I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"Goodbye, Homura, take care of your body..."

After Zhou Mei Madoka said this, she threw herself at Witch Night like a moth.

In the end, Xiao Meiyan looked at Lu Muyuan, and said bitterly with the corpse of her best friend.

"I want you to live more than save me!"

What kind of plot is this!

The audience in front of the computer was full of black question marks, but although they could not understand, they were still emotionally mobilized.

This guy, Chobe, appeared at the right time.

"Are you true? Are you willing to block your soul for that wish?"

The appearance of MLM leader Chubby at the right time began to seduce ignorant girls again.

Seeing this snow-white creature, countless people in front of the computer screen, including Xia Yin and Gu Yan, basically had a word with almost the same meaning in their hearts.


However, in the animation, Xiao Mi Homura, who was lured by Chobe, concluded a contract with the magical girl.

And the wish to conclude is...

"I want to meet Kameyuan again, not as the me who is protected by her, but as the me who protects her."

This, this wish... can this wish be realized?

Xiao Mi Homura's secret... Is that so?

Xiao Miyan's wish caused a huge wave in the hearts of fans watching the animation at this moment.

They never thought, can they make this kind of wish?

This wish explained all the doubts in the hearts of fans in an instant.

The expectation of the next plot in everyone's heart suddenly came up.

In the next plot, we return to Xiao Meiyan who was a month ago, and with the mood of saving Lumeyuan, she transferred to Lumeyuan's class again, met again with her, and became friends again.

And Xiao Mi Homura, who went back a month ago, became a magical girl with her magic, and it was time that was suspended, during which time only she could move.

Speaking of this, I have to mention the third part of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Xiao Mi Homura's ability is basically a perfect copy of Jojo's third villain, the evil man Dior's stand-in ability, theworld, of course. Because of the pronunciation problem in Huaguo, another world, in Huaguo of that world, he prefers to refer to Dior's ability by "smashing Varudo". This ability is time pause.

In this way, Xiao Mi Homura is a magical girl who combines the abilities of the two great jojo villains of Kira Yoshikage and Dior, but she is still a weak chicken in the second week of the world under the blessing of these two abilities, can only sigh There is no invincible ability, only weak users.

After all, with such a powerful ability, he would only attack the enemy with a golf club during the timeout, until he got tired and he didn't use this club to break a barrel of oil.

So Xiao Meiyan learned to be clever behind, and she made gunpowder directly, and threw dozens or even hundreds of earthen grenades into the crotch of the giant witch during the time pause.

It can be called a generation of thunder in the crotch...

Although the user's strength is different, the method used is basically the same. Seeing here, you can basically be sure that the guy Xu Yuanxuan must also be an avid fan of jojo.

Of course, the people in this world, including Chu Yu, are completely unclear about this information, so in their opinion, the plot and ability are simply novel, and...the brains are wide open.

But even so... The two weeks, Madoka and Bamami are still killed in the Night of the Witch.

It's just that, at the end of the week, because of the filthy soul gems of this week, Meiyan turned into a witch directly in front of Akomi Homura... This also made Akomi Homura a clear understanding of what the so-called magical girl is. The presence.

This plot..... invincible.

It was the first time to see a group of magical girl fans who were in a multi-world plot animation, and the shock in their hearts was unparalleled.

In particular, the animation screenwriters in the industry are directly dumbfounded. This kind of insight seems easy to understand, but if they really want to think, they may not have that moment of inspiration in a lifetime.

I thought that the guy Shui Xin would only cause depression and tears. Why did that guy... even have such a big brain hole? How did you come up with this kind of plot?

Is this the gap between genius and mortal?

In the story of the third week, Xiao Meiyan directly told Madoka, Sayaka, Bamami and others that the magical girl would become a witch after being blackened.

But everyone is skeptical.

Sayaka, in particular, directly thought she was the same kind of magical girl as Kyoko who only cared about her own interests.

During this week, in order to improve her own strength, Xiao Meiyan directly used the time-stop ability to ransack the arsenal, and loaded guns, missiles, aircraft, bombs, etc. into her magical equipment.

And in this week, Sayaka has become a witch again...

Therefore, the magical girls who knew the truth of the matter collapsed directly. The elder sister Bamami cried and killed Kyoko when the world outlook, outlook on life, and values ​​collapsed. She also wanted to kill Xiao Mi Homura to prevent these magical girls from appearing. , That is, the witch reserve officers will do harm to the world in the future.

However, in order to prevent Xiao Mi Yan from being killed by Senpai, Madoka decisively killed Senpai, that is, crushed Bamami's soul gem and saved Xiao Mi Yan.

At this point, fans once again discovered that the familiar dark and melancholy magical girl Madoka is back.

Xiao Miyan's so-called, looking back in time to save Madoka with love and hope, it ended only in the third week...

Madoka, who killed her most beloved senpai, cried bitterly, and Xiao Meiyan comforted her to face the next Witch Night together.

However, in the third week of the eye, they were annihilated by the regiment again... They used too much magic power, their soul gems were also too dirty, and they were about to become witches soon.

In the end, when the soul gems of both of them were filthy, Madoka's last sighing seed, that is, the one that fell from Sayaka's body, was used, and the sighing seed she had been unwilling to use, let Xiaomei Yan Purify your soul gem.

"Can you go back in time and save me who was fooled by Chobe?"

The voice actors voiced the hope and despair of Madoka in this sentence.

The familiar feeling of depression was surging in the hearts of the audience again, and many people paused for a few seconds, taking a deep breath before continuing to watch.

"I promise you, I will save you, no matter how many times I repeat, I will definitely protect you!" Xiao Meiyan made an agreement to the three-week-old Madoka before her time backtracking ability was activated.

Then... At Madoka's request, she tearfully smashed Madoka's soul gem with a gun, but didn't turn Madoka into a witch.

At the moment when the shot was fired, Xiao Meiyan's desperate voice passed through the screen, and all the audience felt Xiao Meiyan's despair.

I don't know if it's sighing that this **** plot is powerful, or the voice actor is powerful.

Anyway, many people feel discomfort.

Xia Yin directly looked gloomy.

Does that guy have an enmity with the girl? Playing abuse one after another.

Gu Yan's roommates couldn't bear to watch it anymore, and they discussed whether Chu Yu was born cold-blooded, or how could he refuse Gu Yan and still come up with such a plot.

The screen flashed, and in the next instant, Xiao Meiyan returned to a month ago.

She untied the two bundles of twist braids, and at the same time, agreed with the small round belt to become the only pillar for her to fight.

In that first story, Xiao Mi Homura was born elegant, calm, and beautiful, but with unparalleled care for Madoka.

It turns out... Is that the case?

Then we saw the plot of the nine episodes before. In the magical girl Madoka Magica's work, how many weeks of sight is Xiao Mi Homura?

Fans occasionally took time to think but were crushed by the compact plot of the animation.

In order to prevent Madoka from becoming a magical girl, Xiao Meiyan can only continue to grow stronger. As long as she defeats all the witches, Madoka will not be tempted by Kubi to become a magical girl.

For this reason, she can only become cold, ruthless, and become the black long straight goddess.

So she was reincarnation all by herself in this month, in order to save Madoka, in order to keep her best friend alive, once, again, and again in reincarnation.

Then I was defeated again and again by Witch's Night.

In the end, watching Madoka become a magical girl again and again and fell into this abyss.

To Madoka, Xiao Mi Yan is just a new classmate who has not known her for a month, but to Xiao Mi Yan, she is the only belief in her more than ten years of reincarnation.

In the last week, Akomi Homura lost to Witch Night again, but Madoka, who turned into a magical girl, killed the thing with just one blow...

However, because of the strong power, all the power was consumed in one blow, and the soul gem was filthy and turned into a witch.

"The strongest magic girl will give birth to the most evil witch."

"If Madoka degenerates into a witch, it only takes ten days to destroy this planet!"

"But now, it's your human problem..."

Satisfied, Chobe completed the mission and was ready to leave the earth.

And when Xiao Meiyan reincarnated again, she came to this week of the animation line.

At this point, Madoka Magical Girl Chapter 10 is over.

But many people looked at ed blankly, still thinking about Madoka's plot.

They were moved again in their hearts, but this moved was completely different from when they watched Chapter 9.

If the ninth chapter is moved by Kyoko's sacrifice of herself, then the tenth chapter is Xiaomei Homura's move to save Madoka's persistence.

Hundreds of reincarnations, ten years of perseverance stuck in a month, and witnessed the death of a close friend hundreds of times, only to let Madoka be saved once.

Although it is still unclear why Madoka last week turned into a magical girl so much better than that after turning into a magical girl, but now everyone is immersed in the wonderful plot of Chapter 10 and can't help themselves.

On Xia Yin's side, she leaned back on the chair slumpingly~www.mtlnovel.com~ After reading the tenth chapter of Madoka Magica, she had a strong hunch... she would lose.

Although the two works of Puella Magi Madoka and Brave are still fighting, she feels that perhaps the fight between the two works will be the winner in Chapter 10.

Although the ending plot of Brave's work is also very beautiful, it is undoubtedly much worse than that of Madoka, which has a big hit in one episode.

It's just... Not reconciled!

Leading for such a long time, but within three weeks, the North Gate Magical Girl Madoka chased and passed.

This made her heart very distressed, and Xia Yin, who wanted to cry very much, called Gu Yan, trying to get her to comfort herself.

However, after ten minutes, Xia Yin hung up the phone, her expression even more bitter.

Because Gu Yan was full of excitement and he played the magical girl Madoka Magica for eight minutes.

Finally, in two minutes, she told her very perfunctorily that she was still optimistic about the work of the brave, and hoped that Xia Yin would continue to cheer.