I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

In the evening, the setting sun completely submerged into the horizon, and there was a slight trace of the moon hanging on the orange sky.

Chu Yu now has fewer classes in school, so he has more working hours on weekdays.

The jojo manga with only two words a week no longer makes him feel exhausted, so he took a chair from the room and sat on the balcony, and watched comfortably at the time of the hotel, the people passing by in the street downstairs. The universities don't want to eat food in the cafeteria, but the good friends and single dogs who came out on the street looking for food. As for the lovers, Chu Yu didn't see it today. After all, it's the weekend... Most of those people went straight to the street. A hotel, rarely appears in such a place.

"Boss, what are you looking at here?"

Lin Fan, Chu Yu's comic assistant, finished the hot pot takeaway, with a swollen belly, and walked out of the room to blow air.

"It's nothing, just seeing that people of my age are in small groups, and I suddenly felt a little emotional!" Chu Yu said.

"What are you feeling?" Lin Fan asked doubtfully.

"I heard that Gu Yan said she was going to graduate before, and I suddenly realized that my junior year was almost over. After the senior year, my classmates were looking for a place to do internships. The next time many people meet may be when they graduate. Yes, but I didn't even recognize the names of my classmates, and I didn't have a friend in the class... I feel that I have had a very fascinating college career..... Chu Yu glanced at him and said calmly.

"Really? I don't think so! You spent three years in college becoming a famous cartoonist and a famous animation screenwriter in the Dragon Kingdom, and you also found a beautiful girlfriend like Gu Yan. What is so sentimental about you... ..." Lin Fan said strangely.

"I see, you must be thinking about it when you have been out of class recently, right?"

"Perhaps so!" Chu Yu tilted his head and thought for a while, as if indeed, he would always have various thoughts after he was free during this time.

"Well, I understand!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

"This is the so-called confusion of adults!"

"It was the same when I graduated that year, all kinds of confusion, and then I made up my mind to pursue a major in comics that I liked, and it was much better!"

"Confused, what can I be confused about?" Chu Yu asked curiously.

How can he be considered a successful person now, with bright career prospects and clear goals, what can be lost?

"Well, how do I say it, it doesn't have to be lost, it may be lonely. I feel that this kind of emotion can be generated by people regardless of their class. Boss, if you have extra time to accompany Gu Yan to demons. Just walk around and have more fun. Don't just work, play, sleep, and honestly spend more than two years with you. He Sheng and I think you are too exaggerated. Ordinary people who live like you are definitely boring. It's dead. People are social animals, so they still have to have a certain amount of social interaction, otherwise it will be easy to think wildly after a long time."

"Didn't I meet you every day?" Chu Yu said.

"That's work...it's totally different, OK!" Lin Fan said silently.

"I don't understand what you mean at all!" Chu Yu shrugged.

What was lost, lonely, Chu Yu always felt that this kind of thing had nothing to do with him, and it was even more boring to talk about it.

"Forget it, the time is up, the second episode of my new animation Rebellious Lelouch is about to be broadcast. Are you guys coming to watch it together?" Chu Yu asked.

"No...My girlfriend came to see me again. There is something tonight, and He Sheng's situation is similar! Boss, watch it by yourself, and He Sheng and I will make up tomorrow!"

After speaking, Lin Fan called He Sheng in the room, and the two quickly left with a smirk.

Of course, the pile of garbage and takeaway boxes were naturally cleaned up before leaving, and it was impossible for Chu Yu to clean them up.

Looking at the empty room, Chu Yu felt bored after a long absence, and thought of Gu Yan.

It's been a few days. Since the last time Chu Yu's good deeds were disturbed, Gu Yan was embarrassed to come here for a few days. To be honest, Chu Yu really wanted to see her.

Picking up the phone, Chu Yu wanted to call and ask Gu Yan if he wanted to come over and play with him...

But then... he put down his phone again.

At this moment, he realized one thing. He seemed to have never taken the initiative to find Gu Yan once. Even though the two had been dating for so many months, every time they met, Gu Yan took the initiative to come over to him.

Even if the dormitory of Gu Yan's school was only ten minutes away on foot, Chu Yu had never taken the initiative to look for her.

Chu Yu looked at Gu Yan's phone number on the phone.

"Anyway, it's still early, so let's go outside for a stroll!"

Chu Yu tidied up his clothes, ran directly to Gu Yan's school, asked the students for directions, and found the downstairs of Gu Yan's dormitory all the way.

Only when he got here did he get through Gu Yan's call.

"Hey, Chu... Chu Yu?"

After the call was connected, Gu Yan's voice was a little nervous, which was normal. After all, if it wasn't for Lin Fan's sudden attack, they were almost eaten by Chu Yu a few days ago. Later, I felt embarrassed when I thought of this.

It was because of this that I didn't go to Chu Yu for a few days.

"That......it will be the broadcast time of the rebellious Lelouch's second episode in a while."

"Want to watch it together?"

"Let's see... Go to your residence?" Gu Yan suddenly thought a lot.

"No...you can find a place in your school to use a mobile phone, I'm just downstairs in your dormitory!"

Chu Yu was also afraid of scaring her again. Gu Yan hadn't come over the past few days. Chu Yu felt that she must have been too anxious at the time and scared her.

"Really?... Are you downstairs in my dormitory?" Gu Yan's tone was a bit stunned.

"Well, that's right, the auntie Su Guan is too fierce. She has been staring at me for fear that I will go in!" Chu Yu looked downstairs in the dormitory with people coming and going, said the aunt who was looking at him.

Of course, the aunt watched more than him, and there were many men like him around Chu Yu, who were probably waiting for his girlfriend to come down.

"Wait for me, I will come down right away!"

Two minutes later, Gu Yan, wearing a light blue knee-length skirt and black leather shoes, trot over, a pair of smooth and slender legs instantly attracted Chu Yu's eyes.

As soon as she came over, she took Chu Yu's hand and saw that Chu Yu was really standing downstairs in her dormitory, her expression was full of surprises.

"You really came! I thought you were kidding me!"

Gu Yan's eyes were bent into crescent shapes, and his aura was a little quick. After all, she trot all the way down from the sixth floor.

"It's nothing... I just want to see you a little bit! Anyway, I'm close, so I came here!" Chu Yu said casually.

It's just that Gu Yan's expression is a little strange to hear Chu Yu say such words~www.mtlnovel.com~ and she asks Chu Yu back.

"What's wrong with you today? You even said this...it seems a bit different from before!"

"Is it weird? I think it's the same when other people get along with their girlfriends!" Chu Yu said.

"No... completely different!" Gu Yan said decisively with a strange expression.

"Forget it, let's not discuss these details, it's all here, do you want to go up and sit in my dormitory?"

"This is the girls' dormitory...I can't get in either!" Chu Yu shook his head.

"It doesn't matter if you want to go up. I have a very good relationship with the dormitory." Gu Yan said.

"Forget it, I just want to come over to see you. If I go up, I have to face your three roommates. I can't deal with them too much!"

"Let's do it! Didn't you say to come and see me to watch Lelouch's second episode? Time is coming soon... There is a garden in our school, do you want to go together?" Gu Yan Blinked and asked.