I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Chu Yu left Huang Ming's office and then walked around the work area. After saying some words of encouragement to everyone, he was about to leave.

Before leaving, Chu Yu looked at the people working in the studio, and couldn't help but remember what Huang Ming said before.

Turn this studio into a company...

Sure enough... it's still too much trouble!

Chu Yu shook his head. He knew his own level, and management of the company would definitely not work. Anyway, for the time being, this kind of studio can also meet his own requirements, and that kind of thing is fine.

However, Huang Ming said that if we have to recruit more people to deal with the production of several animations at the same time, if that is the case, the office location may be smaller, and I am afraid we will find a larger place.

Forget it.... leave this kind of thing to Huang Ming to get a headache.


Huang Ming, who was in his office, only carefully collected the name drafts of the two works that Chu Yu had submitted to him after Chu Yu had left.

In order not to waste time, Huang Ming basically didn't take a close look. After all, he believes in Chu Yu's strength. It's impossible for Chu Yu to come up with animated works without highlights. So after Chu Yu expressed his intentions, Huang Minglian's works Without seeing it, I directly defaulted to the animated facts of the two works.

Now that Chu Yu left, Huang Ming first came up with "Miss Hui Ye wants me to confess, the geniuses' love and mind battles!" This terrifyingly-looking work came out.

Huang Ming looked at the name of this work with deep eyes.

"Well, it is normal for young people to have various thoughts after they have a girlfriend. After all, it is normal for young men to be adolescent, and it is normal for them to be influenced by love to create romantic works. Although it is hard to imagine Chu Yu like that What is the plot of a love story created by someone...but it should be okay!"

Huang Ming opened the name draft of this work.

The first paragraph that caught his eye first caught his eye.

"I like someone...and then confess, the two will unite..."

"Everyone said it was a very beautiful thing."

"But this is a great mistake. There is also a clear right relationship between lovers. Give and be given, winner and loser. If you want to live noble, you must never become a loser, fall in love... ...And war!"

"The one who likes others is the loser!"

Huang Ming raised his head and blinked!

What kind of sand sculpture theory is this? Is Chu Yu's view of love so peculiar?

So during the time he and Gu Yan were together, were these things in his mind?

Love is war? Gu Yan and him...fight?

No, no... This is just a fictitious work. Although the work sometimes reflects the author's heart, it is not completely accurate. Please read the work first.

Huang Ming's eyes were focused, and the name draft was not verbose. He quickly introduced the characters of the main characters, the heroine Sigong Huiye and the hero Bai Yin Yuxing.

In the next few hours, Huang Ming's attention gradually concentrated, and the expression on his face changed from being serious at the beginning to showing a smile, and then making all kinds of weird laughter at the back, attracting a lot of animations close to Huang Ming's office. The members of the working group have abnormal eyes, and wonder if he has been under too much pressure recently, which has caused some confusion. Can a person laugh in the office and make a pig cry?

After a long time, Huang Ming put down the manuscript of Miss Huiye's name.

Huang Ming once again sighed that Chu Yuguo is really a genius, only after a few months of love, he can create this kind of work. He looked at the name draft of this work in the afternoon and it was very happy, and the pressure of work was swept away. air.

Huang Ming, who was still unfinished, looked at the name draft of another work "White Album 2" brought by Chu Yu!

As for why it is White Album 2, where did Huang Ming go, Huang Ming is not interested in this kind of problem. Anyway, Chu Yu is the boss, and he wants to name his work "2 albums in white" without any problem.

Turning a few pages casually, Huang Ming can also judge from the plot that this is another romance work.

That's okay, brother Chu, I'm getting acquainted, one love story after another!

With the idea that this work might bring him joy like Miss Hui Ye, Huang Ming continued to watch it decisively.

Well, the helpful high school male protagonist Haruki Kitaen, the school's famous beautiful girl Yukizo Yukina, the companion's bad-tempered piano genius Touma Kazuyaki......a love triangle?

Brother Chu just started to fall in love, and he made love triangle works soon. Will he be uncontrollable?

After all, the most difficult thing to control in this kind of work is the personality and plot of the two heroines. If you can't grasp the balance, in the eyes of the audience, it is the war between the true heroine and the pseudo heroine, and the love triangle plot will become boring.

But after Huang Ming watched it, he thought it was good...No, it was very good!

But after halfway through the work, Huang Ming continued to look at it and felt that the style of the whole work had changed...

At night...In Huang Ming's office, he held the name draft of White Album 2 in his hand.

His expression at this time was no longer the relaxed expression after reading Miss Hui Ye, his whole expression became as if he was constipated, and he gritted his teeth and looked at the name manuscript in his hand.

I kept thinking about the lines of Dongma Kazuya in my mind...

"Why are you so skilled!"

This...what is this!

Huang Ming feels a little uncomfortable, although he is an adult, it is reasonable to say that he will no longer be as easily affected by these works as a teenager.

But as an animator, he himself is a person with rich emotions, otherwise he would not be expensive because he loves to work in this industry, so he can feel the impact more profound than the average animation enthusiast.

Huang Ming looked at the two works on his desktop with complicated expressions.

If you don't know Chu Yu's past creative experience, he really doubts whether he created these two works. One of the two works is so sweet that it makes people laugh when they look at it.

But the front of a work is okay, but the love triangle at the back really makes Huang Ming feel distressed.

Obviously created two such excellent girls, Xuecai and Hesha, why did you create such a plot, it is simply anti-human, full of maliciousness to readers!

Is this how Chu Yu, who has fallen in love, interpreted the word love?

Sure enough, his brain circuits are not normal people's thinking!

And Huang Ming can already predict that if the two works are made into an animation and released together, I am afraid that Chu Yu's animation fans will doubt life again!


The time entered April, and the weather gradually heated up. For Chu Yu, Madoka Magica is a work of the past. Of course, the income it continues to generate is still pouring into Chu Yu during this period of time. in the pocket.

The broadcast volume of Madoka Puella Magi theatrical version of "Rebellious Story" gradually slowed down after reaching more than 12 million.

Although for Chu Yu it was a theatrical work, he didn't spend much of his thoughts on it.

But the money and revenue that this theater version brings to him is as much as 20 million, and this is only the profit of Puella Magi Madokazu theater version.

The copyright of Madoka Magica's work, the cost of game adaptation and so on, have brought Chu Yu more than 60 million in income.

Judging from the numbers, it seems that this benefit is huge. Chu Yu has made huge contributions to this work, but when you think about it carefully, it compares with the work centered on this work created by Madoka Magica in the parallel world on the island of Japan. With a commercial value of tens of billions of yen, it is normal for Chu Yu to have these benefits.

And speaking of it, Chu Yu is still due to his lack of strength and not so many human and material resources to develop the deep value of this work, otherwise the income earned may be doubled.

But anyway, since the beginning of this year, Chu Yu has earned as much as 85 million yuan from the work of Magical Girl Madoka.

And since the initial D animation was broadcast, it has greatly promoted the single-line sales of the initial D comics. A large group of animation fans Bee Chrysalis bought this comic. Now the average sales volume of the single-line volume of this work has also directly reached 200. It will be a matter of time for the 900,000 mark to break through the 3 million mark.

As for Natsume's Friends Account, the twelve-volume comic book, the average volume sales have also come to an average volume of 2.4 million as Chu Yu's popularity has grown.

In all, from the second half of last year to the present, this is more than 58 million yuan in revenue to Chu Yu compared to the 20 million manga booklets that had been sold more than before.

Chu Yu sent more than 140 million yuan to the bank account within a few months.

In addition, he hadn't used it much before, and he went to Japan to travel specially and spent less than one million group travel expenses. In the end, there were still 120 million assets left, and of course he painted in Xuangui. More than 7 million manuscript fees for two years of comics.

Chu Yu made some rough statistics and wiped out the fraction of bank interest. In the end, his total assets now reached more than 270 million.

It can be said that his wealth has been accumulated rapidly in the past two years, and even if these works are completed, they will continue to bring him millions or even tens of millions of income every year for at least ten years in the future. Proper income after bedtime.

Sometimes Chu Yu also felt that the money was coming too quickly. Several works broke out together. In two years, so much money poured into his pocket, which made him feel unreal.

Of course, when the bank president of the bank card account took a group of people and came to his home to give gifts, Chu Yu felt that it was true in various senses.

With so much income, Chu Yu's influence has gradually spread to other fields.

After all, such a huge amount of after-tax wealth has been gathered in such a short period of time~www.mtlnovel.com~Chu Yu is not qualified in the Long Kingdom wealth list, but Chu Yu can still be in the wealth list of young entrepreneurs under 30. The top 20 occupies a midstream position.

Among the young people of Longguo, even if they don't watch anime, many people know that there is a 21-year-old young rich man in Longguo. After all, other people on the list have more or less background connections, saying they are entrepreneurial lists, but In fact, many people have directly inherited various assets in the family and are on the list.

Only Chu Yu, regardless of the evaluation given by any organization, seems that he was born as a civilian, and his family environment is even worse than that of ordinary people. His success undoubtedly attracted more attention from ordinary people.

Of course, for the current Chu Yu, the rise in money or reputation from the outside world is not very exciting for him. What he is now seeking is greater recognition from many practitioners and fans in the animation industry, until there is One day standing at the pinnacle of Longguo animation industry.

And this... Chu Yu focused on the rebellious Lelouch.

Tomorrow, April 9th, Sunday!

It was the day when Lelouch's first episode was broadcast.