I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

In the next few days, various news of Puella Magi Madoka Magica theatrical version spread at a rapid speed in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry.

And on Xinman.com, its score even rose by one point from 9.6 to 9.7.

And this score is not a score scored by a random number of people. Puella Magi Madoka Magica's rebellious story in the theater version, the number of people who scored this work on Xinman.com shows that there are more than 200,000 people.

Although this work has been aired for nearly a week, the entire network has been broadcasted as much as 9 million, but considering the reason why the viewers of Longguo are relatively lazy, more than 200,000 people are willing to finish watching this work. After moving your fingers to rate this work, this is already a very high percentage, but with so many people scoring, you can still get a score of 9.7, and people in the industry can only shout abnormalities.

After all, the high popularity of the work does not necessarily mean the high score. There are many sunspots in the fire. For example, the Dragon Aotian animation popular in the Long Kingdom in recent years, many of them are popular animations, but the scores are messy, such as last year's one Although the average number of plays of the work collection is as high as 6 million, but the score is as low as 6.8.

The ability to have such a score proves that there are very few black fans in Puella Magi Madoka Magica's work and the kind of sand sculpture fans who feel uncomfortable after watching the animation and like to deliberately give low scores.

Looking back at the animations written by Shui Xin and Manga, so far, it seems that no work has been scored by Xinman.com, and the audience's score is below 9.0.

Puella Magi Madoka main story 9.6, theater version 9.7, second five 9.6, star voice 9.5, unheard of 9.5, even Natsume's friend account and initial D scores are 9.3 and 9.4 respectively.

Even if many animation company employees have never met Shui Xin, they can feel the terrible young man just by seeing the data.

His work is not only very commercial, but also has a high reputation in the hearts of fans, and the fan stickiness is very strong.

And with the official broadcast of Puella Magi Madoka Magica's theater version, for Chu Yu, Puella Magi Madoka Magica's work has officially come to an end.

Although many fans still kept asking him about the second season of Madoka Magica in his Weibo low.

Naturally, the second season is not. Although there is a rumor of Madoka Puella Magi in the parallel world, Chu Yu has no idea to move Madoka Puella Magi to this world.

Although doing so can undoubtedly make use of the popularity of the current magical girl Madoka to make a lot of money, thinking about it is very exciting for Chu Yu.

However, Chu Yu rejected this idea in just a few seconds.

After all, he is not short of money, and there are so many works to choose from. There is no need to keep staring at a work and squeeze the value of the work like a pure businessman. The story of Madoka Magica, that's all right here.

So in the face of the strong appeal of fans, Chu Yu did not appetite them, and directly announced on Weibo that the ending of Puella Magi Madoka Magica is the real finale, and there should be no second and third theatrical version in the follow-up. Up.

But Chu Yu didn't say anything about the reason for using the word ought to. What if the content of this work on Parallel World was updated again? Xu Yuanxuan's hands are itchy again, and he wrote the second season of Magic Circle, and the quality is not inferior to the first season... Then Chu Yu will definitely not let it go.

But as far as Moyuan's rumor is concerned... Chu Yu is not interested in spending the energy to move it into this world anyway. After all, life is short. If he lives longer, he will live a hundred or so years. This is the case in the system space. Many works, how can Chu Yu finish all the works, his time must be spent on the blade.

Needless to say, the spring animation market was originally dominated by the initial D. Now that the animation plot is broadcast to Shingo, the popularity is booming, and the average broadcast volume has reached about 7 million. It is the absolute overlord of the spring animation.

But the spoiler of Puella Magi Madoka Magica's theatrical version actually made Initial D ranked second.

But regardless of the results of the final two works, there is one thing that Chu Yu can be sure of anyway, that is, the popular champion of the spring animation market will be won by his own work, that is enough.

But this also means..... After winning the spring animation popularity championship, Chu Yu's system reward will be increased by one more, and as usual, it is definitely an A-level lucky draw opportunity.

This reward, Chu Yu, basically feels that it's a good ten, but it also means that... if this reward is received, the total system lottery reward opportunities in Chu Yu's hand will come to four, one S-level Lottery chances for works, three A-level works chance to draw prizes.

Honestly...too many.

But it's not over yet. Anyway, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3 and Rebellious Lulu Xiu are both works in exchange for two S-level lottery opportunities. Chu Yu doesn't believe that these two works will be nothing, if When these two works are broadcast serially, and finally it is the moment of rewarding and harvesting, by then Chu Yu may have more chances of various lottery draws.

Judging from the results, Chu Yu has successfully exchanged the system for his works through three years of hard work and carried out a virtuous circle, but from the psychological point of view of Chu Yu... these reward opportunities are his Work results and resources for future career development paths.

But the same... also made him very distressed.

Because... he has no time to transport all of so many works to this world.

If you get an animation work, it's okay, just give it to Huang Ming for animation. He only needs to control the overall situation, keep the flashing points in the original animation, and erase the flawed points.

But if you get comic works...it's difficult to do. A comic is at least a year's serialization time. Judging from Chu Yu's current drawing speed, there are assistants to help and system enhancements. With the help of the previous comic techniques, two episodes a week are still rich in comics, and it takes a little effort to complete three episodes a week, but if you have to go up, you can't walk, unless Chu Yu is ready to sacrifice and rest. With the poor little free play time, otherwise this would be the limit.

After all, Chu Yu is a human being, not Dior. He doesn't have a gargoyle mask, so he can't say inappropriate things like Dior.

The role of the manga assistant is to assist Chu Yu, not to replace Chu Yu~www.mtlnovel.com~ Although Chu Yu can complete the manga that is irrelevant, complicated and not technical, but the most core thing must be Chu Yu. Drawn by Yu himself.

If Chu Yu left all those things to other people, then this cartoon would basically have nothing to do with him, and he would become an existence like an original.

But this is not a solution. Judging from Chu Yu's current career development, the system rewards will only accumulate.

Chu Yu sighed, I am afraid that in the Long Kingdom animation industry, because there are too many excellent works, the people who worry about not having so much time to serialize works will be alone.

Most other animation screenwriters and cartoonists generally only lose their hair because of the plot of a work.

Chu Yu took a deep breath, and simply confided.

Decisively entered the system space and used the two A-level lottery opportunities, so as not to put it there to make him feel uncomfortable.

If you get a comic, save it and save it for later serialization. If you get a work that is suitable for animation, then... it will only make Huang Ming more tired.