I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

The audience who saw this scene felt very strange.

Along with the weird light and shadow, under the orange sky, Sayexiang's face was filled with a happy smile.

But inexplicably, the soundtrack in the animation at this time has a trace of sadness, always feeling...this blue-haired girl is standing fg!

As the camera turned, a red-haired magical girl was discussing something with Chobe.

Because of the death of Bamami, the red-haired Kyoko Sakura came over to take over her territory, but she did not expect that a new magical girl, Miki Sayaka, had been born on this land.

In order to hunt down the witch on the new territory and **** the lamented seed, the battle between Sakura Kyoko and Miki Sayaka is imperative.

On the other hand, Madoka, who was worried about Sayaka's safety and didn't want the Bamami tragedy to happen again, found Xiao Mi Yan and asked her and Sayaka to join forces to deal with the witch in the future.

But Xiao Miyan looked at Madoka with a sad and sorrowful look.

"I don't want to lie, nor make promises that I can't do."

"So... Give up Miki Sayaka!"

"That kid shouldn't have concluded a contract..."

"This is the same thing as the dead being unable to resurrect..."

"Once you become a magical girl, you can no longer get the hope of redemption..."

"That contract is in exchange for the only hope, giving up everything else."

Xiao Meiyan's words caused huge doubts in the hearts of the audience who saw the animation here.

What is the setting of this work that hasn't been thrown out, it's already the fifth episode, don't hide it!

Audiences with a little animation age can perceive from the hints time and time again in the work that there is definitely a huge flaw in the profession of Magical Girl, so Xiaomei Homura will persuade Kamemaru again and again not to conclude magic with Chobe Girl contract.

So far when I saw this work, there are many doubts.

What is the relationship between Xiao Mi Homura and Madoka? Why does she value Madoka so much.

Isn't this guy Kubi hiding a secret? Why does it feel like a MLM leader, always trying to lead Madoka on the road of the magical girl.

Also, whether this wish to become a magical girl would have any side effects, anyway, I thought it was very strange.

The more I look at it, I always feel more and more confused.

In the end, what kind of work does Shui Xin want to create!

This is too slow!

In the following plot, when Madoka and Sayaka are searching for the monster lair that is about to be promoted from the servant to the witch, when Sayaka is about to destroy the servant, the person who spoils the game appears.

Sakura Kyoko, with a red-haired heroic figure, holding a spear, and two tiger teeth showing his mouth, appeared on the stage and organized Sayaka.

"Can't you understand? That guy is a witch, not a witch, there can be no seeds of lament, right!"

"After it eats four or five people, it will become a witch and then say... Then you will be able to get the Seed of Lament!!"

"How can you kill the chicken before laying the egg?"

Sakura Kyoko's words instantly ruined the three views of the audience watching the animation.

Are you talking human words?

Isn't the magical girl a profession to protect ordinary humans? Why does the red-haired girl say that the real purpose of the magical girl is to hunt the witch and obtain the Seed of Lament?

Sayaka immediately quarreled with Sakura Kyoko.

Kyoko laughed at Sayaka for becoming a magical girl and hunting witches to protect ordinary people.

Sayexiang was angry at her attitude of indifference to life.

The two looked at each other with bad eyesight, and they fought immediately.

In the beginning, it was just a tentative attack. Later, the two sides were killing each other, and they were all moving towards the vital point between the wave of weapons.

The development of this plot makes the audience feel a bit outrageous.

Was this kind of relationship between magical girls?

It's very simple that the weak and the strong eat, and a word is not in a life and death battle.

Protecting ordinary humans is only the wishful thinking of Madoka and Bamami. The magical girl's job is to hunt witches and obtain the seeds of lament. When necessary, it is normal to raise envoys with humans and then give birth to witches and then hunt them.

From this perspective, Shui Xin's work really subverts the impression that the term "Magic Girl" brings to everyone.

The battle between the two eventually ended with Xiao Meiyan's intervention.

The plot of Madoka Magica's fifth episode has officially ended.

But many viewers were still proud of it.

Although Shui Xin said despair, hope, love, magic and other words, only magic showed signs, other elements were not seen, and the world view, foreshadowing, and so on were not fully revealed.

However, this work is very good in terms of the plot alone. At least, the point of view of this work is different from the ordinary magical girl theme. It is not the same as the protagonist of the Virgin or is based on things such as the transformation of the magical girl. point.

Regardless of Gu's impression of the magical girl theme, the plot of this work so far is very exciting.

In particular, the characterization of the relevant characters does not sell cuteness or engage in Jiqing. The audiences are deeply impressed by the several roles that have appeared now.

The headless elder sister, Bamami, is duplicity, and always asks herself too much, Sayaka, cowardly but kind-hearted with Kameyuan...These characters are not the kind of characters you forget after watching them. .

But you can think of these characters along the plot when you think back to this work.

This is very powerful. It is difficult to portray the protagonist well, but it is not much worse than the difficulty of portraying the supporting role vividly.

For this reason, although everyone did not know the meaning of the two comments Shui Xin said until this episode, at least, in the entire Dragon Kingdom animation circle, and in the previous few weeks, everyone was mocking this work. The scene is completely different, and Madoka Magical Girl's discussion is getting higher and higher.

This scene envied the production staff of the other four magical girl-themed animations broadcast at the same time as Puella Magi Madoka.

It is said that you should be a salted fish together, but why did you start to jump on your own.

After episode 5 was broadcast, Madoka Magical Girl's grades rose steadily.

The network-wide broadcast results of nearly a hundred animations that aired in October jumped to seventh, with an average broadcast volume of 3.3 million, which happened to be the number one "brave into the abyss" at this time. The episode's average broadcast volume is half of 6.6 million.

Although there is a big gap between the two works at this time, it is not that Puella Magi Madoka's grades are bad, on the contrary, it is the strength of the animation "The Brave" is too strong.

Normally, judging from the results of Madoka Magica at this time, the average broadcast volume of the episode will reach more than 5 million after the end of this work.

If you put it in the spring and summer seasons, you might have won the title of quarterly popular animation champion, but in October, especially in October this year, when the animation quality is bursting, this kind of performance can only be ranked seventh.

This month is not only the "Brave" scores dazzling, there is a high probability that the final score will be over 10 million episodes, and the following three works are all being broadcasted with monsters with an average playback volume of close to 5 million episodes.

Therefore, nowadays, when the major talk shows of the Dragon Kingdom also talk about Puella Magi Madoka, they also praised it. Apart from anything else, it is really rare that Puella Magi animation can have this achievement, regardless of whether this work can eventually achieve it. The degree of subversiveness that he said, but at least, in the magical girl theme works of the past two years, Madoka has the best performance.

The animation industry's view of Shui Xin's big bashing has also been transformed into a small bashing.

Although many people still want to black Chuyu, but the results are really not black. If you force black, the audience is not a fool.

Therefore, as the wind reviews of this work have improved, a large number of viewers who choose to follow the animation based on the real-time performance of the animation work and the audience's comments have also poured in to follow this animation.

After all, up to now, in the ratings of works on Xinman.com, Puella Magi Madoka Magica has been ranked fifth in the animation broadcast in October with a rating of 8.6 up to the present time. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The highest is naturally the "Brave" score is just 9.0.

The high popularity of the work is not necessarily good-looking, after all, the high popularity can rely on the plot of selling cute and rotten to attract the attention of a large number of fans.

However, the number of ratings on works on Xinman.com should not be faked, because the cost is too high, so basically there is no scoring situation, and the scores of the works that have been commented can be modified later according to the plot and quality of the works, and dynamic Adjustment.

Take the magical girl Madoka's work. When it first went online, many Chuyu fans thought this work was boring, so they gave it a low score of 7.5. Later, after the plot of the third episode was turned, many people spontaneously revised the score. , The score came to 8.3, and after the fourth and fifth episodes were broadcast, many passersby were attracted by this novel setting of the magical girl theme. After watching it, they basically scored high, so the score also reached 8.6.

Weibo, there are discussion posts about Madoka Puella Magi on the Internet~www.mtlnovel.com~ However, if this is the development trend, it is obvious that Madoka Puella Magi has the most achievements in this work. Go up one or two places. If you want to reach the leading position of the four masterpieces in October, there is still a big gap.

Except for Xia Yin, the top four animators, the other three are also relieved.

After all, these four works are basically at the same level, regardless of the production cost or the abilities of the production team members, so as long as they stay in the top four... basically it's not shameful.

But if someone's ranking was overtaken by Magical Girl Madoka who invested only 20 million, then it would be really unreasonable.

Although everyone recognizes the strength of Shui Xin and Huang Ming, in fact, the studio they formed is not even a company. Longguo's top animation production team lost to a private animation studio, which is really embarrassing to say.

Anyway, just like that, Shui Xin's new work has maintained its best performance.

With this attitude, a week passed, and the sixth chapter of Magical Girl Madoka finally aired.