I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

In the evening, Chu Yu and Li Xi ate dinner in a restaurant.

   Li Xi actually served Chu Yu appropriately, otherwise Chu Yu would be too pitiful, his signature sign hand was sore and weak, and he used a spoon to eat there.

   "It's really tired! Li Xi don't arrange this kind of activity next time. I'd rather go drawing cartoons for a whole day without being so tired."

  Chu Yu has said this to Li Xi no less than ten times today, but looking at her expression, Chu Yu herself feels nothing.

   "By the way, Chu Yu, I have something to tell you." Li Xi saw that Chu Yu had eaten almost, and then said.

   "What's the matter?" Chu Yu asked.

   "Hyungui's editor-in-chief is about to change..."

"Oh! Change it! Anyway, I don't go to Xuangui several times a year, and I have pushed the annual meeting invitation for two consecutive years. I don't know many people inside Xuangui, and it has nothing to do with me changing the editor. , Don't change the editor!" Chu Yu said indifferently.

   "The inside of Xuangui knows why you came to the magic capital from Luo Province in the first place. With lessons learned, they dare not change me at will." Li Xi whispered.

"But things are not as simple as you said... At least the newly appointed editor-in-chief is not as talkative as editor-in-chief Deng. If she takes office, you want to finish Natsume's friends account and initial D The idea is not so easy to realize."

   "If I understand the contract between Xuangui and Xuangui correctly, I have the right to complete the work independently!" Chu Yu looked up at Li Xi.

   "Yes..." Li Xi said.

   "Then this is not enough." Chu Yu lowered his head and continued to eat.

"But the incoming new editor-in-chief said in public that he would resolutely stop you from completing the two works... and also asked me to persuade you to change your mind." Li Xi looked at Chu Yu. Seriously.

   "So... are you here today to talk to me about this?" Chu Yu frowned.

   "Forget it, Li Xi, I have already told you my thoughts. I don't want to waste too much time on such meaningless things."

   "No...I didn't come to persuade you." Li Xi smiled rarely.

   "Although she asked me to persuade you, but...she has not yet taken up the post, and officially serves as the editor-in-chief. I am not obliged to listen to her orders."

"I just told you before. Now there is such a person in Xuangui, and this person has such a requirement of you. This is my obligation as your editor, but in the end, how will your cartoonist career be? Go on, you are the only one who can decide."

   "But..." Li Xi looked at Chu Yu.

"Although with your current position, there is no need to be afraid of Xuangui's editor-in-chief, but after all, you are ready to finish two big fire comics as soon as she took office. For her, it is indeed sufficient for her work performance. Reasons to stop you......So if you want to have a good relationship with her...you can also consider her situation appropriately and delay the end date of the two works. ....."

   "What is there to consider?" Chu Yu looked at Li Xi.

"I don't know her, why should I consider her situation and disrupt my plan? If you were Li Xi as the editor-in-chief, I would consider this proposal.... If she does, forget it. The content of my collaboration with Xuangui is mainly about how to better spread my comics, so that both parties can achieve a win-win situation, rather than come to Xuangui to engage in interpersonal relationships."

   Chuyu spoke in the same tone as before, but his meaning has been clearly conveyed.

   This guy hasn't changed, but his temper.

Li Xi also nodded. She didn't think that Chu Yu would be someone who could consider the pros and cons of this relationship. Otherwise, she wouldn't have had a quarrel with the last comic company, and she would just analyze the situation anyway. For Chu Yu, since Chu Yu had made such a choice, she would not say more.

   But, at the end, she reminded Chu Yu a little bit.

"If you are sure to finish the two works of Initial D and Natsume's Friends Account within half a year, as an editor, I also respect your opinion, but...Chu Yu, you have to think clearly, if If the grades and quality of your new work are not up to the standards of these two works, then you will face a lot of pressure."

"Not only from the internal pressure of Xuangui, but also...the pressure from fans and many media in the Long Kingdom. At that time, the impact of public opinion you will face will be very big... ..... Before Long Guo, many cartoonists finished the old work, but the performance of the new work was unsatisfactory and was sprayed by fans. In the end, there are no fewer people who withdraw from the circle when they are discouraged."

   "Understand." Chu Yu nodded.

  The two did not continue to talk on this topic, and they went home after dinner.


   In the following days, Chu Yu also gradually got busy. In addition to completing the daily comic creation, he also went to T-Bone Animation Company as the director of initial D animation production on weekends.

   Of course, Chu Yu also took out the original bgm of the initial D at the right time. After all, the original D animation of the original D, although the screen is a bit old, the quality of the animation soundtrack is not to be said.

Whether it's Takumi's light-hearted "Take  Me  Higher" after winning the game, or the classic Your  Dream, or the episode "Wings  of  fire" during the battle against Michiko Uhiyama and Chu Yu's sense of self-consciousness. The Divine Comedy "stay".......The animated version of the initial D really made a single piece of super high quality.

   Of course, Chu Yu is not provided to T-bone animation production companies for free. Although Chu Yu still looks down on the hundreds of thousands of song usage fees, he still has to collect the money that should be collected.

   So after Xia Yin's animation production team received Chu Yu's music gift package, many people were silent.

   They once again remembered the rumors circulating in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry...

As long as it is an animation of Shui Xin's work changes, Shui Xin can always find great soundtracks from various horns, but ask him where these soundtracks come from, and the answer is anyway from his friends who play music. Bought it.

   But how can a music creator with this level be unknown in Long Country?

So many people are wondering whether the soundtrack that Shui Xin pulled out was created by him. When Xia Yin is here, she always feels that if this guess is correct, then this young man who is a few years younger than her would be too much. too frightening.

In the comics industry, he is already a big-time figure. In the animation industry, the work of screenwriters and investors seems to be pretty good. If there is such a strong talent in music... If he integrates his skills, he feels that one person can make an animation.

   In this case, a week has passed, and the single line with the initial D has also been sold in the first week of this year.

The average weekly sales volume of    volume reached 700,000 volumes, and the total sales volume of the first three individual books reached nearly 2.3 million volumes.

   This sales volume is undoubtedly the sales champion of the new release of Longguo comics last week, and there are so many comics leading the second place.

According to this trend, the sales volume of at least two million volumes must be stable. You know, this is the single-line performance of comic works that have not yet been animated.... Tang Xin's dream world is being animated With the blessings of, the average sales volume of the single-line volume is only more than 2.3 million copies.

   After the initial D animation is broadcast, the single-line sales of this work will definitely increase, but the point where it will eventually rise depends solely on the taste and quality of the Dragonland animation fans.

And this single-line book sales result directly made Chu Yu's position in the comics industry completely stable. Even the most demanding comic media and comic critics will no longer use Chu Yu's young age and the fact that the single-line book scores are not up to the standard. Up.

   The animation production team of Madoka Magica not far from Chuyu's house.

   Those in the animation industry who have joined the team one after another have gradually understood what kind of work they are going to produce...

   At the same time...They also felt Shui Xin's deep malice towards fans.

   It is said that a good magical girl theme, you can make these plots with animations of this theme, and you really deserve to be a fighter of love.

   And Huang Ming, with the progress of animation production, has become full of many.

   For a while, in the animation world of Magic City, everyone suddenly felt that the name of Shuixin, which appeared frequently in their ears in the past two years, gradually became less frequent.

   Under such circumstances, at the end of June, an unexpected guest suddenly came to Chu Yu's home.

   A woman brought by Li Xi, some of whom are getting older.

   "Hello, I am Liu Ling, who will take up the post of editor-in-chief of Hyungui comics next month!"

   As soon as the woman entered the door, she declared herself, her eyes kept examining Chu Yu's residence and Chu Yu himself.

   Chuyu sighed without showing a trace, why are these people so idle?

   He has told the people sent by Xuangui so many times about his idea of ​​finishing the two works, and he doesn't know why this woman has to come here in person.

   Chuyu has clearly told the people who came before that no matter who comes, his decision will not change.

   "Hello, I am Chu Yu." Chu Yu responded to the woman.

   "Presumably, Chu Yu, you have already guessed your intentions for me! Then I won't be too close..." Liu Ling said with a smile.

   "You should have guessed the purpose of my coming here, or that, I hope you can withdraw your decision to complete Natsume's friend account and initial D within five months?"

   This is indeed the case...

   Chu Yu heard this, and said very directly.

   "I have answered this question many times, but I can't do it!"

   The atmosphere suddenly became more subtle.

   When Liu Ling was in the operation department of Xuangui, she said one thing, but few people rejected her with such a tough attitude.

   "Even if the editor-in-chief of Xuangui came here to ask you to withdraw the decision?" Liu Ling asked, looking at Chu Yu.

   "No way!"

   Chu Yu has always spoken so straightforwardly, but Liu Ling sounded a little uncomfortable.

   "Can I hear Chu Yu why you must finish these two works?" Liu Ling took a deep breath and asked.

   "I think it's time for them to end! So they are over~www.mtlnovel.com~ Chu Yu responded.

   "But I think... the two works have not yet reached the end." Liu Ling looked at Chu Yu and said.

You feel?

   Chu Yu frowned.

   What do you think is my business?

   When Li Xi heard Liu Ling's words and saw Chu Yu's expression, he knew that it was not good. Liu Ling was so stuck in the operation department that there was something wrong with his thoughts.

   Is this treating Chu Yu as a subordinate of her operations department?

   "I am the author of these two works. I think they should be over and they can be over. I am just using other people's ideas as a reference, and I am not obliged to adopt them." Chu Yu still held back and did not have any episodes.

"But, I think that as the editor-in-chief of the mysterious turtle comics, my words should have a certain weight! Chu Yu, you should think about my proposal. After all, I am ready to give Natsume friends an account and head after taking office next month. The text D, and the three works of Dream World are being promoted in a new round, and the characters of you and Tang Xin's genius cartoonist are mainly promoted..."


   Chu Yu didn't bother to continue talking with such non-speculative people.

   "You will only be the editor-in-chief of Hyungui next month.....Now, it's not, and I'm going to draw comics, maybe I don't have time to chat here."

   Chu Yu pointed at the door of his house and looked at Liu Ling, with a clear meaning.