I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Chu Yu was quite satisfied with Madoka Magica's results this week.

On the other side of Huang Ming, he was very happy, he felt very wise in his heart. Anyway, the script that Chu Yu took out, don't need to think about it, just follow it, and the final result did not disappoint him, using magic. Judging from the current performance of Madoka Magica, even if this work maintains the current level, it will be able to make a lot of money after it is over, and it seems that Madoka Magical Girl's work has risen greatly. Space, the follow-up score rose to an average of six or seven million is not a dream.

So although a group of animation studio members are working overtime to make the follow-up animation of Madoka Magica, but every night after working overtime, Huang Ming will invite everyone to play together. Chu Yu looks at Huang Ming's dynamics in the circle of friends. He did have a good time, but it's a pity that those people like to go to places like bars. Chu Yu really didn't like it. Huang Ming invited Chu Yu several times and refused.

Of course, as the boss, Chu Yu is not stingy. He also bought gifts for each of the members of the animation production team. Anyway, the value is worth one or two months of each of them.

And just when Chu Yu focused his attention on the magical girl Madoka during this period, Li Xi's arrival made Chu Yu a little bit of his attention.

Li Xi's purpose is very simple. Now there are only two or three months left until the two works that Chu Yu said at the beginning are finished. She came to ask Chu Yu about the concept of the new comic.

"Uh, don't worry too much about this kind of thing!" Chu Yu frowned when he heard Li Xi's intentions.

Although the end time of Chu Yu's two works has been determined, Chu Yu still wants to rest for a while after the two works are over before considering the matter of the new comics.

After all, it has been more than two years since he came to the magic city, and he has never had a period of suspension.

Although he was only drawing according to the original comics, he was a little tired after a long time. Chu Yu still had some thoughts about where to travel after finishing the work.

It's just... Li Xi's next words made Chu Yu a little more cautious.

After all, the sudden end of Chu Yu's work puts a lot of pressure on Xuangui's side, and although the newly appointed editor-in-chief has nothing to do with Chuyu, for the sake of the performance of Shuiyuan Periodicals, Li Xi has been constantly pressured. She came over to urge Chu Yu to create a new comic as soon as possible.

Although Li Xi is relatively indifferent on weekdays, Chu Yu has known each other for several years, and Xuangui's internal affairs and opinions are not concealed by Chu Yu.

And Xuangui promised Chuyu that his newly created comic can seamlessly connect the initial D and the vacancy of Natsume's friends account. There is no need for review of serial conferences. Now Chuyu is no longer necessary. Going through the serialization process of an ordinary cartoonist, as long as you want to serialize what works, you can directly explain the situation with the comics agency, and the comics agency will naturally give him the greatest convenience.

When Li Xi said this, Chu Yu himself felt a little embarrassed. After all, her sudden decision also increased her pressure, but a lot of the pressure from Xuangui was blocked by her, and it may indeed be Xuangui's side. The pressure on her was too much, so after knowing that she would like to rest for a while after finishing the work, she came to discuss this with herself!

Anyway, there is no place that I particularly want to go to play anyway, and because of going to school, Chu Yu is going to travel during the winter vacation at most, and can only spare a month to come out.

If you follow Li Xi's suggestion, you will lose a month's vacation. It is not impossible to be a model worker cartoonist.

Thinking of this, Chu Yu also quickly made a decision.

"The answer to this question, can I reply to you in the near future?"

Li Xi glanced at Chu Yu, feeling clear.

Based on what she knows about Chu Yu, this guy must have a certain idea about the new work, that's why she has such an attitude.

Li Xi didn't say much, Chu Yu was also very busy anyway, and she was also not busy. Since the things she wanted to know showed signs, she could just go back and wait for Chu Yu's news.

As for Chu Yu, after Li Xi left and pondered for a few minutes, the whole person was directly immersed in the system space decisively.

In this year, the two S-level lottery opportunities he left have not yet been used. Since Li Xi has said so, let's see what works can be drawn from these two opportunities!

But if both opportunities were drawn for works suitable for animation adaptations, Chu Yu would have nothing to do. The serialization plan of the new comics could only be postponed, although he could also directly use the world points to formulate exchange works, based on his current world. Judging by the number of savings points, ordinary S-level works can be redeemed by Chu Yu, but Chu Yu will definitely not use it in such a panic.

So Chu Yu didn't hesitate, and he directly consumed two chances of lottery when he entered the system space.

Soon, the lottery in the system space began. Because it is a lottery for S-level works, the number is undoubtedly much less. The works where the cursor stays in the lottery are all famous two-dimensional works in the space of another world.

Even Chu Yu, after using his three years of hard work as a cartoonist to exchange for two S-level lottery opportunities, his heartbeat was quickening, and his eyes were staring at the two wandering cursors intently.

In the end, when the two cursors were still, the names of the two works appeared.

Rebellious Lelouch!

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part III! (Note: There are conditions attached).

Actually these two works?

Chu Yu was stunned for two seconds.

Chu Yu is bored for a day, and he will learn about the works in another world. Although he can't see the content of the works, Chu Yu can also understand the popularity and influence of the works through various information.

The rebellious Lelouch's animation can be regarded as one of the representative works of Japanese animation in the parallel world. It caused a sensation in Japan once it was broadcasted. After it spread to China, it also exploded in popularity. Years later, we are still determined to wait for the production of the third season.

The female protagonist CC has been ranked first in the popularity rankings of animated female protagonists for many years.

Although, this work does have some second grades, the plot of high school students changing the world is too exaggerated, and there are some flaws in the plot, but it is undeniable that its excellence can completely conceal these shortcomings, after all.... . People who pursue realism in the second dimension must be sick.

The work is good-looking and interesting, and other things are not so important for this reason.

And jojo's bizarre adventure...This does not need to be introduced too much.

There are many kinds of stalks.

What hit Varudo, improper person, Mu Da, Euler Euler, is this the invincible xxx?

These stalks are heard even if Chu Yu hasn't seen this work.

But what does the bracket (note: conditional) at the end of this work mean?

When Chu Yu's mind moved, Chu Yu also learned about the conditional information from the system in an instant.

[Conditions: When the host draws the third part of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, the system will automatically gift the first part of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Phantom Blood, and the second battle trend to the host. And only after the host publishes the first and second parts of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure on this plane, the content of the work of the third part of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure can be accessed by the host. This additional condition is for the host to publish this work without destroying the integrity of the theme of fate in the jojo series. Hope the host understands! ]

What the hell?

Chu Yu's face turned black all at once. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

I took an S-level lottery chance to draw the work. I can't directly serialize the work. Do I have to serialize the two previous works of this work before the official content is open to me?

And if Chu Yu remembered it correctly, it seems that the first and second parts of the Jojo series did not perform very well in parallel time and space, especially the first part of Phantom Blood, which was once in the midst of the comics.

Obviously, compared with the S grade evaluation of the third part of the jojo series, the first and second parts obviously did not achieve this quality.

On the surface, it seems that Chuyu was given a gift from the stingy system, which took a big advantage, but in fact, the third part of the jojo series he got was **** by these two previous works. If the system does not have this operation, then Chu Yu would definitely not serialize one or two parts for the completeness of the theme of fate. After all, every part of this work is an independent work, which does not affect viewing at all.

The operation of the system requires me to walk the path that the old thief Araki walked back then?

Chu Yu's head hurts, what's the matter?