I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Like the development trend of the rebellious Lelouch in the parallel world, on the plane of the Dragon Kingdom, with the progress of the animation plot, the popularity of the protagonist Lelouch and cc has skyrocketed.

On major animation websites, discussions about Lelouch and cc and a bunch of cp can be seen everywhere. On Weibo and Penguin, a group of middle and second-year youngsters replaced their avatars with the zero image of Lelouch wearing a mask. , Or directly replaced by cc's animated avatar, and many fans in the Dragon Kingdom animation circle have also found that many of the friends in their circle of friends have posted the dynamics on their accounts during this time are lines from Lulu Xiu. .

"The only people who are qualified to shoot are those who have the consciousness of being shot!"

"I don't know why the snow is white, but white snow is beautiful, I like it very much!"

"The world can't work if you only rely on ideals!"

This line of words that Lelouch said when he was in the second form of the second illness made countless juniors feel very emotional.

People outside the circle find them inexplicable, but people in the circle marvel that they don't feel ashamed. It's normal to like Lelouch's Secondary Two, but it still takes a lot of courage to make it public like this.

In various comic exhibition scenes, cc Honglian and Lelouch's coser are undoubtedly the most men

On the Internet, cc's fan pictures and even its books have begun to have a large number of tentacles and monsters starting to create. In various corners on the Internet, there are endless posts about seeking mysterious codes and seeking cc, red lotus, and Xia Li's colleagues. Shamelessly sent out his precious email account under these posts, and accompanied by a good person, and only under this kind of posts, everyone seemed so kind and polite. No one scolded swear words, it really got sent by others. The person who comes to the resource private message will also reply to the other side by email, thank you!

The rebellious Lulu Xiu was as expected by Chu Yu, only when the plot of the first season was halfway through, another animation trend was set off in the Longguo animation industry, leading the trend of the Longguo animation market this summer.

"Damn Shui Xin, who actually concealed the name of cc, it's really not a human being!"

"Similarly, but the plot of CC and Lelouch in the cave is really touching! Because of the tragic experience in the past, I did not believe in other people's CC, but finally there is a person who can be trusted, who has always been shown in the world with a zero mask. The Lulu Xiu in front of him only told CC about his true identity. I haven't seen such a well-drawn anime character for a long time. The character creation skill of Teacher Shui Xin has increased again!"

"Yes, the biggest impression this animation gives me is the skill of character shaping. The facial masked characters in the animations of Long Country in the past are not at the same level as the characters in this work. At least now, no matter what Is it Suzaku, Euphemia, Cornelia, or Mr. Orange, including his female subordinates, Lelouch's harem, I have impressions, and they are basically called names, and the other animations, I After reading it, even the second male and female second names have to be thought of for a long time!"

"Oh, it's a pity that Teacher Shuixin updates too slowly. I only update an animation a week. I am stunned every week. It's really painful to chase this animation!"

"Looking at what you have said so much, I still want to know, what is the real name of cc? I seem to rush to Teacher Shuixin's house to pick him up and ask for the answer to this matter!"

"The above grumpy brother, I support you. When that happens, you will send me your personal experience and process of the teacher blocking the water heart. I created a script for the second time and named it "Unheard c name". , Help you publicize at that time!"

"Puff, the ones above are really talented!"


Although people in the industry expected the Lelouch's craze in the animation industry, they did not expect that Lelouch would become so popular.

Judging from the current trend, Lelouch may continue to be a work of the same level as Puella Magi Madoka. As for this result, many senior members of the Dragon Kingdom animation industry have been shocked.

The current situation in the Ryukoku animation industry is that capable practitioners may be able to produce an animation with an average playback volume of 4 to 5 million in a few years, and excellent practitioners may not be able to encounter a Natsume Friends Account in a few years. Animation scripts of that level have gained fame, and an animation like Madoka Puella Magi, perhaps a top animation screenwriter and producer, can create such an animation in his lifetime and is remembered by people.

As for the monster Shui Xin, how many popular animations has he produced in the past two years? It's hardly a human being. Many people want to know what's inside this guy's mind. There is a limit to genius. Why these top-notch animation scripts are like Chinese cabbage in your hands. come out?

Most people couldn't figure it out, and in the end there was only the word "convinced" for Shui Xin!


At the same time, in Tianji Comics, comics about Jojo's bizarre adventure have begun to spread in the whole dragon kingdom.

Animation websites that cooperate with Tianji Comics, major bookstores, and the last page of the latest issue of Xuanjing Comics, all have posters about Jojo's bizarre adventure!

After all, it is one of the two largest comics clubs in the interior of the dragon. Once the Tianji Comics club runs its propaganda machine, as long as you are a fan of comics, many people can see jojo on various channels Posters for your bizarre adventure!

A high school student with a tall stature, wearing a hat and dressing a little like a bad boy, and a man with yellow hair ~www.mtlnovel.com~ with a vicious look and wearing yellow denim uniforms, standing on both sides of each other, fighting at war!

I can't see anything from the propaganda posters, but this style of painting has caused many people to complain about the new work of Xuanjing Journal on the Internet. Many people criticize this style of painting and they will not go to see this work.

But for Chuyu comic fans in many provinces of the Dragon Kingdom, Jojo's bizarre adventure main story can be serialized on Xuanjing, which is undoubtedly an exciting thing for them.

After all, the Fenglan comics previously serialized by Jojo's prequel were only published in a few developed provinces around the city, and fans in other provinces could not see this comic.

For many Chuyu's comic fans, maybe Jojo's reputation on the whole network is not very good, but it doesn't matter if you support Shuixin. Now the main story of jojo will be published in the Xuanjing comics periodical, and many Chuyu The comic fans also promoted each other.

However, the various reviews on the Internet can neither affect the plans of Tianji Comics nor Chu Yu's mentality. Both sides are doing their own work according to their own rhythms.

Within a few days, Huang Ming also posted the promotional pv of Miss Hui Ye and White Album 2 on the Internet.

However, this kind of publicity pv can't reveal what to expect too much plot, but at least many people know that these two animations are indeed the kind of campus love animation, and from the publicity pv, it seems that nothing is wrong. local.

There is no sign of bizarre unfolding, nor the aura of Shui Xin's past depressive style.

Many Chuyu fans on the Internet are speculating!

Could it be that?

Teacher Shuixin really changed his style? Are you ready to give up the title of the warrior he loves and become a man again?