I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"In that case, I'll take you there tomorrow, and get acquainted with the other party!" Seeing that Chu Yu agreed to this matter, Li Xi said directly without any ink marks.

   "Tomorrow? So soon?" Chu Yu was a little surprised.

   "Didn't you say that you plan to take time to go to the other party's company every weekend? Tomorrow is the weekend!" Li Xi said.

   "There shouldn't be anything tomorrow anyway, just get to know the other person."

   "Well then!" Chu Yu thought for a while and agreed to Li Xi's suggestion.

   Anyway, he will be fine tomorrow, and he will meet sooner or later.

   "Then I'll be waiting for you downstairs at your house at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, so please make preparations early!"

   After speaking, Li Xi also hung up.

   Chuyu then went on to create comics.

   It's just that Chu Yu temporarily ignored the performance of his comics because of his busy schedule.

   But in fact, fans of the initial D have been looking forward to today's release of Shuiyuan for a long time.

  The so-called living days are like years, it is the mood of the iron fans with the initial D of this week.

   Because according to the plot of the previous issue, the battle between Fujiwara Takumi and Takahashi Ryosuke will end in this plot.

   Takahashi Ryosuke, who has been serialized as the initial D until now, finally challenged Akinayama's 86 at the end of the plot in this chapter.

   Therefore, fans of Initial D are very much looking forward to this story. Many Ryosuke fans also hope that the protagonist Takumi will lose.

   The opponents of Takumi that appeared in the previous chapter all came to watch the battle, and the corners of Akina Mountain were crowded with people.

   In the comics plot, Takahashi Ryosuke deserves to be the big boss who has been serialized to this day, and he just deliberately lags behind 86 behind to imitate Fujiwara's driving skills.

  Because he couldn't get rid of the FC behind him no matter what, Takumi's heart was under tremendous pressure.

However, Ryosuke Takahashi, who followed him, felt terrified about Takumi's ability to run the autumn mountains with all his strength, and even directly stated in the manga that if he didn't follow 86 behind and imitate Takumi's running method in real time, let Gao Ryosuke Hashi couldn't run into and out of corners so perfectly, running at this speed.

   In the last issue of the manga, because of excessive pressure, the 86, which was overspeeding into the turn, was finally overtaken by Takahashi Ryosuke before the five consecutive hairpin turns.

   But after exceeding it, he didn't widen the gap in the next schedule. Instead, he was bitten by 86.

  According to the explanation in the manga, Ryosuke's car can imitate the 86's running method and the tire grip is not good, so it can't get rid of the 86 behind him.

   And in the initial D of the latest issue of this week, Fujiwara Takumi's 86 and Takahashi Ryosuke's FC drove together into the classic corner of Akina Mountain, five consecutive hairpin bends.

   Before entering the turn, Fujiwara Takumi remembered what his father had taught him about the second method of running the drain.

   The first method is a running method that emphasizes entering a corner to gain grip, while the second method is a running method that emphasizes exiting a corner. In the two methods, the timing of entering and exiting the corner is different.

   Seeing the comic readers here, they can basically guess that this second method should be Fujiwara Takumi's killer in defeating Takahashi Ryosuke.

   Many people even complain directly in their hearts.

   There is only one reason why Takahashi Ryosuke lost to Fujiwara Takumi, and that is that he didn't find a bulldozer overnight to fill the drain with five straight hairpins.

Sure enough, Fujiwara Takumi, who used this method, was not pulled away by Takahashi Ryosuke at the corner, but at the last corner...In the two people of Nakasato Takeshi and Shingo of the Miaoki Sheet Metal Group Under the explanation, they agreed that whoever can lead after this corner is the ultimate winner.

   While passing this corner, Ryosuke Takahashi, who had the absolute advantage on the inside line, eventually stalled and slid to the outside line due to tire grip.

   In the end, the winner of this game still belongs to Fujiwara Takumi, his AE86.

  'S words, the readers who read the initial D inexplicably burst into tears.

   From the first episode of Takahashi Ryosuke's appearance, to this episode, Fujiwara Takumi finally defeated him.

   In the middle, a whole year has passed.

   The big demon Ryosuke Takahashi, who was in the eyes of all the fans of the initial D, eventually lost to the **** of Akina Mountain.

   On this day, the fans of Initial D from all parts of the Dragon Kingdom finally did not hesitate to move their fingers. They enthusiastically entered the Shuiyuan official website and voted for the initial D.

   At the same time, they are discussing the plot of this sentence under Chu Yu's Weibo


   So, at midnight...

   The sound of the system sounded again.

   "Congratulations to the host, the initial D of your work has won the first popular vote in the Water Edge Journal, and you will be rewarded with an S-level lottery chance. Hope the host will continue to work hard!"

   Chu Yu rarely sees, the hand holding the paintbrush shook at that moment.

   Reward, here again?

  Chuyu only then realized that today is the release date of another issue of Water Edge.

   And Chu Yu once thought that the plot of today's initial D serialization is exactly the end of the battle between Fujiwara Takumi and Takahashi Ryosuke, so I understand why the initial D reached the top of the water is today.

Since Natsume's Friends' Account reached the top due to animation, the next few issues of the issue of the journal will be Natsume's Friends' Account and Dream World in competition for the first position, although the popularity of the initial D I have been following the two works closely, but never reached the top. Over time, Chu Yu gradually didn't care about these three works. Instead, he concentrated all his energy on Madoka Magica's animation production and comics. It's drawn up.

   But maybe this is the inadvertent interruption. Chu Yu doesn't pay attention to the results of Initial D. Instead, in this issue of Water Edge, the initial D unexpectedly surpasses the two works of Dream World and Natsume's Friends Account and reached the top in one fell swoop.

   And... the rewards of the system are also very timely.

   Chu Yu got excited for a while. After the rewards of the system were received, it meant that he was holding two S-level lottery prizes. All of a sudden, his heart was full of confidence.

In the past two days, the people of Xuangui came to grind him, and they kept trying to persuade him not to finish the two works of Initial D and Natsume's Friends Account, which made Chu Yu very entangled, but now... ...Chu Yu doesn't worry so much.

   After all, for Chu Yu, the biggest worry is that after finishing the two works, he failed to extract suitable works from the system.

   But there were two S-level lottery opportunities, and his worries basically disappeared.

After all, if a lottery chance is bad luck to get the kind of works with minefields, then there is another chance. It really doesn't work. Both chances have drawn some inappropriate works. He still has world points that can be freely exchanged for works. .

   0:00, the editorial department of Xuangui Comics Company. A group of editors working overtime before leaving the company looked at the results of popular polls on the official website of Shuiyuan after early morning. Many people couldn't help but sigh Shuixin's strength.

"It's really amazing. Natsume's Friends Account only climbed to the top in the water's edge a few weeks ago. Today, the initial D is also at the top of the water's edge. Two comics are serialized at the same time, and both comics can be published in periodicals of the water's level. Great, this is not only unprecedented in the history of Longguo comics....If you want to come, there will be no one!"

"Yeah, I feel that our Xuangui is considered an alternative among the Seven Demon Capitals. In such a big company, the cartoonist at the top is two young people, one is twenty and the other is nineteen... ..... If both of them have maintained this kind of talent to create comics, maybe they can lead us Xuangui to a new level."

   "But speaking of it, have you heard about the recent rumors? It is said that Suixin wants to end the two works of Natsume's Friends Account and Initial D. The company has sent three waves to persuade him."

"I heard, but I don't know what Shui Xin thinks. This kind of work is about to be finished when it is finished. The initial D reached the top today, and two days later it will be the release date of its separate edition. You said Shui Xin doesn't care about it. The name is still a picture of money. Both of these works are brought to him. What exactly did he do for finishing these two works?"

   While a group of editors were discussing, suddenly, a stern female voice came.

   "Who said that the two works of Initial D and Natsume's Friends Account will be over?"

   The editors turned their heads to look.

  A lean-looking woman about fifty years old walked out of an office.

   Seeing her, all the editors condensed.

   Liu Ling, the head of the operation department of the Hyungui Comics Company, is stern and utilitarian, but she is indeed very capable.

   Xuangui editor-in-chief Deng He will resign as the editor-in-chief in the near future due to his age and physical embarrassment. It is said that the company has already decided that Xuangui's new editor-in-chief will be her.

"Do you think that Natsume's Friends Account and Initial D's achievements are just his own contribution to Shui Xin? How much resources and manpower and material resources did the company spend to promote these two works, even if Shui Xin is the author of these two works, but Can he alone decide the future direction of these two works?" Liu Ling looked at the editors present with a stern expression.

"Jokes are after all jokes. Shui Xin is not clear about the relationship. We should try our best to make him understand, instead of spreading rumors that have not yet settled the facts, so... please everyone. Don't talk about it anymore~www.mtlnovel.com~ so as to prevent it from causing a bad influence on Xuangui."

   After speaking, Liu Ling also picked up her bag and walked out of Xuangui.

   Only a group of editors are left to look at each other.

   They are also very clear about Liu Ling's thoughts.

   Even if Shui Xin wants to finish the two works, as long as he can quickly create works of the same level, it will not have a great impact on the water.

But the impact on Liu Ling would be great. After Deng He retired, Liu Ling assumed the post of editor-in-chief. The first thing she did was to stabilize Xuangui, especially Shuiyuan's performance to prove that her ability was sufficient for this. Position, but at this time, what kind of finalization plan Shui Xin is going to do... This is undoubtedly causing her trouble.

So Xuangui is probably the last person who wants Shui Xin to finish the two works, but...Although Liu Ling has a lot of energy inside Xuangui, she is only responsible for the operation of external works after all, even if she becomes With the position of editor-in-chief, they have a question mark in their hearts about how much influence it can bring to the current Shuixin.

   After all, even the old editor-in-chief Deng He sent someone to persuade the young man to no avail, and they did not think that Shui Xin would buy Liu Ling's face.

   After all, a cartoonist at the level of Shui Xin, even in the face of Xuan Gui, he still has enough confidence to stick to his own ideas, otherwise other comic companies would be anxious that Shui Xin and Xuan Gui will have a gap to take advantage of the fisherman.

   Although Liu Ling was full of words before them, the development of things may not be as she had hoped.