I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

   While Zhong Jing was immersed in the outrageous plot at the end of the third chapter of Magical Girl, unable to extricate herself.

  During the animation world, there are discussion posts about Madoka Puella Magi again.

  Different from the previous posts mocking Mizushin Jiang Lang's talent, this discussion is entirely a plot discussion of the third episode of Madoka Magica.

   Because the scale of the Dragon Kingdom is larger than that of Parallel Space-Time, Chu Yu is also more obvious in many places in the production of animation.

   Because of this, the audience's senses will feel darker and depressed.

   As we all know, although Shui Xin doesn't bubbling under his Weibo very much, it has always been the biggest gathering place for his fans.

   Today, those female fans who are selling peripherals under Shuixin Weibo and want to tease Shuixin, and those black fans who mock Shuixin a few days ago have basically disappeared.

   The entire Weibo comment area was directly posted by the discussion about the plot of Madoka Magica's third episode.

   "I'm going, did you watch the third episode of the Magical Girl today? This story is really dazzling!"

"Magic Girl Madoka Magica? I abandoned the first episode. I thought there would be something novel about the magical girl-themed animation written by Ms. Shui Xin... But I only watched the first episode. I think that if Teacher Shui Xin has time to do this kind of animation, it is better to publish the Unheard Extra Story or the Second Five Star Voice Extra Story! Why, there is a turning point in the later plot? Today we will discuss this under Weibo. There are so many people in animation?"

   "It's not good to say anyway, it's just that the plot at the end of the third chapter of Magical Girl makes me smell the familiar taste of Teacher Shui Xin, but I don't know how the fourth chapter will unfold!"

   "Above, you just read the first episode and don't speak. Go and fill up the second and third episodes and come back! In the third episode, the teacher Shui Xin started to show off again."

"Anyway, the ending plot of the third episode will be like this. I didn't expect it. When I saw the conversation between Senpai and Madoka, Madoka made up her mind to become a magical girl because she admired her. Senpai was also willing to be her because Madoka was willing to be her. My companion was moved to tears. When I saw this place, I sighed that these two people were very good. I thought about whether or not I would chase the animation at these two people........Who knows Two minutes later Shui Xin slapped me with a big mouth..."

   "Above, don't talk half way! What happened to the plot later? Is the senpai you mentioned the little yellow hair from the first episode? In terms of name, I remember it is Bamamei, what's wrong with her?"

   "I don't like spoilers, anyway, just one sentence to tell you the plot of the third episode, Mami-chan has become Mami-chan!"

   "Mami-chan has become Mami...Jiang, are you talking about tongue twisters?"

"Don't be cute upstairs, let me tell you. In the plot of Magical Girl Madoka in Chapter 3, a new magical girl appears. She is the soul of Meako Honma who came to this world. Then she must You have to defeat a hundred witches before you can return to the unheard-of-famous world and be reborn with Renta... Well, that's it, go and see!"

   "Fuck it, real or fake? Is there such a show story?"

   "Why are you upstairs spoiler, spoiler dogs must not die!"

   "Since the people upstairs have been spoiled, then I won't hide it. The Yazi in the third episode is so cute!"

   "I'm going, why do people above you like to tell the truth so much!"


   "Oh, what a nice girl, I just got a bento when I said it, I thought Bamamei would be the second task of this work!"

"That is, my sister likes watching this kind of magical girl-themed animation, so I am Amway when she came to see Master Shui Xin's masterpiece. When she saw the end of the third episode that she watched with me yesterday, she was scared and cried. She cried and said that this is not a magical girl. A magical girl will not die. She ran to my dad and told her that I was watching a horror movie...I really died unjustly."

"I now think of Mr. Shui Xin's sentence that this is an animation that subverts the theme of Magical Girl. There is always a bad premonition. I thought it was just the words of Ms. Shui Xin casually. Could it be that the story of the third chapter of Magical Girl is just the **** operation plot? At the beginning, is the feature film behind?"

"I also have this feeling. When I watched the first episode of this work, I found it very strange, and the style change was too great, but after the third episode was broadcast yesterday, you noticed that the ed was not, and changed directly to a dark style. The ed, anyway, I think it's a bit oozing. Now think about the op of this work. The warm shots that appeared in it basically haven't appeared in the work, and I think of the malicious operations of Teacher Shui Xin in the past. ..... I feel that Teacher Shui Xin is about to start acting as a demon, he must start to work! The plot of this work is definitely not that simple, maybe there will be a bigger turn in the future."

"It shouldn't be possible. Ms. Shui Xin can never turn the magical girl-themed animation into a melancholy masterpiece. The plot of the third episode is just that the crusade against the witch failed and died. At best, it was a little bit. Shocked, I think it's still far from causing depression!"


   Inexplicably, some of Chu Yu's Weibo comment area, whose activity has declined during this period, has returned to its original enthusiasm.

  Major forums and fan groups are also discussing the plot of Puella Magi Madoka Magica's third episode.

   And those animation commentators, after seeing the content of Puella Magi Madoka Magica's third episode, they were a little confused for a while.

   I really want to say that the plot of Madoka Magica's third episode is not bloody, and the main reason why it has caused such a sensation is that it brings too much contrast.

After all, from the perspective of style, fighting, or plot, this work has a feeling of a low age group. Everyone will not subconsciously think that this work will have any **** and dark scenes, but the third chapter... ..... It took two minutes to tell all the audience that this work is deadly. The magical girl in the traditional concept... is a dangerous job.

The reason why there is such a heated discussion volume is mainly due to the fact that the contrast is too great, but if a work wants to go viral, it must not only rely on this thing.......unless The content behind Madoka Magica will always have this subversive plot or setting.

   Otherwise, only relying on the death of Bamami, Madoka's popularity that has become popular overnight has subsided in just a few days.

   So... what is the story behind this work?

  Shuixin, this guy......Is this work really bashing, or is it going to be enlarged in the later plot?

   Many people have such doubts in their hearts.

Those animation critics and people in the animation industry who laughed at Shui Xin's failure a few weeks ago were also a little bit undecided at this time. They couldn't see that Madoka Magica's sudden rise in popularity was because the salted fish jumped accidentally , Or this is the plot set by Shui Xin deliberately.

And Xia Yin of the T-Bone Animation Company, after watching the plot of the third episode of Puella Magi Madoka Magica, she felt a sense of crisis in her heart~www.mtlnovel.com~Sure enough... this work It's not that simple, but it takes three words to reveal the true colors. Don't you worry that the audience will all run away?

   Still saying...you are confident that even if this animation does not start well in the early stage, through the subsequent plot, you can make the fans and viewers who have been lost come back again?

   Xia Yin sits heavily in the chair, although the performance gap between the two works of The Abyssal Hero and Magical Girl Madoka is very huge, and there are more than a dozen animations in the rankings.

   But inexplicably, Xia Yin feels that her biggest enemy is not the other three big productions with the same investment, but the animation of Madoka Magica with medium investment.

   Those animators who competed with Shuixin at the beginning, are they the way I feel now?

   From the very beginning, he felt that he was clearly not his opponent, but inexplicably, when he was proud of the spring breeze, his work began to exert strength.

   Xia Yin smiled, tucked the hair around her ears, and let out a long sigh.

   What am I nervous and afraid of? I was able to beat him last year, and this year is the same... and now I have a big advantage, even more unnecessary.

   Well, hold on, don't panic!