I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Within a few days, Chu Yu also received a notice from Tianji Comics. A few days after the end of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure prequel serialization, the main story of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, which is the third part in Parallel World It will be officially serialized in the Xuanjing Journal.

In Tianji Comics, there are still many people who have serious doubts about Jojo's work, but Qin Bei suppressed these voices. He also ran to Chu Yu's house personally to let Chu Yu not have any pressure, so that he could feel relieved. Create comics.

However, Zhang Jing, the comic editor of Chu Yu, who has a very low sense of existence, explained a series of things to Chu Yu.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure comics, the first and second episodes of the comics will be submitted no later than July 7th. After that, two comics will be submitted to Tianji Comics every day before.

And although Chu Yu's past manga results are very impressive, after all, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure prequel did not do very well, and Qin Bei, in order to fulfill the promise he had made with Chu Yu at the time, tried to beat everyone's disagreement. Jojo's work was published twice a week Therefore, in terms of work promotion resources, we can't take too much care of Chu Yu.

Originally based on Chu Yu's past achievements, his new comics were serialized on Xuan Jing. Although it is basically impossible to enjoy the same treatment as the three Dragon Kingdom masters comics in Xuan Jing periodicals, but basically enjoy and go on. There is no problem with the treatment of the five top comics.

But now, in order not to appear to be too unfair, Qin Bei has only given Jojo's main article a slightly less propaganda resource.

Otherwise, the entire staff of the comics club will not be in balance. A young comic artist came here, and one person occupied a serial number. He also enjoyed the treatment of the top comics of Tianji Comics. This is indeed a bit unreasonable, although Chu Yu is a cartoonist of the Long Kingdom, but this is also the top comic company in the Long Kingdom. Comic authors who can serialize comics in periodicals such as Xuan Jing, the lowest level are the cartoonists who are quite popular in the Long Kingdom.

Not to mention the background of the comics in the past, there are only five or six comic artists who have serialized comics on Xuan Jing, and they are not as influential as Chu Yu, so this is considered a trade-off.

Chu Yu also agreed with this. He was not a fool and understood Mu Xiu Yulin's truth. Qin Bei recruited him and offered him some help. Then Chu Yu was very grateful to him.

But if Qin Bei doesn't care about anything, and gives Chu Yu whatever good things happen, it's harming Chu Yu to some extent. If he did that, Chu Yu's work has not yet been registered in Xuanjing... .At least offend most of the editors and cartoonists in Tianji Comics!

Moreover, the quality of the work is not good, and how good the publicity is to give you is useless. With the level of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3, Chu Yu feels that as its serialization time increases, the popularity of the work will increase at that time, and Chu Yu does not worry about this at all. problem.

After Qin Bei left, Chu Yu understood why the system suddenly gave him the third part of Jojo in advance.

After all, if it hadn't been given to him in advance, then Chu Yu would definitely not be able to serialize the main story immediately after the prequel serialization ended, and time would be too late.

However, after the matter was settled, Chu Yu was relieved a lot. It is only at the beginning of June, and the deadline for writing in July is almost no pressure for Chu Yu.

In the animation studio, the rebellious Lelouch Chuyu has nothing to worry about. In the eighth plot, the establishment of the Black Knights also marks the rebellious Lelouch's plot on the right track, and Lelouch will start him. The forces of "have formed a plot, and the later, the more exciting the plot of this work will be.

Now that the episode 8 is broadcast, the average number of episodes can reach the level of 7.5 million. After the end of the first season of the rebellious Lelouch, Chu Yu feels that it may have a high chance of surpassing Madoka Magica. The results.

In addition, the animation production of White Album 2 and Miss Hui Ye went very smoothly. According to the current situation, maybe the two works can be initially completed from mid-to-late July to early August and can be broadcast.

Everything went smoothly, and there were no extra episodes, which made Chu Yu feel a little uncomfortable.

Although the works were all redeemed from the system, he doesn't need to spend any more effort in animation. Huang Ming and the group of employees he recruited are much more professional than Chu Yu. Chu Yu only needs to hire people. The set, the script, the storyboard are set, and the excellent music of the original animation is provided to them. Huang Ming's final effect has not disappointed Chu Yu.

Perhaps the animation effect presented in this world will be different from the original version. After all, the producer is different, and the style is naturally different. It's like the difference between the old and new version of the full-time hunter in the parallel world, and the world Lijin Although the TV series adapted from various martial arts novels are all the same story script, different teams make absolutely different feelings!

But as far as the quality of animation is concerned, Chu Yu feels that the version produced by the Dragon Kingdom is more suitable for him, because the bad parts of the original in the parallel world will naturally be avoided by Chu Yu, and the good parts are good. Chu Yu will keep it if he doesn't, and Chu Yu will try his best to avoid any rhythm problem or painting style problem.

Just like the initial D, Chu Yu has made some changes to a certain extent, but there is only one work. Although there are many critics, Chu Yu still has not changed much. That is Jojo's bizarre adventure.

When I first got this work, Chu Yu refused to see the painting style in his heart, but after thoroughly understanding this work, when the comic is about to be serialized, Chu Yu knew that this painting style might make a lot of it. People accept that they can't, but they really want him to change it. I really don't know how to change it?

Because no matter which direction you change, Chu Yu feels that it is not as good as the original...

Therefore, the bizarre adventure of jojo in this world is still the same as before. Maybe it is not beautiful... But for Chu Yu who read this comic~www.mtlnovel.com~ this kind of weird Yes, the wonderful style of painting makes you feel the strange magic of this work. When you look at it often, you learn about the various characters in the work and stand up with Jojo, who is at the forefront of fashion.

Don't think it's a joke to say that Jojo's bizarre adventure is at the forefront of fashion. In the parallel world of Japan, the glamorous character of Jojo is really imitated by many real stars. Wearing trendy clothes is published on the cover of fashion magazines. From the perspective of comics or fashion, Chu Yu feels that this comic can be called art.

Of course, in the parallel world, perhaps more people will think this work is more like philosophical studies!

But even so, from Chu Yu's perspective, even if there is an impression of unfavorable factors such as painting style, Chu Yu also feels that the jojo series should be successful in the Long Kingdom. After all, the slight flaws are not enough to cover up this film. The work is brilliant.


Soon, more than two weeks passed.

During this period of time, Chu Yu has drawn the comics of the third part of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and sent his comic editor Zhang Jing to Tianji Comics.

In the entire Tianji Comics, the one who cares most about Chuyu's works is undoubtedly the editor-in-chief of Tianji Comics, Qin Bei.

For the first time, he read the comic content of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure third one or two chapters.

At the beginning of the comic, the coffin that buried the head of the first villain Dior appeared. Then, the second protagonist Joseph also came to Japan, and then...the third protagonist, Sora Jotaro Jotaro also appeared in the detention center...