I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"No... No, I just treat you as a friend!" Chu Yu responded decisively.

   Gu Yan looked at Chu Yu, his expression still smiling, and he was not shocked at all.

   After all, she had expected Chu Yu's answer a long time ago, although she confessed to Chu Yu that in the past few months, she has made no progress in the relationship between the two...

   Even Chu Yu felt that he had never given Gu Yan a chance to misunderstand in any aspect.

   But...Even if Gu Yan had already made his own thoughts on this point, Chu Yu still didn't have an expression of disgust at her even for a moment.

   Just that, Gu Yan is already very satisfied.

   Whether Chu Yu liked her even a little bit, Gu Yan didn't know... But Gu Yan can be sure that at least Chu Yu doesn't hate her at all.


   Suddenly, Gu Yan covered his nose and coughed a few times, and then his arm tightened.

   At this time, Chu Yu noticed... Gu Yan was still wearing the black skirt from the party last night.

   The calves, shoulders and arms are completely exposed. It doesn't matter what you dress up last night, but it's morning, Gu Yan is still dressed like this. After a long time, he will definitely catch a cold.

   After hesitating, Chu Yu went into the house, found one of his coats, and put it on Gu Yan.

   "Don't mind, put it on first to save yourself cold!" Chu Yu said.

   "Thank you!" Gu Yan smiled, putting on the clothes decisively, and even the zippers of the clothes were pulled up, so I didn't mind at all.

   It's just that after Chu Yu watched it, she felt a little strange

   What kind of development is this? Why is it getting more and more ambiguous.

   I just care about my friends normally, why even I feel the atmosphere is charming.

   For a while, both of them stopped talking.

   It's just that the atmosphere in the room has gradually become weird.

   One of them looked at the light rain outside the window, while the other was slurping porridge.

   Although they didn't talk to each other, their attention was focused on each other.

   Finally, the atmosphere was broken by the sound of a door opening.

   Lin Fan and He Sheng had to run over to work early in the morning. After all, this week's comics have not been finished yet.

   When the two entered the door, both of them were stunned.

   At the dining table, Gu Yan was wearing Chu Yu's oversized coat, and seemed to be lacking in energy, while Chu Yu...dishessed clothes, looking like he just woke up, but was eating breakfast.

   These two people...what's the situation?

   It's early enough for us to come at half past seven, right? But the boss and Gu Yan have already cooked the porridge...

   These two people... who slept here last night?

   After calculating this conclusion, Lin Fan and He Sheng immediately began to imagine the relationship between the two in their minds, but those imaginations had only one ending in the end...

   "Boss is early..." Lin Fan looked at Chu Yu and overturned the silence first.

   Then he looked at Gu Yan, hesitated for a while, and then said.



   Chuyu almost didn't choke to death.

   The look in Lin Fan's eyes was unkind... Did you come here deliberately to make trouble?

   And Gu Yan's expression became a lot happier when he heard it. There was never a moment when I saw Chu Yu's two assistants that they were so pleasing to the eye.

   "You have to work! Then I won't bother you..."

   "Chu Yu, lend you an umbrella..."

   Gu Yan spoke briskly, then took an umbrella directly, and left Chu Yu's house on a trot.

   Although He Sheng and Lin Fan felt embarrassed to meet the young couple Chu Yu and Gu Yan being alone, it is best not to say anything at this time. If they say it, it will be even more embarrassing.

   The two decisively ran directly to the work post and drew comics.

   And Chu Yu......he didn't know what to say.

   It's all right now, don't talk about the media, I'm afraid even the people around me won't think he and Gu Yan are innocent.

   For a while, Chu Yu also became depressed.

   At the end, he didn't bother to think about it, and decisively ran to draw a comic.


On Gu Yan's side... She didn't go back to the dormitory all night and waited until she returned to the dormitory. Before she could find a few roommates to settle the accounts, the three people looked excited and asked Gu Yan and Chu Yu yesterday What are you doing late?

  After clarifying the truth, the three of them were distracted with boring expressions.

   "You are so stupid! You have created such good conditions for you, so you ran to guard him all night?"

"That's... I admire you. Although the guy we met last night, it is true that he is upright, but he has not reached the point where he is hopeless, unlike the kind of self-righteousness and machismo. The straight man of steel, his words are more inclined towards dullness. If you were bolder last night, you might have done it."

   "That's right, I see you lively and cheerfully on weekdays, but I didn't expect things to come!"

   "What are you talking about! Why be bold? What good conditions have become?" Gu Yan said speechlessly.

   "Why did I meet your group of people as roommates?"

"Yes, yes, we all know..... What you are after is the kind of platonic love, we are all laymen, sorry! But my Miss Gu... .... If you are so slow, then those girls who are more proactive may start first. After all, with Shui Xin's current status, I am afraid that there should be many girls around him who have ideas about him!" Unite directly to tease Gu Yan.

   Gu Yan was trying to fight back, but suddenly, there was a call from her mobile phone, it was the agent of the voice acting firm she belongs to.

   "Hello? Sister Xiao, what's the matter?" Gu Yan didn't care about his three sand sculpture roommates either.

"Gu Yan, your resume has been selected by the T-Bone Animation Company..."The "Brave into the Abyss" production team will select the most suitable person from the ten preliminary voice actors in three days. The protagonist of this work is dubbing, you... have been selected as one of them." On the other end of the phone, the agent came with an excited voice.

   "Oh, isn't it?" Gu Yan said with a smile.

   But there are not many surprises in the voice.

   "Why? Are you unwell? How come your reaction to this news seems to be very flat!"

   "Where is it?" Gu Yan responded, "I am very happy in my heart..."

   It's just that I'm not as happy as dubbing Chu Yu's work.

"Gu Yan, you have to seize this opportunity! The producer and screenwriter of the hero who fell into the abyss is exactly the screenwriter and producer "Xia Yin" of the "Devil's Adventure" that was named the best animation last year. If you catch her line, it will be much better than Shui Xin. After all, Shui Xin's homepage is a manga...... But Xia Yin has a lot in the animation industry. Influential industry veterans..." said Gu Yan's agent on the other side of the phone.

   "Understood...I will go in three days, Sister Xiao, don't worry!" Gu Yan stopped the other party's tirade in time.

   "Three days later?" Gu Yan shook his head, and stopped thinking about it. He ran to bed and went to bed. After all, he didn't sleep last night and is very sleepy now.


   But for Chu Yu, it has been a bit busy recently, but for Chu Yu's fans, it's different.

First of all, the manga with Initial D has been serialized in the battle between Takumi and Keisuke Takahashi. The two sides in the story have gathered in the autumn mountains, and their swords are at war. In the past few weeks, fans of Initial D have started their daily routines on Weibo again. .

   What surprised Chu Yu even more was the growing popularity of Natsume's Friends Account.

Affected by the launch of the animation in April, the popularity of the comics of Natsume's Friends Account has remained high. The average volume sales of the manga book has directly increased by more than 200,000 copies. A group of people began to buy the water magazine to follow the latest Natsume Friends' account~ www.mtlnovel.com~ and the addition of these people... has completely made the popularity of Natsume's Friends Account surpassed the initial D... even if the initial D is recent The plot is at its climax.

   But just relying on the initial D supported by the fans of the Water Edge Journal, it is still difficult to match the fanatical support of the animation fans of the young ladies from the provinces of the Dragon Kingdom.

   Prior to this, the gap between the initial D and Dream World's popularity vote was originally small... a popular vote of 2.50 million votes and a popular vote of 2.12 million votes.

In the latest issue of the popular poll for works in the Water Edge Journal, the initial D was 2.08 million votes, Natsume's friends accounted for 2.1 million votes, and the dream world..... was 2.1 million votes. 130,000 votes.

   The gap between the three works is really small.

   So young that even Chu Yu... is looking forward to the new issue of the Water Edge Journal in three days.

After all, these three works are now really at the same level of popularity... After the issue of the next week, Natsume's Friends Book and even one of the two works with Initial D reached the top of the water. This is also the slightest. Not surprisingly.

   And if this is the case... Then Chu Yu will definitely be rewarded again by the system.

But before that, Huang Ming's preparations for the animation team about Madoka Magica are basically ready. The old members of the animation team have basically come, and Huang Ming has found more industry insiders to join in. .....