is also ready to drink... Chu Yu is really embarrassed to say that she can't drink.

  Chu Yu ended up saying thank you for Li Tong's wine.

   Then drank it all in one go.

   It's just that Chu Yu just had a drink, and immediately, Xu Lin also handed over a glass of wine.

   "Hey, Li Tong's finished drinking, this is my respect from Xu Lin..." Xu Lin said with a smile.

   Chu Yu took a deep breath and didn't say much, she also dried up.

   But as expected, after Xu Lin is Ye Zi...

   The beer glasses in this private room are big or small, and three glasses are more than one bottle.

   But, obviously, this is not over yet... those Gu Yan's friends who wanted to come up to Chu Yu but couldn't find a reason saw it and followed suit.

   Chu Yu was dumbfounded all of a sudden.

But drinking this thing...you either don't drink it, don't stop if you drink it, before Xu Lin and others toast Chu Yu drank it, now they come to toast Chu Yu if they don't drink, then there is something The other kind of meaning is inside.

   Chuyu also didn't know how the situation turned out to be like this. He came to participate in Gu Yan's birthday party, how did it seem that he had become the protagonist of the meeting now.

And... Chu Yu didn't want to make Gu Yan's friends unhappy, so he drank all the people who came to toast... Basically, after a round of drinking, Chu Yu has already It feels a little uncomfortable.

   It's not that I drank too much...but I was in a hurry.

   "Don't, don't drink Chu Yu." In the process of Gu Yan, he persuaded Chu Yu several times, but Chu Yu still said it was all right.

   Gu Yan looked at Li Tong.

  What the **** are you doing?

   Are you trying to get him drunk?

Xu Lin next to    said this gently in Gu Yan's ear.

   "We are helping you!"

   "What do you mean?"

"Boys, you only speak truth when you are drunk! When the party is over, you can ask him more questions you want to know on the way you take him home! We now believe what you said before... ...You and him are indeed nothing, and you did confess to him that you were rejected before."

"But the rejection of your confession before does not mean that it is the same now. I don't think he was indifferent after you chased him for so long. Maybe people already like you now? I just rejected you before, so I'm sorry to say it. Let him drink more tonight. Then you can send him home. You can ask him more questions on the way, compose what he said and what he really thinks about you now..."

   You guys... are really good roommates of Longguo!

Gu Yan's expression suddenly became uncomfortable when he heard the words. Before thinking that the three of them were playful, they were close to Chu Yutao because of their relationship with her. If that was the case, it wouldn't matter, but in the current situation, these three It's just adding chaos.

   "You..." Gu Yan took a deep breath, and Chu Yu didn't have much to say beside him.

   "I appreciate your kindness, but don't you think about his feelings? Chu Yu trusted me to attend my birthday party. What are you doing here? It's too rude to him."

   Xu Lin had already felt the anger in Gu Yan's tone, and suddenly shrank her neck.

They have rarely seen Gu Yan angry, and they really didn't expect that Gu Yan would be so angry just to make Chu Yu drink more...It seems that Gu Yan cares about a big cartoonist The extent is much more than they imagined!

   "Okay, well, then don't persuade him to drink!"

   Xu Lin winked at Li Tong and motioned him not to continue.

   But...Even if Li Tong continues to let Chu Yu drink, Chu Yu will not drink anymore.

After all, when such a circle of people walked down, Chu Yu was willing to drink so much. One was that people took the initiative to come up to a toast. If Chu Yu ignored him, he would feel that something was wrong. Second, these people were all Gu Yan's friends, if Chu Yu ignored him. People, it's not good for them to think about Gu Yan. Third, all of these people said they were his manga and anime fans, regardless of whether they were true or not, they came forward under the banner of fans toasting, and Chu Yu would not be too cold.

   But one round of this kind of thing is enough, Chu Yu is not a fool if he gets too much, why did he get drunk on purpose?

But after one round, plus a few Gu Yan friends who came one after another, almost two dozen glasses of beer were eaten... Although Chu Yu ran to the toilet three times behind~www.mtlnovel.com~ But every time he came out, Li Tong moved forward and continued to squeeze in the middle. Gradually, Chu Yu felt dizzy.

  I didn't drink too much, but I drank too much, and it was more expensive than drinking too much. Chu Yu now has a tingling scalp feeling.

   "You rest first, Chu Yu!" Gu Yan saw that Chu Yu's state was wrong.

   "It's okay...it will be fine in a while!" Chu Yu said.

   However, things were counterproductive. Chu Yu felt dizzy more and more intense. Later, he just barely remembered the part where Gu Yan cut the cake and sang birthday songs, and then fell asleep.

   When the team finally broke up... After everyone was gone, in the box, Gu Yan looked at Chu Yu who was already asleep, sighed, and looked at his three roommates.

   "You three, just forget it, at least use your brain... Chu Yu was drunk the first time I was asked to come out for a party. Next time I call someone, will they be willing to come out?"

   "I'm afraid Chu Yu wakes up tomorrow, and suddenly thinks it **** to come to my birthday party tonight!"

   "That...were we thinking about you?" Xu Lin sneered.

   "The three of us are leaving first, you send Chu Yu back, believe you can do it, we won't be light bulbs!"

   After finishing speaking, in order to be afraid of the three people blamed by Gu Yan, they ran away, leaving only Gu Yan and Chu Yu lying down in the box.